Specializing in Custom work. Experienced in additions & building houses. CARPENTER 8v (‘ompelenl Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. ( Bob) Ross IIHI (‘entre St. W. ~ 884â€"1788 Bookkeeping & Accounting Services Refrigerators. freezers ranges. dishwashers dryers. BOOKKEEPING 8- INCOME TAX Accounting Service Bookkeeping THE SMALL BUSINESS SPECIALISTS Payroll Income Tax Italian and German CUSTOM BUILT REC ROOMS, BARS GARAGES, ADDITIONS PORCHES. CEDAR FENCING COTTAGES UNUSUAL JOBS AII types 0! Carpentry wort Full Range ofSon-ices INCOME TAX KENNETH .\l. PAL 8894377 lfcl Complete ï¬nancial Statements Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly Payroll Admin. 884-8890 - Accounting - Income Tax -ljmited companies formed - $150. Plus Govt. Fee. S.H. Mamott BS EN Ave. E.. Ste. 200 I! Yonge St. Refrigeration Appliances Humidiï¬ers Air Cleaners ’ Air - Conditioners Installation Er Service J. C. HUGHES K. A. SMITH CARPENTRY ASK FOR TONY FREE ESIIMM’ES Please phone 8844634 Behre 1 pm. -Afte15 p.m D.J. Dilwonh 8 Assoc.. N0 JOB T00 SMALL ALLIED APPUANCE SERVICES Repairs to All Makes Air Conditioning BOB ROSS CONTRACTING Carpentry BOUKKEEPINU 11520 Vonga St. Ste. 207, Richmond Hil Appliances Service FREE ESTIMATES For small busmesses Accounting Services CARPENTRY 889-7250 EVGS. 884-8217 DAYS 773â€"5056 889-5683 487-2157 I PRICE & SON 8848209 USYOM HOUSES REE ESTIMATES 8844030 884-5887 884~7530 NC 20 (awn lfcl!) find the service you need for home or business in this "(if (1w ‘8 "(1] Hc5 tfcl 895-3054 7734256 I Contractors (‘L'STOM BL'ILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates OService, Maintenéncer and Installations Excavation work Basements - Sewers Dumf Trucks ourlv 0: contact LUD ELECTRIC Housmisuspae'nny Joscelyn Laughlin Harper, Tory & Associates CHARTERED .\(‘(‘()l'.\'T.\f\'T 10265 Yungv Street Phone: 884-865l-889-x275 (‘halrtered .\ccountants I035?) \‘onge Street Nortl Richmond Hill. ()nt. XM-HH-S SH (ieneva Street St. ('atharines. ()nt. 684-] I77 Metro Lie Heavy Machinery Moving. AURORA 727-5544 IH‘ISllH-IVTLH l.l-I()N.\Hl) R. ROSENBERG 8.- .\SSO('IATES ('harlen-d Accountants 887-5720 - K8931?“ PH Yonge Street 5. Aurora. Ontario Richmond Hill Contracting Co Ltd. ('OMMERCLH Brian H. Cowen and Heine Impmvemms of al desctiptim 889-5762 lNDl'STRlAJ Chartered Accountants T 8* J COMMERCIAl Electricians 884-4135 S. PAYNE Contracting Concrete Work Janitorial Services Carpet Cleaning Chartered Accountants 669-1321 Carpet: Upholstery LEONARD‘S HOUR Ctï¬ANING I0.256 Yonge St MIDWA Y 884-2092 Cleaners CLEANERS Richmond Hill REID & BRADLEY Cleaning 881-0431 \uuvly at contact 8846477 v- - "<49 ":32 "(M Nu Ifc! Cellulose libre meets GSA & CMHC standatds. clw2l Using cellulose fibre & modern blown method. Free inspection & estimate. HOME IMPROVEMENTS URBAN INSULATION CO. 0 Eavesuwgh ' Rooï¬ng Home Services Alcan Aluminum Distributor - Ahmimm Siding - Sofï¬ï¬‚ Two flanâ€"us, }néh wutï¬ trucks are willing to move you. clean yards. basements etc. Please call 8846179 0: 884-8267, tfc 20 I Siding 0 Suffil o Shunt-rs 0 Windows RECREATION ROOMS, PATIOS WINDOWS â€" DOORS Insurance - Mortgages Fire. .\uto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Telephone 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario. ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS Quality home improvements and electrical work Call Now Man will do Exterior Painting Tree Removal and Pruning Excellent workmanship Corner Agency Limited Gunar Construction CARPENTIIY WORK ADDITIONS SEALED GLASS SLIDING DOORS Installed - $3M BBQ-507?: Home Improvements O hqmrs FRI-2H l-ZS’I‘INI.