$450 Jean Skoggard is a resident of King Town- ship. She began her training at Central Technical School and has studied under many distinguished artists, including Peter Haworth, Carl Schaefer. Charles Everyone is invited to the opening at the library at King City on Thursday from 7 to 9 pm. The show will continue until Jan. 8. LOTS OF HANGING KING â€" A Christmas treat is being prepared for the patrons and friends of King Township Public Library. It is an exhibition of the paintings and ink sketches of water- colorist Jean Skoggard. which show a unique blend of Canadian and Chinese art. Give what you’d like to give at Christmas Verge/tile artist In library Show BASKETS C4 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. December 8, 1976 WCYURM and GREY Lit/1 Ulllfland TRUST COMPANY J‘oldhammer and QARWSmjypgiarget surpassed MAPLE â€" The 1976 Arthritis campaign is Alive . . . With Flowers! OCYCLAMEN 0 CHRISTMAS CACTUS 0 CHRISTMAS CHERRY 8 PEPPERS Get your Santa Claus money now with a low interest. life insured personal loan from Victoria and Grey. Get it today! POINSE $250 Keep Your Holiday Wishes AND YULE LOGS FOR THE FIREPLACE ALSO AVAILABLE POTTED MIXED GREEN PLANTS 11011 Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill laird Ruby, Manager 884-1 107 AND Correspondent Donna Matthews 8324579 XMAS TREES Anne Fowler correspondent 832-1204 PHONE: 884-6091 RICHVIEW NURSERY 10355 Yonge St., Richmond Hill UP AND Serving Ontario since 7889 SPECIAL! Skoggard exhibitions have been seen at Eaton's Art Gallery. Trinity and Victoria Colleges, in galleries in Huntington and Cold Spring Harbour. Long Island. New York, and in Peking and Montreal. In China Mrs. Skoggard was a pupil of Wang Ch'ing Fang in Peking, some of the works in the show, painted on rice paper. are done in the classical Chinese manâ€" ner. The most recent pictures are Chinese ink sketches done during a months‘ visit to China from which the Skoggards have just returned. sculptor Elizabeth Wyn Wood. TTIAS nearly at an end. Marilyn Wilson, President of CARS in Maple, would like to thank all con- tributers canvassers and king city news other volunteers who gave so willingly and helped to send us $400. over the $1600 objective. One of the ways in which the monies are spent ’is on fellowship grants to train "rheumatologists". Canada is one'of the leaders in arthritis maple news research and perhaps will be the first to make a "breakthrough" toward a cure. The Maple Branch of the Cancer Society would like to thank all who contributed their time and efforts towards Fundraisers Secretary Treasurer for the Maple Guides, Brownies. and Rangers. Someone with a little bookeeping sense (not necessarily an ex- perienced bookeeper) to keep our company‘s financial records. This job involves very little time and only five meetings a year. making the Pub Night with The Pig and Whistle Gang a big success. Figure Fan 0119/ If you are interested. ‘Accurate call District Com- 4. Noblet‘ missioner Anne Fowler at Nobleton 832-1204. Peewei Maple Minor Hockey Nobleton action last week saw the Nobleton Maple A novices tying the Midget, Nobleton B‘s 2â€"2.†Nobleton Other results: Nobleton Maple A A‘s 7. Maple 8‘5 0; Atom. Nobleton Accurate Machine & Tool 4. Nobleton 0; Maple A 3, Nobleton B 3. Peewee, Meat Shoppe 7, Nobleton B 1; DH & A 2, Nobleton A 0; Bantam- Midget. Maple B 3. Nobleton 2; Maple D 3, Maple A 0: Maple C 6, Nobleton 5.