At least. that‘s something the way it will go. Winners are supposed to be more or less gracious in winning; not that they always are. of course. Sometimes. when the vote is very close. and they start trying to figure out who voted for them and who voted against them, they can become a bit erratic in greeting those who come to their victory party afterwards. so that their on-and-off smile winds up as a nervous twitch before the night is over. Mind you, the winners don't credit the press for their victories, either; it‘s usually a big team effort between God and their campaign iworkens. By the time you read this, it will be all over. Those we have elected to keep us broke for another couple of years. will have accepted their congratulations and will be busy burning their election promises and telling their defeated opponents not to worry about those rumored law suits. They know that they didn‘t mean it when they said Jones was “a senile tosspot, who would always operate under the table. because that’s where he spent most of his time. anyway"; or that Smith's “only experience as an administrator was the time that she spent four years asa madam in Toronto; and even there she lost money." So. although I‘m not able to predict who‘s going to win in the various categories. I think 1 can predict the tone of reply from some of the defeated candidates throughout the region when asked to say a few words afterwards. They should go something like this: Candidate X â€"â€" (Council) â€" Lookit. whatta ya cor around here now for? I didn‘t notice ya when I co used Some publicity. V oh lllérothel' hand. hé've been known to be quite nasty after it's all over; and usually are. And most of the time it's the press that‘s to blame for their defeat Are you thinking that this might be the year to buy the kids a puppyrfor Christmas? Don‘t feef béd 'about admitting it. Lots of people get fairly demented ideas in the name of Christmas Spirit, 7 ‘Kids genup-e'arly enough as it is on Christmas morning. They don't need the cries of a barely weaned puppy to hasten their rising. I think it‘s the cute pictures of a little puppy dangling in a Christmas stocking in front of the fireplace that really convinces many of us. It is a nice advertisement. But have you ever stopped to think what the inside of that stocking must look like after it‘s held a squirming puppy for five hours?“ i Think of the problems you have in hiding a pair of mittens in the closet where the kids won‘t find them. How would you ever hide a puppy? Actually, What happens is y-ou'f'ihd a long suffering friend to look after it for the week before Christmas. Then on Christmas morning, after all the presents are opened. when the kids are sitting in front of a pile of toys six feet high with an “15 that all there is?“ look on their faces, you stealthily leave the house. You warm up the car and prepare for your 40 mile drive. The friend you find to look after the puppy must live at least that far away. You couldn‘t wish a brand new puppy on someone who lived really close by. ' Beéause they're probably never going to Speak to you again. ' Youâ€"pick up the puppy and head back home, trying not to mind the fact you are the only person on the road in the whole county. By the time you get back, the kids are fighting about whose Hot Wheels that is. This was the beginning of “statutory labor". With requirements modified from time to time to conform to altered conditions or changing sentiment, this was still in force in 1926 in certain areas of the County of York and other parts of Ontario. Theâ€"roads laid out and cbnstructed by the militia were handed over to the townships for maintenance under the statute labor system. Highway legislation was inaugurated in Upper Canada in 1793 whereby the justices of the peace were appointed highway commissioners, wrote E. A. James in The Liberal in 1926. Numerous grants were made for new construction and repair. Road overseers to act under the supervision of the commissioners, were elected at public meetings. Their duties included superiision of all 'conâ€" struction and repair work 911 roads arid bridges. The grants were expended under the supervision of spegially appointed commissiqners. They also supervised work done by landowners in accordance with the law which required all men living in parishes or townships to contribute up to a maximum of 12 days labor to the roads free each year. As early as 1804 it was Seen that without state aid they would never become passable for year-round traffic. lThe niairftenance of the roads was then left ti) the townships. As seftlements developed. traffic on the principal roads became heavier. Post-routes with regular coach service were becoming common and increasingly patronized. This increased traffic required a better type of road and many substantial and expensive bridges were Problems, problems Tone 0f defeated Nervous twitch /ncreased traffic Safe distance Public labour Grants started Sharon's By Sharon Brain sunshine By Jim Irving yesterdays by marv dawson K Living gifts mean trouble I‘ve been spending a lot of time in our local pet store lately because we just_ got a kitten. I go in there and gaze at the rows of cat shampoo and vitamin pills and cloth mice with bells on them. I feel so overwhelmed with all the things I should buy that I leave without the kitty litter I went in for. All around me