Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Dec 1976, B11

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2 door. automatic. V-8. Radials Ex cellent condmon. 1970 VOLVO wagon. Automatnc. extras. good condition. Certified 31750. 8898053. clw22 38.000 m on new engme, full powet. wmre Wlth white leathet, Al cond. Cert. executive dnven. $3,000 0! offer. 889-5302 clw22 Custom 500 wagons. radio. whutewall lures, power 8&8, one With an. evgs 4840392. 8814964. $1,595 66 Rambler America Engine good condition $150 Evgs. As is Specials Come in and make an am: 64 Chev Impala SS 2 door hardtop. an. JYE283 65 Pontiac Pansvenne‘ 2 door hardtop LIC. DWW978. 66 Chev Impala convertible. Llc, DWU237. 67 Dodge Wmdow Van, 6 automatic. Lac H15868, 69 Mustang. Zdoor 8 automatic. Llc. DWZZ40 69 Mustang Fastback. 8 automatic LIC DTH408 Don Reid Hardtop 289 8 cylinder automatic. power brakes and steering certified, Luc, HAJBGS convertible 289 8cy|mderautomatlc Certified ch DVM880‘ $1J95 67 Cougar 6 cylinder standard transmission, excellent 2nd car. 57.000 original mi. Certified. Llc ELU864. 2 door hardtop. All originals. New paint. 289 8 cylinder automatic, Certified. Llc. AH8067. 20 Series, 8 cylinder standard. powel btakes. snde wmdows. Lic. 061276 Pwkup 302 8 cyhnder automanc. Lm E77868 $2,450 71 Chevy Van Fully equupped‘ new Michelin mes Llc AMHGS $2,795 74 Dodge 73 Mercury Comet Tladesman 100 Window Van Flow and ceiling InSuIated. radio. 318, 8 cylinder automatic, power bvakes. LIc. E89644. AWW782 Coupe de Ville Fully equipped, rad|a| ply tires. Llc 4 door hardtop. fully equipped 36,000 m. Lic. JOHGZO. BZOOdeesman 360 8 cyhndeL automahc. power brakes. power steenng, passenger seat. slrdrng cargo door wrth glassr Can be palnted to your chance, ch 815533 $2,950 73 Dodge 302 8 Cylll’ldEl engine. 3 speed floor shift , AM radio wuth tape deck and [ear speakers. rear wmdow defoggel, 41,000 m. Llc. HEUBdO. 69 Buick Riviera 75 Pontiac LeMans Fully eqmpped, new mes Including 2 ean snows. rustpmofed, 44.000 m be HPISSd $3,150 73 Comet GT Two 1975 Ford 2 door hardtop. vmyl swivel buckets dual rating mlrrms. sport wheels, rustprooted. body sude mouidings, 2 additional radial ply snow hres. As new. 24,000 m. Luc, JR25134 Mmt. AM-FM etc. Best offer $3,595 75 Malibu Classic 66 Ponfiac 884-2315 $4,375 74 Grand Torino Wagon Select Used Cars $2,795 73 Ford F100 884-2647 $1,995 71 Cadillac $950 66Mustang 72 T-Bird $2,875 71 Toronado 294-6304 Sales 8 Service 16 Industrial Rd Richmond Hull 884-4026 $1,095 68 Ford $1,175 ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks c1w22 clw22 c1w22 c1w22 35 IS. Iihtral LEES. Claire and Tom ale happy to announce the birth of their son. Tom III, at Yotk Centlal Hospital. on Novembet 29, 1976. Many thanks to DI. Kirby and Hospltal Staff clw22 DECEMBER 5. Sunday. 10 - 5 pm. Antique Show and Sale. 106 Centre Sheet. East. (off Yonge) Richmond Hill. 20 dealers. Bargains galow! GOOD SELECTION OF QUALITY RECONDITIONED V.W.'s Speaahzmg In V.W. body work and general tepans. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 73 PINTO Squire Wagon. Gold I Cy'lfldef standard Rustptoofed 30.000 mules. 31500 661-3229. 1973 VOLVO 14ZGL fuel Injection. 5 speed. quartz lamps, radials, leather seats, ansa exhaust. dealer maintarned. certified. $2,800. or nearest offer. 727-2216 after 6:00 pm, 1968 BUICK LeSabre. A1 running condition. New transmisswn. rear end, tires. Certlhable. Immaculate. 888‘1790. c1w22 1976 Ford E250 custom Interior. AMFM 8 track, broadloom throughout, fridge, bat, bed and many exttas, |ow ml. Call 967-1770 fwm 9 ‘ 5. 247-529“ aftel 6 pm. r|w22 1969 NOVA. V8 automatic, radio. $125. 