Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Dec 1976, B9

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884-9276 Fm lame s|u area, outskirts of Metro Iomnto. EXDEfleflCEd In all facets of snowmakmg. 889-4988 mm Malute couple for adult highnse bldg. North Yonge area. additional help provided. good salary plus 2- bdrm. apt. 225-1111 M23 requires ambitious part or full time help, car necessary Earn above average wages. c2w23 for steel railings, starting rate $7.25 hr. plus benefits, Only persons experienced need apply. Assistant for general office duties WILL YOU EARN two weeks initial training. ex- penses paid Established accounts to service Continuous on the job training High commissions UNLIMITED advancement opportunity, no seniority. Opportunity to advance Into management as rapidly as your ability warrants. Act today to more tomorrow. Call now for an apporntment and personal interview. If You Qualify You Will Be Guaranteed $15,000 â€"$25,000 THIS YEAR AND MORE IN FUTURE YEARS? WE are an International company In its 57th year of busmess. Because 0t JIH tremendous rate of growth we 'equue 15 additional epresentatlaves for the Income uotectmn held. ARE YOU OFFICE CLERK RECEPTIONIST PART TIME ~ FULLTIME Markham Fitness & Racquet Club Sports minded 0| legal age Ambitious Bendable with good refetences free to travel Own tenable car The position offers an attractive salary and benefit package. If this position sounds interesting to you, please call MR. R. BROWN for a personal interview. GENERAL FREEZER LIMITED 9230 ISLINGTON AVE., WOODBRIDGE 851-2861 As a progressive manufacturer of appliances and home comfort equipment we require a high calibre executive secretary. to carry out a variety of duties, with a minimum of supervision. This position offers an exciting challenge to the right person with initiative, to assist a progressive management team. The successful applicant will have excellent typing and stenographic skills in addition to several years of experience. Men’s Locker Room Attendant Well known company EXECUTIVE SECRETARY R.N.A. Superintendent OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY Welder-fitter Snowmaker Some light maintenance 883-1488 294-6161 PART TIME 669-1323 CALL 10.30 - 5 PM. $325 per hour Days Karbin Snles Inc‘ 881-3252 DRIVER Full firne 9 -5 Mrs. Samuels Bob Lamont 789-5161 (Colleen Part time Cl! 23 clw23 clw23 clw23 c1w23 c2w23 Clw23 TIRE 14" and wheel. Dodge. F78 x 14‘ 810. 8893924 “clwzz Green and white barn behind Loblaws, south Aurora shopping centre. Diningroom suites, livingroom and kitchen suites. beds. cribs, desk. TVs, washing machines, lamps. radiostots of stoves â€" coal, wood and oil. Propane stove, newt Can heat in minutes lor garage. cottage. $38. Skis. ski boots. skates Very reasonable. Lots of antiques and thousands of more items to choose from. Watch for opening of Ye Olde Clothing Shop in Vandort across from General Store. Free pick up. Open daily 10 â€"6:30. Saturdays til 5 pm. Sundays 1 â€" 4. 7278823. We are going out 01 business. We have several thousand tropical planls. succulents, cacti. vines, ivys and flowering plants. Plant your Tenatiums or decorate your home at reasonable ptices. Free advice For first class diningroom. permanent position Call Mr. McLean, 881-2121. Parkway Hotel, c1w23 Ye Olde Second Hand Shop EVENINGS and Weekends. Service station. self«sewe cashier. Expelience necessary. Apply Shell, KeeIe and Hwy. 7. cle3 MATURE experienced Nurses's Aides Part time. All shifts‘ 884-9248‘ PART time Service Station attendant. Mature Experienced Neat appearance. Evgst and weekends. Apply in person only: Texaco, 7161 Yonge Street, Thornhill, clw22 PICK your own hours‘ Good Watkins route available. Full or part time. Call collect evgs‘ Hamilton 388-2530. Hardwood FireWood to make up beds at Parkway Hotel Call ML McLean 0: Mrs. Brown. 