Almira ~ Box Grove ' Browns' Corners - Hagerman Corners - Locust Hill ° Markham - GO INFORMATION: Schedu‘leâ€"thang-Esâ€"N‘éveâ€"mber 28 Vote ROY MULDREW, on DEC. 6, I976 TO All THE RESIDENTS “I believe the region requires someone who can work with and make responsible decisions on matters which affect long range planning, long range development, long range concern for the residents of o‘ur'communities. | feel that l have the experience, the background, and an open mind to work diligently with the citizens throughout the town in listening to their desires, to their dreams and concerns, to make a better community.†’76 DA'I'SUN 3-210 4-DOOR SEDAN 0 New Finch Subway Service from Oak Ridges, Aurora and Newmorket North Yonge “Red Bus " becomes GO Route C Red RESPONSIBLE For full details, please pick up timetables from bus terminals or GO agencies. ,MATION: 630-3933 773â€"5 Thornhill, Richmond Hill Oak Ridges, Aurc OSiiII 35c coin fare. OFrom Finch Subway -- board at York Region Bus Terminu| ONorthern Terminal -- Richmond_H_eights Centre Vloop at levendule 'not used) OEXTRA -- Royal Orchard short-turn during rush hours means extra seats for Thornhill passengers. BROADWAY DATSUN Everything you want in a new car, except a new price! BONUS COUPONS, $300 off Z’s or $100 off all other models are available at participating Dealers, redeemable on new 1976 Datsuns, over and above the best deal you can make. Offer expires December 18,1976. 0 Councillor for 4 years 0 Chairman of the Transit Committee Chairman of Finance Committeeâ€"Town of Markham for 4 years Member Markham Centennial Arena Committee Member Citizens Advisory Groupâ€"Government of Canada Appointed to the Planning Board 48 years old Member Building Committeeâ€"Thornhill Community Centre 23 years Senior Marketing Representative Canadian Westinghouse President and Owner Roy J. Muldrew Insurance Ltd (RICHMOND HILL) LTD. Milliken - Milnesville - Mongolia - Thornhill c Unionville - Victoria Square EXPERIENCED Butlonville - Cashel - Cedar Grove - Dicksons Hill - German Mills lineal-eh; 0 Downtown Toronto Service lost southbound boarding point is the Richmond Hill GO Terminal on Newkirk ROY MULDREW Oak Ridges, Aurora, Newmarket 773â€"5377 REPRESENTATION 89x UNIONVILLE â€" Bill Freeman, author of the awardâ€"winning children's novel The Shantymen of Cache Lake and the recently released Last Voyage of the Scotian, will be the guest at the children‘s Saturday morning program on Dec. 11 at Markham Cen- tennial Library. Freeman will show slides and tell authentic tales about sailing ship days in Canada. wC(3pies of both his books will be available for Author to visit library REGIONAL COUNCILLOR Correspondent Helen Adams 881-1621 10427 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL - 8830972 p u r c h a s e a n d autographing by the author. Unionville Minor Hockey Womens' Auxiliary held a Christmas Arts and Crafts Sale at Crosby Memorial Arena last Friday and Saturday. Along with the profits from the craft shop, which the auxiliary runs at the arena all winter Craft sale Free Fall it Preâ€"Winter Tree Inspection. Be sure you're all ready for Winter Storms. The following work can be completed now or during the Winter months. Pruning, thinning, balancing, bracing, cabling, fee- ding, planting. Tree 8 stump removal, lot clearing, fruit tree 8 orchard pruning. Ask about our Winter Discount. CHARGEX QUALITYE‘P AURORA 92 YONGE STREET NORTH 727-2922 ERIC W. BAKEP TREE AND SHRUB CARE CANDIDATE FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE OFFERS EXPERIENCE RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE AND FORESTRY co. LTD. 884-7774 Let Us Help You Keep Ontario Green SAM E DAY KODACOLOR SERVICE FREE FILM FILM SHOPS SAT.9A.M,-6 P.M OPEN 9A.M.-9 PM o Rally-proven 1 4 Intre engine 0 Outstandan gas mileage (40 m pg. City IHughway E P.A your mileage wnll vary) 0 Full carpeting, contoured cloth seats. package tray 0 Rechan tron! bucket seats 0 Rear window defogger and tinted glass all-round 0 Heavy duty electric system, I long. the proceeds of this sale will be used in aid of minor hockey in Unionville. If you missed the sale. check the craft shop for beautiful Christmas gift ideas. crafts and Christmas decorations for your own home Political forum Area residents will have a chance to meet the candidates for the board of education at a Meet the Canadidates Night this evening (Wednesday) at St. Andrew‘s United f‘lnnnnh :n lulu-J;an ’I‘kn p.m. and promises to provide informative and interesting discussion. Villa bazaar The ladies auxiliary of Union Villa held its an- nual Christmas Bazaar last Saturday. As with their yearly fall rum- mage sale. proceeds from the bazaar will go towards the purchase of Villa necessities. Profits from previous sales have provided the Villa with library materials. dental lab equipment and kit- chen equipment. See the YeIIow Pages for the Dalsun Dealer nearest you Manulaclurev's suggesled relaul once local Ire-gm Me-GC'IVEIV .nsmllon and Provmc-al lanes exlva A dealer may sell lot less DATSUN SAVES Area residents will have a chance to meet the candidates for the board of education at a Meet the Canadidates Night this evening (Wednesday) at St. Andrew‘s United Church in Markham. The meeting will begin at 8:30 THORNHILL 8116 YONGE ST 889-9950 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, Decembei- 1. 1976 â€" This year‘s bazaar offered handicrafts made by Villa residents and auxiliary members, such Puppets, crafts decorations, toys. knit- ting, sewing, and home baking. candidates for York County board of education from Richâ€" mond Hill, Markham and Vaughan have received the endorsement of Thornhill Parents' Council. Following a trustee candidates' meeting at Thornlea Secondary School last week, the council endorsed the following candidates: Parent group backs 6 board candidates Richrï¬ond Hill â€" Eric Baker. ‘ Markham â€"â€" Stella Unionville Centennial THORNHILL â€" Six WARD 4 COUNCILLOR The Board of Education needs sound business administration which happens to be his business. DeVITA. VINCE 1X ELECT VINCE DeVITA TRUSTEE For King Township York County Board of Education DECEMBER 6th. 1976 VINCE DeVITA CLAUDE HENDERSON Library has a new series of programs for children, aged six to 12. for the month of December. The programs are held every Saturday at 11 am, and will feature Christmas decorations with Elly Zwart on Dec. 4, a Christmas Puppet Show on Dec. 11, and a Christmas crafts class with Isobel Heighway on Dec. 18. At the first program, only the first 10 children will participate, and on Dec. 18. only the first 20, but other children are welcome to watch and get ideas on which they can work at home. The story hour for pre- schoolers, held at the library on Tuesdays at 10 a.m., will break for Christmas after the Dec. 14 program. The story hour will resume Jan. 4. Todd and Doreen Quirk Vaughan â€" Don Cameron. Gordon McBean and Jim Cor- coran. DECEMBER 6th VOTE