SCARBOROUGH â€"â€" Centennial College is sponsoring a seminar dealing with a wide range of consumer concerns, Dec. 2 from 10:30 am. to 12:30 pm. in Room B115 at the new Jack Dennett Building. 75 Ashtonbee Road. Representatives from the Ministry of Conâ€" sumer and Commercial Relations, the Better Business Bureau and the Canadian Standards Association will provide information relating to their functions and how the consumer can protect himself against unfair business practice. I For further iYIformation call Cehtennial College at 694-3241 ext. 602. THORNHILL â€" The York Philharmonic Choir, conducted by Edward F. Luka and ac- companied by the York Philharmonic Orchestra will perform “Carol Cantata" by David Ouchterloney (principal of the Royal Conâ€" servatory of Misic in Toronto and MC. of Starlight Serenade on CFRB), and “The Christmas Cantata" by Geoffrey Bush, on Dec. 10 at St. Gabriel‘s Church, 666 Sheppard Ave. East in Willowdale. The performance will start at 8:15 pm. Tickets are $3.50 for adults, $2.50 children under 14 and $10.00 per family (a couple and children under 14), and are available by calling 889-9440. Rééiétiétioii fee is $6.50 and enrollment is limited to 35 people. For further information call 676-1200 ext. 539. . One parent dance TORONTO â€"- The Art Gallery of Ontario will present two exhibits from the permanent collection. Opening Dec. 4 is “A Selection from the Permanent Collection: Old Master Drawingsâ€"Modern Drawings“ and Dec. 11, “Selections from the Canadian Historical Collection" will be on view. THORNHILL â€" The Richmond Hill-Thornhil] chapter of the One Parent Families Association of Canada will hold a dance at the Thornhill Community Centre, at Bayview and John Streets. Dec. 4 at 8:30 pm. REXDALE â€" Humber College will hold a mini-conference Dec. 16 from 7 pm. to 10 pm. concentrating on the preparation of Christmas spirits. Guest speaker will be renowned bar- tender, Harry Stavro. AURORA â€" The Willows Nursing Home will hold a Christmas Tea Dec. 4 from 2 to 4 pm. Included will be a craft and bake sale as well as a raffle. All proceeds will be put to the purchase of a projector and screen. southern york region scheduled events , THORNHILL â€" The Villa Hospital at 9000 Bathurst St. will hold a holly tea and bazaar Dec 4 from 1 to 4 pm. Raffles are included. Christmas spirits THORNHILL â€" The third annual Christmas Craft Show and Bazaar will be held at the York Farmers Market Dec. 5 from 11:30 am. to 5:30 pm. Admission for adults is 50 cents and children will be admitted free. Consumer ripâ€"offs form discussion Market craft show Limited transportation will be available for those in wheelchairs or those who have no other way of getting out. To arrange transportation call any of the following numbers before Dec. 6. 294â€"4300; 297-3459 ; 884â€"8737. WILLOWDALE â€" St. Joseph‘s School of Nursing will hold a Christmas party in the nurses residence Dec. 4 from 2 to 5 pm. All grads and children welcome. For information call 762-8979 or 274-5195. TORONTO â€" An exhibition of dolls and toys from the Victorian era entitled “A Child‘s World“ will open at Mackenzie House, 82 Bond Street Dec. 3. Historic Mackenzie House, was the home of Toronto first Mayor, William Lyon Mackenzie. Open 9:30 am. to 5 pm. Monday to Saturday and noon to 5 pm. Sundays. During Victorian Christmas, December 3-24, the ad« mission for adults is 75 cents‘ children & senior citizens 50 cents. Mackenzie House will be closed December 25th, 26th and January lst. The Willows tea A GO exhibits York choir sings THORNHILL â€" There will be a public meeting to discuss sports and recreation for the