669-2709. c1w22 Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 1969 DODGE Polara V8 automatic, as is‘ Best offer, 8813950. c2w22 MUST SELL, 75 Dodge pick-up. Cap 6900 G-V-W‘ 4 gearl 318‘ 28.000 miles, Call evgsA 884-3570. clw22 1969 VOLKSWAGEN. A1 condition, certified. reasonable. Henry's Garage. 727-3351, 773-5145‘ clw22 1973 CONTINENTAL Mark IV Excellent condmon. 37,000 MIIBS Chocolate brown. loaded. $5.795 727-8481 days. 895-3534 evenings 1963 VALIANT. radio, automatic, 47.000 otiginal miles. good mechanical condition. 3100‘ Uncertified. 8894784. clw22 V8 Automatic. PS-PB. Radm at vinyl roof. Low mileage. Certified MUST SELL 5 speed. Quartz lamps. Radials, leather seats, Ansa exhaust, dealer maintained, certifiede $2,800. or nearest offer. 727-2216, after 6 pm c1w22 DOHERTY MOTORS 727-3322 cm; 1969 Ford Meteor 2 x 302 engine, PS-PB Certified 5 months ago 5450, or best offer 1961 Ford Halt Ton Pick Up 225 motor. Body and motor good. Can be certrhedv $350. or best offer 635-0085 c2w22 with Cap. 6 cyl‘ automatic, certified $1.850. 4Aspeed. Hatchback. 15,000 mules AM radio. Decor. Rust-prooied Snows. $4.600. ]973 VOLVO, 142 CL fuei injection 9212'YOnge St,‘ Richmond Hull 889-5571 0! 745-2519 after hours VOLKSWAGEN SALE Gold. ‘4 cylinder standard Rustproofed. 30,000 miles‘ 51,600. 661-3229 mwzz “5 Coming Events 75 Chrysler_Newport 71 Fargo Haif Ton AS IS SPECIALS )odge Dart $4 Vlarquis 3rougham _ . $5 73 Astra Hatchback 69 Chevrolet Belair 70 Toyota Mark 11 stand for QUALITY LUXURY VAN 76 Capri V6 73 PINTO SQUIRE WAGON 71 Ponfiac 535 Births 884-6210 832-1012 Hafidyman specual 884-8188 A-l Luke new immaculate Luke new Radlo and c1w22 $429 $549 cleZ cleZ clw22 clw22 c2w21 WHITE â€"ln Iovmg memory 01 a dear husband, father and grandfather, George Henry Whlte, who passed away November 30, 1973. His memory rs as dear today, k In the hour he passed away, Sadly missed by wife Lavmia and Family. clw22 TEETZEL Zellall At York Central Hospital, on Monday evening, November 29. 1976. Zellah lyndall, beloved wrte ol the late LOUIS B, Teetzel, 0t chhmond Hill. dear mother of Keith, Carl and Bruce and dear friend of Mary Patterson. Restrng at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hrll, Funeral serwce on Thursday. December 2, 1976 at 2 pm. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. In her memory a donatron may be made to the York Central Hosprtal Memorral Fund There was never a thing too big or too small. He wouldn't tly to do lor us all. Then God who knows all things best. GILLHAM â€" In loving memory 01 a dear husband Jnm, who passed away Dec. 2nd, 1975. We made a vow until death do us I lost a husband with a heart at gold. Who was mote to me than wealth untold. Without farewell he fell asleep. Leaving beautiful memories for me to keep. He was a husband so my rare. He loved his home and was always there. Called him home to eternal mt. Forevet loved. and sadly missed â€" “Me Mary. clw22 Dart When that day came. it broke my heart. KELLEY, Mary-At Greenacres Horne. Newmarket, on Thursday. November 25. 1976. Mary McClinton, beloved wife of the late Edward Kelley. dear mother of Samuel of Orangeville, Margaret (Mrs. D. Sheldrake) of Stouflvrlle and the late Bill of Stroud. sister of David McClinton. also survived by 10 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Funeral servrces were held at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St, Thornhill, Interment Westminster Cemetery, (Skipper) Peacefully at the Sunnybrook Medical Centre, Toronto, on Wednesday morning, November 24, 1976. Dr. Hardy Hill, beloved husband of Mildred Wright. of 85 Church St, A‘, Richmond Hill, dear brother of the late Hazel Hill, lormer Mayor of Lytton, 8.0. and dear brother-inlaw of Margery and the late Stewart Page, PaSaA” of Barrie. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Funeral service was held on Friday afternoon. