KING â€" Sherry Inksetter. candidate for King City‘s Ward 1 seat on township council, is president of the local 'homeowners‘ association and an adâ€" vocate of “balanced, controlled, slow development.’ ’ Divergent views aired in King election Britne/l wants g _§ * e : Foran fa vors gro vvz‘h cutback . ' \ light industry A threeâ€"year resident of King, Mrs. Inksetter has been active in home and school associations and\ has attended may council meetings to keep abreast of local issues. KING â€" Mayor Margaret Britnell leaves little room for doubt as to where she stands on issues facing King Township. ‘ “I‘ve taken great care to be ob- jective, and I am. Even with developers. But there are times when one knows one is being lied to. It's gotten so that, before a decision can be made on an issue, one has to decide if what one is hearing is the truth. “Some growth is essential,“ she believes, but “it‘s up to an informed and sensitive planning committee to direct that growth.†“There‘ll be scare tactics used, “ she predicted in an interview. “like the McCarthyism affair they had in the States. We don’t need it here." “Character assassination is what call it." “ï¬riihell said “the system can also be destroyed from within by net} Fascist technocrats who don't want their system threatened by elected representatives. " “I think we should cut back on even the growth allowed in the Official Plan (4 per cent per year)," she said. though conceding this approach may prove expensive to the taxpayer. ‘-‘I have treated thé téxpayers‘ dollar as if it were my own. And I’m not an extravagent person in my own affgiys. Asked'wha't her respohse would be should the public make it clear in- Inksetter runs in Ward 1 DIXIE RD. AND QUEEN E. HWY LANSDOWNE 8n DUNDAS ST KNOB HILL FARMS DIXIE PLAZA 2457 EGLINTON E. JUST EAST or KENNEDY RD. INSIDE Communication is another main issue. she says. “Because of the community we have, and because of the people who run the community, we have a very nice area. I’ve heard vindictive comments at region about ‘the people in King‘. But the people in King Township should never be ashamed of what they've achieved.“ Mrsi Inksetter says “good relations†are vital if there is to be efficiency and cooperation between different levels of government. dustrial assessment was desirable, Britnell answered: “So be it! But I want a mayor and a council that will be sympathetic. The citizens are it." “Take the Roman Catholic cemetery. “ If people didn‘t want it there council shouldn’t have allowed it. It would be different if it were one of our local churches." Municipalities still have a autonomy, she said, “if only we pick up our responsbllities." Britnell said she decided to run again after many people approached her with concern of “what will happen in this township if I don‘t.“ _ _ “I Hon’t agree with the inference that we are here in a minor roll" “The loss of one of our separate school trustees is directly due to a lack of communication among regional government, municipal government and the people. “The separate school area of King is growing. Now is not the time to cut down one of our trustees.†“We’ve had problems in this township. We‘re going through hard times financially. But when people objected they were listened to. We‘re rich, not in money, but in how we use JUST E. OF HWY. 27 MIX! 10 (DH. TIRE 5415 DUNDAS ST. W. BHAMALEA CITY CENTRE 1700 EGLINTON E. INSIDE “THE DAVIDS IIG IDEA SCARBOI TOBICO (INSIDE "1E FAMIlY FAIR SIORE) BETWEEN RICHMOND 8 ADElAIDE KING â€" Councillor William Long, after a brief campaign for the mayor’s office, is running for re-election in Ward 1 with a plea for a “completely planned community.“ Long seeking re-election - Long is chairinan of council’s planning committee and a consistent 143 YONGE ST. Margaret Britnell . . . . . . incumbent running Sï¬erry lnksetter . . heads homeowners 741 THE QUEENSWAY 10133 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HIL’L AT ROYAL YORK RD opponent of the anti-development at- titudes of Mayor Margaret Britnell. “Britnell is just anti-anything," he says. "Her attitude is just to say ‘no’ first and then ask ‘what do you want‘?“ He also wants planning studies in each of the seven hamlets “with an eye to preserving their uniqueness.†He also advocates experimental increases in the percentage of in- dustrial assessment in the township â€" from 71/9 to 15 per cent. This. he believes, would'involve non-polluting industry which would help offset rising municipal costs. Calling for a completely planned township, he suggests there should be an inventory and authoritative designation of good farmland. Long says he doesn't consider himself “pro-development“ but “pro-Official Plan" instead. The plan calls for annual population increases of 2 per cent. William Foran ...... was Schomberg principal LIBERAL ADVERTISERS (INSIDE THE FAMILY FAIR STORE) SHERIDAN MALL 1630 DANFORTH AVE. INSIDE THE RIO LUMBER EAST! make shoppmg easier! KING â€" William Foran, King councillor and mayoralty candidate, says he “wonders†about the dedication of Mayor Margaret Britnell, who until recently was a candidate for provincial election with the intention of leaving municipal government. “To be a candidate. or to nominate a candidate." said Foran, "steers one‘s attention into other levels of govern- ment.“ Foran in an interview, said he sup- ports “ the nature of our planning. But we are in the process of looking at a somewhat enlarged amendment to King‘s Official Plan. The greater residential. commercial and some industrial development should go William Long ...... ’complete planning' THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. November 17. 1976 â€" C-9 ONE5x7 COLOR PORTRAIT 38¢ DOUG McKITI'RICK, DENTURE THERAPIST Photography Times: Dai|y 10 AM. to 8 PM. Tues. Nov. 16, Wed. Nov. 17, Thurs, Nov. 18, Fri. Nov. 1 Sat. Nov. 20 Get acquainted with our new collection of color and scenic backgrounds. 7171 Yonge Street (Just North of Steeles Ave.) Thornhill, Ontario AT 7616 YONGE STREET _ THORNHILL, ONTARIO L4J1V9 BY APPOINTMENT Th6ï¬Â§and Words It should be very~specifically con- trolled, dry, light industry. though this might change with the availability of sewage capacity. he said. relative to an urban centre" “The éapac‘ity we get will be limited and should be used to clear up residential sewage problems." Regional government is not all bad, said Foran. who intends to make King “become a contributing municipality within the Region of York and not act as an isolated member. “We have to work within the regional government system setup. Mrs. Britnell has not. I would employ a different manner of approach. “The region, after 51]. is assuming more and more powers of decision making from the province." Asked what effect his dismissal as principal of St, Patrick‘s School in Schomberg would have on his election chances, Foran replied: “Well, people that I've chatted with really don't feel it will have any influence one way or the other." “Many people felt the issue (of the dismissal) went to a higher level than just Bill Foran; whether a citizens' committee could get certain in- formation from the separate school board." New candidate wants housing “I don't think I was made out to be either hero or villain." Foran said. should he be elected, he would be “interested in doing limited work supply teaching as well." Atkinson wants to see a “common sense" approach to government and housing policies. With more lower- priced homes, he says, “our children as well as families with lower incomes could afford to stay in this area.†Atkinson, 45, is avlife-long resident of King. He and his wife Mildred have four children. KING â€" Risdon Atkinson of Nobleton, a retired farmer, is challenging David Harper for the Ward 2 seat on township council. .. Worth WISHES TO ANNOUNCE HIS ASSOCIATION WITH PHONE 889-6451 889-2658 DR. P. HASLAM