disabled in the south part of York region Dec. 13, 8 pm in the Thornhill Community Centre, 7755 Bayview Avenue. Thornhill. Nursing party Sports for disabled Villa Holly tea WILLOWDALE â€" A medley of art will be held at Gibson House scheduled to open Dec. 5 from 4 to 6 pm. Gibson House is located at 5172 Yonge St. (north-west corner of Yonge and Park Home). MAPLE - Recipients of the annual safety awards presented at the Vaughan Township Hydro dinner were the following: One year: D. Calverley, H.Deyarmond,R. Ohlis, D. DiPasquale, No year: R. Smith, R. Jaillet. Three year: A. Barron, Four year: E. Hill. H. Nelson, Five year: S. Hollingsworth. Six year: H. Degelling, W. Robbins, Seven year: D. Stapley, T. White, Nine year: P. Moat. H. Higginson. Toys, dolls on display Gibson art medley Safety award winners Admission for membei's is $3and $5 for guests We must live with the choices made A little boy of five, after seeing a puppet show, expressed his reaction this way: “I‘m glad I’m not one of those preten- ding persons. They have to do what they‘re told." The lad was right. We are real persons. able to stand up and make our choices. That is the way God created us. But, two things must be added. Firstly, we are not free to choose the results of our choosing. That is in hands other than our own. Involved in the freedom to choose are hazards, possibilities for break- down and heartache, possibilities for good and evil depending on how and what we choose. By Rev. Robert Quick Free Methodist Church In a few days many of us will be free to do the most important thing in the world â€"â€" CHOOSE â€" by means of exercising our franchise to vote. It is important we vote but also very important how we vote.- We have to live with the choices we make. Something to choose Secondly, since God made us to choose, there must be something to choose between. There is no election if there are not at least two possibilities. The universe God created is a moral one â€" one which takes sides on moral issues. Although our society would say otherwise, there are ‘moral laws' â€" unwritten laws of God. which we RICHMOND HILL â€" The Charlotte Ingram Memorial game will be played Dec. 5 at noon and 6 pm. Funds from the tournament will go to the Arthritis Society. Nov. 19, Women's pairs: 1. Sandy Jenkinson and Ann Payment. 2. Ruth Browning and Kathy Millree. 3. Rose Morrell and Grace Saunders. Men's Pairs: 1. Gerry Browning and Stewart Cole. 2. Fred Strang and Peter Vandervalk. 3. Henry Natale and George Payment. and Jack Robilotti; 4. Betty Hull and Cora Gillham. East-west: 1. Henry Natale and Richard Charlebois; 2. Sherry RICHMOND HILL â€" Anglican Church will gi‘ of long time Hill resid( Dec. 5 service to be he 10.00 am â€" Bible School Classg‘ for all ages 1100 a m â€" Mommg Servuce 7 00 p m â€" Evening Semce Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 00 am An Old Fa_shv9ned Country Church Advertising: Bridge tourney this week ANGLICAN WEDNESDAY 7:30 PM - Mud-Week Bible Study "The Homs of Worship ate Precious" WELCOME! SUNDAY 9:45 AM. - Church School F0: Bus. Ministry call 881-2818 11:00 AM. - Mommg WOIShID ‘ 5'? DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SER ‘Y I I erg @unduy VICES FOR THE WEEK RLCTOR Rev Bernard Barrett 884 1394 Rev Fred Jackson 884 2418 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1976 8:00 am. Eucharist 10:30 am. Worshlp Serwces Church School Krndergarten & Nursery School WEDNESDAY Sun‘ Dec. 5th, 1976 10:30 am. Holy Communron‘ . Church School. Kindergarten ‘ 8. Nursery School Wednesdays >10 a.m. - Holy Communron Specral Advent Program at 8 pm December 1, 8 8.15.1976r Leader- Rev, Desmond Hunt LIMIDMN ADVERVEIOG ADV|$OSIV M (Member Baphst Convention of Ontano and Quebec) PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST SI MARY S ANGLICAN Yonge St. at Vaughan Rd Richmond H.II RkCTOR Rev Bernald Benet! 