305 Selling Out Cocktail Waitress /Waiter 833-5667 Evgs. Unable to relocate $30 per cord For immediate delivery call 5"" Help Wanted 889-4988 Housekeeper Displaced by New Airport Visit Our factory sale for savings on top quality items PERFUMES BATH OILS COLOGNES SHAMPOOS HAIR SPRAYS CONDITIONERS AFTER SHAVE ETC. ETC‘ ETC. DEC. 13 to 23, 12 pm. -6 pm. SATURDAY DEC. 18, 9 am. -6 pm. Artic|es for Sale Waiters/ Waitresses Expenenced Full J. Greftegreff Greenhouses Cornet of 17th Ave Markham â€"Pic|\ering Townline 294-5634 FABERGE OF CANADA LTD 7939 KEELE ST. SPECIAL FABERGE CHRISTMAS SALE Part Time 881-2121 Just North of Highway No. 7 clw23 t1ch c1w23 c1w23 c3w22 clw23 WASHER spin dryer. Hoover. apartment size. 3150. or offer Dressing table. night table, bed headboard, S60. Dinette suite‘ $40. Double bed. box spring. 330. Arm chairs, $20. each. Kitchen chairs. 32‘ each. Must sell. Leaving country. Anything not sold by Sunday â€" hall price. 884-2089 clw23 STORM windows 10 wooden. Fit opening 28 x 51. Clean and well glazed. 1 bathroom window. 20 x 43. $64 each. 833-5685. nc1w23 CHILD'S spring horse, outdoor clothes tree. large fan, dehumidifier, green lounge chair, area rugs, etcr 889-9063, clw23 PING pong table‘ 1 year old. Excellent condition. 380. 884-2273. clw23 Seasoned mixed hardwood. Mani- touiin white birch‘ PleUp or de‘ livery‘ 884-9626 DININGROOM suite, 9 piece walnut, oval tablev Excellent condition. 727- 8024 Evgsi clw23 FUR coat. Grey Persian Lamb. about size 121/23100. 889-8769. clw23 GIRL'S downhill skis and boots, size 7. 350. Good condition. 889-1686. Scotch pine. any size, $6 Log cabin. fires North on Woodbine m Vandorf foliow SIgfIS east 1 mile. At Horton Tree Farm TYPEWRITERS, adders, calculators. sales, service. rentals Newmarket Busmess Machines, 497 Timothy St, Newmarket 395.7621. me TEAKWOOD - Living-Dining- Bedrooms. Dlsngns in Teak. 457 Markham Rd,, Allencourt Plaza, Richmond Hill - 884-3750 YORK ALUMINUM - Free estimates Aluminum siding’ windows, doors‘ awnings. 884-4558 or 832-1319 SCOTT'S PAINTING Teakwood Furniture FIREWOOD HARDWOOD Direct from importers warehouse Open till 9 pm. EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED Hwy. 7, Bramalea, 791-2355 79 Doncaster, Thornhill 881-0000 305 3440 Pharmacy Ave‘, Unit 12‘ Christmas Trees Beds repaired & repolished 8118 Yonge St, Thornhill 881-4072 Scarbomugll - 497-7833 $30 per cord Brass beds All sizes Articles F0! Sale Deliveled Evenings and Weekends 884-6603 888â€"1738 889-1849 Firewood Pmmpt Service Call Cut your own Daily For estimate clw23 c2w23 ficll CZW 23 04W 23 flcll ficA MUSKRAT coat. full length 8150. Black persian lamb Â¥ 8100. Grey persian lamb jacket white mink collar 3125. Size 14-16. All good condition. and cleaned. 884-2213. Kenmore electric Top rotisserie and gnll. All automa- trc. Bronze toner Very good condition 3200. 883-1172 ALUMINUM Doors, WlndOWS. awnings, railings, Siding. with systems. trough. Free estimates. Ron Woods 88L1514. u RUG, shaggy. white. 855' x NW, 3200. Lamp. white shade. white and gold base WI"! hanging glass crystals. $40. Antique looking lamp, red velvet shade and gold figurine base. 340. Call Sue alter 5:30. 773-4524. LaSI tamon Ioronto Telegram, $50. 2 antique 3 drawer dressers Best ofler‘ Clwza TYPEWRITER, IBM Selectric. Like new, 3400‘ 889-3431. 775-5682. Gravely 76 electric with lawn mower, snow blade with duals and chains‘ Asking $850 or best offer‘ Evgs. and four chairs‘ $175. and one corner hutch with 2 shelves and cabinet, 350 8848707. clw23 Last Edition Toronto Telegram “N” gauge and accessories COST $120. SELL $50 36" Guerney stove with warming oven. $35. Double bed box spring. 