Those unusual dolls on display in Maple library are made from corn husks â€" a craft which their creator, Mrs. Lorne Reesor. is willing to teach to anyone interested. She‘s Towne and thornclil countrye quare market plf “:3OCIIII 2: FREE CADY CARES FOR All. TIIE KIDS... SEE YOUR FAVOURITE CARTOON CHARACTERS "I.Il-'ESI1E" IN BOTII am mass M Hon GEITIIE â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, November 17. 1976 DINNI PETTI. . . Santa’s pilot and helper will have free candy canes for all the kids welcom- ing Santa’s chopper. "mama" SATURDAY NOVEMBER 20 FREE CADY CARES FOR AIL TIIE KIDS... SEE YOUR FAVOURITE CARTOON CHARACTERS "I.IFESIZE" IN BOTII Corn husk dolls offered to arrange an evening class, with free lessons and materials, if enough people are interested. Inquiries are being handled by Maple librarians, 832-1432. ‘ @A Photo by How thorncliffe market place \fâ€"i "Available only at ALLENcouRT@ Uflwewwézg'x'szmem.Eggwgemgd"I" 4 SHOP 'N SAVE AT COFFEE WHITENER by CREAMELLE EETKINIMEOFFEE 3:2- 59¢ DECAFFEINATED ASSORTED FLAVDURS - CHAPMAN'S ICE CREAM FRESH, PARTLY SKIMMED KRAFT SALAD DRESSING 16 FL. OZ MIRâ€"ABLE WHIP 49¢ 3 OT. POLY BAG 2 LITRE CARTON 16 Oz JAR '8 98'?) 119 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4th DAY OF OCTOBER 1976. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 4th DAY OF OCTOBER 1976. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE TOWN OF VAUGHAN WITH PROPERTIES ABUTI'ING THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL. 5.28.2 When any 01 the lacilities and matters listed in the immediately preceding subsection ale required by the Council, the Council By-lsw 17776 amends Bv-law 374 by giving the municipality the right to require such an agreement pdov to me issuance 01 a BuiIding Permit. The Planning Act was recenfly amendod to permit a municipali‘ly to add to a restricted area or zoning by-law a provision which allows it to re- quire a person developing or redeveloping land to ma into an agreement providing road widonings, parking areas, landscaping. etc. (as listed In the subject bYJaw). NOW THEREFORE the Council or the corporalion or me Town of Richmond HilI, pursuant to Secrion 35a of The Planning Act, R50 1970, Chapter 3494 and amendments thereto, hereby enacts as follows: THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said by‘lew but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the hy-law will be considered. Notice oI any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have ï¬led an objection or notice oi support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned, the address to which notice ol hearing is (0 be sent, A By-Iaw to Amend Bv-Iaw No. 374 as amended 0! the Corporation a! the Town 09 Richmond Hi". L By-Iaw No. 374 as amended IS heveby amended by adding to Section 5. Geneval Provisions, the following subsection. This By-Iaw affects the lands in the Town 01 Richmond Hill known as the Baif Subidivision, Phase II. NOTICE OF THE APPLICA- TION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL for approval of a by-Iaw to regulate land use passed pur- suant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. ANY PERSONS wishing to support the application lor approval 0! the by-law may within lourteen (14) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk 01 the Town 0! Richmond Hill notice of his support of approval 0! the said by-Iaw together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and addres to which such notice should be given THE MST DAY FOR FILING OBJECTIONS WILL BE THE 24TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1976‘ DATED AT THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL THIS 10TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1976. CD. Weldonl Clerk, Town 0! Richmond Hill 10,266 quge Street, Richmond HilI, Ontario. L4G 4Y5. ANY PERSONS INTERESTED MAY, wi‘hin fourteen (‘4) days aha: date of this notice, send by registered mail 0! deliver lo 1he Clerk 0! the Town 0! Richmond Hill notice of his obgection lo appvoval ol the said by- law, togethev with a statement 01 the gvounds of such obiecfnon. PO. Box 306, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL TAKE NOTICE that the Council oi the Covporation ol the Town oi Richmond Hill intends to apply to the Ontavio Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act to: approval at By-law No. 177-76 passed on the 4th day 01 Octobev, 1976. A copy of the bv-law is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanation ol the purpose and eflecl oi the by-Iaw and stating the lands affected theiobv is also luv- nished herewith. J.R. Lane, The Manager of Bank of Montreal is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael M. Attaie as the Consumer Loans Manager to the Richmond Hill Main Branch. Mike is a local resident who lives on Innis Crescent. He is well qualified to assist the clients with their personal loan require- ments. 5.28 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL [cl Prohibit the issuance of building pevmits until the plans I& lured to in palagraphs (k) and (I) of the immedialoiy 91009- ding subsection have been approved by Council and until the agreements Matted to in paragraph (b) 0! this subsection have been enleved mw, (b) Require that the ownev of the land enm into one 0! move agveements with the Council dealing with such facilities and mama; and (a) Require that the lacnlities and menus be provided and main mined by the owner of the land at his sole visk and expense and to the sausfaction 01 the Council, and in default theme! the provisions 0' Section 469 of The Municipal Act, R.S,0. 1970 Chaplet 284, as amended, shall apply. (k) Plans showing the Iocalion of all buildings and sauctuves to be evected on the land and [he location. (h) Floodlighling ol the land 01 0! any bunldings ov suucluves thereon. (i) Walls, vences, hedges. flees, shvubs c: olï¬ev suitable grown} cove: to provide adequate landscapung of the land 01 plotec- lion lo adjommg lands. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL BYLAW NO. 177-76 lg) Conveyance to the munICIpalil'v, without cost, a! aasemonu requued to: the conslvuclion, mainlenance ov impvovemem of any existing 01 newly required walevcourses, ditches, land drain‘age works and sanitary sewerage laci'ilies on the land. ll) Grading 01 change In elevalion ov conlouv 01 me land and the dISDOSal of 51mm, surface and waste water "om the land and from the land and horn any buildings 01 snuciules 'hevoon. (e) Removal 0! snow aveas and walkways. ldl Walkways and all other means ol pedestrian access (c) Off-street vehiculav parkang and loading areas and access dIlVBWaVS Including the surlacing 0! such areas and dvivo- ways. (bi Sublect to The Public Transponauon and Highway Improve- ment Act, iaciliues (0 provide access to and "cm the land such as access ramps and cuvbings including lhe numbev, localion and sue at such iacilities and the direction of trafï¬c (heteon. (a) Widenmgs oghighways that abut on the land that is being developed 0: redeveioped Council may, as a condition of development or redevelop- ment ol land or buildings within such areas, prohibit or require me provision, maintenance and use 01 the following lacilitios and maners or any cl (hem and may regulate the maintenanca and use ol such facilities and maners: The pvowsions 01 Section 353 o! The Planning Act R50 1970, [1339131 349}: amended apply lo the lands shown on Schedule Dlawings and plans showrng building elevations and am: sections ol indusuial and commercial buildings and residen- tial buildings containing twenty-live or move dwelling units. Vaults, cenu'al storage and collection mm and other facilities and enclosures as may be :equired lo: the sluage 01 garbage and Omar waste material. MICHAEL M. ATTAIE BANK OF MONTREAL BY LAW NO. 3-74 EXPLANATORY NOTE Ic v ftcurtn (Richmond Hill) ANNOUNCEMENT horn access lamps, brivewavs, Parking ‘vone HDV SCHILLER, MAYOR C D‘ WELDON, CLERK