Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Nov 1976, C5

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W DEPARTMENT STORES One of several Richmond Hill residents who’ve distinguished themselves in athletic competition. Ann Frickleton received citation for her victory at Ontario “A” ladies single badminton championships. She is shown with Councillor William Corcoran at the town‘s awards banquet last Friday. bola) Badminton star Keele St. and Lawrence Ave NORTH PARK PLAZA SHOPPING HOURS MON-FRI 10 A.M.-10 PM. SAT- 9 A.M.â€"10 P.M. Joan Hooper, representing Richvale Community Centre’s program steering committee, is shown accepting an award from Councillor Al Duffy at the Richmond Hill awards banquet last Friday. Community centre THORNCLIFFE MARKET PLACE 45 Overlea Blvd Xi TOWNE 8 COUNTRYE SQUARE Yonge 8- Steeles Your Home with our High Performance Fibre Insulation Now is the Time to Insulate INSULATION LTD. 884-5230 â€" 884-3905 A Local Company Using Recycled Material from Richmond Hill Bill Dodds or John MacDiarmid FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. November 17. 1976 â€" C-5 42% .x‘.‘ , COMPLETE “ ‘) OEYEGLASSP ‘ .comncm //' -MODERNFR 1 0 CUSTOM MI TOWNE it COUNTRYE SQUARE YONGE AT STEELES READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4 OCTOBER1976. m DAY OF READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 4th DAY OF OCTOBER 1976‘ NOTICE OF THE APPLICA- TION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL for approval of a by-Iaw to regulate land use passed pur- suant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. ANY PERSONS INTERESTED MAY, within louneen (14) days after date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town 01 Richmond Hill notice of his objection to approval 01 the said by- law, together with a statement of the grounds at such objection. TAKE NOTICE that the Council or the Corporatron ol the Town of chhmond Hill intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions 06 Section 35 01 The Planning Act for approval 01 Bv-law No, l77»76 passed on the 4th day 0! October, 1976. A copy ol the bv-law lS lurnished herewith. A note givrng an explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-Iaw and stating the lands aflected thereby is also lur< nished herewith. CD. Weldon, Clerk, Town 01 Richmond Hill‘ 10,266 Yonge Street, PO. Box 300. Richmond Hill, Ontario. L4G 4V5. A By-Iaw to Amend Bv-law No‘ 3-74 as amendéd of the Corporalion of the Town of Richmond Hill. Now THEREFORE xhe Council 01 the corpovalion ol the Town of Richmond Hill, pursuant to Section 35a of The Planning Act, R.S.0. 1970, Chapter 349, and amendments thelelo, hevebv enacts as iollows: ANY PERSONS wishing to support the application far approval of the by-law may within iourteen (Ml days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill notice oi his support oi approval oi the said by-Iaw together with a request for notice oi any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to which such notice should be given. THE LAST DAY FOR FILING OBJECTIONS WILL BE THE 24TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 13764 DATED AT THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL THIS 10TH OH or- NOVEMBER, 197.6. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may appiove ol the said bv-Iaw but before doing so it may appoint a lime and place when any objection to lhe by‘law will be consideved. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to pevsons who have filed an oblection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned, me address to which notice 01 hearing is to be sent. 1. By-law No, 3-74 as amended is hereby amended by adding to Section 5, General Provisions, (he followung subsection. 5.28.2 5.28] The provisions oi Section 35a oi The Planning Act R50. 1970, Chapter 349 as amended apply to the lands shown on Schedule Council may, as a condition oi development or redevelop- ment of land or buildings within such areas, prohibit or require the provision, maintenance and use oi the ioliowing iaciiities and matters or any oi them and may regulate the maintenance and use oi such iacilities and-matters: 5.28 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL This Bv-law affects the lands in the Town 01 Richmond Hill known as the Bait Subidivision, Phase II. The Planning Act was recently amended to permh a municipality to add to a restricted area or zoning bv-law a provision which allows ‘n to re- quire a person developing or redeveloping land to enter imo an agreement prowding road widenings, parking areas, landscaping, elc. {as listed in [he subiecl bv-lawl. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL By-law 177-76 amends By‘law 374 by giving the municipality [ha tight to vequire such an agreement [rim to the issuance of a Building Pefmit THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL BY-LAW NO.177-76 When any oi the facilities and matters listed in the immediately preceding subsection are quuived by the Council, the Council (d) Waikways and all other means 0! pedeslrian access lel Removal of snow horn access ramps, dvivewavs, parking areas and walkways, lb) Require thal the owner of the land emev into one 0! move agleemems with the Council dealing with such lacililies and maners; and ' lal Require that the laciliues and matters be pvovlded and main lained by the owner ol the land at his sole risk and expense and to the satistaction ol the Council, and in default thereof the pvovisaons of Section 469 £21 The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970 Chaplet 284. as amended. shall apply. (ab Widenings o(,highwavs that abut on me land mm is being developed or redeveloped lb) lk) Plans showing the location 01 all buildings and structures to be erected on lhe land and lhe location. ll) Drawings and plans showing building elevations and moss seclions ol industrial and commercial buildings and vesiderv ual buildings conlaining twenty‘live or move dwelling units. lg) Conveyance to the municipality, without cosll or easements required [or the construction maintenance or improvement of any existing or newly required watercourses, ditches. land dram-age works and sanitary sewerage lacil‘nies on the landr ic) Ofl-street vehicular parking and loading areas and access driveways including the surfacing 01 such areas and drive- ways. Mambor: Canadian G onhibi‘ the issuance M building peymixs umil (he plans ve (erred m in palagraphs (kl and m o! the immediawly piece- ding subsection have been approved by Council and an!“ the agreemems relevred to in paragraph (b) of this subsecfion have been entered into. Vaults. cenu’al slorage and collecflon areas and other facilities and enclosures as may be required [or the storage of garbage and other waste material. WalIs, fences. hedges, ueesl shrubs or other suitable glound- COVE! to DIOVidB adequate landscaping of the land or protec- tion to adjoining lands. Grading or change in elevation or contour of «he land and the disposal ol slovml surface and waste water’lrom (he land and horn the land and lrom any buildifigs or strucmves thereon. Floodlighting ol the land or 0! any buildings or suumwes thereon, ‘ Subject [0 The Public Tvanspoltation and Highway lmpvovoâ€" ment Act, facitities to provide access to and [tom the land such as access ramps and culbings including the numbev, location and size of such facilities and the direction of traffic thereon, icd'leuris BY-LAW N0. 374 EXPLANATORY NOTE COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE - EYEGLASS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED - CONTACT LENSES, hard or sch - MODERN FRAME STYLES 0 CUSTOM MADE FRAMES - SAFETY GLASSES FOR WORK OH PLAY Open: Mon-Fri. 9:30 am - 9:30 pm Sat. 9:30 am‘ 5:00 pm CHAR( oeone rID 5223-5168 IObticalI nnng Opticians HDV SCHILLER, MAYOR CD, WELDON, CLERK

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