525‘ Older National Cash Register, needs minor work. $25, 7 ft. artificial Christmas tree, $15. Lionel Trains rolling stock: â€" flat cars. $2 and up. â€" gondolas. $2 and up. â€" hoppers, $4 and up. â€" box cats, $5 and up. â€" cabooses. $2 and up W. 21" Colour R. C.A. Running condition. $150. 884-4658. c1w23 RUGS, 2 Indian hand woven, 12' x 9'; 6' x 9'. Mulberry colour‘ Will accept best price 884-6528‘ clw23 TEAKWOOD Burma Scandinavian furniture, bedroom. diningroom, livrngroom, coffee tables Brand new. Very reasonable, 1-247-4377, 10% Off. All panels in stock. (over 20 to choose from)‘ Every phone order receives FREE Gift 2 plus 2. steel belted snows‘ Size A78 - 13 plus rims. Used 3 months last winter. 350‘ 21" black and white console telewsion. Works well. H0 gauge. mounted on plywood table wlth accessories, like new. $65. MODEL TRAIN SET Let Fuller Brush help you with you: Christmas Shopping Collectors’ Items Christmas Special Moffat Range Loughlin Lumber 6 Scott Dr.. (4 blocks south of Hlllcrest Mall) Electric. Good condition. 385 Dark walnut dinette table ECONO GAS STATION Quality ash hardwood $35 per cord, delivered Firewood: x 8" x 4". Used, 275 pcs. at $150 ea‘ Yonge & Carrville Rd‘ across from Hillcrest 889-0283 Fall Panelling Sale Glass Blocks 24 - 10 oz. cans $3.99 â€"40 01. bottles NR. $439 881-6689 889-1109 884-2557 Private Snow Tires 881-0850 884-2620 Train set 884-7865 884-5245 889-0827 773-4473 COKE Stove Tractor 305 Articles For Sale clw23 c2w23 c1w23 c2w23 clw73 c2w23 clI23 clw23 Clw23 clw 23 c1w23 ClWZ3 CM 20 UcIS flc17 “1:30 OMC 225 stern drive. CB radio. tabs, swim platfmm, custom width rear seat, stove. ice box vate head. 2 full camper tops. than 100 ms. Must sell. GRAVELY tractors, new and used. 2 and 4 wheel. Mowers, blowers. 294- 1407. c4w22 iCampinq Trailer: Stlll unde! warranty. 4 months old Helmet. Cost 3400. Sell $200. SNOW tires, G78 x 14‘ Very good condition. Best oifet. 881-0603. For Vans & Pick Ups From $479 McKenzie Trailers Ltd‘, Hwy. 7 at Bayview, Thornhill. 889-1831. VIKING washet. Perfect working condition. 3100 or best offer. 888- 1225‘ mm turntable. New cartridge 4177. PINE dry sink, (washstand), perfect condition. light colour. 3175‘ Evgs. 8. weekends. 889-5125. c1w23 STEREO component. Elac automatic PIANO, upright; Weber (Heintzman) red mahogany. Very good condition $500 or nearest offer. 884-3671. TRUCK CAPS SALE ...‘229 UP. Mt, MacDonald 895.1171 days‘ » 895-9949 Evgs. ONE Ford F150 Excellent condition. Askmg $3,100. Call Pat. 8848156. c1w23 SNOW tires and rims, Dunlap, 78 x 14. $50. 884-8038. nclw23 DEAD or uippled farm animals, picked up promptly. 705-439-2421‘ Call anytime, Ed Peconi & Son, Woodville, Ont, Licence No. 324066 ":29 MAN’S car coat. 2 teen evenmg gowns. new, size 9-10 and 11-12. Boy's 3 speed bike‘ 884-1257‘ TWO H70 x 15 black and white belted snowtires, on "ms 325. 884» 4081. clw23 PIANO wanted. Approximately 5100- 3150. 222-7088, mzz HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid for houseful of furniture and appliances Brice's Furniture. 363- 1954. ms Maple LeafTruckCaps KING CITY TRAILERS 25 â€"â€" 5" INSULATION bats with vapOur barriers. 3140. 884-0507 after 6 pm. clw23 WASHING machine, twin tub, Spiralator Mark V. Good condition, 385. 887-5620. c1w23 75 Batavus Bingo "5 Boats 8 Supplies QUEBEC HEAIERS “° Motorcycles for SLIDE IN UNITS '77 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY ‘75 Grew 250 311 13.262 Yonge SL. Oak Ridge: KING RD.1 MI. w. 0F HWY. 11 1473-4260 c1w23 Truck Kaps $219 & up Sacrifice at $16,400 FIFTH WHEELS Farm Equipment All sizes and calors Old Hwy. 7 and Bayview THORNHILL 889-1831 RECONDITIONED $135 & $145 URGE SELECTION OF CLEAN USED TRAILERS 230 Articles wanted Custom Camper Conversion 884-1698 889-5912 773-4473 Campers & Trailets INCLUDING c1w23 c1w22 CZW 23 ch: 23 c2w23 clw23 clw22 881- c1w22 Clw23 clw23 trim full pri- less Ideal family car fat sluing and camping. Low mileage. Many eans. 887-5067. clw23 running condition. Bes1 offer. As is. 884.7475. c1w23 1968 PONTIAC Laurentian. Good V8. automatic, PS/PB. radio and vmyl root Low mileage. Certified‘ New In 1974. Mint condition. 