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery c]w22 HILL Dr. A S. Hatdy, B. k. MA, At the Toronto General Hospital, on Thursday, November 25, 1976, Lawson. beloved husband of Florence Glover, ol Wasaga Beach, in his 77th year. dear brother of Vera, Cecrl. Edna and the late Muriel. Rested at the Robinson Funeral Home, Stayner. on Saturday. Funeral service was held from the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill, on Monday afternoon, November 29. 1976. Interment Victoria Square Cemetery. clw22 GUPPY. John (Long tlme employee of the lown of Richmond HI”) Suddenly, on lhursday, November 25, 1976. John Guppy. beloved husband of Irene Brock, of Richmond HI”. dear lather of Bill, Margaraet (Mrs. Ted Clague), Ruth (Mrs. erf Long) and Fred and loved by hrs grandchildren and great grandchildren. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Funeral was held on Saturday MUMBERSON, Lawson CAMPBELL, Samuel George At Princess Margaret Hosprtal. on Wednesday. November 24, 1976. George Campbell, beloved husband at Patncra Dalton, ol Maple. dear lather of Sandra and brother 01 Garrys (Mrs. James Jones) of Northern Ireland, Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, chhmond Hill Funeral servrce was held In St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Maple. on Saturday mornrng. Interment Maple Cemetery. clw22 afternoon. Interment chhmond Hill Cemetery Donations were made to the Ontario Heart Foundatlon. c1w22 HARRIS, George Williamnfiuddenly on Friday, November 26, 1976, George Harris, dear husband of Ruth Brash ol Gormley, dear father of Ruth. BIII. Earl, June. Elizabeth and Raymond, brother of Fred of Victoria Square and Grace of Vancouver. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St. Richmond Hill. Service Tuesday 130 pm, Interment Heise Hill Cemetery. Mark Kleiman, D.P.M., is pleased to announce the association of Morris Zolodeck, D.P.M., for the practice of Podiatry at 25 Wellington St. W., Wellington Medical Centre, Markham. Hours by appointment 294-9294 “5 In Memoriam 5“ Deaths 615 Announcements clw22 clw22 clw22 The five«mile route follows along the Humber River, providing an ample opportunity to catch a glimpse of birds The walk, which gets under way at 10:30 am. (until 2:20 p.m.), will be led by Allan Foster, Assistant Supervisor of the Kortright Centre for Conservation, a project of The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. For further information contact Metro Region Conservation at 661â€"6600. Black Creek Pioneer Village, located at Jane Street and Steeles Avenue, in northwest Metro Toronto, is ad- ministered by The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. The Village is open weekdays from 9:30 am. to 4:00 pm. and on weekends from 10:00 am. to 4:30 pm. It will be closed Christmas Day and New Year‘s Day only. WOODBRIDGE â€" The public is invited to a leisurely walk through the 1,200-acre Boyd Conservation Area. and up to the Kortright Centre and return, this Sunday To add to the Christmas scene at Black Creek, the choir members from St. Philip‘s Lutheran Church in Islington will sing Christmas carols in various locations through the Village, each Saturday and Sunday afternoon, between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m., up to December 19th. Go for a walk at the Boyd park From now to Jan. 3, the Village staff demonstrate how settlers prepared and observed the Yule. The Village houses display the simple decorations of the period - wreaths of evergreen boughs, garlands of cranberries and popcorn and the traditional kissing balls. The kitchens are filled with the aromas of freshly baked fancy breads, cakes, min- cemeat and puddings. DOWNSVIEW â€" The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority invites you to enjoy preparations for Christmas, pre-Confe- deration style, in Black Creek Pioneer Village. VON ZUBEN. Frank â€" In loving memory of a dear father. who passed away November 28, 1972. VON ZUBEN, Frank â€" In loving memory of a dear husband, who passed away November 28. 