Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Dec 1976, C3

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DOWNSVIEW â€" Young people interested in writing can learn more about it during the holidays when the North York Central Library will hold a three-day creative writing workshop for 1(H3 year olds. GORMLEY â€" The children of the United Missionary Church will be presenting the annual Sunday School Christmas program Dec. 19 at 7:30 pm. The evening will feature “The Heart of Christmas." RICHMOND HILL â€" A bazaar and bake sale will be held at Elmwood Manor, 9915 Yonge St. Dec; 15 from 2 t0 5 p.m. GORMLEY â€"- The Missionary Youth Fe110wship of the United Missionary Church will present “The True Meaning of Christmas", Dec. 22 at 7:30 pm. They will be entertaining the seniors of the congregation and surrounding area. Refreshments will follow the service. DOWNSVIEW â€" York University is accepting registration for its spring semester of specialized and general _bu_sines_s_ stugiesn southern york region scheduled events , NEWMARKET â€" The York Manor Women‘s Auxiliary will meet Dec. 17 at 2 pm. Dr. Margaret Arkinstall will conduct the installation of officers for 1977. Parish Open House THORNHILL â€" A parish Open house will be held at the Emmanuel Anglican Church rectory Dec. 18 from 3 to 5 pm. Holy Baptism will be conducted at the 10 am. service Dec. 19 and again in the evening along with 3 Carol Service at 7:30 pm. All are welcome. The program offered by the Studies in Management division of the Centre for Con- tinuing Education is designed to assist in- dividuals in acquiring management skills. The program will be held Dec. 28, 29 and 30 from 10 to 11:30 am. each day and will be con- ducted by Anne Millyard and Rick Wilks editors of the “Books by Kid" publishing project. For further information call 667-1078. Missionary youth sing Gorm/ey women meet GORMLEY â€" The Gormley Women‘s Institute will meet Dec. 15 at 2 pm. at the home of Mrs. Russ Ellas. This will be the annual Christmas meeting with roll call â€" a Christmas gift I remember followed by an exchange of gifts. Most of the co'urses'will begin in January and February and are offered in the evenings on a regular 15-week semester‘basirsl in addition, a number of residential and non- residential workshops are being offered on developing human resources. A new programme in Personnel Administration has been developed this year to provide an overview of current theories and practices of personnel administration. Some of the topics to be covered include examination of the Canadian labour force, unemployment manpower planning and job analysis, recruit- ment and selection practices, motivation, job performance, performance appraisal, human resource management and development, and industrial relations. Two successful fall course offerings, Management in the Public Sector, a programme aimed at developing the administrative skills of those working in the public sector and a programme on Management Skills for Social Workers and Related Personnel will be re- offered this spring to meet popular demand. For further information on any of the programmes offered by Studies in Management, contact: I'I‘he Centre for Continuing Education, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Downsview, Ontario, M3J 2R6; or telephone: (416) 667â€"2524. Sunday kids perform Business at York Manor women meet THORNHILL â€" The Richvale and Half Block Parents will hold a bake sale at Charles Howitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. Dec. 21 from 9 am. to 11:30 am. All proceeds will go to support the Block Parent program. Writing for young people Block bake sale Marty, Amy and myself extend our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year A sincere thank you to all the re- sidents of Richmond Hill who worked so hard on my behalf in the local elections. Admission free THANK YOU "The Violin" and Maurice Solway (Violinist~Teacher-Composer-Actor) at Charles Connor MemOrial Branch Saturday, Dec. 18th,1976 at 1 :00 pm and Richmond Hill Main Library Saturday Dec. 18th, 1976 at_3:30 p.m JOHN BIRCHALL Everyone welcome Owners disregard Book of Words Some new owners in the first flush of pride and joy actually read these manuals, digest what they have to say, and treat thiair new possessions with respect and care. The result is (usually) long years of satisfactory service. 