3675 or best man 832-8865 m2: 1970 MOTO Ski, single cylinder. $300. 884-5436 after 6 pm. clw23 71 PONTIAC CATALINA '70 20 hp. '71 32 hp. Both Excellent Condition. 74 International Travellall Must sell. 0 124700 miles 73 Buick Le Sabre $2,595 74 Maverick Grabber 6Cyl. LIc.HWY535 Walter's Used Cars 74 Chevy Pickup 74 Mercurx Marquis 69 000 ml lexnas $2,100 73 Pontiac Catalina Harvies Used Cars 74 Monte Carlo LIC. BKR488 A-l condition, Many options Evgs. 884-6878 c1“ Snow Cruisers ‘55 Cars & Trucks 2‘" Snowmobiles $2,499 74 Dodge Charger 2 d1 havdlop. P/S. P/B. 55.000 rm 73 Chrysler l dv Haldloo Loaded 28 000 rm $2,400 74 Dod7%e Coronet 3 00m 165 Wellington E., Aurora 73 Yamaha 433 $3,000 75 Dod%e Coronet P'S P 42000 mi NEW AND USED MACHINES Bethesda Sales and Service Snowmobiles Snowblowers SALES & SERVICE Reid Mower Marine & Sports 884-]716 881-2384 71 ARCTIC CAT PANTHER 399 $2,350 73 quAthPick-up $3,350 73 Olds Cutlass 72 Camaro 832-1012 74 Yamaha FA 338 GPX $4,000 72 Olds Delta NCth Cat â€"Skiroule 884-7774 CUSTOM TUNING 888-1166 727-9703 773-5473 13032 Yonge St Richmond Hill 6 cyl‘ Lic. JDP460 $3,200 73 CheveHe 75 Pacer $3,100 62 Valiant 727-3012 884-2315 MUST SELL 884-5988 $3,500 73 Chevy JUIPSP $2.900 884-3400 884-7847 Good condition $450 $2,299 2 d1 Hardtop $3,500 $2.950 Mint. $925 Owner leaving country 69.000 "ll 43.000 rm 69.000 mw 29 000 ml 15.000 ml after 8 pm ucnwzs’ c1w23 c1w23 c1w23 Ch: 23 clw23 clw23 NC 20 clw23 lw23 66 Comet $375 70 Challenger$1,000 884-3065 W23 GOOD SELECTION OF QUALITY RECONDITIONED V.W.'s Specializing in v.w. body walk and general repairs. ALL WORK GUARANTEED I 1973 CHRYSLER hardtop. bucket loaded. Best ofler 1971 METEOR Montcalm V8. PS-PB. Radio. 3850‘ 669-2709. plw23 1969 VOLKSWAGEN. Certified, good condition. 8699‘ 8845510. c1w23 with Cap, 6 cyl. automatic. certified $1.850 New brakes. muffler, tires, Rebui|t engine and transmission. WiIl certify $1400 or bes‘ offer. 1969 Ford Mateo: 2 x 302 engine. PS-PB. Certified 5 months ago‘ 3450‘ or best offer. 1961 Fovd Hal! Ton Pick Up 225 motor. Body and motor good. Can be certified. $350. or best offer. 635-0085 c2w22 Owned by elderly couple‘ Only gone 56,000 miles Mechanically good. Body in need of tepalr. SIX good tires, Can be certified. As Is $300 or best offer. 833-6059. 4 dom hardtop convertible 2 tone. MM and beige, vinyl roof, radio, snow tires, 2 rear speakers connected for tape deck. 1 owner car‘ Very good condition. 727-9545 Evgs. c1w23 71 Fargo Half Ton 6 cylinder, aluminum body. $1,000 or best often Call Tum at 889-9111‘ c1w23 Automatic. power steering and brakes, heavy duty suspension, radio. Asking $3.950. 883-1398. c1w23 64 Cadillac $650 DOHERTY MOTORS 727-3322 c1w23 1970 Toyota Mark 11 2 door, automatic, V-8, Radials‘ Ex cellent condition. Best offer. 1974 MERCURY Montego Stationwagon. Excellent condition, Power brakes. power steering, air conditioned, etc. 32,895 or best offer, Steve, 8845444 or 29743740. 1 VOLKSWAGEN SALE ,o 10 CARSALB ’5 72 Pontiac Parisienne Automatic. Looks and runs like new 11252 Yonge Str'eet. Richmond HI” Many others to choose from 75 Dodge Maxivan Tradesman 300 Dodge Dan $429 Marqum Brougham $549 9212 Yonge Sheet, Richmond Hill 88$5571 or 745-2519 after hours c1w23 69 Buick Riviera 1965 METEOR STATIONWAGON 884-8841 773-4444 $2175 75 RENAULT R12 73 Mercury Comet $2975 71 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE ant wheel dnve. Radial tires Mint. AM-FM etc. Be§to1fer 73 Datsun 1200 73 Chev Belair Greenwood Garage ‘Ltd. 289. 