Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Nov 1976, C7

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Seven-pound chocolate bar was the prize for Lake Wilcox Public School's top salesman in recent campaign to raise money for playground equipment. Winner. for selling the most chocolate bars. was Kelly Stanley, who along with classmates earned some $1.000 for the project. Richmond Hill Kinsmen Club initiated the project for 16 local elementary schools. . ,1: EACH NYLON SKI JACKETS You'll love the way these jackets let you race in comlort without slowmg down on sterI 2 styles‘ S-M-L, BLACK 8: DECKER QVQMAKES IT All. 30 EASY! Salesman's prize lmagme' Down fllled sports mitts wnh long wearing leather palm and water-proof Nylon backing. for lust $7 54' Amazmg' sports THE WHOLE FAMILY} DOWN FILLEDâ€"sion'rs MITTS FOR palnH THORNHILL â€" Agnes Boyle, 92, a member of a well-known pioneer family in Thomhill, died Nov. 10. Her father, David Boyle, owned farms on both sides of Yonge Street at Langstaff. Agnes Boyle dies at 92 He built a large home on the northeast corner of Yonge Street and High- way 7. The property was expropriated for the Jail Farm about 1914. Miss Boyle assisted in the first library in Thornhill, was a life member of the hor- Church tea RICHMOND HILL â€" An opportunity to start early on Christmas shopping comes Saturday when Emmanuel Anglican Church, 15 Mackay, holds its Poinsettia Tea and Bazaar. The church also an- nounces its confirmation classes are to begin Nov. 28. For more information, call Rev. Armstrong at 889â€"6789 ticultural society and a1 one time was a soloist ir the 01d Methodist Churcf on Centre Street. For 60 years, she anc her family lived in Homewood Hall, 19 Centre St, one of the oldest houses in the areal MAYORALTY & WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1976 SUMMIT GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB The Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce on DAVE BARROW 8844551 â€" GLEN WAUGH 8849105 OR ANY DIRECTOR SOCIALIZING 6:30 P.M. DINNER 7:30 P.M TICKETS s10.00 CANDIDATES' ’ NIGHT She donated family heirlooms to the Scadding Cabin at the Canadian National Exhibition Park, Gibson House, Black Creek Pioneer Village and Sharon Temple. Included weie two items that once belonged GET A HEAD IN KNIT TOQUES! ACI‘leC km! loques with deep crowns that you can pull way down 'n' cufl up ‘round your ears' Snappy selecugn! r REGIONAL COUNCILLOR to Governor and Lady John Graves Simcoe. Miss Boyle is survived by her sister, Miss Marguerite Boyle. The funeral was Friday with burial in the Presbyterian Church cemetery. Richmond Hill. INTERIM FINANCING INVESTMENTS Er MORTGAGES LEO GOODMAN INVESTMENTS LTD.. 881 -0276 NOTICE OF THE APPLICA- TION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pur- suant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Councul o! the Corporation at the Town 01 Richmond Hill intends to apva to the Ontavio Municipai Board pursuant to the provisions 0! Section 35 o! The Planninu Act tor aoovoval o! Bv-Iaw 176 76 passed on the 4th day 01 October, 1976. A copy 0! the bv-law IS fumished herewith, A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law and stating the lands affected thevebv is also tut- nished hetewnth, ANY PERSONS lNTERESTED MAY‘ within tourteen [14) days after date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk ol the Town at Richmond Hill notice ol his objection to approval ol the said by- law. together with a statement of the grounds ol such oblection. ANY PERSONS WlShInQ to support the application lor approval 01 the by-law may within fourteen (i 4) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk at the Town 01 Richmond Hill notice oi his support ol approval of the said bv-Iaw together with a request lcr notice at any hearing that may be held giving also the name and addtess to which such notice should be given. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve ol the said byvlaw but belore doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the bylaw will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an oblection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned, the address to which notice 0' hearing Is to be sent. THE LAST DAV FOR FILING OBJECTIONS WILL BE THE 24TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1976, DATED AT THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL THIS 10TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1976' CD. Weldon, Clerk. Town of Richmond Hnll‘ 10,266 Yonge Street PO. Box 300, Richmond Hi‘l‘ Ontario. LQC 4Y5. NOW THEREFORE the COUNCII of the covpovation 0! (he Town 0' Richmond Hill, pursuant to Secnon 35a 0! The Planning Acl, R.S.O 1970, Chaplet 349. and amendments thereto, hereby enacts as lollows: A By-law to Amend By-law No. 3971 as amended 0! the Corporation 01 the Town of Richmond Hill. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS “11 DAY OF OCTOBER 1976. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 4th DAY OF OCTOBER 1978‘ L Bv-Iaw No. 39-71 as amended :5 hereby amended by adding to Section 51 General onvisions, the 'ollowung subsection, 5281 5 28 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL 5.28.2 When any of (he vacilities and mamas Insted in the immediatety pvecoding subsoclvon are requiled by the Council, the Council THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL The Planning Act was rece'nuypnfemiod to pgm'n a munici law to add J44 -u _ a .. .- to a restn ass 01 zoning bv-law a pvovision which allows it :0 ve- qu'ne a pason devoloping ov vodevoloping land 10 onto! into an agvaomem ploviding toad puking um, um, etc. (as listed in the subject try-law). This By-Iaw affects the lands in the Town 01 Richmond Hill known as xhe Ban Subdivision, Phase I. 8y»|aw 17676 amends By«|aw 371 by giving the Municipamy the to vequire such an agreemem prim to the issuance o! a Building P91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL BY-LAW NO 17676 The pvowsuons 0' Section 353 of The Plannan Acl R 5.0. ‘970, Chapter 349 as amended apply In the lands shown on Schedule "A" Councn may. as a condnuon a! development or redevelop men! of land or bulldlngs wuhm such areas, pvohubit or require the provuswn, maintenance and use 0! [he (oliowing Vacililies and maners or any 00 [hem and may regulate the maintenance and use 01 such lacilmes and maners: ib) Sublecl to The Pub'lc Transpoflallon and Highway Impvovo- mem Act, 'acililles [0 provide access to and horn the land such as access ramps and culbmgs tncluding the number, Iocanon and sue 01 such laculmes and (he divecxion o! uaflic thereon ta) Wtdemngs ol,hughways that abut on the land that us [>an developed 0! redeveloped (c) (el m Grading or change In elevanon or contour oi the land and (he dlsposal of swan, sudace and wasm waxev from the land and "um me land and horn any bulldungs 0: structures (hereon. (d) Walkways and all othev means 01 pedesm (g) Conveyance lo the muniCIpalilY, wnhoul cost, 04 easements vequlred lot the construcnon, maimenance or improvement ol any existing or newa required waletcouvses, ditches, land dvaingge wovks and samlavy sewerage 'acililies on me Iand. (h) Floodlighling o! the land cw 0! any budding: or structures thereon, (kl PIans showing me localion of a|l buddings and suuctuves be evecled on the land and the location. (a) Require mat the (aunties and mauevs be plovided and main. tamed by the ownev 01 the land a! his sole visk and expense and lo the satisfaction 0! the Council, and in delaull theme! the pcovisions of Section 469 01 The Municipal Act, 3.5.0, 1970 Chaplet 284, as amended, shall apply. lc) onhibil the Issuance of building pevrmts until mo pans to lured to in paragraphs [10 and ll) 0! me immediamv prece- ding subsection have been apploved by Council and until the agreements referred to in paragaph (bl of this subsection have been entered into, lb) Require the! the m of the land entet into one 01 move agveemems with me Council dealing with such lacil'nies and mums: and Ofl-sueet driveways ways. Removal 00 snow aces and walkways Walls, fences, hedges, trees, shrubs ov othev suitable mound cover [0 provide adequate landscapmg of the land or pvolec‘ lion to adloimng lands. Vaults, cenu'al slorage and collecruon areas and other racil'rtios and enclosures as may be required lor the storage or garbage and other waste material. Drawnngs and plans showing building elevations and Class secnons ol industrial and commercial budding; and reside» iial buildings containing twenty-live or move dwelling units, ANYTIME vehicular including BYALAW NO. 17676 EXPLANATORY NOTE hom access ramps, dnveways, parking Dalkw the E 1an and survacmg rd load-n9 areas and access mg 01 such areas and drive HD. SCHILLER, MAYOR CD WELDON, CLERK access. rghl

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