The York Region United Way ended its first campaign this week with “$150,000 pledged out of {$250,000 sought. ‘*' The main reason for ,,fi,missing the target was that n our school boards refused to .allow payroll deduction of contributions by employees. Also the amount of grants will be indicated when authorization is received. Voters please check facts. Also, please remember all the meetings we had closed to the public before Schiller became our mayor. This week positive steps are being taken in education. I want to be the King trustee on the York County board of education to see that we are among the first to implement core curriculum and standards across the county. Dear editor At the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation “At What Cost" conference last week, I was happy to hear that the qualified teachers were also concerned and confused by the lack of standards and made definite recommendations to correct this. If the underpéss is authorized,rat the very earliest the completion won‘t be before 1981. 0n checking with the region I find they only recently received order in council to make application to the Canadian transport commission. This_ mak'es it very" difficult to un- derstand Rowe’s platform promise to make municipal restraint >top priority. Also at a public meeting in 19-75; ï¬avé supplied financial figures regarding the underpass on Markham Road. He included the region’s net cost figure of $270,000 and advised it should b§c0mpleted in 1978. ’ Mayor David Schiller voted against thghjgh rggional budget. On further checking I found Rowe voted ‘or the municipal and regional budgeth. Hard to understand R0 we ’3 platform But eight per cent of the increase was due to region. Approximately 18 per cent of the increase was due to school taxes. Only about four per cent was due to town taxes. Upon reading the article on Page One in last week’s Liberal (Nov. 17) regarding municipal spending as quoted by Richmond Hill mayoralty candidate Gord Rowe, I checked our tax bill and found our taxes increased approximately 30 per cent. York Region should be ï¬rst to ha ve core curriculum - Dear editor The latest evidence is The Liberal’s cartoon of Nov. 17 showing Markham Mayor Tony Toman in a political Dear editor: As Barry Nicholls 'observed, two weeks ago the silï¬y season is here again. ' Letters Adams also sought another nomination For some time Rowe has felt regional more letters A6-7, C1 3, C1 7 The more children are segregated by age in the schools, the less opportunity they have for social experience. The public school board should stick to the policy of having a two-tier system with 0qu elementary and high schools. Vote for United Way The more children are segregated by age in the schools, the less opportunity they have for social experience. Parents who have been swayed to this opinion would do well to reconsider. It is very doubtful a three-tier system with senior public schools is best for the children, in spite of the recent popularity of that opinion in some parts of Markham. Two-tiers best United Way tries to do The LII)an 45 published every Wednesday by Mouospan Community Newspapeqs lened Novlh Dwvsuon, wh-ch also publnshes The Bannev In Auvova, Newmavke‘, The Woodbndge Vaughan News. and The Bolton Enlelpnse PAGE A" WFI'IIIEQI‘IAV "nut-marr- n. u PUBLISHER J.G. VAN mu Ely Zl'ihtral 1010‘ Yonge Sueel, Rnchmona Hull LAC 4Y6 Onrano I believe it would be my respon- sibility as trustee to represent the people who elect me â€" to speak for them both with their voices and my own â€" to make policies designed to educate Public ponselysus on education eX/sz‘s now Not only the tools of a particular career are seen as important but the things of holding a job like hard work,, punctuality, and a real caring for an honest day's work for an honest dollar. The people who have asked me to represent them on the school board say they want sound business experience to run the $68 million education business especially since I understand that nearly half of the present board is made up of teachers and teachers' families. To me that's a conflict of interest no matter how well intentioned it is. Further, the parents see preparation for earning a living as a basic of prime concern. Last but by no nieéns least is facility in adding, subtracting, and dividing (“if only to complete an income tax formâ€). There is. the basicrefï¬ able to write clearly and legibly, also in a lively, mteresting style. Yes, there is a concensus that every youngster needs to understand what is being read â€" “reading out loud" said one father, “is dramatic art!" Talking with over 100 parents, many of whom are young mothers of small children, I have learned enormously about meanings of basic skills. government should take over local government. The late Harry Truman’s remark “never underestimate the public, it knows what is going on" has been confirmed emphatically for me in the past few days. Just try to imagine what it will be like if this happens. This election is very important, with issues like this at stake. RUBY BIRCH, 299 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill, Ont. Dear editor triangle. The suggestion the mayor is really eyeing provincial office is ludicrous. In the past he has run twice for the Conservatives in York Centre, but he has now decided to continue his work in Markham. ' To the basic of earning a better and more cheaply many things which local government would otherwise be called upon to do. Voters should press upon Dec. 6 local election candidates the need for support of the payroll deduction concept in future United Way campaigns. A child needs to spend as much time as possible with older and younger individuals, including adults. School largely mono- polizes the child’s time and too much confinement to one _age group there is bad. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1976 EDITOR HAROLD BM I‘ll be happy to share them with anyone who calls me at 727-4981 or 884- I have very definite ideas of how to provide the essential skills and stan- dards and services which all of our children need and to keep taxes down at the same time. all of our children the way we want at a priqe we are willing to pay. Additionally, art, music and drama are ways by which reading. writing and arithmetic can be sharpened and apâ€" plied. So there we are “back to basics“ . . . but not quite! Adding to my excitement in listening to these views, a basic very special to my heart was mentioned: thinking! As a mother stated this afternoon “if Human beings are composed of three powers: body, mind and spirit. To pull. these together to make an interesting individual of character, art, music and drama are viewed as instruments. Character bulding was anotï¬er basic voiced; parents perceive the sep_se of a_rather traditional viewpoint. We need our youngsters to learn how to live in our country, and 50, languages, geography, history and literature become basic to citizenship. We are fortunate to have such a hard- working mayor, especially when the job brings him cheap shots like your lewd comment. therefore, vocational subjects like electrical engineering, drafting, automotive mechanics and so on, are just as vital for some young people as the arts and the sciences. These parents, my teachers here and now, also recognize we are all citizens living in a state. Why does not The Liberal mention that mayoralty challenger, Bob Adams, contested the Liberal nomination for this riding in 1975? I find'The Liberal’s prééohtétion of the facts less than objective, and the editorial cartoon in poor taste. Tony Roman has served this com- munity out of dedication not lust. Tony Roman has said he is putting aside provincial ambitions, but has Bob Againsgiven us that assurance? If he still wanted a seat at Queen's The t: Park, he obviously would not have to speal resigned the nomination he won in April Church to run again provincially. To 5( VINCE DeVI'I‘A, Trustee candidate, RR 1, King, om MICHAEL WOOD, 2 Silver Brook CL, Thomhjll, Ont. 53:11::th School ward credit nnnnn ,,_s__r. The meeting was a success in all other respects. But I am afraid many citizens find it difficult to attend more than one meeting. at Queen‘s The trustee candidates are scheduled not have to speak this week Nov. 24 at All Saints my children are trained to gather in- formation from a large number of sources, then to sort out the ‘wheat from the chaff’, and then get to ideas, and then try the ideas out, they are home free, they can cope with anythingâ€. Thank you ma‘am. Harry Truman! You are still alive and living in York County. RUSSELL REES, Church, King City. To schedule them separately from the candidates for mayor or council tends to down play the importance of their function. I was disappointed the candidates for board of education weren’t slated as speakers for the recent Wednesday all- candidate meeting in King Township. King school hopefuls should have spoken Dear editor: I quy agree with you. But I feel you have given credit where, in fact, credit isn‘t deserved. should go to others I read with interest your editorial last week (Nov. 17) entitled “Watch those school wardsâ€, in which you em- phasized that the creation of education board wards in Markham may have great significance for the future of York County board of education. Dear editor: However, I’m sure the public is (b) hold public meetings and publish information for the purpose of obtaining the participation and co- (a) prepare maps, drawings, texts, statistical information etc. Planning duties “Every planning board shall in- vestigate and survey the physical, social and economic conditions in relation to the development of the planning area, etc . . . and It shall (a command): However, the Planning Act, Section 12(1), outlines the procedures every planning board must follow. By Robert Marquis THORNHILL â€" The chairman of Richmond Hill planning committee, Councillor Marylo Graham, Mayor, Dave Schiller, and Councillor Mike Burnie have indicated one of the reasons for seeking re-election for 'the years 1977 and 1978 is their in- terest in completing the Official Plan. 0n numerous occasions the ratepayers of South Richvale- Langstaff area have raised questions on the Official Plan and have been told that it will not be ready until 1977. 18 Thorneybrae Dr., Thomhill, Ont. Hill plan fails la W Rather, it should go to the Bayview Fairways Ratepayers’ Association for initiating the action, and to the Markham Town council for carrying it out. Theré, the credit for this “significant action" shouldn’t go to the York County board. In September of this year council voted to establish the present school ward system. He suggested we direct our request to Markham Town council, which we did. We received a reply from Doug Allen, board chairman, in which he stated it wasn‘t within the power of the board to divide up a school area into wards. We asked the board to divide up Markham into wards so as to guarantee representation for Thomhill, Unionville and the old town of Markham. During my term as president of the Bayview Fairways Ratepayers‘ Assocition we sent a letter in May of 