Bâ€"8 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, December 15. 1976 mmmmï¬wwmmmvmmmmxwmmmmmw. \\ '? WK ï¬lo I l ' A. - - § % st. r- ' ‘5‘ Houses To Rent 7“ Gardening "3 M'scellanews 5“" Help Wanted &Supplies 0 AURORA Ron Moore Carpentry SECRETARY CRUSHED STONE SAND CONCRETE ‘ GRAVEL ETC CUStom cablnets ' We have a vacancy in our sales department for someone wrth the followrng Delivered in small quantities Rec rooms and bars quahhcamns To Rent - Brand new 3 and 4 bedroom Townhouses Lovely resmeniial Knaopett S Landscap'ng ' le area Children most welcome Pool Steps to transportation schools ReTTOVBLIOTTS and shopping ‘ : - . Typan 60 wpm mmlmum C . . f . sundECks ' O Dictaphone essential ome vrsrt our urmshed model townhouse FREE ESTIMATES 0 Code 13 education USQSjBSEZOgcfehhcetgg up 1‘ 0 Good telephone manner and pleasant personality arteries:“eases... 495-0502 or 884-5543 Requires CROWN COR K AN D SEAL 884-3089 lri a. Aurora 1-727-1354 Toronto 782-4442 cleA BRAND NEW HOMES AT BARRIE Broadloomed, unfurnished, 3 8i 4 bed- rooms. Near schools and shopping. From $375 per month. 889-9199 - 669-2817 Excellent salary and company benefits. those qualified please call SCOTTSDRAVINTING Home 3911 SGlVlCe (383111913 Industrial Relations Department SOD FOR SALE Insulation lei:-i’ti‘"Dominoes.“"9"â€â€œ3i 7900 Keele Street (N. of Hwy. 7) Pick up in the field 1 Experienced Installers Reasonable D Don Mills; Bethesda Sideroad Fm Nmm [mes 1 888â€"1947 . 8845305. 883-1757. czwzo ciwza c1w24 ' INSTANT PRINTING MrrStripper . . I I 1 ' _ 35 Livestock FREECOFFEEWHILEYOU WAIT Sgec‘?IEII/\lrrhl:hmfehlmg n I Phom cepymg E 10' am Fuf:ltlJTE I Ch I tmaS an'ngofevefydescr'm'on _45 0 o Eloise ""rti'iiair'm 333-4837 all†3511!?“ Clerk/Typist . rlw 74 gpaiacnglclzirgriznézommhnogise._ sags", SggHSAOND trig agairtiomst. AUCTIOD 712Nursery School . ~ emaine res orono ~ Mills, Richmond HIIl.486-8578. 1679. c2w24 e Requtred for general office duties in School Board Administrative office. Clwza Interested applicants maycall or write, Office Manager, Mr. P. N. F. Smith. 3 BEDROOM bungalow $250 a Mon. Dec. 20th,6D.m- A _â€"__â€"._ York Region Roman Catholic HOUSE. sublet. January '77. 3 month Richmond Hill north 773- “Stoumme smkyams Age and over SeparateSchoolBoard,‘ bedrooms, partlyfurnished, beautiful 4132 clw24 A p h _ ' . 21 Dunlop St. Richmond Hill. location. 3 minutes iiom range _ â€"~â€"â€"â€"_ For Immediate delivery of new routes Wright, Lease valid September '77. Elm" M'llS â€" Yong? 3 bedloom .139123583"$11.E§121‘T'Zii“£011 program Call Circulation Dept 884-0778 773-4326 Rem 3450 38.1.5114 c2w24 main floor $300 net. Pets welcome. 4456143 AVallabl€ lanUB'Y 151» by auction preceding horses Free cl 24 c1w24 draws for saddles‘ tack, gifts, etc fOr children between the ages of 3 and 5 For a route I] ear yOU ' ‘ w ELGm Mi||5_Yonge. 3 bedroom may†M 14540 _ 4193 Located at the Richm0nd Hill Baptist Church. on 50 Wright St Twrce a week _ . flow. gaoogneg pets overcome 445. 4 BEDROOM 117 we lot Ove'looklng c1w2i‘l from 9.30 to 11 30 am. is $24 monthly Three times a week from 930 to 1 3 . 