B-lo â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. December 1, 1976 â€"______________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 5II5 Help Wanted EXECUTIVE SECRETARY As a progressive manufacturer of appliances and home comfort equipment we require a high calibre exeCutive secretary. to carry out a variety of duties. wrth a minimum of supervrsmn. This position offers an excrtrng challenge to the right person wrth initiative. to assrst a progressrve management team. The successful applicant Will have excellent typing and stenographrc skills in addition to several years of experience. Preference Will be given to bilingual candidates The position offers an attractive salary and benefit package. If this position sounds Interesting to you. please call MR. R. BROWN for a personal interview. GENERAL FREEZER LIMITED 9230 ISLINGTON AVE., WOODBRIDGE 851-2861 SENIOR SECRETARY We requrre an enthusrastrc outgorng individual to perform secretarial duties for several of our managers The successful applicant should have prevrous related experience and possess excellent dicta typing and organizational ability. Good salary and working conditions Please contact Mrs. Miller 884-8300 Computer Operator Intermediate operator required to work evening shift, 4 to 12, ona Honeywell 2015. Minimum 1 year OS. experience on Honeywell equipment. Further information contact Mr. C. Noel 669-1810 Ext. 274 Keele-Hwy. N0. 7 No agencies please. Town of Markham Requires clw22 clw22 Ontario ASSESSMENT TRAINEE (Property Assessor 1) To $209.00 Weekly YORK REGIONAL ASSESSMENT OFFICE clw22 3“ Articles wanted “â€5 Articles for Sale Students, housewives. Professionals Needing money call us E 8 M Assocrates 10 ~ 4 pm 773-5838 am Salesclerk l4â€"COMPLETE BEDROOM SUITES s24900 and up each 58â€"HIGH BACK CHAIRS $1050 and up each 70â€"BOX SPRINGS & MATTRESSES HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid fer h0usefu| of furniture and appliances. Brice‘s Furniture 363- 1954 llcitl PIANO wanted Approximately $100- $150 222-7088 um DEAD or crippled farm animals. picked up promptly 705-439-2421 Call anytime Ed Peconr 8. Son. Woodvrlle. Ont. Licence No 324066. Experienced mature For fabric store full time 884‘0932 clw22 EXPERIENCED Machinist requrred for progressive Richmond Hill company Good working conditions and opportunities and excellent eduipment Mr Dawson 889-4759 clw22 MATURE experienced Nurses‘s Aides Part time Allshrfts 8849248 clw22 PICK your own hours Good Watkins route available Full or part time Call collect evgs Hamilton 388-2530 c3w22 IMMEDIATELY reqUired. part time Christmas Help Work 10 415 hours a week No experience needed Must have a car 895-6532 c2w21 DRIVER required part time, 3 evenings weekly Richmond Hill area 1478-20l2 clw22 “5 Articles For Sale Let Fuller Brush help you wrth your Christmas Shopping Every phone order receives FREE Gilt 889-0827 IIcll Hardwood Firewood Seasoned Maple. Beech & Ash ANTIQUE condition. vacuum cleaner. excellent condition. $40 Small Indian wool rug. $50. 884-2163 DININGROOM cabinet. handmade. Must be seen. 630-2301. APARTMENT size Hoover washer-spin S2500 and up each 30â€"CHESTERFIELD SUITES $24900 and up each 25â€"SETS OF COFFEE TABLES $3000 and up each RECLINER CHAIRS $10000 and up each J 8 B TRANSPORT 7450 BREN RD. MALTON FIREWOOD HARDWOOD $30 per cord Delivered Evenings and Weekends 884-6603 c2w21 exceHent upright clock. Hoover wall $200. clw22 solid oak, clw22 6781422clw1 Firewood Seasoned mixed hardwood Mani- toulrn white birch Pickup or de- livery 884-9626 II: 11 Citizen Band Radio plus antennae Call Steve alter 6 pm. 727-9154 am WANTED 7 A piano in exchange for antiques 727-5582 Piano Good condition. upright or grand. Cash, will move 223-4735 clw22 Wanted Piano In exchange for antiques. 