is not sufficient. The golden thread of Christ‘s teaching must permeate a school â€" dedicated to Christian living. As the sugar is absorbed by the coffee and changes its taste, so the faith is absorbed into the child‘s school day and changes its outlook on life“ “The Christian faith, being taught by believing teachers runs through our learning day. A specific time allotment "Emphasis on the core subjects â€"â€" namely the three Rs â€" reading, writing and arithmetic is a must in any school system today. Enrichment subjects are fine when they can be taught without jeopardizing the time necessary for the basic subjects. There is only so much teaching time in the day and the best use must be made of what is available. However, economic use of time can work wonders. Also, where there is a will, _ther_e is a way._ Robinson: Emphasize the basics He is presidentâ€"elect of the Richmond Hill Ministerial Association and a member of York Region Priests Association. RICHMOND HILL â€" Father Francis Robinson. parish priest at Our Lady Queen of the World Church is seeking his third term on the Roman Catholic separate school board in the Dec. 6 election. His concerns in the coming election are as follows: Actors wan ted The play, a comedil-drainé, is being directed by Brian J. Moore. It will run from Jan. 28 to Feb. 12. Producer Beryi Radke said there was “d35pergte need for? yoyng people‘i Casting date for the comedy-drama is Sunday at 2 pm. at the Curtain Club Newkirk and Elgin Mills Rds. RICHMOND HILL â€" Young men and women between the ages of 20 and 26 â€" English accents preferred â€" are being sought by the Curtain Club for its next production, All in Good Time A-Z â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. December 1. 1976 Candida tes s ta ta Ca tho/i0 school issues STEAKS .............. PRIME RIBS FISH ...... BACK RIBS ..... SHRIMPS Editorial 8 Accounting . . Circulation ........... Display Advertising Classified Advertising . . TELEPHONE THE LIBERAL DEPARTMENTS DIRECT METROSPAN â€" NORTH DIVISION :15» Van Kampen - General Manager Jean Baker Pearce , Assrsranl General Manager Jum Davies - Advertismg Director Peler Lune - Crrcularron Drrecror Norman Srunden A Production Manager Larry Johnsron - News Edrror, MarkhamVaughan Edrlron Bull Lever News Edrror, Richmond Hrll Edmon Colrn Forsylh - Adverlrsung Supervrsor Ross Hodso" Crrculanon Supervrsor Lorna Woods Accounting Manager The Liberal Is pubhshed each week by Merrospan Communlry Newspapers anrred Thus newspaper member or the Canadian Commumry Newspaper Assocralron and the Audur Bureau of Circulation CLASSIFIED â€" tau-nos, sex-33"]? Home delivery 01 The Liberal is 80 cents every law weeks; by mail $9.90 a year in C‘ outside of Canada. No local mail delivery wheve carrier service exisls. Francis Robinson ..... seeks third term OPEN 11.00 AM. to 10 RM. 7 DAYS A WEEK â€FEATURING DAILY" OUR SPECIALTY “STRAWBERRY PIE" LOCATED AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF HILLCREST MALL (Next to Kâ€"Mart) THE MILL RESTAURANT AND TAVERN Ely: ifilm'al The contents, both editonal and advertismg of The Liberal, Richmond Hill, are protected by copyright and any unauthorized use is prohibited. â€GREEK GOURMET SALADS" FRESH HOME MADE PIES (@3015me lOlOl Yonge Street P.O. Box 390, L4G 4Y6, Onlaric , TELEPHONE â€" 38‘3177‘ 881-3373 Second Class Mail Regisuation No 0190 VOLUME 99. NUMBER 21 881-3654 884â€"81 77 884-0981 884-81 77 884-1 1 05 “Our children are this country‘s most valuable resource and we have the responsibility to see that this resource is not squandered. “We are fortunate to live in a country where we have two of the world‘s greatest languages and cultures. Our children are deprived of a certain enrichment if these values are not made available to them. “I would like to see the very best possible educational opportunities provided for the students in our schools. I would like to see that the extremely high school taxes paid achieve this end_ If not-why not? In other words, both the parents and the taxpayers should be getting value for their money. “It has become evident that there must be a return to the basics in our educational system along with in- creased emphasis on written work. Also, I can see nothing but benefits to be gained from an effective, comâ€" prehensive French language program‘ She is studying for a degree at York University. and says she feels. as a concerned parent and taxpayer, an obligation to become involved in community affairs. Here are her comments on the separate school system: "We should not be intimidated by educational experts to turning over something so very important as our children‘s education and future into the hands of professionals without at least being aware of, or questioning, the methods employed", she says Greer: Need realists in education RICHMOND HILL â€" It is time we injected some realists into our educational system, says Joan Greer‘ a Richmond Hill housewife seeking election to the York Region Roman Catholic separate school board. “Today {ve are being swamped by government bureaucracy, complete with ‘experts' in all fields, at every level. CIRCULATION â€" 884-0931, 88145376 Joan Greer ..... questions methods Thornhill 8 Toronto Customers Call 881 -3373 For all Depts Zanada, $15.00 a year “In the eight years of its existence, the board has acquired the services of an administrative staff of exceptional capability and in co-operation with this staff. has attracted a teaching staff that could well be the envy of many school boards in Ontario. Taylor: Grade 13 is long overdue RICHMOND HILL â€"â€" Education in Roman Catholic separate schools to Grade 13 is long past due. says in- cumbent trustee John Taylor. seeking his fifth term