TOWNE a. COUNTRYE SQUARE ( ““\RGI':X;223_F YONGE AT STEELES “ ‘- Meï¬ber Canadxau Guild oi Dispensmg Opllcians DOWNSVIEW â€" Pacific art and artifacts from New Guinea, Indonesia and Australia will be displayed until Dec. 15 at York University‘s Glendon College Art Gallery at Bayview and Lawrence Avenues. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 pm. and 7 to 9 pm. Monday through Thursday and 11 am. to 5 pm. on Friday. ' AURORA â€" The Christian Women‘s meeting will be held at Aurora Golf Club Dec. 14 at 9:30 Christmas cantata GORMLEY â€" The Gormley Missionary Church will present its Christmas Cantata “Carol of Christmas" Dec. 12 at 7:30 pm. All are invited to attend. All are listed in ‘fGoings On ‘77'\ a 40 page directory of events which will be available from Dec. 10 at all 17 library branches and the two book-mobiles in North York. Woodwind quartet performs Dec. 20 DOWNSVIEW â€" The North York Symphony Association's Woodwind Quartet will perform classical and Christmas music at Fairview library, 35 Fairview Mall Dr., Dec. 20 at 8 pm. Admission is free. DOWNSVIEW â€" Holiday season programing opens at branches of the North York library Dec. 10 when the St. Roch's School choir sings carols at Humber Summit library at 7 pm. CONCORD â€" The Frog Print Theatre will perform “Funny Puppet Troupe on Parade" at the Concord Library Dec. 11 at 2:30 pm. Activities at the library, on Dufferin St. north of Highway 7 get under way at 1 pm. with Christmas movies, story hour and Santa Claus. For more information call 669-2754. The fféé pfésentation wili be follbwed by a film for adults and children. On Dec. 11 at 2 pm. also at Humber Summit, children aged eight to 12 will have an opportunity to make Christmas wreaths. Pacific art on display V Humber Summit is located at 2990 Islington Ave. between Finch and Steeles Avenues. Christian women meet THORNHILL â€" A mother~daughter breakfast will be held Dec. 12 at 8 am. at Emmanuel Anglican Cï¬urch on MacKay Drive. Breakfast will be followed by a White Gift Service at 10 Choir sings at library 200 programs for ’77 DOWNSVIEW â€" Beat the blahs by par~ ticipating in one of the 200 programs offerec through the North York Pub]ic Library. southern york region scheduled events , Church breakfast Puppet show at Concord (Wellington St. W. near Dufferin) THORNHILL â€" Sports and recreation for the disabled will be discussed at a meeting for those living in the southern part of York region, Dec. 13 at 8 pm. in the Thornhill Community Centre, 7755 Bayview Ave. at John St. Disabled meet UNUSUAL CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS Free Fall & Preanter Tree Inspection. Be sure you're all ready for Winter Storms. The following work can be completed now or during the Winter months. Pruning, thinning, balancing, bracing, cabling, fee ding, planting. Tree 8 stump removal, lot clearing, fruit tree Er orchard pruning. Ask about our Winter Discount. GIFTS, TEAS, COFFEES, HERBS 8 SPICES "FOR THE DISCRIMINATING BUYER" SPECIALISTS IN PARTY TRAYS, CHEESES, MEATS, HORS D'OEUVERS, FANCY SANDWICHES AND ASSORTED PASTRIES. A Country Gourmet Shop Cheese Shop Er Delicatessen SNOWBALL VILLAGE BOUTIQUES RR. 3, KING STORE 727-8020 TREE AND SHRUB CARE RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE AND FORESTRY co. LTD. 884-7774 Let Us Help You Keep Ontario Green COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE - EYEGLASS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 0 CONTACT LENSES, lard at soft 0 MODERN FRAME STYLES 0 CUSTOM MADE FRAMES 0 SAFETY GLASSES FOR WORK OR PLAY Open; Mon-Fri. 9:30 am - 9:30 pm Sat. 9:30 am - 6:00 pm 3223-5168 could, I would declare a moratorium on the way in which laity refer to their clergyman as “our minister“. Minis tering function no t restricted to clergy “And these were his gifts: some to be apostles. some prophets. some evangelists. some pastors and teachers, to equip God‘s people for work in His service. to the building up of the body of Christ." Ephesians 4:1] (NEB) EIIID. sun-x u: UK. ayuauca. some prophets. some evangelists. some pastors and teachers. to equip God‘s people for work in His service. to the building up of the body of Christ.“ Ephesians 4:1) (NEB) THORNHILL â€" If I could. I would declare a moratorium on the way in which Iaity refer to their Clflgymfin as “our clergy as professional mlmSteF - _ Christiansandthelaity as "Why7". one mlght amateurs. Amateurs, so as‘k.