727-5582 "II Snowmobiles 70 Allouette GT 23 SNOWMOBILE Asking $225. 832-2418 belore5 p.m. clw22 clw22 CLAIRTONE W The Ministry of Revenue has a vacancy for an Assessment Trainee in the l De I we FEd dryer 6 months old Like new. $175. Also other furniture, child's high chair and car seat Many bargains. Leaving country must sell. 8842089. School Crossing Guard Intersection of Don Mills Rd. & Simonâ€"ston Blvd., York Assessment Office. The successful candidate will be trained in all aspects of Real Property Valuation. Opportunity exists for promotion through individual performance. Qualifications: Graduation from a University of recognized standing, preferably with specialization in Economics, Political Science or Geography; graduation from a College of Applied Arts & Technology in an Assessment Administration Course; or an acceptable equivalent in eddcation and experience. Interested persons possessing the necessary qualifications are invited to Apply: Personnel Office. 297 1900 write, Regional Assessment Commissioner. York Regional Assessment ' Office, 460 Oak Street, Newmarket, Ontario, enclosing a complete resume of qualifications and work experience. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK This competition closes December 6, 1976. Operations Branch Chief Operator Pollution Control Plant Wages $6 42 to $6.81 per hour. Two required Qualifications: Secondary School education. M OE certificate of qualifications as a waste water treatment operator. A knowledge of mechanical pollution control c2w22 This competition is open equally to both men and women. Elly: it‘ihtral Requires CORRESPONDENTS NURSE AIDES CARE devices and electrical works involved In their operation is essential An activated sludge workshop certificate from MOE and supervrsmy experience would be desirable For the following areas GERMAN MILLS UNIONVILLE SPORTS This is an opportunity to get involved and to be of servrce to your local community while earning some extra spending money. Please telephone: Markham News Editor Larry Johnston 881-3373 Duties: Reporting to the Area Supervisor Waste Water Treatment. the successful candidates will be employed initially at and responsible for the effICient operation of the UnionVIIle or Stoullville Pollution Control Plants. He-she will be responsible for the employment and control of the staff at this plant. Apply In writing before December 3, 1976 to Personnel Coordinator The Regional Municipality of York Box 147, Newmarkot, Ontario c2w21 TIC ZIi One Person Office General office duties, typing, some book- keeping. Central Richmond Hill. 889-6885. THOROUGHBRED GROOM Year round position. Must be prepared to work full time. Thoroughbred horse experience preferred. Farm located King Rd., near Nobleton. Applicant must have own transportation. 