on York region Roman Catholic separate school board. “Everyone connected with the board, trustees, administration, principals. consultants, teachers, maintenance and custodial personnel have been concerned only with providing the best education possible for the children entrusted to our care and have bent their best and most dedicated efforts toward that end. An accountant. Taylor is a resident of Richmond Hill and father of seven children. He has 10 years experience as a separate school trustee, serving on the board prior to regional amalgamation. with five years ex- perience as chairman. i “I am not aware of any issue facing candidates for the position of trustee," he says.He also commented: “We are a growing board and face the problems that come with development and expansion over a very large area. But, these are problems. net issues, and are being met in the best way possible » eveh though somewhét un- satisfactory temporary measures must sometimes be used to solve them.“ Audi Porsche 22 Prospect St.. Newmarket 10350 Yonge St., Lower Level, Richmond Hill SPECIAL CLINICS Free and confidential information, advice, diagnosis and treatment John Taylor ..... 10 years experience ‘A' FAMILY PLANNING iv 1': BIRTH CONTROL at *VENEREAL DISEASES * York Regional Health Unit TWO LOCATIONS 7-9 pm. Wed. [LB p.m. Thurs. 9-12 noon Tues. 7-9 pm. Wed. Fri. Morn. By appointment Hwy.11, Newmarket 895-2366 1mm;364-7917 H. J. PFAFF b MflTflBS AND O’_F|_ahertv: Minimize the costly waste 895-451 1 887-5843 832-1296 881M 133 832-1384 887-5245 297-3533 “Greater control of education budget spending is now becoming a priority. With the increase in enrollment in the separate school system, on the one hand‘ and the government cut in spending on the other, the board will have to take a hard look at next year‘s budget. assess priorities and minimize wastage.“ He has no previous political ex- perience. but has served as area group committee chairman, treasurer and leader with the Boy Scouts of Canada. O‘Flaherty. who has lived in the Richmond Hill area for 11 years. has had 13 years‘ experience as a manufacturing manager for a pharâ€" maceutical company He hopes to be able to put this experience to good use testing board budget proposals. con- tributing to controlled spending and asking pertinent questions when in- dividual budget proposals are brought before the board. â€As candidate‘ my main theme is better communication between board members and principals of schools in the areas in which they were elected, so as to be able to assess the needs of those schools, bring problems to the attention of the board and demand action when it is warranted. RICHMOND HILL â€" Better com- munication is needed between board members and the principals of schools. says Michael O‘Flaherty. candidate for the York Region Roman Catholic separate school board. M Michael O‘Flaherty improve communication i ON DEC. 6th. ELECT FOR FULL TIME REGIONAL COUNCILLOR WAINWRIGHT * HE HAS THE TIME. * EXPERIENCE. AND ABILITY.... THAT RICHMOND HILL NEEDS 28 YEARS A RESIDENT For transportation call 884-1669 - 889-5355 - 887-5803 LOU Although he has had no previous political experience, Burzillo is em- ployed as a resource teacher with the Metropolitan Toronto separate school board and has served on the Ontario English Catholic Teacher Association, Ontario Physical and Health Education Association and is past president of Metroplitan Separate School Athletic Association. Burzillo: Must stress ’the 3 Rs’ RICHMOND HILLâ€" The board must ensure that the “Three Rs" are con- tinually being taught, Pat Burzillo sees as the most important concern as he seeks election to the York Region Roman Catholic separate school board. “The establishment of St. Robert‘s junior high in Thornhill has created new horizons for separate schools in the region. Can or should the board, in the future, provide educational facilities for a Catholic education to the end of Grade 13‘? Can or should the board establish other junior highs to serve other parts of the region?“ At present. there are two representatives of the separate school board on the public board. Burzillo wants to see what steps can be taken to attain closer liaison with the public board and how can professional ex- perience be shared to the benefit of the (-hilgren attending both svstems. Burzillo says new programs, such as industrial arts, home economics and instrumental music, can help students explore different aspects of education. Pat Burzillo ..... Oak Ridges resident Thompson: What are the issues? â€I don‘t know how the electorate will decide who to vote for in this election," Thompson said, trying to think of some concrete issue that might distinguish one candidate from the next. “I just can‘t understand the lackadaisica] attitude of the people, yes lackadaisical. that‘s what I mean." he said. He was also the only candidate to show up at an all candidates meeting held at Richmond Hill High School Monday. Now he's back again to try to get some public interest stirred up. He‘s been attending the meetings for the last couple of months and has been very disturbed by the apathy. “I guess they‘ll be voting strictly for their friends." At 49, Thompson is well experienced in school board goings on. He served for three years on the Richmond Hill separate school board before regional amalgamation and then served six years on the public school board until his defeat in the 1974 election. RICHMOND HILL â€" There just don‘t seem to be any issues at stake in this election. says Conn Tompson, seeking one of the three available seats on the Roman Catholic separate school board. “There‘s nothing- that I can comé up with or take issue to," he said. Conn Thompson . a former trustee