10.00 am â€" Bible School Cla‘ for all ages 11000 a m â€" Morning Semce 700 p m â€" Evenmg Semce Player m'eetmg Wednesday at 8 00 D m An Old Fashioned Country Chm on the Edge of the Cvty RICHMOND HILL â€" In today's world every new car, appliance, or elec- tronic gadget comes complete with an Owner's Manual â€" what the servicemen refer to as “The Book of Words". ANGLICAN CHRISTMAS SERVICES FRIDAY. DECEMBER 24. CHRISTMAS EVE 7:30 pm‘ EUCHARIST 10:30 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MUSIC 11:00 pm. EUCHARIST SATURDAY. DECEMBER 25 CHRISMAS DAY 8:00 am. EUCHARIST 10:30 am. FAMILY EUCHARIST ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN 10030 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL RECTOR RevL Bernard Barret 884-1394 Rev. Fred Jackson 884-2418 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1976 8:00 am, EUCHARIST 10:30 am. ADVENT LESSONS AND CAROLS PREPARATION FOR CHRISTMAS EUCHARIST FOR ALL IN MAIN CHURCH WEDNESDAY 10:00 am. EUCHARIST 7:00 pm, EUCHARIST Most new owners, alas, metughurch , ' DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SER cry gummy VICES FOR THE WEEK .WMW ¢ 4 «999: "Xfrwwf’w,$‘»W»’WW’«'$$$’KK¢ By Reverend Earl Gerber St. John‘s Anglican. Jefferson SUNDAY 9:45 AM. - Church School For Bus. Mll'llStfy call 88l~28l8 11:00 AM. - Moming Worship PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST (Member Baptist Convention of Ontano and Quebec) Rev BI MéSpadden Pesto: Phone 884-7859 Cornet of Weldnck Road and Bathuvst Stveet Quality Rev‘ Dana H. Lamb 8A. 3.0‘ Minister ST. JOHN'S BAPIISI CHURCH 75 Oxford Stteet Rev. Earl Gerber ...seeking wonderful counse' (Chutch School childlen In church) Ptesbyteens 12:15 pm Charal Service of Christmas Musnc 7:00 pm WED., DEC. 22nd 7:00 pm. Church School Ptesentatlon ol "Chtistmas Celebrahon in Foreign Lands" . FRL DEC 2411: 11:30 on Watch- night Carol Semce (please be seated at latest by 11:20 pm.) SAT. DEC. 25th CHRISTMAS DAY: 9:30 am. Holy Communion (said) 10:30 am. Chnstmas Family Service disregard the Book of Words, and it is not too long before inefficiency and breakdown are the order of the day, resulting in frustration and anger in the owner. The Manual is disregarded because it is too technical, or too impersonal, or because the owner just can‘t be bothered. Now what if Ithe engineer who designed the thing moved into the apartment next door on one side of you, and an accredited service man from the manufacturer moved in with him. You would beat a path- way to their door, wouldn't you; asking their advice, seeking The Rev. JAB. Bums. MA, 8.0.. Pl‘ SUNDAY. DECEMBER 19th ADVENI IV "THE CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS" Adult Bible Class 9:30 am Divine Servuce 11:00 am (Chulch School childlen In church) Ptesbyteens 12:15 pm SI. PAUL'S LUIHERAN 10131 Baywew Avenue 15. DAUPHINEE. PASTOR 9:30 am. - Sunday Church School (ANGLICAN) BROOKE SI, THORNHILL (8. OF HWY‘ 7 B, We 0F YONGE ST.) 889-5931 SUNDAY. DEC. 19,1976 8AM Holy Communron 10:30 AM. Mornrng Prayer Church School, Kindergarten & Nursery School Wed nesdays 10 am - Holy Communion Special Advent Program at 8 pm. December 1. 8 8.15, 1976. LUTHERAN UNITED 9:30 am. WOLShID Sennce 10:30 am. Sunday Church School Presbyterian THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11:00 AM. WOIShID Sennce Leader- Rev‘ Desmond Hunt 11:00 am. Sunday School 11:00 am Mommg Worshlp ZION LUTHERAN (2 ITNIES south of Maple) Rev. James S‘ Dauphlnee Vice-Pastor - 884-5264 Monday . 6:30 - 8:00 pm Explorers Group Grrls ages 9 - ll HOLY IRINITY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mumste: Rev Wulluam Wallat 884-1831 ganlst 8. Chou Due MI Richard Pmillc mum“ massavxm [xxxxxywuywmw 04$wa their counsel. or pleading for their practical help when something went wrong? I know I would. Multitudes suffering Dear Reader, I have some good news for you about the human machine! Although multitudes are_ ignoring the Book of Words and suffering from the inevitable inefficiency, breakdown, frustration, and anger. the designer- service-man has arrived on the scene. and is available for con~ sultation, counsel. and practical help. “To us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be 9:45 am. For free numbers. 