5143_ clw 22 goncomse‘ 4884386 C1w24 â€"â€"â€"â€" 11 30 is $36 monthly. Mrs. lean Sherbarth. EC E . superwses the program 7 For more information call 52" Personals MRS. ANNE 10°00â€- . 884-4811 PROGRAMCO-ORDINATOR Accounting 40 LBS. PER BALE 11.75 sermons machine 0 er tor 3646595 7751737 For adult Rehabilitation Centre p a ircsz ' WiltegstgrEdioTiarterTmTSDEW Management position reporting to the facility Ev_en'ng3 and Saturdays READER AN D ADVI 30R Katmaiâ€12.12.31: “from Orreooo. ResoonsIoie lOi oleieioorne rnynaonhe Approximateiy 27 hours per week. th' My ’ A150 y y,_ old ' - and monitoring Indiwdua programs or t e xglmd'tggpoughmedbroodmm- B Fri. Dec. l7th 7.30 pm. Handicapped Hours to be arranged. Ad dhl ‘ II If [If h | i. n 1 24 Atthe ankrupt location ofl.&l. InterrorsatMilliken(in laza on east Slde ' ' reallï¬gznprivgt: allied" ggnlidzntailirléoForl:pnsolh‘trllzhtigllaggoéhthgo c w of Kennedde..1mi. north or SteelesAvev East) Starting January Sheppard Ave. West. Downswew. H l Consrsting of thhe balancefofthehbankrupt stock of J. &J Interiors â€"all new Qualiï¬cations. Expertise and/0r training and 1 high quality ousehod urnis ings. - ' II. T 3 note in â€"N chest l'eids ( 2i 3 &4 receii m n on terns, ex erience in the Social Sciences. Assessment, . GOICOSIOTS chairsfwreclineresr.Ilamps. dinette suiltes. cusliaiohslbedroom Plgnmng and Pshychometry . 92w23‘ I chairs. dishwashers, sewtng machines, stereos, colour T. vs (26" and h ‘ . ' 6M4 . portable) â€" all new wrth manufacturer's guarantee and many other Salary. to Start' excellent bene 115. h hld d It t . r . . :Zztgggum 2 horse “New Funy Ozzie: MggtergCharlgET-ncsash. Good Cheques 7876045 Advance notice of Aut SIT .D 21.7:30..t 1 ti IMIlIIk.M . ‘ ‘ READER AND ADVISDR $1,595 ..°.;°i.,.::ioieio:: a °" " e" serio Resume no . Engineering Department READS Circle iiMii c1w24 SpeCial PTOJOCLS TechnICIan intertwined EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR . Q al‘f‘c t'ons: Y0 R K C E I 0 N Polit Slelcoidhry education in an envnonmentally‘oriented course of study 0 R G A N F O R THE M E NTALLY R ETA R D E D ti'eitit'evtleot‘w‘étl‘SEALECEET'RRoli'thlétéifttiflï¬tlt assess; would be desrrable. TEACHER Dunes. 4 Responsible to the Superintendent for the collection and collation of Requtred several evenings a week. routine Waste Water and Water Production Data. and further responsrble Hillcrest Mall. Scarborough Town for the identification set-up of investigation protects. and reporting upon Centre and Sheridan Mall. Pickering. COMPEHTION CLOSES DECEMBER 31% 1976 problem areas and areas of special Interest in Waste Water, Water Produc- .:iy;ia tion and Roads. Thomas Organs , .. - Apply in writing before December 30, 1976 to: 487-0247 c2w24 ’ I n PERSONNEL CO-ORDINATOR Ranch 851-050M Real Estate Auchon 0f property at 89 - 91 Gloucester St., downtown Toronto. 3 pm. Thurs. Dec. 16, 1976. At Keg and Cleaver Restaurant. 515 Jarvis St., Toronto. Due to health , _ reasons a prime opportunity to Rawlings. late of the Township of purchase an 18 “mt apartment King. in the Regional Muniupality of b Id .Idel est tD |497- York. who died on or about the 17th 3gggnfm m:,e'"|VmO,Tn:2m '21sz day of September. 