832â€"1177 Maintenance Person Required for year reund posrtion Curling rink - winter months Golf course - summer months. Must have Own transportation Salary based on qualifications Reply in writing ONLY to: PERSONNEL OFFICE BAYVIEW COUNTRY CLUB. 25 Fairway Heights Dr.. Thornhill Invoice Typist ‘ Must be accurate with figures and have pleasant telephone mannerism for order taking. Ef999‘9895- @1122 it"rbm'al REQUIRES CARRIER SALES PEOPLE Age - 10 and Over FOR NEW AND ESTABLISHED ROUTES IN THORNHILL EARN roe DELIVERY COMMISSIONS DON’T BE LEFT OUT!! 03†Today Circulation Department 884-0981 881-3373 clw22 clw22 clw22 clw22 NUTSBS Aides Permanent Experienced Health Care Aides Part Time HAIRDRESSER Part time employment TypISL Apply 1tgcenUEellsetrrrezt ECorfture OChoice of shift .CITOICe of location mime "We W rem on RichmondHill CW ° Staff Relief 0 Private Duty 2:55:03â€ingiizieijfgniage"£3,128; m 1250 Call between9a m 85pm 17:33: 230;::errence. must have at Operator Para-M911 Personnel 66Down3igwll 3'12““: :e‘irpsmexApueréregce for rob 1. 864-9575 CM? clw22 1'727'8304 clw22 I AIDES For part-time employment 'CTIOICG of shift ‘CITOICE of location PARAâ€"MED PERSONNEL 864-9575 clw22 CLERK TYPIST Steeles â€" Woodbine area, self motivated with good typing skills. Experience not essential. 491-9330 clw22 MATURE SALESLADY-MAN for ScandinaVIan Furniture store. Experience necessary. Part time employment. Days Some evenings Mixed cord $30 Pure cord $35 833-5667 Evgs. tfc16 Selling Out Displaced by New Airport Unable to relocate We are going out of business. We have several thousand tropical plants, succulents, cacti, vines, ivys, and flowering plants. Plant your Terrarrums or decorate good condition. 887-5944. clw22 your home at reasonable prices. Free advrce SNOW tires, 713. fit Chrysler compact car. Mounted. 889-2918. J. Greftegreff clw22 Greenhouses GOALIE equipment. Chest and C0'09'0117II‘AV9 shoulder pads. Leather leg pads. Markham ‘P'CI‘EIIIIE Surtable for 7 - 10 year old. $30. Pair IOWIIII'Ie of WW snow tires. 8.25 x 15 $25. 294 5634 889-8708. clw22 h OLD interesting bedroom surte. 4 Fa†poster bed, 2 dressers wrth posted Panelling Sale 10% Off. All panels in stock, (over 20 BEDROOM suite, 5 rice. twrn beds. blonde, 889-5403 after 5 pm. 3 PCE. brown and beige sectional chesterfield. tables. Matching coffee table and two lamps and two red hostess chairs. Complete group $250. Very clw22 clw22 clw22 wrth attached end swing mirrors, chest on chest, bench $500 or offer. 773-5597 after 6 pm. clw22 PEANUIS III shell I†I’IIIIS and Aluminum srding. wrndows. doors. squrrrels Conservation Enterprises, 58 Edgar Avenue. TIIDTnIIIII. 221- 2304 Three Downhill ski and boot sets, woman's srze 7 and 8I'2. Man‘s size 8‘s. Very good condition. 889-1686 c1w22 Pump Organ Excellent condition. Ideal for rec riall or basement. $185 884-3838 GARAGE SALE Ideal Christmas Gifts SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4th (4 blocks north of Markham Road off Baywew) STEREO SNOWMOBILE New in '74. Mint condition. $675. Walnut cabinet. Gerrard changer AM-FM radio. 889-8221. clw22 832-8855 mgr FourP300001'zlgireityr £1139 wrth SnomebIIeS Pioneer turntable. $800. Evgs. SHOWbIOWBTS 727-3041 122 SALES&SERVICE Reid Mower YORK Aluminum. Free estimates. Marine & Sports awnings, 884-4558 or 8322238.1W22 884_7716 881-2384 74 Yamaha FA 338 GPX. Mint $925. 884-2315 am 71 Skidoo Olympic 335. New track. Excellent condition. 3350. 887-5500 clw22 72 TNT 440 10 AM. 1 Cartier Crescent New track. Rebuilt engine. Like new. Richmond Hill $500. 