1972. GILLHAM â€" In lovrng memory of a dear father. who was taken from us Dec. 2nd. 1975. Dad was the greatest man. We had ever known, He helped us with our troubles. Though he had hrs own. We must have been a burden, But It was never shown. Always made time for us. We knew he really cared, Now he‘s gone memories wrll live lace. Are a pleasure to recall; He had a kindly word for each, And died beloved by all. Some day we hope to meet him, Some day, we know not when. To clasp his hand in the better land. Never to pan again. Sadly missed by Peter. Donna and Franky, Jr. . c1w22 Sight, But never out of mind They are cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind‘ Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just in all his days; Sincere and true in heart and mind. Sadly missed by We, Olive‘ daughters Susan and Teresa. If we walk in his lootsteps. We'll never go wrong, Sincere and true in all hIS ways‘ Until the end of his happy days. Sadly missed by his family and grandchildren c1w22 at Village Kissing balls Beautiful memones he left behind Those whom we love go out of His smiling way and pleasant 655 In Memoriam c1w22 For further in~ formation, contact Metro Region Conservation at 66145600. There is no cost associated with the hike but the regular $2. 00- parking charge is in ef- fect at the Boyd Con- servation Area, which is located one mile north of Woodbridge, on Islington Avenue. “WWWWWW‘Z A highlight of the outing it will be a progressg showing of the maing building of the Kortright' Centre for Conservationg which is presently underg construction. 32 Higgs expresseda “sincere and honest thanks to everyone who§ came forward to help and E everyone who gave â€" and 3 will give â€" to the cam~E paign." : and other small wildlife in 3 their natural habitat. = makea lot 1n November. .5? Bit-WEN"- $2 225 7377 mm Higgs stressed that this campaign has demon 52““ «wmmmwmwm strated t0 the citizens of ‘ York Region â€" individual g and corporate, public and private â€" that the area? commur‘ities and theirlg agencies are prepared tog work together to prove the need for voluntaryg services and meet that need as much as possible i mmwammmmwwe ”Nor is the campaigng really over, for con- g: tributions are still coming in and â€" need I say _,§ being gladly accepted. In E fact there is still time to g significantly improve thei‘ final result if everyone who has been contactedg will make their conâ€" § tribution, and here I amg certainly thinking of theg business, industrial and professional commun1t1es§ in the region A little â€"§ from each one â€" cang make a lot 1n November. Though feeling some g ”personal regret" that g the campaign will likely 1 not reach its objective, 53 Bob Higgs, executive g director, said: “When I‘ stand back from the heat $2 of the campaign and take ‘ an objective view of what Q has been done, given our g late start, I must agree 53 with those people who have praised the effort as g a success. g ’The campaign 0b_ 3 I'/4 mues worn or vans ur. on uon Mllls Kd. 9“ Jective iS $250 000 WhiCh E Ph. 895-631] OPEN Days 8. Evenings g r e p r e s e n t s t h eg awex9:mmmmvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm operational budgetg gaggggggnfiwof as CHRISTMAS SHOPPING? g cramp} Though feeling some 'g See our gift display of hand made work by local (I RICHMOND HILL â€"i§ Based on contributions : received and pledges of ' donations to come, York ‘ Region's first United Way 3.7.) campaign expects to g raise $150,000 on behalf of g the 13 participating agencies. g Coach 'of 'the team iséfi Steve Hopson. His assistant is Gary Hang Manager is Franky Durston. 