Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Dec 1976, B7

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100’ x 180’ LOT 10'2 PCT. MORTGAGE $98,500. 112 year old Rancher in King City, 3 bedroom, separate diningroom with French door walk-out, eat-in kitchen, comfortable family room, fireplace and walk-out to enclosed patio. Ideal main floor laundry, master ensuite, full huge basement. Lu Dobson or Dave Hodges, 881-5940. OAK RIDGES STARTER 9'4 PCT. MORTGAGE $43,000. 3 bedroom 112 storey aluminum siding. Bright eat-in kitchen, spacious livingroom, utility and laundry room off kitchen. Broadloorr'i. Built-in shelves, 50’ x 105’ lot. Lu Dobson or Dave Hodges, 881â€" 5940. NEAR HILLCREST 61' x 355’ LOT $118,900. Custom built, 3 bedrooms, den, family room with walkout and fireplace, oak trim throughout, sunken livingroom, full basement. Gene Mancini, 881â€"5940. KING CITY â€"â€" ‘2 ACRE 2 fireplaces enhance the charm of this sharp bungalow. Features: attached garage, fin. rec room and within walking distance to Go Train. Asking $69,900. ASk for Karl Fynbo. 34 ACRE THORNHILL 102 x 306 PRESTIGE AREA Exclusive 3 bedroom ranch style bungalow. First time offered only $89,900. 2 car attached garage, large cedar deck, mature fruit trees and more. Call Pat Bulova. 2 FAMILY HOME! $49,900 BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM Plus 1 bedroom basement apt. Immaculate condition with att. garage, and barn in back of lot. Near Yonge St. Ted Hopkins. RICHMOND HILL WEST 4 BEDROOM Features Hollywood kitchen overlooking family room with fireplace. large finished rec room. 2 car garage. 2 walkouts and more. Call Tim Lown. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL REDUCED $5.000 Beautiful 3 bedroom brick with walkout to pool, attached garage. professionally finished basement. bar. fireplace. 2 baths, and much more. Call Brian Bradley. RICHMOND HILL NEAR OXFORD STREET $125,000. Huge 4 bedroom luxury home, main floor laundry and family room, stone fireplace, walkout, Italian ceramic tile in kitchen, bathrooms, low 10% pct. first. Lillian Winterflood, 881-5940. Res. 2973616. THORNHILL $89,900 Solid brick 3 bedroom. Close to schools on quiet cul-deâ€"sac. Immaculate home with 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. finished basement, 2 car garage. To view call Peter Hamilton. 889â€"9526 @K ‘QCti‘On ling 881-4444 5111‘ WWW Real Estate Review“a 7735661 834â€"651 J clw24 MILL POND â€" RICHMOND HILL $42,900. 2 br. condo. Be your own landlord for the new year. Quiet bldg. near all amenities. Zelde Meerwald. 22 DELAIR CRES. Thornhill. Walkout bungalow on treed lot (60’ x 141’) Lower level completely finished. 30 ft. family rm. 2 fireplaces. Central air. Real Buy! Asking $116,900. Irene Benoit 889~9330. ‘ REDUCED TO $72,900 168 Kirk Dr. Brick 3 bedroom Thornhill bungalow. Spotless condition, 112 baths, built-in dishwasher, central air, ideal opportunity to own a fine, detached home in a desirable community. IRENE BENOIT â€" 889-9330. "HILLCRESTMALL" $72,900 Super sidesplit, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, sunken family rm. walkout to private patio & pool, garage. shows beautifully! Call today! Mrs. Devost 889-9330. 25 PORTREE CRES. Lovely Thornhill 4 bedroom on quiet cres., backs on parkland, 4 bathrooms, (4 pc. ensuite) main floor family room, fireplace, rec. room, reduced to $105,000. Possession flexible. IRENE BENOIT 889-9330. 29 Acres on Hwy No. 48 in Baldwin backing onto Black River ideal for Mini Farm, high & dry. trees in rear. Only $68,500 owner will hold mortgage. Try your low down' payment. Call Reine. Semi detached home wanted. in good condition with rec room in Beverly acres area. Please Call Henry Saft. What’s it worth to you? "2 acre, 2 bedrooms, completely renovated home is vacant. Owner must sell. Try your low down payment. Call Reine today. Richmond Hill duplex on huge 150 ft. lot. One 3. one 2 bedroom apt. Separate services, fully fenced, possible future severance. In area of new homes. Call Henry Saft. Make an offer, owner has bought, must sell now‘. 