Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Dec 1976, B9

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The Personnel Agency lor the Travel Industry We require experienced travel consultants lor the New Year in Brampton, Downsvrew. The Airport area and Rexdalet Call us for a conlidential chat at Cross Country Skr Attendants and Sue Supemsors tor weekends and holidays at an area wrthrn the Town limits. Rate 01 Pay: $3.50 per hour mth hours from 3:30 AM. to 4:30 PM. Interested apphcants should apply In person to: The Parks and Recreation Offices Room 102 10266 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. clw24 to make up beds at Patkway Hotel Call Mrs. Brown 881-2121 Maintenance Person COCKTAIL WAITRESS - WRITER For GoII Club In Concord. Phone Mr. Graham, 669-226301w24 EVENINGS and Weekends. Semce station. self~sewe cashlet. Expenence necessary. Apply Shell. Keele and Hwy‘ 7 FACTORY help wanted In concrete ptoducts ‘ packaging plant. Some experience m fork II" operations essentialp To apply call Mr. N. Hay 889-6291. clw24 for general hotel. Permanent position 5day week. Ideal for Ietired petson. Call Mr. Latimer 881-2121 lo: lunch‘ 11:30 am. â€" 2:30 pm. Monday - Friday. First class dimngroom. Excellent working conditions. Call Mr. McLean. 8811121 Parkway Hotel. Local bank tequires fully experienced 884-9276 Health orientated person required by North Toronto dental practice, To act at vanous locations throughout Town dunng school weeks only Rate ol Pay: $3425 per houv With a guarantee of 20 hours per week. lnlelested applicants should apply to: The Personnel Department Town 01 Richmond Hill Part time employment oChoice of shift oChoice of location 0 Staff Relief 0 Private Duty THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT (adaocone Housekeeper I¢ oiicuctn SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS ¢o leat- Waitress-Waiter Parkway Hotel R.N.A. APPLY |N WR|T|NG T0: BOX 123, “THE LIBERAL” SALES PERSON 889-4961 PART TIME TELLER the travei trad;c\_ Immediater Experienced, Full time Exclusive ladies shop HILLCREST MALL 884-2400 Nurse Aides Health Care Aides appronmately 28 hours weekly. Experience not necessarily requnred Para-Med Personnel 864-9575 Ask for Petet Spauldmg 6 Adelaide St. East, Ste. 612, Toronto 505 Help Wanted Room 101 10266 Yonge St Richmond Hill. Call between 9 am & 5 pm 366-7721 clw24 C1w24 clw24 c1w24 clw24 I:le4 \THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL f0! Richmond Hill UniQed Chulch 1020l YONGE STREET Iwo, manual casavant new console. Apply ll'l wntlng 0: phone We are going out of business. We have several thousand tropical plants. succulents, cacti. vines. ivys and flowering plants. Plant your Terrariums or decorate your home at reasonable prices. Free advice MATURE experienced house cleaning person tequiled to: retirement home. For further information call 884- 9248. CNN ~Part Time Selling Out 305 QUEBEC HEATERS RECONDITIONED $135 &$145 884-1698 53 Olganist and Directov 01 Music Unable to relocate Phone answering, mnmings Firewood: Quality ash hardwood $35 per cord, delivered Displaced by New Airport Articles for Sale 889-0283 J. Greftegreff Greenhouses requnres reqmres Corner of 17th Ave Markham â€"Pickering Townline 889-5571 294-5634 884-1576 clw24 LN 