‘ “IS, he not a we believe, do not per- mlnlster7' form nearly as well as .emmmsmx,swxxxxxmx llldllllallllllg Llldl. dlLlLuuC which also declares that he is the only minister and that the rest of the people of God have no other ministering func- tion except to see to his moral and financial support This highlights one of the major problems of the Church over the years . . the attitude that regards the ordained But the simple fact of the matter is that there is far too much work for the less than 1 per cent of the Church represented by the clergy. Furthermore, much of the work of the ministry â€" caring and sharing â€" requires little in the way of theological instruction. Finally, to leave it to the “prosâ€, if you will, is to totally misunderstand that all Christians. clergy and laity alike are called to minister and to serve. Some of us are called RADIATOR AND HEATERS RICHMOND HILL 884-7170 CANADA'S LARGEST COOLING SYSTEM SPECIALISTS '$‘»WW>’WW'WX»$$4M¢ By Reverend Bob (irisdale Holy Trinity Anglican Church 10.00 a m â€" Bible School Classes lor all ates 11.00 a m â€" Mormng Serwce 7.00 pm â€" Evening Semce Prayer meeting Wednesday at 800 D.m An Old Fashlgned Country Church ANGLICAN Advertising: 884-2418 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 12, 197 8:00 am. Eucharist 10:30 am. Worship Services Church School Kindergarten & Nursery School WEDNESDAY 1000 a m EUCHARIST 700 D m EUCHARIST WEDNESDAY 7:30 PM - Mid-Week Bible Study "The Hours of Worship are Plecious" WELCOME! SUNDAY 9:45 AM. ~ Church School F0: Bus. Ministry call 881-2818 11:00 AM. - Moming Worship PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH (Membet Baptist Convention of Ontano and Quebec) - ST MARYSANGLICAN Yonge St at Vaughan Rd Richmond Hull BAPTIST m mans-ac ADVISORY Cornet of Weldnck Road and Bathurst Street Rev. BAT McSpadden Pastor Phone 884»7859 is your way of introduction. on the Edge of the Clty ‘ RECTOR Rev Bemald Baueit 884.1394 Rev. erd Jackson Rev‘ Dana H. Lamb 3A 8.0. Minister ST. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Sheet Thornhill 1976 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1976 8 AM. Holy Communion 10:30 AM. Morning Prayer Church Schooly Kindergarten & Nursery School Wednesdays 10 am. - Holy Communion Special Advent Program at 8 pm December 1,8 & 15, 1976. Leader - Rev. Desmond Hunt. “samwxfl ’Aammawxx “Yes,†I would reply, “He is a minister. He is one of the ministers, but he is not THE minister.“ To declare the clergyman to be “our minister" is often akin to maintaining that attitude which also declares that he is the only minister and that the rest of the pe0ple of God have no other ministering func- tion except to see to his moral and financial support. 'The Rev. J.B, Burns. M.A., 8.0.. Pr LUTHERAN Presbyterian Reverend Bob Grisdale ...declaring moratorium 9:30 am. Worship Service 10:30 am. Sunday Church School 9:30 am. - Sunday Church School SUNDAY. DECEMBER 12th- ADVENI Ill , "WHO NEEDS MINISTERS?" Adult Bible Class 9:30 AM. Divine Service 11:00 AM. (Church School children in church) Presbyteens 12:15 PM. Short Evening Service 7:00 PM. VISIIORS WELCOME HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE SI, THORNHILL (8‘ OF HWY. 7 B, W. 0F YONGE ST.) 889-5931 THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11:00 AM. Worship Service 11:00 am. Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 10131 Bayview Avenue 18 DAUPHINEE, PASTOR ZION LUTHERAN (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. James S. Dauphinee Vice-Pastor . 884-5264 Monday - 6:30 - 8:00 pm ' Explorers Group Girls ages 9 ~11 RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minuster Rev William Wanace 884-1831 Olganlst & Chou Duertor Mr Ruchévd Phlillps Cenlte Sheet professionals. Therefore, the argument runs, leave the work of the ministry in Christ‘s Church to those who have been ordained following proper and sufficient theological training. 9:45 am, Sunday School For ltee bus service numbers. 11:00 am. Morning Worship Service Nursery and childlens church provided. Charismatic Services at Richvale Community Centre - Avenue Road. Pastor F. Bond. 851-0358 (All. with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada). 10:00 am - COOKIE'S BIBLE HOUR - Lively singing 0 Puppets and quizzes 0 Scripture chorus 0 Bible stories. 