l Bookkeeping I Refrigerators, freezers ranges. dishwashers dryers. Bookkeeping & Accounting Services N0 JOB T00 SMALL Specializing in Custom work. Experienced in additions & building houses. THE SMALL BUSINESS SPECIALISTS CARPENTER R. l'. ‘ Bob) Ross I30 (‘enlrv St. \\ . ~ XXIâ€"HM BOOKKEEPING 8 INCOME TA)’ - Limited companies formed - $150. Plus Govt. Fee. 3.â€. Mamott - Income Tax Accounting Service Bookkeeping Complete ï¬nancial Statements Yearly, (luanerly, Monthly Payroll Admin. - Accounting Refrigeration Appliances Humidifiers Air Cleaners Air - Conditioners Installation & Service Payroll Income Tax Italian and German BUUKKHI-II’IMQ Full Range uf Son ices IM'UMl-I T,\X KI‘INVl-ITH .\l. l’.\l. XHQ-IIITT lit" 5} ('mnpolenl Tradesman Prices on request or by hour CUSTOM BUILT REC ROOMS. BARS GARAGES, ADDIIIONS PORCHES. CEDRR FENCING COTTAGES UNUSUAL 1085 All types of Carpenm wort J. C. HUGHES '45’â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. December 15, 1976 D.J. Dilwonh 8 Assoc. 10620 Yonga 31., Ste‘ 201, Richmond Hill 884-8890 Air Conditioning K. A. SMITH CARPENTRY ALLIED APPUANCE SERVICES Repairs to All Makes Appliances Service Accounting Services FREE ESTIMATES Please phone 884-163“ Belore 1 pm. â€"Mter 5 pm ASK FOR TONY 85 Egimon Ave. 5., Ste. 200 at Yonge St For smalI busnnesses BOB RUSS CONTRACTING Carpentry PINES. xxmzn DAYS 773-3031; CARPENTRY 889-5683 889-7250 FREE ESTIMATES 487-2157 881L403!) 884-5887 884-7530 IPR 88¢8209 evgs. [8.30M find the service vou need for home or business in this lfcm "c" tic 20 [NW 19 “win II: 22 "(33 895-3054 773-4255 I Contractors I (‘l'STON‘I Bl'll.T HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates Joscelyn Laughlin Harper, Tory & Associates Excavation work Basements - Sewers Bum!) Trucks 011th at contracl ("ARTERHD .\(‘('()l'.\'T.\.\’T 102133 \‘ungv Sln-(‘l Phone: XHJ-RBBI-Xflfl-RZTS Hoot Stripping is our specialty 'Service, Maintenance and Installations (’hzn‘u-rt-d \ccnunlanls HIIDS Yungv Strt't‘l Richmnnd Hill. 0m. XXI-HT 1-3 80x12!†110 James St. St. Catharines, L2H 7A7 5854811 l4l~‘.l)\.\l(l) R. ROSENBERG & \SSUt’HTES ('hurlon-d .\(‘(‘I)llnl2llll.MiG-57‘1"» HRH-'17 H M \‘unge- Slrm-l 5. .\urora. ()mario LUD ELECTRIC Brian H. Cowen Chartered Accountants Heavy Machinery Moving. AURORA 727-5544 Richmond Hill Contracting Cn Ltd. Contracting Concrete Work and Home Improvements of all description. Mrlru l.i(' T & J COMMERCIAL RESIDENTI \l Janitorial Services Carpet Cleaning Carpet- Upholstery Cleaning Chartered Accountants S. PAYNE (“SHEERCIAI LEONARD'S H.008 ClEANING 8846477 Electricians IXDL'S'I‘RLU “LENS Yungl' Sl 884-4135 884-2092 Cleaners MIDWA Y Richmond Hill REID & BRADLEY 569-1321 CLEANERS 881-0431 889-5762 ourly u conuau "£49 NC]? "(14 "U HOME IMPROVEMENTS Two fluuâ€"ngfinén wnï¬ trucks are willing to move you. clean yavds. basements etc‘ Please call 884-5179 0 Aluminum Siding ° Safï¬n ' Fascia ' Eavestmugh 0 Rooï¬ng Cellulose fibre meets CSA & CMHC standards. “.21 or 884-8257 I Siding I Sol'fi! .Shulu-rs I “indcms Using cellulose fibre & modern blown method. Free inspection & estimate, URBAN INSULATION CO. RECREATION ROOMS, PATIOS WINDOWS â€" DOORS Excellent workmanship ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS Man will do Exterior Painting Tree Removal and Pruning Home Services Alcan Aluminum Distributo: Quality home improvements and electrical work Call Now Insurance - Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Telephone 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario. 