884 1394 is your way of introduction. Rev BT McSpadden Pasl0r Phone 884~7859 C0108! of Weldnck Road anfl Bathulst Street on the Edge of the City Rev. Dana H. Lamb BA. B.D. Mlmstet 10 00 a m EUCHARISI ST. JOHN'S BAPIIST CHURCH 700 D m EUCHARISI 75 Oxford Street :gxxxmagxxxxAw «A ‘Nv Wflerrxxx¢rm must come to terms with A father, in explaining Newton's Law Of Gravitation and how it holds things together, was asked by his son “Well, Dad, who held things together before they passed this law?“ Just as Newton did not pass the Law of Gravity but only discovered it, so we do not pass moral laws or create them out of our “taboos and rules". We discover them. They are written into the very structure of our being â€" the way we are made to live. The Bible tells us God made man in His own image. He stamped within us a way to live and work just as an engineer stamps within an engine, which he constructs, a way to work and if it obeys and chooses that way, it works well and har- moniously. Walk with lights A man was about to walk across a street against the lights when another stepped up to him and said “Friend, if you want to live long walk with the lights. If you don‘t, walk against them. That is the lesson of life. If we want to live well, choose to walk with the green lights God has given us. If you don‘t, then choose to walk against God's red lights, and be hurt. So we don‘t have to do what we are told. We are not “pretending people". The Rev. 1.81 Bums. MA. 8.0., PM). SUNDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1976 ADVENT II "THE BIBLE - WORD OF GOD?" Adult Bible Class 9:30 AM Dunne Semce 11:00 AM. (Church School children in church) Presbyteens 12:15 PM. Shaft Evening Senuce 7:00 PM. VISITORS WELCOME Nov. 22, north-south: 1. Fred Dieken and Ross Jenkinson; 2. Fred and Theresa Tierney; 3. Wendy and John Hunter, East-west: 1. Ron Marlow and Murray Ferguson; 2. Don and Marion Fahner; Vogan and Diane Brown; 3. Natalie Plant Platner and Mabel Howe; 4. Gladys Palmer and Cecile Dezoette. , For information about 3. Bob Manning and Victor Cronshaw. Nov. 17, north-south: 1. Bev Jones and Verda Moore; 2. Marco and Nick Parmegianni; 3. Roberta and Jack Robilotti; 4. Betty Hull and Cora Gillham. Presbyterian LUTHERAN 9:30 am. Worship Serwce 10:30 am. Sunday Church School ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 10131 Baywew Avenue 1.81 DAUPHINEE. PASTOR 9:30 am. - Sunday Church School HOLY TRINITY CHURCH BROOKE ST‘, THORNHILL (8‘ OF HWY. 7 B, W‘ OF YONGE ST.) ’ 889â€"5931 THORNHILL~ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1976 11:00 AM Worship Sennce 11:00 am. Sunday School 11:00 am. Mommg WOIShID ‘ZION LUTHERAN (2 miles south of Maple) Rev‘ James S. Dauphmee Vice«Past0r - 884-5264 Monday - 6:30 - 8:00 pm Explorers Group Girls ages 9-11 Orgamst & Chou Dner! Mu Ruchavd Phuilnps Rev W RICHMOND HILL PRE§BYIERIAN CHURCH MlmStel arn Wallace I Church holds la if; special service We are people with the freedom to choose. Are we ready to face the consequences of those choices? 148 Ihornndge Dr. Thornhlll MmlStE' Rev. 0. VanderBoom M.Th. - 8896225 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1976 Sennce at 10:30 am. and 5:00 pm 9:45 am. Fm free numbets. Wed. 7:00 PM, - FAMILY NIGHT Activities tar every family membet “$00 an Motning Worship Servuce Nursery and childrens church provided. Thurs. 9:30 AM. - Ladies Colfee Cup Bible Study. 