4 speed. As IS, $300 67 Mustang 660ldsmobile 884-2315 66 Ford Kurbside Van 74 GREMLIN 884-8188 884-5068 â€" The touch 01 CIassic CHRISTMAS SPECML 1955 Chev 773-4216 Can be certmed 8847-2647 â€"Air Conditioned â€" Very Special AS IS SPECIALS $995 Certified seats, certified, 889-0102 c1w23 Newport. 2 deer ‘55 Cars & Trucks c1w23 c1w23 clw23 clw23 c1w23 c2w23 Clw 23 Clw23 JOHN and MARGARET DALGETTY ol Totonto are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Kathleen Ann to Ronald James Clark. son of Donald and Joyce Clark of Richmond Hill. Wedding to take place in September 1977‘ c1w23 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. December 8. 1976 â€"- 3-9 SMIIH, Ellen At York Central Hospital. on Monday, December 6. 1976, Ellen Collins, beloved wife of the late Henry James Smith. ol Sherbroolre. Quebec, dear mother of Roy, St. Cathannes. Doris (Mrsl ll Wyse), Dorval, Gladys (Mrs. W. Pero). Edna (Mrs. D, Walker) and the late Canstance (Mrs. L. Conley), Gnmsby. also survived by eleven grandchildren and seven great grandchrldren. Funeral services were held at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St. Thornhill, on Wednesday at 2 pm. Interment Beecth Cemetery. clw23 MORRISA Bull and Anne (nee Wasserfall) are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Pete! John, November 6, 1976, at York Central Hospital, Special thanks to Doctms and Staff‘ clw23 HOOD, William Herbert (Retired from Branson Produce) In hospital, on Monday, December 6. 1976. William Hood. dear husband of Margaret Como, dear father of VIIgInIa, Marlene and Jack Petrie. dear grandfather oI Denise. Donna and Hugh, also survived by his stepmother, Mrs. Maude Hood and sister Rhoda Hood. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St. Richmond Hill. Funeral serwce Friday 1 pm. Interment in the Melvrlle Cemetery In memoriam donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. clw23 MACKIE, Norman At the Willows Nursing Home. Thursday, December 2, 1976. Norman Mackie. son 01 the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maclue, 01 Richmond Hill, brother of Harold. erliarn, Clara, Stella, Mabel. Mildred, Dr. Ralph and the late Ross. Ed Ith. Marshall and Arthur. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond HIII. Service was held on Sunday. Cremation. BLACK, Andrew Davis Suddenly, as the result of a motor accident, on Thursday evening, December 2. 1976. Andrew, beloved son of Mr and Mrs. Morris Blaclir ol R R. 3, King, Resled at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Service was held on Sunday evening. Cremation. 1972 FORD Custom. 6 cylinder. power steering. good condition. Best o'fet. 884-3915 after 7 pm. clw23 1969 DODGE Polara V8 automatic, as is‘ Best offer. 8813950. c2w22 BRYLEY, Altred Suddenly, on Wednesday. December lst. 1976, Alfred, beloved husband of the late Mary and-dear brother of John, Richmond Hill and Bessie. England. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill Servrce was held on Friday afternoon. Interment Mount Peace Cemetery, clw23 1968 BUICK LeSabre, Hardtop. Power steering. brakes. Good condition‘ Best offer. 8843915 after 7pm. clw23 BRASS, Copper, antiques, repolished Brass beds, etc. Britex 755-7851. Cusmm‘ V8. snow tires, Recent tune-up. Ask to: Ray 197] MUSTANG, Mach 1. good condition, certified. $1,000. 884‘ 3535. plw23 At the Bankrupt Location of J 8. J Interiors in Milliken (in Plaza on east side 01 Kennedy Rd, 1 mile north of Steeles Ave. E.) Consrstrng ol the balance of the bankrupt household furnishings of J 8. J Interiors. Supplement â€" all brand new giltware, chestertields. (2. 