11:00 a.m. v PRAISE SERVICE 7:00 pm. - CHARISMATIC SERVICE ALL WELCOME. Service at 10:30 am. and 5:00 pm Wed. 7:00 PM. - FAMILY NIGHT Activities for every famin member 7:00 pm. Evening Fellowship Houv Thurs‘ 9:30 AM - Ladies Coffee Cup Bible Study. Pentecostal Sunday, December 12‘ 1975 11:00 AM. ADVENT III - ‘Hoplng' White Gift Sunday (Nursery Care and Church School) 'A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU‘ BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 148 Thomndge Dr. Thornhill Minister Rev‘ D. VanderBoom M.Th. - 889-5225 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1976 SUNDAY, DECEMBER Other Denominations UNITED RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge 8. Centre Streels 884-1301 RICHMOND HILL FREE MEIHODISI CHURCH Zl2 HI'ISVICW DI 884-5029 Rev Robert C chk 884-6629 service call above 12. 1976 4 x4 m4,g4,g WrQQ’r§W¢ .r quse owner falls to ShOW clergy, most of us are called laymen or women. But all of us are called. At our Baptism. we take on all the responsibilities of being a Christian in God's world. All of us, young or old. male or female, married or single, weak or strong, highly educated or not. have some part to play in the mission of the Church. and that part, whether we think it important or not, is in God's plan. That is why I would like to declare this moratorium. Perhaps if TORONTO â€" Wanted: One missing horse owner The owner of the Army Cadet League‘s winning raffle ticket number 15706. drawn at the Royal Inscribed in the Book of Memory, in the hospital lobby, are the names of loved ones, whose friends chose to remember them with a Memorial Donation. Family acknowledgement cards and official receipts are provided. TUESDAY 8:00 pm - Bible School and Player MEMORIAL FUND YORK CENTRAL THE MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rev‘ Cecil Rosenbetger 887-5846 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1976 9:50 - Sunday School 11 am - Morning WOlShiD 9:30 am. - The Lord's Supper 11:00 am - Family Bible Hour 11:00 am. - Sunday School Kindergarten to Grade 6. Bible School for Grade 7 and up. 7:00 pm. - Evening Service SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 am. - Bible Study and Morning Service 7:00 pm - Communion Service SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1976 SUNDAY 12:30 pm. Watch "The Herald of Truth T.V‘ Channel 3, Barrie Concord Rd. 8. No. 7 Hwy HOSPITAL 10 TRENCH ST. RICHMOND HILL L4G 4Z3 WEDNESDAY 8:00 pm. - Bible Study Wednesday Night 7:30 pm Family Night A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST A Church of The New Testament Order 7:30 pm. - Cantata "Carol of Chustmas‘ A.E. AtkinSOn Minister - 669-1831 A. Young - Sec. 669-2784 24 Oak Ave., Richvale RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL work we stop calling only some members of the fellowship “ministersâ€, we might see that we all are “ministers†and so get ‘on with the job. If we have failed, as we certainly have, to deliver the good news to every man, woman and child, part of the reason lies in our unwillingness or inability to share in this Winter Fair, has failed to surface to claim his registered hunter cum saddle, one year‘s board and riding lessons. Seems that the mystery winner failed to sign his name to the winning ticket stub. The chestnut brood mare, a six year old with white markings can be claimed by calling the Better Business Bureau at 961â€"0083. from the churches CREATIVE ADVERTISING/BROADCASTING 2 year program m TV ParHlme courses in Engllsh and Communrcalrons and Liberal Studres are also available m the day. as well as a wlde varlely ol Contrnurng Education programs for career development or lelsure lime appreCIatlon For further details. contact the Adl’THSSIOnS thce. 584-9901. Ext 244 or 245 Newmarket call: 8954581 York Region residents call ZENITH 31200 (loll free) radio and hlm advertlsung SECRETARY 2 year program In Executive 0! legal BUSINESS 2 or 3_year program WIlh specmlizahon In Accounting. Malketing or AdMInlSHBHOn (limited space available) Apphcatléns are being accepted for admissmn to the followung progtams at Seneca College's Kung Campus If you've got y0ur Grade 12 or are a mature student 19 or over. then January may mean a new way of lute. You can plan a college course, commencing in January. “In? SENECA COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY DUFFERIN STREET NORIH RR] KING CITY ONTARIO WC "(0 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. December 8, 1976 â€" C-3 Get more out of your registered retirement savings plan or deferred profit sharing plan. Use life insurance or annuity policies, to get the benefit of guarantees and of insurance against death or prolonged disability. theBenefits OF CANADA ' The tomorrow builders. Ste, 601‘ l 183 Finch Avenue West. Downsview. Ontario M3] 2G2 Smlife I. RACCO, C.L.U. Ofï¬ce: 630-2661