24 c1w24 c2w24 c1w23 clw24 clw24 c2w23 FIREWOOD Dominion Store Lot â€" Yonge St.. 50th 0t Harding and also cornem'Baywew and 18th Ave. Richmond HIN. KNAPPETT'S LANDSCAPING AND GARDENING SUPPLIES WHITE BIRCH s37 picked ‘39'50 delivered In Richmond H1l|-Thornhil|toSteeles area Scotch pine. any size. $6 Log cabin. fires North on Woodbine to Vandorf follow signs east 1 mlle‘ CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine and Spruce At Horton Tree Farm ALUMINUM Doors. windows, awnings. railings, sidmg. sofflt systems. trough. Free estimates. Ron Woods 884-1514. ‘ FIREWOOD HARDWOOD RUG. hooked wool. green background, 8 x 10 With underpad. $30. 889-2100. c1w24 Another sale â€" Iavger selectn most pnces reduced. 9216 Bayview Ave. at 16th Richmond Hill. TABLE saw. Beaver Rockwell, 9", complete with stand, 2 cast Iron extensmns and blade salety guard. 5 months old. like bland new. Only 3249. 2974237. Evgs. c1w24 STEREO, AM-FM record player. Nordmende. teak cabinet. $125. 56" x 321/2", good condition. 889-4121. c1w24 BABY caniag‘e~stro|ler combined Gendron 340. Car parts. 8845292. DININGROOM suite. 9 pc. solid mahogany. Excellent condition. Royal Crown Derby China, 45 pc. Perfect condition. 883-1406. clw24 Pine Balsam Very Reasonable Call Mary at 833-6677 40 Station Rd. King Citv Christmas Special Christmas Trees ECONO GAS STATION $30 per cord Well seasoned beech and maple - ‘33 face cord picked up ‘ ‘35” delivered Delivered Evenings and Weekends Christmas Trees BASEMENTSAlI ' Sat. & Sun. Dec. 18 519 11104 pm. 9! sale â€" |alger selection Visit our factory sale for savings on top quality items PERFUMES BATH OILS COLOGNES SHAMPOOS HAIR SPRAYS CONDlTlONERS ' AFTER SHAVE ETC. ETC. ETC. DEC. 13 to 23, 12 pm. - 6 pm. SATURDAY DEC.‘ 18, 9 am. - 6 pm. FABERGE OF CANADA LTD. 7939 KEELE ST. 14" -26" screen: All wood‘tabineis. Best pnces in Town ng Sideload between Dufferin 8. Bathurst Yonge & Carrville RdA across from Hlllcrest czwzg 24 â€" 10 oz. cans $3.99 â€"40 oz. bottIes NR. $4.39 Christmas Colour Special from Hitachi 884-6603 888-1738 SPECIAL FABERGE CHRISTMAS SALE In Richmond Hil|~Thornhill to Steeles Ave COKE Cut your Own Daily .Bayvnew and 18th Avenue, Richmond Hull Paul’s T.V. Just North of Highway No. 7 773-5782 884-3089 c2w23 C2w 23 clw24 clw24 m“ 305 Hardwood Firewood TEAKWOOD Bulma Scandinawan furniture. bedroom, dimngroom, Ilvmgroom, coffee tables‘ Brand new‘ Very reasonable, 1-247-4377. YORK ALUMINUM ~ Free estimates. Aluminum siding’ windows, doors, awnings. 88441558 0r 832-1319 TYPEWRIIERS. addels. calculators. sales, service, rentals. Newmarket Business Machines. 497 Timothy St, Newmarket 895-7621. «:36 Every phone order receives FREE Gift TEAKWOOD - Living-Dining. Bedrooms. Disigns on Teak, 457 Markham Rd‘, Allencourt Plaza, Rlchmond Hill â€" 8843750. New and Used. 100's to choose horn Let Fuller Brush help you with your GUITARS AND AMPS Christmas Shopping glass front. holds 10 guns. stomge :abmet in bottom. Teakwood Furniture Cosmo Music Company Richmond Hill 884-5272 Articles Fa Sale Drrect from importers warehouse Open till 9 pm. EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED Hwy. 7. Bramalea. 