Thornhill man Head Foster Parent named At present, over 70.000 children and their families are being supported by foster parents in Canada. Foster Parents Plan is a non-profit, non-political. non-sectarian social service organization with programs in the underdeveloped countries of Africa, Asia and South America. The LaunitzSchurer's have one son, Leopold Jr. who is a lecturer in American History at the University of Queensland, Brisbane‘ Australia. Australia. Netherlands and United States He served as chairman of the international board from 1970-73, while at the same time serving as vice- chairmaii of the Canadian board. Together they support a foster child in the Phillipines. THORNHILL â€" At a recent meeting of the Inter- national Board of Directors of Foster Parents Plan, Inc.. Thornhill resident Sidney Launitz-Schurer became chairman of the organization. Monthly care costs $19 to provide food, clothing. medical and dental care and education. For further informatiOn about the program write to: Public Relations Department, Foster Parents Plan of Canada. 153 St. Clair Ave. W.. Toronto, M-W 1P8. or call 9204654. Mr. Launitz-Schurer. a prominent member of the Montreal business community until his retirement in 1972, was first elected to both the international and Canadian boards in 1968. Mr. Launitz-Schurer now resides at 110 Inverlochy Road with his wife, formerly Marjorie Springett, daughter of the late Rev; E.J. Springett of Toronto. C-2 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, December 15. 1976 RICHMOND HILL â€" The Richmond Hill Coin Club will play host to members from the Thistletowm North York and Scarborough clubs at a Christmas party to be held at 7 pm. Dec. 21 at Richmond Hill High School on Wright St. There will be a bingo game and av gift ex- change. On display are a recycling tree adorned by old bottle caps. juice can tops and discarded styrofoam cups. a tree decorated with popcorn and cranberry strands, one painted white to hold paper sculptures, another decorated with chains of film and one secret decorating attempt guaranteed to be very exciting. Trees on display RICHMOND HILL â€" The Richmond Hill Recycling Depot will be closed Christmas and New Year's Day so if you‘ve got anything with recycling potential, Dec. 18 will be the last 0p- portunity before the New Year. RICHMOND HILL â€" The Richmond ‘Hill Public Library staff invite the community to view a collection of Christmas trees now on display in the library on Wright Street. The-staff memberé were di'vided into groups and each has selected a suitable tree tepic. RICHMOND HILL â€"â€" Canadian violinist, Maurice Solway will be present for a showing of the film “The Violin“, in which he stars, at Charles Connor Memorial Branch library at King Side Road near Yonge St. Dec. 18 at 1 Libraries will be closed Dec. 31 at 5 pm. until Janu4 at the regular opening time. Violinist at film showing Yule library hours RICHMOND HILL â€" All branches of the Rich- mond Hill library will close Dec. 24 at noon and re-open at regular hours Dec. 29. Coin club hosts party One last recycle this year at depot in the hill No tickets are required and admission is free Sidney La unitz-Schurer . . . . . . foster head RICHMOND HILL â€" It‘s time to get down to some serious turkey talk. If you‘re planning to serve the big bird during the holiday season. no doubt you‘ve given thought to how to thaw the fowl and what to do with the leftovers Holiday Eggnog 3 Packs Sweet 'n Lo 3 Egg Whites 1 Cup Evaporated Skim Milk, chilled in freezer until very cold 3 Egg Yolks The Ministry of Agriculture and Food in response to numerous phone calls on just these Yuletime issues makes the following suggestions. Here are some simple ways to help stay thin during the. holiday rounds: 1. Plan ahead. When you know you are going to a party. plan what you may eat before you leave your house. Eat only what you planned; nothing more. 2. When you feel your energy lagging during this season, stop. Whatever you are doing, st0p. Away from home, sit down for five minutes. At home. go to your room for a brief rest or a quick shower. Remember that fatigue is the greatestenemy 'a dieter can have. 3 Plan to entertain at home where you are in control of the food. 4. Be sure you have a stunning and slim New Year's outfit waiting for you in the closet. Buy it the week before the holidays, and tape the sales slip to your refrigerator door. 5. Do not fall into the cookie-baking habit. I 6. Include dinner out in your week before Christmas plans. Order a la carte and diet. 7. Do not unwrap gift candy boxes. 1 Tsp. Rum Extract I4 Tsp. Salt RICHMOND HILL â€"â€" The holiday month Dec‘. 