1976 to the York County board. However, in reality the board had nothing to do with it. They will provide the experience and continuity essential to the effectiveness of the public bo_ard of education._ (MRS) ELIZABETH MacLENNAN. RR 3, King City, Ont. In your editorial you credit the York County board with bringing about this “most significant actionâ€. Only after the participation steps outlined on 12(1) are followed can the plan be prepared and recom- mended by the planning board be submitted to the council. Contrary action It is contrary to the act {or the planning board to complete the Official Plan, then present it to the residents of the area. I believe we in King have been for- tunate in the excellent representation we’ve had over the past term from Trustees Zajac and Coburn. operation of the inhabitants of the planning area in determining the solutions of problems or matters effecting the development of the planning area. (c) etc." I hope the electors of King Township wi_ll_tu}jn out to assess the candidates. Over 50 per cent of our dollar-S goes to education. It is the job of the trustees to ensure we get our money’s worth. aw_are of the vital role of the trustees Such plans adopted by council WALTER GULA, Trustee candidate, 82 Dawn Hill Trail, Thornhill, Ont. A Ioputal column :0- og-nm by our ule Sum-snout would be no more man .00 words. up“: pn-Iuably (Richmond Hill citizen Robert Marquis lives at 46 Roosevelt Dr. in the Thornhlll postal area, in the neighborth also often referred to as Langstafl. - Editor.) 'For region also The requirements of the act also apply to the York Region Ofï¬cial Plan. Again there has been the failure to comply with Section 12(a)(b) of the act. Possibly a change of the present elected representatives is in order. If it is done this way, then the inhabitants are placed in the position of being adversaries to “their†plan rather than being participants, as required by law. The act does not state the plan is to be completed, then presented to the inhabitants for discussion. The V present 'RichmBnd Hill members have failed to comply with the above requirements of law to this date. One can see that participation of residents, is required by the act at an_ear1y state of planning. I’dâ€" like to think 'théié’s' '5? £333}; equal number of us with the sense to see what we’ll be missing. then are referred to the {minister Tï¬ey’re the BnesWWht-f the English-Canadian media’s constant carping at the Montreal Olympics was just terrific. They’re the ones who talk about “fro'gs__._" in notrso polite conversation. They're the ones who heaped such obscene abuse on our York North MP Barney Danson’s riding assistant when the air-traffic controllers question was to the fore, that she had to hang up the telephone and go home in glisgust. m1.___)__ A r The Thornhill Thunderbirds wouldn’t go to Quebec City for hockey tour- naments anymore, and the Montreal Canadiens would no longer be partly ours. . So/itua’es touch There may be a'lot of 'Yahoos out there who'll be delighted to see Quebec go sepaqate way. Students of Canadian literature in our high schools and universities would have to give up MarieClaire Blais and Roch Carriere and Mordecai Richler and a whole host of others. Don’t kid yourself that our two solitudes haven’t touched in funny little ways at times: They have. Wha‘t would we call those skinny fried pofatqes? English fries? 0n the 6ther hand, my daughter wonders where Grade 7 classes would go for trips. Portage-la-Prairie? Humboldt, Saskatchewan? Our children would no longer have any reason to learn French in school, which would proably lower our tax bills cogsideyably: Not that these aren‘t fine places, but can they offer 300 years of history? Everyday things What would we call the Bank of Montreal over there on the corner af- terwards? And what would we find on the flip side of our cereal boxes? There‘d be differehces rcloser to home, too. Would we héve the same‘flag? Maybe ong red bar and a maple leaf? And if we lost Quebec, wouldn't we also have to say goodbye to the Maritimes? If in two years Quebec does seccede, and Trudeau’s still in office, we’d have a foreigner for a Prime Minister. Can the prime minister come from a dif- ferent country. The most obvious loss would be the Gallic flavor that makes our country just a little different, with its French- Engllsh composition, from anyplace else in the world. Can we? I have a feeling that even if a separate Quebec was to go down in flaming economic defeat, we right here in this most English part of English Canada would still be the big losers. It's been interesting, in the in- tervening days since Levesque’s decisive victory took us all by surprise, to note the kinds of comments it‘s evoked, even right here in this area. The five remaining previnces west of Quebec would be a pretty dull, hoglpgenous lump. Let them go, is the one heard most often. Or, we can get along without them a lot more easily than they can without us, No more Thornhi/l hockey in P. 0.? But by the time the paper hits the newstand. what you thought was of sughumoment sounds a little stale. Still, once in a while things happen that affect all of us so 'deeply and have consequences which linger for so long, that even week-later observations have their place. I refer, of course, to the election last week in Quebec. THORNHILL â€"â€" One of the disad- vantages of writing for a weekly newspaper is that it‘s sometimes dif- ficult to be topical. Momentous events occur that you’d like to comment on. Local comments By Lynda Nykor Big lump lynda's lashes