1976. are hereby ~â€" notified to send particulars of same 541 to the underSigned on or before the Daycare 23rd day of December. 1976. after ‘ PALMS AND CARDS ' If you have any problems such as love. marriage, business or health, pay ers. Wintersa call. She can advrse you about your problems. All readings private and confidential. Phone 2236597, for appointment, or pay her a Visit at 173 ‘ - _ .m. Finch Ave, E. Hours. 9 am. 90 plwz‘: 5‘" Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Donald Alfred Rawlings. All persons having claims against the Estate of Donald Alfred Are you worried about someone with a drinking problem? If so, contact Al- Anon. 366-4072 or write PO. Box 516, Richmond Hill. Confidential. ttc22 DO you have a drinking rhoblem? If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. or call 487-5591.' ' ï¬c44 "2 Dressmaking m Pats which date the estate Will be DAY Caâ€? 3Va'lable '†my home SOCIAL Director. able to supervise N ï¬thlFaz‘ltlngLsea‘thleyt :ungdeklgtdc Santa dismbumd W'lh regard 011‘! 10 the R'Chmond 11'†884‘4878- ClWZ‘l arts and crafts In a new retirement . E 1928 I ‘ .thZ] Cla'ms 01 “mm the UnderSiened m. hotel Presently a part time posrtion a 1 , ' ' shall then have notice and the DAY CARE given in my home. any M 23 hours per day .naeasmg [0 W V 777777 _r #777333 undersrgned WI†not be liable to any ager “93' Beveâ€elAC’95 39Wâ€- 854' lull time For ODDOIIIlmenl C3†334' ms Tutm'ng Reg§ja$rlrg€¥3§go|35upples 5:501“ Whose “3â€â€ “1915113†"01 9535‘ “C4 8040- 91W“ Bookkeeping essential. One person office. Receptionist 1 Secretary 7 typing - g I . mu BRTEEVZtIEEIEreï¬ond Hmms 22nd DAY care Ewen In my home. Two â€"â€"Wâ€â€"*~ personable r able to meet public ~ Own transportation. Immediate LEARN to 111 lntrOdllClolT "IKM ‘35 d of N b 1976 DOM 0 years and up. Beverley Acres. 884» 8 employment Toronto Airways Ltd. ButtDnVIlle RZQLINGSOV? EkUCE RAWUNGLS 6450 c2w24 known company Airport.297-1422. tlc32 Execute†of the Estate of DONALD' - requires ambitious part or lull time - 350 IN AND OUTDOOR ALFRED RAWLINGS. by their m Daycare Wanted he'l’r 63' “MSW Eel" OOOVe - - Part tlme PETS RUNS solic1tors. LAWLOR. LECLAIRE. “9'329 wages for IHLCTVIBW - i 8814260 HOBSON s MACHDN. Barristers & BABYSITTER 7 Shift work Involved. 895.6532 mm Mondays and FlldayS rfcgl Solicrtors. 10265 Yonge Street. Hillcrest Mallarea. 884-0575 Cyw“ Richmond Hill. Ontario LAC 4Y7 (JJL) ONE or 2 days per week. either In my c3w22 home or yours. must be close to Anthony'sSchool889-4382 c1w24 W . 297-3203 Wall“ Buttonville Airport 884_8110 harnesses“ Shetland Sheepdog puppies (mini collies). Also “7 months old boxer NOTICE TO ggimafn'ésntt géiftslond'négï¬mm' Clot“ lemale. partly trained Shots AmericanEslrimo CRED'mRS Rellable person McLean. 8812121 Parkway Hotel re lSteled. 473.3282) 473.2413 “mom†I; pure white puppies. 6 weeks old In M Ewe 01 AGNES HANNA to care for 9 year old girl. before “W†62W“ Reg'd Good family & guald dog 80le school. during lunch and after him $100 h I Ross Do n S h l ewe c1w24 ALL persons havrng claims against 3‘: 0°- 3 c 0° 3'93 Part time Allshitts 884 9248 K POODLE CLIPPING the Estate of AGNES HANNA BOYLE. CIWZI M A N PU GROOMING late of Thornhill, Ontario. who died c1w24 on or about the lOtn day of November. 