there are people picking out pets to give for Christmas. v I would love to give them the benefit of my hard learned knowledge. But I know they won't believe I wouldn‘t believe anyone when they told me not to buy my husband gerbils for Christmas. They are too busy to pay much attention to a puppy who wants to throw up in the kitchen. Actually, they told me not to buy gerbils anytime But of course I ignored them. I bought a lovély two-level cage and a barrel of gerbil food and a bookAop how to 199k after _t_hem. Then I bought two of the cutest little gerbils you have ever seen. By New Year's Day we had 14 of them. When they disposed of the excess children in the rather gruesome manner that is natural to gerbils, I agreed that I was wrong. In 1899 a committee of York County council called a convention of municipal representatives in Ontario to consider the question. Besides, it rather ruined Christmas morning when my husband unwrapped his gifg. His mother leaped up on the couch shrieking something about getting those rats out of her house. If you really want to give someone a pet for Christmas, why not consider a turkey. needed. Maintenance by the residents failed to keep the roads in repair, so the next step was the building of toll roads. When the roads reverted to municipalities, efforts were made from time tutime to set up a county road system. In 1903 York County drafted a bylaw to set up a county system. This was submitted to the municipal councils. The provincial Act for the Improvement of Public Highways passed in 1901. Under the act the Ontario government agreed to bear onethird of the costs of construction and im- provement of county highways systems. More than a third of these disapproved, so the question was submitted to the ratepayers in 1904. Candidate X â€" (Council) â€" Lookit, whatta ya coming around here now for? I didn't notice ya when I coulda used some publicity. But. then I guess you were too busy over at our new councillor's headquarters to bother with little. old me, eh? Just because my curly hair‘s a little less â€" I mean, my hair‘s a little less curly now; and just because there‘s nothing socho about my â€" What? Okay, just because there’s nothing macho about me; and. and. and â€" leave the sandwiches alone on the way out. Candidate Z â€" (Council) â€" Well, well. the vultures come to claim the corpse. Sure you know how to operate that thing? (pointing to camera). Why a picture now, finally get to the 25 in your obit file? Probably be the first time anyone knew I was even running. The verdict was decisively against the proposal. Richmond Hill, Aurora and Newmarket were the only municipalities voting in favor. Early struggle for highways The matter than lay dormant for two years. It was brought up again in 1906. 1907 and 1908 before being approved. It directed that financial assistance for im- provement of leading highways be sought from the City of Toronto: ‘ Candidate Y â€" (School Board â€" on phone) â€" Well, this is a surprise. Where did you get my phone number? I mean, I didn’t think you even knew my name. I've never seen it in the paper before. so I don‘t know how you knew what section of the book to look it up in. The election? Well, I could say, why don‘t you wait until Wednesday and read about it in your paper. But then. there's been nothing in it about the election so far, so why should Wednesday be any different? The final resolution formed a county roads system in the southern portion. Candidate Q â€" (Mayor) â€" What brings you here? I already paid the carrier boy. Or are you collecting for the whole year? Well. tell them I'm cancelling my subscription. Oh. and you might as well take this. What is it‘? It‘s my platform for next election. I thought that if I gave it to you early enough, you might get some of it in this time. So, I guess you’re off to the mayor’s victory party. eh? What is it: shrimps and frogs legs? He always did try to keep a jump ahead. All in all, Christmas is not a good time for new pets Already stuffed fl was passed by county council in Local democracy Final/y approved Vultures come Gerbils never Next election Ruined Yule New kitten Due to an error on the part of GEM Dept. Stores: “Say Merry Christmas with a gift from Gem†Insert which appeared in the December lst Editions of The Liberal, Woodbridge 8 Vaughan News 8 NY. Mirror was incorrect. The Colourful Plush Thongs for Women should read: GEM sincerely regrets any inconvenience that may have been caused. QUALITYQ‘ CHARGEX SELLING FROM LESS FACTORY REBATE _ EXAMPLE BRAND NEW 1976 CHEVETTE SERIAL 253247 DELIVERY PRICE AURORA 92 YONGE STREET NORTH 727-2922 wils on niblett DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES 10675 YONGE STREET PHONE 889-5435 RICHMOND HILL SAME DAY KODACOLOR SERVICE FREE FILM SIMILAR SAVING ON OTHER MODELS CORRECTION NOTICE wils on niblett ' deal We" FILM SHOPS $2795 Our Reg. 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Room tax and gratuities Complimentary Rum cocktail party at the Trinidad Hilton $645oo Irinidad 8: Tobago THREE N|GHTS |N SWINGING PORT OF SPA|N, TRINIDAD AND SEVEN N|GHTS IN TRANOUIL AND RELAXING TOBAGO, ESâ€" CORTED BY HARRY ELKINS MARCH 21 - MARCH 31,1977 Two-Island Holiday 1 1 days/1 0 nights THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, December 8. 1976 â€" A-5 COST PER PERSON SHARlNG TWIN CHEV- OLDS BOOK EARLY... 884-9271