1 acre 212 storey school house. Put your ideas to work on this property. May consider trade in. Cal] Reine. Executive home a working man can afford, 4 bedrooms. family room with fireplace, 2 acres,‘ 1 mile to Newmarket, 5 levels‘ Owner will seriously look at any reasonable offer. Call Reine. 4 APPLIANCES! 3 bedroom townhouse plus family room. Main floor laundry‘ broadloom thru-out. Garage. Unit backs on parkland. Maintenance $35. Private location. Irene Benoit 889â€"9330. Young & Biggin LIMITED/REALTOR $39,900 FULL PRICE Solid masonry home with single car garage. Only 114 miles to Yonge Street and GO bus service. Ideal starter 'home with 10 per cent mortgaging. - OAK AVENUE 2 bedroom fully detached home on 241’ deep homesite. Features forced air gas heating, storm doors, close to Yonge Street. 10 per cent mortgaging. KING CITY Building lot. 64 x 165‘ beautifully treed homesite. Serviced with town water and hydro. Priced to sell. 884-0033. 773-4141. INDUSTRIAL 2Locations BRADFORD 812 acres ready to go. Reasonable down payment. Builder's terms. 4ACRES Sewer and water in town. Call Tom McKeage, 438-0002 or res. 884- 7969. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST CO. OF CANADA Large 4 bedroom home on 12 acre with real farm kitchen, main floor laundry, large mud room, patio with barbecue. double garage plus large shed. Unzoned location ideal for ‘small at-home business. Good crossroad, 1 mile outside Metro. $69,900. Call Doris Mair at 297-2622 or 294-1203 INVESTMENTSPECIAL Four plex with income of $15,000 per year. Three 3 bedroom apartments, one 2 bedroom apartment. Potential of 2 more apartments. Makes an excellent buy at $129,900. MAKE OFFER! Asking $60,900. 4 bedrooms, 2 storey in beautiful condition. Lovely treed lot with swimming pool. Impressive recreation room with built-in bookcases, toy bins, etc. Location: Central Newmarket. Call Nick Iburg at 895-1600. Toronto Line 881-0160 or Res. 895-5244. c1w24 SEEING IS BELIEVING 3 bedroom fully detached side-split on nice fenced lot, extra large bedrooms, 1‘2 baths, large living room, covered patio, large kitchen, separate dining room, family room, garage, much more, $57,500 with 9 per cent first mortgage. COUNTRY EXECUTIVE DUPLEX 4 or 5 bedroom 2 storey home on 1 acre lot with over 2,800 sq. ft. of space. Farm size kitchen, huge living room, dining room, 2 car garage, 20’ x 40‘ pool, 4 piece ensuite. Must be seen. There is a 2 bedroom self- contained apartment rented for $200 per month. We want you to look. $99,900 full price. $2,500 DOWN ONE MORTGAGE ONLY $45,900 FULL PRICE Newmarket split level home with three bedrooms, finished recreation room and paved driveway. Only one easy payment. Call 884â€"8106. Black and Stewart Realty Limited Realtor. R.E. BROKER Owned by Credit Unions & (Io-Operatives. a Canada Trust Machry', Culley Real Estate Ltd., é LIBERAL ADVERTISERS é clw24 _‘-_----_-_ -â€"_â€"- -_â€"â€"_... -â€"--â€"â€"â€"--. -â€"-â€"- -.. â€"-_ Getin on the ground floor with Canada's fastest-growing Rent-A-Car System! Holrday Rent‘A-Car has more than doubled its number ol statrons In each at the last three years. 1972. 1973 and 1974. Substantial growth has been achreved m [975 and 1976. It now has over 100 statrons stretching trom St. John's Newloundland to Victoria. Eritrsh Columbia rn Canada. It rs now In the process of opening stations throughout the U3. and has live openings scheduled In the next two months alone Holiday :5 now the second largest Canadran rent-a-car company. But the Company's greatest period of expansron us strll ahead. prom-sing unparalleled opportunrtres tor ambrtious busrness people at proven abrlrty. Here Isa chance to enjoy the Independence of operatrng your own exclusive husmess and to be associated with a young, dynafl'flc All Canadran orgamzatron. wrth _a proven record of success’. Investment and operating caprtal of up to $15,000 needed, dependrng on market