‘\'I‘1'ZS JOHN \lacl’lll‘Il-J 884-8505 x3 ('I‘I\'I‘IU‘L ST. E. RH‘IIMUNDIIILI, "(3° -Residential 'Commglcial IArmsnung OManninglon Mills HANDYMAN MacPHEE ALUMINUM J.S. Adams Flooring (30., 884-2031 MOV'INGT CLEAN UPS? 884-0307 m 20 Insurance 294-3866 Insulation Cushion Flooring Free Estimates Days 895-5516 Evgs. 881L106!) Small moving on; 889-4277 Evgs. 881-5829 Handymen Free Estimates 884-6162 Flooring Afterï¬p.m. Ton Truck Tree cutting O.\\\ninga 0 Railing.“ "cu TH: 18 mu Free Estima'es 255-4222 ‘ Lawn Service ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS FERTILIZING PLANTING GARDENING PAINTING R‘ lsFOND WALKER CONSTRUCTION Brighton Janitor Service 884-1060 Evgs- BULT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years' experience Industrial sites, apartments, driveways, plazas, schools, etc. LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE Grounds 8 Building Maintenance Specializing in Raiï¬ngs Made lo Measute BE Spruce Avenue, Richmond Hill Now Is The Time! INTERIOR 0R EXTERIOR flames, Cottages or Industries All War/r Guaranteed Act quickly and phone day or night 14 years experience. Free estimates. CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES Moving and Storage Snow Shave/ling Dunesï¬chCunm‘al 889-2362 J & D Snow Plowmg Reliable Tower 884-5581 Janitor Contracts Wanted Ask for 8840 to leave message MOVING Iron Works TV Towers AM & FM Radio Reasonable Raves Masonry 833-5040 Designed, supplied & erected 884-2882 Painters and Decorators E. ROSE 88¢0293 226-4040 Custom Made Draperies Janitorial Services All types & sizes One st0p drapery centre 0mm Plaza 884-0139 10620 Yonge SLN. Richmond Hill Fully Insured TN. Towers Snow Removal up to 889-8862 259-1672 Hus "<45 "(l WE SELL AND REPAIR ALL GARDEN EQUIPMENT AND SNOW BLOWERS. 3700 3mm Street‘ Mower Sales and Service Optometrists ‘ Suns/line lawn 'l‘YPlflVRITl-IRS \l)l)l\(‘. \l \('III\ES SALES- RENTALS l..ll. SIMS xx Baker .\\9‘ Richmond Hill â€" XXI-[74 Typewriters - Adders Electronic calculators all makes. Sales - Service Typewriters - Adding Machines Sales 8 Service Ali’s Office Machines Richmond Hill 881 - 1 997 787-9331 A. W. Kirchen, O.D. Cash Registers Electronic Suite 20! Professional Bldg 22 l!l(‘ll3l(l\'l) S’l‘ REUNION!) llll.l l5) nppninlnwm Office Machines 495-6302 8843962 tic18 tfc 20 c5w 22 tfc18 "clo HcS [745 mu Speciaizing in cmespondeme. [e sumes, reports. ï¬nancial statements. IBM Sebctric ll. Dictation v‘n tele phone uarscviaer. [ï¬ning Service I Richmnd Hill and smwnding area Free estimates No ubigaï¬un TANDEM BL'SH!NGS Aurora 7273121" RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL C & L Painters 884-9026 Hill (IRES 7' Pl UMBI/VG 8899398 Painting Wallpapering Stucco 'PAINTING 0 PLASTER REPAIRS DEAL SERVICES Snowplawing York Spring Service R CLARK Plann 8. Decorahve Plastering REPAIRSA SPECIALTY Free EshmaOes Sinhiy a by comract 24 ha: answeting sen/ice. PAINTING 3 DECORATING Free Eshmates Karl Bundschuh 884-4832 Painting and Decorating PAINTlNG & PAPERHANGING R. E. Dunn 727-3303 Plastering - Thornhill Secretarial Service PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx 884-1650 Secretarial Service Peter Elliott Snow Ploughing PAIN TING PMS TERI/VG FINISHED BA SEMEN TS Paperhanging 4881521 - 8893185 Plumbing & Electrical Reasonable Rates 889-8358 Ms. All types a! renovation: Free Estimates 889-2163 Plastering EXTERIOR PAINTING A! Work Guaranteed D. LYON Plumbing Heating PAINTING 49¢4988 John's Home Maintenance 884-0824 Painters 630-7335. days 661 0839. evenings 8847650 727-5538 and 7734138 "I!" "(I UHZD "€50 7E1! "(l9 tfcld ffl} II tfc19 mu [whee Cutting IT ALL STARTED WITH THE WORKS IN THE DRAWER York Home T.V. Sle. 601. “83 Finch