773-4538 clw22 to choose from). Loughlin Lumber BScottDr. (4 blocks south of Hillcrest Mall) 889-1109 Garage- Basement Sale Brass beds 65 Lawnwood Court, south off Mill - St, Richmond Hill. Sat Dec. 4th. 10 A“ SI Z93 a m. to 4 pm. Books. records. garden equipment, bicycle, sewrng machine Bedsrepaired 8repolished tents, fans. table. etc. 8118 Yonge St, Thornhill 881-4072 3440 Pharmacy Ave, Unit 12. Scarborough - 497-7833 clw22 TWO BF Goodrich snow tires. White walls, wrth Ford rims. G78 x 15. $25. pair. Also Pair H78 x 15 belted white wall tires, like new, $40 pair. Pair of air bags, $20. pair. 832-2418. clw22 tfc11 YORK ALUMINUM - Free estimates. Aluminum siding windows. doors, awnings, 884-4558 or 832-1319 TEAKWOOD - Livrng-Dining- Bedrooms, DlSlgl'lS in Teak. 457 Markham Rd, Allencourt Plaza. Richmond Hill ~ 8843750 $50 or best offer. 889-7649 between 4 pm. and 9:30 pm. Ask for Mr. Partridge. clw22 and Saturdays '"IIOII’ed FI’IeIg†TYPEWRITERS. adders. calculators, BLACK wr0ughtiron kitchen or patio language an asset. Commissmn basis. Call 495-6337, €1w22 CHILD Care Teacher. Enthusrastic mature rndiyrdual wrth child care experience to prepare actrvrties and experiences to meet the social and developmental needs of emotionally disturbed children 773-5271. clw22 Maintenance Person for general maintenance duties at Parkway Hotel. ideal for retired person. Permananet posrtion Call Mr. Latimer. 8812121 Parkway Hotel. clw22 PART time Servrce Station attendant Mature Experienced Neat appearance Evgs and weekends Apply in person only Texaco. 7161 Yonge Street. Thornhill clw22 Waitress/Waiter for first class diningroom Excellent working conditions Permanent pusitron Call McLean Parkway Hotel 881-2121 clw22 HOUSE cleaning person required with commercial cleaning experience for retirement home For further information call 8849248 CIw22 HOUSEMOTHER or c0uple. middle aged for a new retirement hotel i'rust live in and have no family reSDOHSibIIIlIeS Acquainted with geriatrics Good rapport with people and ability to manage staff For further information phone 884 8040 clw22 HOUSE cleaning person reqmred for retirement home Must have kn0wledge of diningroom routine For further information call 8849248 CIwZI sales. servrce. rentals. Newmarket Busrness Machines, 497 Timothy St. Newmarket. 895-7621 ttc36 suite. Large table and 5 chairs. $100. 889-3543. cw122 Teakwood Furniture Direct from importers warehouse. Open till 9 pm. EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED Hwy. 7, Bramalea. 791-2355 79 Doncaster. Thornhill 881-0000 MISCELLANEOUS furniture. bed, chairs, etc. Bicycle. Indoor-outdoor. Televrsmn 8842711. clw22 _/ Blue star ".4 sapphire ring MUSKRAT coat. fullflleng’tTiWSTSO, Ladies Silver band. Size 7h. $60 or black persran lamb 3. length $100, best offer 889-7649 between 4 pm. grey persran lamb racket. white mink and 9'30 D-m- clw22 collar $125 Size 14-16. All good condition and cleaned 8842213. Folding bed HOUSEHOLD appliances. 30“ Viking stove. self-cleaning oven. $220. 15 cu ft refrigerator. self-defrosting. $225 Viking automatic dryer. $130 Dining table, mahogany and 4 chairs. $175 The above items are in perfect condition and approximately 2 years old Livingroom occasronal chair. $75 36†radiant floor heater. $20 Large window fan, 2 speed. $15 Window screen, adiustable. with fan. $10 Coffee table and 2 end tables. mahogany colour. $20 Lawn mower. electric. $25 Moving - all articles must be sold 884-9707 clw22 ottoman, 2 floor fans, space heater. 2 child car seats. kitchen table. srx chairs. Solary hairdryer. 832-1206 clw22 Stove, Admiral green. 