1976. are required to 540 Domestic send a statement of their claims to the underSIgned before the 27th day Wanted of December. 1976 after which date the estate will be distributed. haying EX\PERIENCED cleaning lady & ACCESSORIES 10088 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill $UpelVlSOT Permanent part time Auto parts and fabrication plant ~ 884-5587 For condominium recreation club. Thornhill requires draftsperson immediately Knowledge of process engineering an Would sort retired or mature person Morningsil hours Monday to Friday Experienced to'trial balance payrolls 3559‘ send 9913"“ 'esume Eng'"ee“â€8 manage' " Poodle puppies Toy 8. Standard Reg'd Vaccrnated Chercan Reg'd regard only to the claims of which req‘uued 1 day weekly Thornhrll some DOOM‘GED'W App†Ml J09 - - I Czwza the underSIgned shall then have Owntransportation 8813384 notice 61W“ Apply 10 BOX 124 ' ch24 95 Cousins Drive, Aurora, Ontario. tar; 3H1. FREE to good home A good DATED at Toronto this 26th day of ‘ _ tempered black lab puppy 2 month November. 1976 THORNHILL, cleaning lady required. The Liberal, MORGAN LLOYD PIPER and 1 day weekly 8813606 c1w24 FERGUS PATRICK WALSH, Execumrs 505 Wanted by their solicitors. Richmond Hill Elle Eihtral . WALSH ANDWALSH PM W M hem Good Watkins my I mum avalyable Fulloruan “me Ca†institutional experience 297 2822 Maintenance Person TorontoMgfltgrc'g collecteng Hamilton 3882530 Ml Jon†Heme†all“ R l P To perform general maintenance in and around the hospital complex. Pyewous hospital experience preferred â€" minimum of 2 years recent @1111: {W Aee - 1O and Over iterates: FOR SALE Singers & Hens Carrying The Red Factor Guaranteed singers or money refunded. Good Christmas gifts 887-5311 7 Alvin S. Farmer. Gormley 1 old female 889 8536 cleA PUPPIES Cairn Terrier. Cockers. Dachshunds. Lhasa Apsos. Pekingese. Pomeranian. Pugs. Schipperke. Shih Tzu TOWN A COUNTRY PETS 2 COOKS required immediately with A secretarial experience. fast and accurate dicta typing. and well developed W’gests “"3853535’12522â€: 21 Requires FOR NEW AND ESTABLISHED ROUTES 3:11:23:'{L‘il‘i‘fciffFSAJRimfiitï¬z‘wil‘le‘fllt.?§,"â€" 630 LOSt & R R P O D E N IN O R N H | lC-ljelr-Iiclaiï¬rfegtï¬hgttpaosrityion on children‘s ward Minimum of 1 year related P t W ggegitiaprreyrred ~speCia| interest in children essential! 3313. egos 9? “311113.: . DOG LOST GERMAN M ILLS DON'T BE LEFT OUTII Leah lost in Richmond Hill near PU ies $100 R'CDmond He'Ehts Centre on Satur- I ' organizational and inter personal skills ' d D A h S I Sh Cle‘l 3) ECPLIEASE CALLBLNR Th S an cope†n“ t t I . M d U 'es ‘imm‘ '5 ’ iii 0 e r e . . . “Emir; Alsoeigfoliosmioom 80‘“ l ::.:: you'localcommumlt Whlle WE'REsglhvevgitrszgentgin:moheysmce m York Central HOSpltal Please telephone Circulation Department female partly trained Shots ' - 10 Trench St. Richmond Hill IGEIStE'ed STAY GOOD home needed for female cat. ' 473-3282 or map 2:3...fri‘teinizetheir Larrylohnston 884-0981 881-3373 883-2250 473'2413 61*“ orwmmr ciwu 881-3373