Avenue West. Downsview. Ontario M31 2G2 Ofï¬ce: 630-2661 Vflepairs to all makes of T.V.'s, Appliances Er Vacuums Sweetheart Peter & Beaver Bernie Call Lorne Bridal 884-1712 m You can kill two buds with one stone- convert the lump sum mlo 3 Me income and lave a bundle in taxes now. by using Sun Li'e‘s Hans!" of lunds arrange- menL The lump sum mo taxman didn't gel wiIl be put to work tor you, and you'll be taxed only as the income is paid. Give me a call. Le! me show you how small that tax lump becomes. asides. wouldn't a lule Income be more useful Io you than a lump sum? If you're expeciing Income In a lump sum (say, lrom a registered pension plan or a damned proï¬t sharing plan or as a retiring allowance) you can expect to be taxed in a lump as well! Sobering though! Isn’t il! IF YOU HAVE CHANGED YOUR PLACE OF RESIDENCE since October 12, 1976 your name will not appear on the Polling List at your new address. Attention is drawn to the fact that you may vote in respect to your former residence provided y0u are on the Polling List at that address. Town Clerk ElectOrs are urged to vote before 5 pm. to avoid congestion at the polls. Please do not wait until peak voting hours (5 pm. to 8 pm.) to cast your V016. Vote early Voting hours 11 am. to 8 pm C.D. WELDON Electors are urged to note location of polling place stated on postcard mailed to all electors advising where to vote. THE RELAXATION MACHINE! How ro Keep More of Your Money TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS DECEMBER 6, 1976 NOTICE TO ELECTORS 10610 BAYVIEW AVE. UNIT 18. RICHMOND HILL 8844165 TV Service 0 Conphta Tree Removal ' Trimming - Pruring ' Land Chaï¬ng ' Fiawood Fm Ssh I. RACCO, C.L.U. FREE ESTIMAYES 4w] TFC 20 The electronic marvel of tomorrow is available to help you live better today. Mind-machine communication can lead you to a totally new sense of awareness, a harmony of mind and body usually reserved for those people willing to dedicate themselves to years of training. We not only offer a lull money back guarantee If you are not satisfied, we also think the potential of biofeedback technique IS so great in other areas besrdes stress control, weight loss and meditation that we offer a cash incentive for those persons Willing to assist us In our followup research program. If you wish more :information about biofeedback Just send us your name and address. For [those of you already aware of the benefits the price IS only $59.99 which rincludes packaging and delivery by insured mail. It would also make a useful and unique Christmas gift If you act quickly. Send your cheque or money order tozaioElectronics, P.0. Box 2208, Station "P", Toronto, Ont. Please include Provincial sales tax. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. December I, 1976 â€" C-5 /{ TOWNE a} COUNTRY}: scum: YONGE AT srmcs 7| (a ' ta} cos c $990 AND BE REMEMBERED ALL YEAR ROUND! The ‘ Keyboard "When P“ t; M! MEI nm‘ @be liberal Why Don’t You, Get in the Spirit of Things? give ?l¢ut{s You’ve heard it before: You’ve got to walk before you can run. It’s true. So let’s get movin’. Member Canadlu PER YEAR (DELIVERED ANYWHERE) CIRCULATION DEPT. BOX 390- 8840981 RICHMOND HILL (NC 4Y6) COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE O 'tical 6w - EVEGLASS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED ' CONTACT LENSES. ham or sch 0 MODERN FRAME STYLES - CUSTOM MADE FRAMES 0 SAFETY GLASSES FOR WORK OR PLAY Open: MM‘Fï¬. 9:30 am ‘ 9:30 pm Sat 9:30 am » 6:11] pm CHAMï¬ (libs liberal flaunt/patriot], ‘ Walk a block.’l‘oday. lDisponiing Oplicxanl 226-9252 5237 YONGE SI OPENMON vFll 9 9"M SA! AMHE FIE! DAIIING I! I‘ll 5223-5168 Decembel 1, 1976 '[7/0/7