3 and 4 piece) occasronal chairs. lamps, dinette suites, cushions, sewing machines. stereos, colour televisrons, 26" and portable (new, manufacturer's guarantees) and many other household and gitt items. Chargex. Master Charge. Cash, Good cheques, Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 m Stained glass wmdows. Scottish Circa 1860, dESIgn afler Rossetti. Pine tables and cupboards. Mahogany washstand. Six ruby glass goblets. Spooled corner chalr. Enghsh walnu‘ work table, burl top, Circa 1825. Small wales. 5‘5 Engagement TOLL ROAD ANTIQUES 3” Auctions “35 Births 69 FORD “55 Deaths Auction Sale Fri. Dec. 10th 884-8422 Open 12 - 6 daily. Closed Sundays 11283 Yonge St, Richmond Hill 3‘“ Antiques Er Art 787-5045 clw23 c1w23 884-1698 CleJ :30 pm. tfc29 [1:29 MR. and Mrs‘ Harold Blaine ate happy to announce the lorthcoming mamage 0! their daughter, Katen Joy, to Douglas Wayne Menzies, son a! the late ML and Mts. Robert Menzies. Wedding to take place at the home of the btide's patents, Friday. Decembet 24, 1976. nclw23 The family of the late Stella Van Den Brand 01 Comber would like to express their sincere thanks and deepest appreciation to lriends and relatives for their love and sympathy. prayers, flowers. donations, food and other acts of kindness in the recent loss of a Iovrng wife and mother, grandmother, sister and daughter. MR. and MRS. ROBERT WHITIAKER announce the marriage of their son, Michael Paul to Kathryn Joan Keinar. The ceremony took place at the bride's home on Inglewood 0L, Toronto, on Sunday afternoon, December 5. 1976‘ CNN IEETZEL â€" In the midst of our sorrow. we wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbours lor the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of a beloved mother and grandmother. We especially wish to thank Dr. Granton, Dr W. Chow and the nurses and staff of York Central Hospital lor their kindness and care, the Rev‘ Shorten for his consoling words, all the donors of the many memorial contributions and beautiful lloral olferings. the pallbearers and the Marshall Funeral Home for their kind efficient management of the services. â€"The Teetzel Family clw23 Pnrulnmhcukami'lridl. SATURDAY DECEMBER 11TH wish to express their thanks and appreciation to lriends, neighbours, relatives, employees of the Town of Richmond Hill, the Officials of the Town of Richmond Hill, Revt Barrett, Coronary Unit, York Central Hospital. Nurses, Dr. Chow and Dr, Dawson and special thanks to the Marshall Funeral Home for all their kind acts during their recent bereavement GROUND Isobel M., â€" Passed away September 9, 1967 and David H., passed away December 8, 1974. "Those we love, we never lose. For always they will be, Loved, remembered, treasured, Always in our memory. Always in our hearts, and sadly missed by lamrly. c1w23 lp.m. Sharp! 70 Maplegrove Avenue, Oak Ridges, Ontario. (2 blocks west of Nova Scotia Bank on Yonge Street (3 blocks north of King Sideroad). Owner translerred to the west. Modern tour piece tamilyroom suite. Livingroom suite. 1970 Gremlin car. Diningroom table and chairs, refrigerator. dressers, bedroom suite, dining tent and all other camping equipment. Office lurniture. many odd chairs, lamps. We foot boat with trailer, canopy and 40 hp. motor. golf clubs. Xmas tree decorations. portable TV, two Philip tape recorder reels and construction materials. Humidifier. movie camera. many many other articles, too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash. Alvin S. Farmer, Auctioneer 887-5311 560 mQKQ shopping easier! S TAY ON TOP UFWWTER “5 Forthcoming Marriage “5 In Memuiam John Guppy 35" Mange mflflmflfl Cards of Thanks The family of the late 309 Auctions clw23 clw23 clw23 Clw23 clw23

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