11:00 am. Morning Worship Service Nursery and chrldrens church provided. Wed‘ 7:00 P.M‘ - FAMILY NIGHT Activities 10! every family member Thurs. 9:30 AM - Ladies Coffee Cup Bible Study. 7:00 pm. Evening FeIlowshIp Hour Chausmatlc Serwces at Richvale Community Centre A‘Avenue Road, Pastor F. Bond. 851-0358 (AfI. w1th the Pentficostal Assemblies of Canada); 10:00 am - COOKIES BIBLE HOUR 0 Lively singing 0 Puppets and quizzes 0 Scnptme chorus - Bible stones. 11:00 am. - PRAISE SERVICE 7:00 pm. - CHARISMATIC SERVICE ALL WELCOME. Semce at 10:30 am. and 5:01pm RICHMOND HILL UNIIED CHURCH Yonge 8. Centre Streets 884-1301 Sunday. Decembel 19, 1976 11 AM, Theme: 'REJOICING' Faml|y Sunday - Children‘s Tableau 7:30 PM. Chou Presentation of Christmas MUSIC AM are Welcome Pentecostal ‘A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU Other Denominations BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 148 Thornndge Dr, Ihomjull Mlmster Rev. D. VanderBoom M.Th. - 889-5225 SUNDAY. DEC. 19. 1976 SUNDAY. DEC. 19. 1976 MEIH Rev Robe Sunday School bus sewice call above RICHMOND HILL FREE EIHODISI CHURCH 212 Hullswew 0v 884-6629 Pholo by Hogg) upon his shoulder, and his name will be called ‘Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father. / Prince of Peace‘. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end “His name will be called Wonderful Counselor.“ That is because the counsel He gives will fill you with wonder and awe. '. . (Isaiah 9:6 â€" 7 a, Revised Standard Ver- sion). It is wonderful counsel because it springs from divine wisdom, and that wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit, Who indwells this Wonderful Counselor so fully. “There shall come forth a shoot from the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and un- derstanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord And his delight shall be in the fear (reverence) 0f the Lord. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide by what his ears hear; but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek 0f the earth . . . “ (Isaiah 1121-43 Revised Standard Version). Who is this Wonderful Counselor? It is Jesus the Messiah, the God-with-us Who was born in a barn on the first Christmas, thus assuring the poor and the meek of- this planet, that it is not a “standoffish” God with whom we have to deal, but Someone Who knows us through and through, and Who cares for each one of us with a tender, yearning love. This God has come among us in the Person of His only Son, and that is good news indeed! Superior counsel The counsel that Jesus gives is infinitely superior to that of earthborn counselors: psychiatrists, medical doctors, clergymen, vocational guides, marriage con- sultants, newspaper columnists, disc jockeys, or hot-line artists. Directed by: Dorothy-Phnllips SOLOISTS: Please note, I did not say that the counsel 8:00 pm 7:30 PM. WOODBRIDGE UNITED CHURCH IHE COMBINED CHOIRS WILL SING A PROGRAM OF CHRISTMAS MUSIC 9:30 am; - The L0rd's Supper 11:00 am. - Famnly Bible Hour 11:00 am. - Sunday School Kindelgarten to Grade 6. Bible School (or Grade 7 and up. 7:00 pm. - Evemng Semce Susan Lauhet Soprano Matg Rumney Contralto _ Reginald Peters Tenor Mark Pedrom Bantone ASSISth by: Douglas English-Cello SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 am. A Bible Study and Morning Sevvnce 7:00 pm. »C0mmunlon Servnce CHRISIMAS CANDLELIGHT SERVICE SUNDAY DECEMBER 19. 1976 AI 4 PM. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH and SUNDAY 12:30 pm. Watch "The Helald of Truth H. Cluanne! 