7:00 pm Evening Fellowship Hour Sunday. December 5, at 11 AM. _ADVENT || - 'Wartrng' (Nursery Care and Church School to 14 years) 7:30 PM. "The Grft of Christmas- lhen and Now" - C.Gll.T. Vesper Servrce Richmond Hill and Thornhrll Unrted Church CGIT groups and Junior Chorrs and Richmond HrII Explorers - All are welcome, RICHMOND HILL â€" Parishioners of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church will give a special thanks for the life of long time Hill resident, Harry Stanford, at a the Dec. 5 service to be held at 10:30 am. Charismatic Serwces at RuchvaIe Community Centre - Avenue Road. Pastor F. Bond. 8510358 (Aft. wsth the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada). 10:00 am. - COOKIES BIBLE HOUR U Lively smgmg 0 Puppets and qmzzes 0 Scnpture churus - Bible stones. 11:00 am. - PRAISE SERVICE 7:00 pm. - CHARISMATIC SERVICE ALL WELCOME. from the churches ‘A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU Pentecostal Other Denominations Would it not be wise to SUNDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1976 UNITED RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge 8. Centre Streets 884-130] BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev Robe SundaySchool bus serwce call above Rev. Robert C. Quick ..... freedom to choose WW;§$¥»’>$‘M§ co-operate with God, align our choices with His will and way, and make His wisdom our own. what a possibility for god and us! future games call 884- 1689‘ 727-5789 or 727-2580. Regular games are held Mondays and Fridays at 8 pm. and Wednesdays at 1 8:00 pm - 8‘ Kmdetgarten School for Gn 11:00 am THE MISSIONARY CHURCH GURMLEY Rev. CeCII Rosenberger 887-5846 ANTONE INDIAN FAMILY FRIDAY. DEC. 3rd. 8 pm, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1976 9.50 - Sunday School 11 am â€" Morning WOIShID 7:30 pm - Evening Inspirahon the Canadlan Home blble League. 11:00 a m, - Bible Study and Mommg Service 7:00 pm. - Communion SEIVICE 00 pm. - Even SUNDAY 12:30 pm. Watch "The Herald of Tfu‘h WV Channel 3. Bame NI< Concord Rd, & No‘ SUNDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1976 WEDNESDAÂ¥ 800 pm:- Bnble Study Wednesday Night 7:30 pm Family Night A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST A Church of The New Testament Older A.E. Atkinson Mumster - 669-1831 A, Young ~ Sec‘ 6692734 SUNDAY SERVICES RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL 24 Oak Ave†Rlchvale he Lord‘s Suppe: Family Bible Hour Sunday School I to Glade 6. Bible rade 7 and up. School and Praye: 7 Hwy $QEQJT®®EB @W This is a. good time for tradin‘ in your tired old sled for a spirited new Cat. Because our trade-in allowâ€" ances have never been better. And you'll never find a better sled than this year’s Get. So let‘s get together. Aren‘t. you ready to have a mighty good year for a. change? Arctic " BUS: 884-7774 at RES: 888-1166 C BETHESDA SALES 8: SERVICE (RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA) "FISH AND CHIPS" rthesefacts 7.4.1 n! an proï¬ess Conyde v _ , \\'s n inc! "‘3‘ 2‘ A4 1% miles noth of Stouflville - Gonnley I 2 miles east of Woodbine Ave. on the Bethesda Side Road H. T EHHY GUUDWI/ll VAUGHAN COUNCIL Act nOW- WILL BE PLEASED TO WELCOME NEW AND OLD CUSTOMERS WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF FRESH AND FROZEN FISH AND SEAFOOD McLe°dv “A DECEMBER 6th, 1976 in business *Famous for English Style PHON E: 884â€"7733 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT DONALD CALVERT THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. December 1. 1976 -â€" C-3‘ VOTE MONDAY (11 AM. TO 8 PM.) 839-8066 (9’95" suar YOU me 93" 01 me Bonnley Road