'Resndential 'Commemal OAImslrong 'Manningmn Mills Home lmprovementg Gunar Construction I-‘RH: l-IS’I‘I\I.\'l'l-IS .mnx \Im-I’lll-Zl-I 8848506 x3 ('liVl'lHC 51. +3. RI(‘II\IU\I)IIII.I, n HANDYMAN Corner Agency Limited MacPHEE ALUMINUM J.S. Adams Flooring 00., 884-2031 MOVING? CLEAN UPS? Cushion Flooring Free Estimates 889-4277 884-0307 881-5829 Free Estimates Days 895-5516 Evgs. 881L106!) Insurance 294-3866 Insulation Flooring CARPENTRV WORK ADDITIONS SEALED GLASS SLIDING DOORS InstaIIed - $300 889-5076. 884-6162 Tree cufling Carnage Sm“ moving etc‘ Ton Truck Afterï¬p.m. 0 hours .I‘quw . Fascia [\uningx O linilinuw Evgs. "cu tfc 20 tic 20 "(36 IFC 18 m: H I Lawn Service I ORNAMENTAL |RON WORKS | Iron Works I Reasonabie R Mes Free Eshma'es Fully 255-4222 FERTILIIING PLANTING GARDENING PAINTING R. LaFOND WALKER CONSTRUCTION Grounds 8 Building Maintenance Bl'll.T ;\.\'D R EPA-UR El) Free l-Zstima‘es Expert Workma nship 20 years' experience Specializing in Railings Made m Measule BE Spvuce Avenue. Richmond Hill Brighton Janitor Service 884-1060 Evgs- LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE Industrial sites, apartments, driveways, plazas, schools, etc. Now Is The Time! INTERIOR 0R EXTERIOR Homes, Cottages or Industries All Work Guaranteed Act quickly and phone day or night CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES 14 years experience. Free estimates Moving and Storage MOVING Janitor Contracts Wanted Snow Shove/ling Domasxic 8 Commemial 809-2352 J & D Snow Plowmg Ask for 8840 to leave message Masonry Reliable Tower 884-5581 833-5040 TV Towers AM 8: FM Radio Designed, supplied & erected 884-2882 E. ROSE Painters and Decorators 884â€"0293 226-4040 Custom Made Draperies Janitorial Services One stop drapery centre Oxford Plaza 884-0139 10620 Yonge SLN. Richmond Hill Fully Insured All types & sizes SAVE up to 30% Snow Removal 11V. Towers 259-1672 889-8862 Draperies "(d5 "(as "(I I Optometrists I 3700 Baum: Stream WE SELL AND REPAIR ALL GARDEN EQUIPMENT AND SNOW BLOWERS. TYPE“ RITHRS \l)l)l\(‘. \l \(‘Hl\l‘:.\‘ SALES- RENTALS LIL SHIS NH Baker \u‘. Richmond Hill vâ€" xM-IT‘ Typewriters - Adders Electronic calculators all makes. Sales - Service 495-6302 Mower Sales and Service Sunshine lawn Typewntets Adding Machines Sales 8 Service Alf '5 Ofï¬ce Machines Richmond Hill 881 -1 997 A. W. Kitchen, 0.0. Cash Registers Electronic 787-9331 Suilv 20! l’ruh-uionul Bldg: 3‘: |{l(‘ll,\l()\l) S'l' IH('H\IU\D IIILI M) uppuinlnu-nl Office Machines 8843962 tfc 20 "(IO c5w 22 tfc18 tfc18 tch l'fcll RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCML Painting Wallpapering Stucco Specializing in conespondence. m sumes, reports. ï¬mncial statements. IBM Selectric ll. Dictation via tele phone uansuibei. OPAINTING 0 PLASTER REPAIRS Richmond Hill and surrounding area. Fme estimates No obigalim [Spring Service I Hill 0/753 7' Pl UMBIIIIG 8899398 C & L Painters 884-9026 _ TANDEM BL’SHENGS Aurma 7273121 "cu Plumbing & Electrical DEAL SERVICES Snawplowing PAINTING E DECORATING R CLARK PIa-n 8. Dccorahve Plastering REPAIRS A SPECIALTY Free Estumates Kafl Bundschuh 884-4832 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R.E.Dunn 727-3303 Painting and Decorating York Spring Service Peter Elliott Plastering - Thornhill Sirmbtfy or try comract 24 ha: arswering setvice. Paperhanging PA Ill/TING PMS TERI/VG FINISHED BA SEME/V T S PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx 884-1650 