7912355 79 Doncaster. Thornhill 8810000 46 Wildwood Lane. Lake Wilcox Pine Gun Cabinet For immediate de|ivery call 833-5667 Evgs. Beds repaired & repolished 8118 Yonge St, Thornhill 881-4072 3440 Pharmacy Ave.. Unit 12 waorough - “7.7833 $30 per cord Brass beds All sizes Trees One price only $6 888-1032 889-0827 Mixed Hardwood Christmas 773-5833 avea clw24 c2w24 c2w24 clw24 tfc16 clw24 c1w24 flcll Cle‘ NC 17 flc30 flcl 4 Piece 88(5199 5 Piece Set $299 Assorted colours to choose from RUG. shaggy. white, 810' x ll‘n', 3200‘ Lamp, white shade. white and gold base with hanging glass crystals. $40. Antique looking lamp. red velvet shade and gold figurine base, $40. Call Sue after 5:30. 773-4524. Stereo â€" colour TrV. drnrng table chairsa loam filled chesterlreld anc chairs. Refrigerator. Space healers. Lamps, Vacuum cleaner. dressrng table. etc. Double bed. Eleclrrc lan. Floor polisher. Chandelrer. Crib. stroller, patro table. bookcaselawn mower. Very reasonable pricesr 884~ 51” c1w24 2 plus 2, steel belted snows. Size A78 - 13 blus rims. Used 3 months last wmler. 340‘ 21" black and white console telewsmn. Works wells $20 Cosmo Music Company Richmond Hill 884-5272 mahogany excellem cond. $1,295 Cosmo Music Company Richmond Hill 88443272 Moon dual, now $850 Plus all other band Instruments and accesones tab|e size. cost new $129. Condition llke new. $60 BOY'S ski boots, size 54 brand new. size 1. like new. Ski poles, $35. total. 884-7490. c1w24 ONE Royce .23 channel 0.8. radio, 6404377. c1w24 POOL table 4' x 8', accessones, like nev'l. $165. 773-5813. c1yv24 RUGS, 2 Indian hand woven, 12‘ x 9'; 6' x 9'. Mulberry colour. Will accept best price. 884-6528, c1w24 QIRL'S winter coat, size 12. gold colon Child's rocking chair. Both like new. 884-6760, after five. c1w24 SNOW tires, (2), F78-14, good quality 884-4688. Evgs. c1w24 BOX spring and mattress, clean 340‘ Moped $275., new‘ Floor lamp $23, Iur coat $55, new, size 15-16. 222- 1954 after 6 pm; clw24 BRAND new Mate's bed and mattress 590. Also older 3/: bed wnth headboard $30. 884-5940, or 833- 5706 after 4:30 pm. MAN'S car coat. 2 teen evening gowns. new. sue 9-10 and 1112. Boy's 3speed bike. 884-1257. DRYER, gas Inglis, $125. 884-5935, c1w24 DININGROOM suite, 9 piece walnut, oval table. Excellent condition. 727- 8024 Evgs‘ cxw’M Piano, Baldwin TYPEWRITER, IBM Selectric. Like new. 3400. 889-3431. 775-5682. HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid for houseful of furniture and appIiances. Brice's Furniture, 363 1954. ms Cosmo Music Company Richmond Hill 884-5272 W Typewriter PIANO wantedA ApmeImately $100- 5150‘ 222-7088. nczz GRAVELY "actors, new and useH.’ 2 and 4 wheel. Mowers, blowers. 294- 1407. c4w22 DEAD or cnppled tarm anlmals, picket! up promptly. 705-439-2421. Call anytime, Ed Peconl 8. Son. Woodville, Ont Licence No. 3249669. IcZ CAMPER trailet. 1968, Elgin. 5350‘ Excellent condition. 884-5292. 773 AIR HOCKEY GAME 5186 TRUCK CAPS SALE ‘ 3229 Up TRUMPETS, SAXES, FLUTES, CLARINETS “5 Farm Equipment Must Sell 311 Qamioqfigileré ACCORDlANS DRUM SALE Snow Tires electric Also electric calculator 884-7865 230 All sizes and c6lors Old Hwy. 7 and Bayview THORNHILL 889-1831 Articles wanted 640-1586 New and Used New grandmhel 889-5039 773-5624 889-0315 3 chimes. Was $1,17t Clock Campers & Traile:s c2w23 c1w24 clw24 c1w24 clw21 lw 24 clw24 c1w24 clw24 clw24 Pn- 5VD'OJI I OPtN Days a. tvenmgs ' Green & Loblaws, Christmas 'Treat - An Excitihg Gift .LOWRE‘Y‘.CONN.WURLITZER ORGANS L %%§‘Z§3& 31"st CHRISTMAS SALE Cookedâ€"Frozen Average 1 lb. each 12 per case $48 Minimum order 6 Lobsters also Frozen Lobster Meat 6 cans per pack $30 Ye Olde Second Hand Shop g a; 0mm! ‘ -._1A $3me Marsh World 3.5 h.p'. to 10 h.p. Reid quver'Magine &____Sports Ducks Unlimited (Canada 727-8823. We also have a great selection of NEW & USED PIANOS WHILE THEY LAST FAMILY FARMS FROZEN FOODS LTD.. 1% Miles South of Davis Dr. on Don Mills Rd. We have a Huge Stock of. ‘. . P.E.I. LOBSTERS 11.641 Yonge St, Richmond Hill at FUN I INU5 music centre WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL AND WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD Organ 8. Piano lamps 8. large selection of music ponhngv Ph. 895-6311 102 Industrial Rd., Richmond Hill at PONTINGS 884-6101 889-8411 884-7776 clw Pick Up 9 am. t9 5__p.m_, 23;}; begihs’HERE! POWDER DOWN â€" Most Birds provide a waterproof dressing for feathers by distributing oil from the "preen gland" during the preening process. Herons (including the bitterns) have an additional water- proofing technique. Modified down feathers on the breast and belly grow continuously, but rapidly break up into microscopic fragments known as "powder down." This powder, which superficially resembles graphite, is dis- tributed over the feather surfaces, giving a dusty, waterproof "bloom" to the plumage. Motors Glzryaler jg Polaris ~ Snawnmbile Pans B Acoassuiesl BilWaIs {A g Bedmmm! din" * gooo , g r“ I.‘ :3: IA IA nnnnn LJCDCI Rupp OPEN Days 8. Evenings “7-76 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, December 15. 1976 â€" 3332:5335 See our excellent selection of tables corner benches, corner cupboards, tour poster beds, pedestal tables. I Open 7 days a week. . cSwZI summwmwwwmmmmmmmmwa Presents a Country Christmas with old fashioned gift ideas at old fashioned prices and a house decorated to delight young and old. Hot Coffee Served Free. Drop in and feel the spirit of a true country Christmas. 8054 Yonge St, Thorhill (Across from Kinney's Shoes) “Accessories for the Fireplace” ZraigrnOre House" Pine Furniture & Gifts ' Custom Orders Invited Yonge St. - Oak Ridges 773-4091 Grandpa's Attic- ANTIQUES & GIFTS o Brooms 881-2199 g THE PIANO SHOP Give the gm of MUSIC. Over 20 planos to choose 1mm. New and reconditioned. Uprights and apartment sizes. 25 percent OFF New Mason and Rlsch. Hwy. No. 7 (13 miIes east of Markham. 4 miles east 0! Brougham). swmwwmw‘ Open Fliday and Saturday 10 am. - 6 pm. 683-4500 or 9853477 after homs. ' c4w22‘ MMMMMMMME ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SALE Genume 20 percent Discount Bonnell Antiques Woodbine Avenue (Don Mulls Road lust north of Vandmf) 727-4311 A beaqu card will announce yum Gift Stiwipfim in time in cm You! thought will be lemembetef let the whole year. $9.90 - Home a Mail Delivery Telephone 8M0981 John Wilson Blades mmmmwwmma Figure Skating Bantique 8 Sports THE LASTING GIFT 52 ISSUES OF THE LIBERAL 6012 Yonga SL, Willowdale (Compe'fitm's Compininn) Custom Boots 0t write Circulation Department Box 390 Richmond Hill L4G 4Y6 THE LIBERAL 225-1377 All Accessotias -Custom Screens c1w22 03W 20 til/20

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