1 to Jan. 1 poses an un- certain challenge to keeping a clear focus on the diet horizon. The feasting, drinking and activities of the month will be travelled by many with diet in hand and heart in mouth. “Fear not“, says Helen Nicolle. Area director of the Toronto-East Diet Workshop. “The diet need not be lost en route to next year". Ge tting do wn to turkey talk Tough fes tive weigh t we tch Holiday Recipes for Slims If space allows, a turkey can be suc- cessfully thawed in the refrigerator. by slitting the bag. but leaving it on. Place the turkey backside down in a pan and allow about five hours per pound. If there's an extra sink available, you might try that. but don't puncture the bag. . . otherwise you‘ll end up with a very soggy bird. Allow one hour per pound and then 1 CupVSkim Milk powder, liquified, very cold Grated Nutmeg Beat egg yole with sweetener until thick and lemon coloured‘ Add rum extract. Chill one hour. Baké if] 325 degfee ‘0ven for 40 minutes or until knife inserted around edge of pie comes out clean. Beat egg whites with salt ‘until stiff. Slowly add cold evaporated skim milk to beaten egg yolks, heating with electric mixer. Add skim milk and continue beating. Fold in beaten egg whites until mixture is smooth and foamy. Pour into six punch cups. Sprinkle each with grated nutmeg. 1 cup pineapple chunks, canned in own juice, well drained u Tspi ground ginger 6 ounces cooked medium shrimp 2 Tablespoons lime juice 1 Tablespoon Kikkoman Soy Sauce Using Blender, mix all ingredients together until very smooth. Pour into Pahmrsprayed 9 inch pie plate. lWix all ingredients together. Marinate a ,few hours. Place one shrimp, one pineapple chunk on a coloured toothpick. Chill well before serving. 2 Tablespoons Orange Juice Con centrate 1 Ounce Thin Sliced White Bread 1 Tsp‘ Cinnamon ‘ '4 Tsp. Nutmeg 1 Tsp. Vanilla 1 Cup Canned Pumpkin 1 lb. Cottage Cheese 2 Eggs 1.. Cup Brown Sugar Substitute '2 Tsp. Ginger Dash of Salt Pumpkin Cheese Pie Place the turkey on a tray. backside down and cover with a double brown paper bag or towel, allowing for more even thawing and keeping the surface of the bird from getting~too warm. Allow one and a half hours per pound and then refrigerate. open the bag and refrigerate. If neither of the above are large enough in your home, the counter will do‘ Again slit the bag and leave it on. Remember. that after the bird is thawed, only one day in the refrigerator is safe â€" so plan ahead. Luau Shrimp of leftovers Take care of the lef- tovers before the dishes, seems to be the ruling of the Ministry of Agriculture. Leftover turkey must be refrigeathd or frozen as soon as the dinner is over. If it is left at room tem- peature it deteriorates quickly. Take all of the meat off the carcass being careful to leave it in as big pieces as possible to prevent Taking care drying. Wrap and refrigerate if you plan to use it in two or three days or to freeze. wrap the East-West: 1. Jean Honan and Pat Diane Brown and Sherry Vogan 3. Rita Sharon Menczel. ____..u vuul Dec. 5: the Aurora Bridge Club hosted a Charlotte Ingram Memorial two-session event with the proceeds going to the Arthritis Foundation. The Over all winners were: 1. Bob and Edna Dunn 2. Ruth and Gerry Browning 3. Sandy Jenkinson and Cleta Dieken. ' Dec. 3: A Howell Movement was played giving these winners: 1. Don and Marion F‘ahner 2. Stewart Cole and Ruth_ Browning}. Bob and Edna Dunn. Dec. 1: North-South: 1. Mabel Howe and Edith Dec Windsor 2. Natalie Platner and Phyllis Mounthy 3. 2. Hea Nick and Margo Parmegiani. and r: Santa's had quite a time in the last week getting everyone‘s Christmas list straight. Jamie Wildish. 6, of Wild Cherry Lane in Week/y bridge results What would you like for Christmas? 1. Jean Honan and Pat Rawlinson 2. and Sherry Vogan 3. Rita Parisella and meat snugly in heavy aluminum foil or in durable plastic freezer bags. Label them to be used within two months and freeze East~West: 1. Ann and Hank énsen 2. Ron Marlow and Murry Ferguson 3. Wend and John Hunter. Dec. 6: North-South: 1. Geoff Parker and Bev Jones 2. Heather Burling and Marg Davis 3. Rose Morrell and Grace Saunders. Dec. 8: a Howell Movement was played with the winners: 1. R059. Morrell and Grace Saunders 2. Mabel Howe and Phyllis Mounljoy 3. Jean Goodwin and Marg Melnichuk. Bridge as usual through Christmas time. For in- formation call Cleta Dieken 727-5789 or Natalie Platner 8844689. Partners available at the club on Monday and Friday. And don‘t throw away Thornhill was having a word with Santa at Hillcrest Mall over the weekend. the carcass. Break it up for turkey soup. Now you can get back to cleaning up the dishes. (Photo by Hogs)