Secretarial Service Reasonable Rates Secretarial Serwce Free Estimates 488-7521 ‘ 889-3185 Evgs. Snow Ploughing All Work Guaranteed 889-2163 All types of renovations PAINTING Plastering EXTERIOR PAINTING Painters 4944988 John's Home Maintenance Plumbing Heating; D. LYON Free Eshmates 884-8824 630-7335. days 7275538 661 {1839, evenings 804-7550 and 7734138 "<50 tfcld "cl "(19 ":36 C'IwZO TFL‘ IE TRIM tfc19 ï¬nd] | Tree Cutting I I‘ TV Service E IT ALL STARTED WITH THE WORKS IN THE DRAWER ' Repairs to all makes of T.V.’s, Appliances 8 Vacuums Sweetheart Peter 8 Beaver Bernie York Home T.V. 10610 BAYVIEW AVE. UNIT 18. RICHMOND HILL 881L111 55 Call Lorne Bridal 884-1712 m There will not be any registrations accepted by telephone. PIEase make all cheques payable to theTown of Richmond Hill. BADMINTON FOR TEENAGERS For young people under the age of 18. Thursdays 6:00 ~ 8:00 PM. Fee $6.00 January 13th â€" June 9th. BEGINNING STRINGS & PRE-BEGINNING STRINGS V Saturdav mornings ~ Pre-Beginning Strings (for those who have never takén the course) 9:00A.M.-10'.00 A.M. Beginning Strings 10:00 AM. ~ 11:00 AM. January 15th * March 19th. 10 weeks. Children $10 Adults $15. Instructor: Ilse Thompson. FUN WITH MUSIC Saturday mornings 11:00 AM. - 12 NOON January 15th - March 19th. 10 weeks for $10. Instructor: Ilse Thompson CREATIVE DRAMA Tuesday evenings 7:00 PM. - 8:00 PM. January 11th - March lst. Fee $10 for 8 weeks. Instructor: Mrs. Doreen Kendry MOTHER & CHILD CREATING TOGETHER Mondays 9:30 - 11:30 AM. January 10th - March 14th Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:30 AM. January 11th - March 15th Wednesdays 1:30 - 3:30 PM. January 12th - March 16th Thursdays 9:30 - 11:30 AM. January 13th < March 17th 10 weeks. once a week for $20: each additional child $10. Babysitting will be provided at an extra charge. Instructors: Judy Lusthouse and Glennis Mayhew. POTTERY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Friday afternoons â€" 4:00 - 6:00 PM. January 14th - March 18th. 10 weeks for $25. Fee includes initial clay allotment of 10 lb. per person. Instructor: Diane Moomey. ADULT PROGRAM: {or all egg of to_wn residents there will be an additional $3.00 registration charge December 29th to 315C inclusive December 20th to 23rd inclusive January 4th to 7th inclusive 0 Convicts Tree Removal “trimming » Pruring 0 Land Clearing 0 Fremont] Fat Sale FREE esnmnes WINTER PROGRAMS '77 RICHVALE COMMUNITY CENTRE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL CHILDREN Er TEEN PROGRAM: TIE chsf'Z“ a week - 104°“ aiyear. Proceeds m aid Ptoiects of Payable in up to four installments. Central Association fat the MI Draw each TMrsday noon 3‘ ARC Retarded. Industries. Ist Draw - FOR DETAILS PLEASE CI Thursday, January 6, 1977 YCAMR OFFICEBMSI‘ LAST WEEK'S WINNER °soo MR. JOHN BDWEHS RICHMOND HILL ND. 201 CENTRE 88441855 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE PARKS Er RECREATION OEPT AT 884-8101 EXT 74 OR THE RICHVALE COMMUNITY O YCAMR â€" 500 â€"'77 IN PRIZES 52 Weekly Draws for ’500 Only 500 tickets sold TFC 20 $26,000 A.P mm 01 MMM. APP wm “mkpm 1 BDB'S SNOW PLOWING REMOVAL AND TOWING By the how, separately or by contract. ' make shoppung Snow Ploughing 1381-2113:“ LIBERAL 24 HOUR SERVICE Qosier! fl¢ut~ to 12 NOON to 4:00 P.M. to 9:00 PM. 884-4539 Pmcaeds m aid Ptoiects 01 Yuk Central Association lot the Mandy Retarded. FOR DETAILS PLEASE CALL YCAMR OFFICE. 884-9110 c3w24 read small ads. You are! People 8:30 A.M 4:30 PM. m2!