2,. Barrie scored its second and final goal late in the third period. Rich! mond Hill 5 John Palmer" wrapped up the game by scoring a Shorthanded goal from Diantimo on a brilliant play. amwwmmw x Richmond Hill got its third goal courtesy of Jiml Gwillam assisted by' Kevin Robbins. Halfwayg through the third period itg was Thornhill scoringg from Carl Diantimo and Paul Thomas. a The Barrie game sawg Richmond Hillg dominating all the way with Doug MacLean' scoring the first goalg early from Troy Mitchellg and Jim Barton. 3 Carl Diantimo popped one in during the secondg period assisted by Paulg Thomas and Davidgz Kenny. g Barrie came back late' in the second period tog score their first goal. 3 The game was riddled‘g with penalties but thisg didn‘t slow down the Bantam B‘s victory. 3i RICHMOND HILL â€" Itm was a great weekend forg the Richmond Hill Vic-g toria and Grey Minor'g Bantam 11 team as they' bounced first placeg Barrie on Sunday right ing Barrie after downing Thornhill 3-1 Saturdaygg a night here. That game saw thefts Hill crew out skatingg and out shooting theg Thornhill team withg Harold Thornhill triggering two goals andg Jim Barton getting theg other one. Assists went tog Paul Thomas, Adrian Steenson. Jim Barton andg Scott Pipher United Way gets s 750, 000 weekend Vic. Gray Great CEWZI] gooo, knninh thnCI magma” g begihs‘HERE! $31st CHRISTMAS SALE dlllsallS dIIU a/IISIS. Macrame Ceramics Paintings ammmmmmmm 33: Open for your browsing pleasJe from Monday (a Saturday, until Christmas. See our gift display of Ila/Id made work by local artisans and artists. .LOWREY.CONN.WURLITZER, ORGANS Ye Olde Second Hand Shop F0}? CHRIS T MA S Cooked- Frozen Average 1 |b. each 12 per case $48 Minimum order 6 Lobsters also Frozen Lobster Meat 6 cans per pack $30 magma; Largest selection in Canada. 5175 allil up. Pill/BALLS % 727-8823. good 745-9580 We also have a great selection of NEW & USED PIANOS WHILE THEY LAST FAMILY FARMS FROZEN FOODS LTD., 1% Miles South of Davis Dr. on Don Mills Rd. We have a Huge Stock of. . . P.E.I. LDBSTERS WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL AND WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD 10217A Yonge Street Richmond Hill Organ 8. Piano lamps 8. large selection of music ponhnqv Pick Up 9 am. to 5 pm. Christmas Treat - An Exciting Gift at PONTINGS clw 22 102 Industrial Rd., Richmond Hill 884-6101 889-8411 3 John Wilson Blades Figure Skating Boutique & Sports (Competitot’ s Companion) Custom Boots All Accessories 6012 Yonge St. Willuwmle DEWZI] :‘A 1:34! 21 «mam! See our excellent selection of tables comer benches, comer cupboards, tour poster beds, pedestal tables. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, December 1. 1976 â€" B-ll wwwmwwwuwmwmmwwwmx Open 7 days a week. ch 2‘ summmmwmwmwmwmmwmws music centre Presents a Country Christmas with old fashioned gift ideas at old fashioned prices and a house decorated to delight young and old. Hot Coffee Served Free. Drop in and feel the spirit of a true country Christmas. “Craigmore House" Pine Furniture & Gifts Custom Orders Invited 0 Tool Sets 0 Wood Holders - Heat Circula Firewood $30 cord LEONA STONE & BLDG SUPPLY 0 Bellows “Accessories for the Fireblace” 8054 Yonge St, Thmllil! (Across from Kinney’s Shoes) 13265 Yonge St., Oak Ridges Yonge St. - Oak Ridges 773-4091 Grandpa's Attic ANTIQUES & GIFTS 0 Blooms 773-4251 387-2799 g THE PIANO SHOP Give the gift of Music. Over 20 menus to choose from. New and recondmonedA Uprights and apartment sizes. 25 percent OFF New Mason and RISCh. Hwy. No. 7 (13 miles east of Markham. 4 miles east 01 Brougham). xwwwwmm «mama-mama Open Friday and Saturday 10 am. -6 pm. 6834500 or 9853477 after hours, c4w22 MMMMMMMMR °Custom Screens 0 Heat Circulators

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