3. Barrie THE MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rev. CeCII Rosenberger 8875846 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1976 9:50 - Sunday School 11 am. ~ Morning Worship Concmd Rd. & No. 7 Hwy WEDNESDAY 8:00 pm â€" Bible Study Wednesday nght 7:30 pm Famlly Night SUNDAY. DEC. 19, 1976 CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST A Church of The New Testament Order A.E. Aflunson Minister - 669-1831 A‘ Young - Sec. 6692784 7:30 pm, Sunday School Christmas Program 24 Oak Ave. Rnchvale A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL TUESDAY Bible School and Prayer given by these people is not good. but that the counsel Jesus gives is much better. So it should be. for He knows and understands the human machine far better than they. Why? Because He helped to design and build it. and it is by His primary power (Colossians 1:17) that it is operational. Are you experiencing breakdown, frustration, and anger in your life? The let me counsel you to ask for Jesus' counsel. It is a wonderful counsel. because He is the Won- derful Counselor. Village Coiffure on Yonge Street in Richmond Hill is pleased to announce a new member to their staff of hair- dressers. Mrs‘ McNeil has sixteen years of experience in the Region of Y0rk, and she looks forward to seeing her old and new customers. For appointment phone from the churches 1 1109 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill 8842331 VILLAGE COIFFURE- Unionville Centennia| Library 221 Main St., Unionville Telephone 297-2641 Markham Centennial Library 199 Main St. North, Markham Telephone 2942782 This service is made available through your regional library system, Central Ontario Regional Library SYStem- GABRIELE McNEIL MARKHAM PUBLIC LIBRARIES ...You wrillbeiinterested to know that the Markham Public Libraries can provide you with BOOKS ON CASSETTE TAPES. The "TALKING BOOKS" available include both nonâ€"fiction and fiction books for adult and children. A catalogue of these books-on-tape is available in each branch library. If you can make use of this service (it’s free) Or if you know of anyone who can, please call the library in your area for further details. (Free home library service is available for those who are unable to get to the library) If, because of a physical handicap (of any kind including temporary handicaps) you are unable to make use_of conventional piinted books... WITHIN WED. DEC. 15th STARTING SEPT. 15m. . EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT A SPECIAL NOTE TO MARKHAM RESIDENTS FROM THE MARKHAM PUBLIC LIBRARIES THORNHILL LIONS -. w v r i‘ / / \ / \\J// 0 THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE JACKPDT $1,000.00 flu wqu LIBRARY ’2‘ at, I l mewwu. comnuunv - cum: LIBRARY THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. December 15. 1976 â€" C-3 John St. and Bayview Ave. Thornhill NO ONE UNDER 15 YEARS ADMITTED" 7:40 pm. Earlyhirds 8:00 pm. Regular Games %©§M4 . \. \ COMPLETE “W ~EYEGLASSP \ ) ocomACT LE /‘ omonmn FR [1 ocusmM MI I TOWNE a. COUNTRYE SQUARE YONGE AT STEELES Proposed By-Iaw to prevent the ingress and egress of through traffic on Ahorn Grove by stopping up a onefoot portion of Ahorn Grove across its full width at its junction with Concession 5. TAKE NOTICE THAT The Corporation of the Town of Markham intends to pass a byâ€"law to stop up a portion of Ahorn Grove. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Markham shall hear in person Or' by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudically affected by the By-law and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be held at the Municipal Offices, on or about Tuesday, January 25th, 1977. The proposed Byâ€"law and Plan showing the lands to be affected may be seen at my office, Municipal Building, 8911 Woodbine Avenue, Markham, Ontario. Member: Canadian Guild 0! Dlsponslng Oplicians THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF MARKHAM NOTICE Thorhil| Community Centre Library 7755 Bayview Ave., Thornhill Telephone 226â€"2862 Thorhill Vi|lage Library 10 Colborne St., Thornhill Telephone 225â€"0512 COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 0 EYEGLASS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 0 CONTACT LENSES. hard or soft 0 MODERN FRAME STYLES 0 CUSTOM MAOE FRAMES - SAFETY GLASSES FOR WORK OR PLAY (‘H \R( 'czmnmAL Open: Mon-Fri. 9:30 am » 9:30 pm Sat 9:30 am - 6m pm NUMBERS ADMISSION s1.00 3223-5168 Optical Diane E. Whetter, Town Clerk

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