srze. A few charce lacatrons are 5U" avarlable rn chhmond Hrll, Aurora & Newmarket. Ideal as an added source of Income to a related busmeSs, Le. car dealersmp, garage etc. Up-todate system of controls. complete tralnrng, operating and promotlonat facmtles supplied. Reservatron System wrth toll free numbers now rn opetatlon. Go wrth a wrnner.... full m and mail coupon below. or phone (519) 672-9580. to Ieam mow about this excmng busmess and what It could mean to you and your futuleo Please send me yom Franchise Program and Application Name Address ------ Franchise Director Holiday Rent-Acar Limited P.0‘ Box 2157. Postal Station "A London. Ontana‘ NGA 4E3 The Lubeml sincerely regrets any |flCOflVBfl|efl€E "US may have caused The advertisement fm mama and Grey {lust Company which appeared m the Dec. Bth edmon of The Libeval should have read . , . WCTORM and GREY I’ll/1 (111111 and TRUST COMPANY k * arms/tram MORTGAGE SERVICES All Types of Mortgages purchased, sold or arranged~to suii your every need at Prime Rates. NEWMARKET OUTSTANDING RENT*A*CAR FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY 895-1804 889-5320 A DIVISION OF ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED PRIME RATES FOR ALL TYPES OF MORTGAGES EXCELLENT COTTAGE AND COMMERCIAL FINANCING WENMDRE FINANCIAL LTD. TORONTO CORRECTION ' NOTICE Call: C.l(. (KEN) lE FEUVERE MANAGER PRIME RESIDENTIAL 1st MORTGAGE LOANS ‘35 Business Opportunities 10140 Yonge St. Richmond Hill For information please contact Barbara Fleming 11% % 884-06? â€" 773-5268 Serving Ontario since 7889 Up to 25 years to payback MAXIMUM TERM 5 YEAR THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. December 15. 1976 â€" --Res. Phone No Bus. Phone No. -------.. dclw24 1w24 Hc42 Large 4 bedroom, 2 washrooms, 4 applian- ces. Garage. With option to buy. bath Executwe 4 BEDROOM 119 Henderson Ave MOTEL’umts, Ielephones, 4-piece bath. T.V. Weekly, dauly tates. Colonial Motel. 889-4823. c1w24 bachelor apartment 8-36 Lake WIICOX - $210 monthly. 1 bedloom apartment 836 Richmond H||l - $289 monthly. 3 bedroom apartment 8-3] Thornhnll â€" $181 monthly. 2 bedroom apartment 3-33 Aulova â€" $345 monthly. 3 bedroom townhouse 8-27 Newmarket - $300 monthly, 3 bedroom home 830 For Rent â€" 2.000 - 10,000 sq. ft. 83‘ pe: sq. ft. Richmond Hill WOOUDIHEASIEEIBS Area 1,200 sq. ft. Units 300 Sq. ft. ofhce. alr‘condltioned broadloomed, drapes, . Immediate Occupancy 8892756 Between 8 am. & 5 pm. FURNISHED loom. close to lransportatmnv Kitchen iacilihes avaulab|e. No parkmg. 884-0345. TWO rooms for rent. Furnished. Parking 884-4878‘ c1w24 Fo: rental homes. apartments. roams, townhouses. throughout York Region and North Metro, SELF-CONTAINED Iurnlshed room, pnvate entrance; cookmg Iacdities. reliable gentleman onIyA After 6 pm. 8843709 clw24 THORNHILL BACHELOR apattment In basement. $125 pet month. Furnished. Single room, 1urnlshed $20. per week. 884. 3202 clw24 FURNISHED. Including refngeratot. share kitchen and bathroom. Men only. $25 per week. 8844319 altet 6 outdoor storage. $100 and up‘ 889- 4977. tlc6 Steeles -Don Mills Old Towne Place FACTORY FURNISHED room tor re Gentlemen only. 884-7564 FURNISHED room. close to transportation, Manv 8849738. FURNlSHED bedsnthng loom qunet busmess man 884-12154 lNDUSTR|AL AND COMMERCIAL SPACE 4.000 ’64 Thornhill 247-8784 2“ Factory~|ndustrial Space Industrial Building PRES) :GE INDUSIRIAL MALL 3 bedroom townhouse Immediate occupancy 3 appliances. 3 Available after De Many more on Me Drop In and see us today (fee chatged) 10217A YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL OR CALL 884-7214 C1W23 889-9245 RESIDENTIAL RENTALS 773-5230 889~7913 Houses to Rent 881-3893 x, 1'7 we lot overlooking 4884386. 884-4429. bedroom townhouse. 2 g, dmmg and famuly appliances. 3451 p9 space 1500 sq', ft LOOK HERE avanable Januaty lst rent. Large. 34 Clw24 c1w24 Clw24 c1w24 c2w24 fic22 c2w24 clw24 c1w24 fic29 clw24 tich suit

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