1 year old excellent condi- tion Must sell $150 884-9409. clw22 Collectors Items' Two antique 3 drawer dressers Best offer ALSO IO WOODEN storm windows Fit opening 28 x 51†Clean and well glazed One bathroom window 20" x 43' $6 each 833-5865 clw22 $50 727-6779 clw22 THERMOPANE Picture Window 59†wide 54"high 8842213 c2w21 Golf Club Sale Golf Pro selling off 20 sets of almost new used lopline clubs Left over after season All great buys‘ 939-2590 or 889-7955 clw22 SNOW TIRES and rims 78 x 14 $50 884 8038 p1w22 WASHER SPIN dryer Speed Queen Like new Green $100 8875200 Clw22 MUSKRAT coat. full length $150 Black persran lamb 3. $100. Grey persran lamb racket. white mink collar $125 Size 1416 All good condition and cleaned 8842213 C|w22 DRESSER, large, ladies, six drawers. l boys 8 ~ BEDROOM surte, including double rollaway. chesterfreld, chair and estimates RonWoods884-15l4. Last Edition of Toronto telegram best offer 884-0255 furniture, bedroom. diningroom, lrvrngroom. coffee tables Brand new. Very reasonable. 1247-4377. 12 years. Dinky Toys, Chemistry set. 832-2348 Evgs. clw22 / TYPEWRITER. IBM Selectrrc. Like new. $400. 889-3431. 775-5582. c2w21 bed. box spring. spotless Serta mattress. dresser, chest of drawers. All in good condtron. Reasonable. 889-1597. clw22 TIRE 14" and wheel, Dodge. F78 x 14 $10 889-3924 nclw22 STEREO component. Elac automatic turntable, New cartridge. $75 881- 4177. clw22 ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings, railings. siding, soflit systems. trough. Free "(46 TABLE. piecrust Hall table Cigarette table. Fern stand All mahogany and antique design Excellent condition. 8848518 c1w21 VIKING washer Perfect working condition $100 or best offer 888- 1225 clw22 KITCHEN table and 4 chairs $20. 2 lrvrngroom chairs. $35. $45 Drapes. Coleman stove. appliances 889- 1516 clw22 ORGAN. $475 8849353 mornings only c2w20 STEREO Good condition $140 or clw 22 EXCLUSIVE lAWYER'S HOME King size Mediterranean bedroom set 3800 dinette set. 6 chairs table. hutch and buffet $250. tuxedo sofa and 2 chairs need re upholstering $200. TV set 24" black and WI’IIIe, wooden case needs repairs $50, drapes blue and white traditional $100 pale green satin with matching king srze bedspread $100, 881 1145 clw22 clw22 WASHING machine. twrn tub. 44o M010 SKI Spiralator Mark V. Good condition. 21 EVINRUDE $85 887-5620 clw22 BEST OFFER BOLENS snowblower 7 hp. Good 884'7282 working order $325. 833-5038. clw22, CIWZZ Bethesda Sales and Service WASHER - Spindryer. apartment srze. NEW AND USED MACHINES Arctic Cat â€"Skrroule excellent condition. 8846907 “7" evenings clw22 88 ' ' CUSTOM TUNING BEDROOM surte. child's French 888““ â€C 20 Provincral. white and gold. Excellent condition. 630-2998. clw22 13° Campers & TEAKWOOD Burma Scandinavian T'aihl's SLIDE IN UNITS For Vans 8 Pick Ups From $479 McKenzre Trailers Ltd. Hwy, 7 at Bayvrew, Thornhill. 889-1831. clw22 TTICKENZIEE ECarnpinq Trailers? TRUCK CAPS SALE 6229 Up All Sizes and colors Old Hwy 7 and Bayvrew THORNHILL 889-1831 clw22 “5 Farm Equipment GRAVELY tractors, new and used. 2 and 4 wheel. Mowers, blowers, 294- 1407. c4w22 ‘55 Cars & Trucks 1965 METEOR stationwagon Owned by elderly cauple Only gone 56.000 miles Mechanically good Body in need of repair As is $300 or best offer 833-6059 clw22 1973 GRAND PrIx Excellent condition 8844843 after 6 p m clw22 1970 PONTIAC Parisienne 8844830 5750 clw22 66 Ford Kurbside Van 6 cylinder, aluminum body. $1,200. or best offer. Call Tim at 889-91Il clw22 1973 AMBASSADOR stationwagon. V8 power sterring. power brakes. excellentbody Certified $950 727 5466 clw22 1970 CHEVROLET Biscayne, V8. power steering. power brakes A1 body Certified $900 727-5466 clw22