Champions THORNHILL â€" Skip John Jordan and his Thornhill Country Club junior rink won the 12th annual CFRB Junior Mixed Bonspiel here. The Jordan rink,. with Jean Robertson as vice, Steve Preece as second, and Jill Osborne as lead. defeated Andy Raf- felman's rink from the Bayview Country Club. â€" finished with 781/4 points. Second -,,was Weston’s Rob Thompson, Ian Brown, Doug Lawler and Craig Adams with 771/2 points. Thornhill beat the host club Sunday to win the Junior Boys‘ Westcott invitation bonspiel at Weston curling club. Thornhill Â¥ Gregg Leadbeater, John Jordan, Bill Hutz and Dave Miller Big Jr. Vic tory THORNHILL Gallanough Memmial Branch Vaughan Public Library Telephone 881-2828 Winners of the 12th annual CFRB Junior Mixed Bonspiel at the Thornhill Country Club Dec. 26 to 28 receive trophy from CFRB announcer Bill Anderson. Members We’ve got 45 videotapes in stock » on family care, crafts, sports, money, the creative arts - and much more. We’d like to know what you think of videotapes - and if they can help you. So come on over and give them a try - next time you're in the library. And tell Funk and Wagnall a thing or two. 0n videotape, of course, in our public library. FUNK AND WAGNALL THEY COULD LOOK IT UP? KNOW WHERE WE TOLD BUT ONLY FOR THREE MONTHS... AND WE'D LIKE YOUR OPINION Thornhill rink wins It was Richmond Hill‘s fifth straight victory as each team member came up with exceptional performances keeping level with their opponents until Joan Freeman and her partner, Jim The second event was won by Mike Townley of Scarboro Golf and Country Club when he defeated Paul Schultz of RICHMOND HILL â€" The Richmond Hill Badminton Club main- tained its unbeaten record in the lnterchurch League last week by downing the previously undefeated Etobicoke G & A Club 10-6. Jim Cushnie‘s Avonlea Rink defeated Bill Coyle of the Mississauga Golf and Country Club in the consolation final. Hill badminton team wins again The Central Ontario Regional Library System Men’s Doubles, Jim Dilworth and Fred Fletcher splitting 15-6 and 14-17; Doug Andrews and Orville Wong winning 15-3 and 15-3. Mixed Doubles, Joan Freeman and Jim Dilworth winning 15-10 Thornhill 8â€"6 Dilworth, came up with the deciding game. Individual scores: Ladies‘ Doubles, Jill Dalton and Joyce Collier splitting 15-13 and 9-15; Joan Freeman and Kathy Low losing 8-15 and 8-15. Men’s Doubles, Jim and 15-7; Jill Dalton and Doug Andrews splitting 15-12 and 8-15; Kathy Low and Fred Fletcher splitting 15-6 and 15-17; Joyce Collier and Orville Wong winning 15-11 and 15-11. Louis Naumovski of the University of Toronto was the second event con- solation winner. The third event saw Steve Naylor of the Oak- ville Curling Club defeating Mark Rowett of the Dixie Curling Club. . 70 NEWKIRK RD. RICHMOND HILL . :5 PIN BRUNSWICK oBOWLING LANES . , :NOW OPEN oFOR CASUAL BOWLING : FOR o LEAGUE INQUIRIES 889-6857 ‘K 0 AND GENERAL ' 0 INFORMATION 8345922 §R|CHMOND HILLS’ OHILI‘IIVIUNU HILLS :MOST MODERN 05 PIN BRUNSWICK :BOWLING LANES ENOW OPEN" OFOR CASUAL BOWLI : FOR 1,, g/ / NG /» of the Thornhill rink are (left to right) Jill Osborne. lead. John Jordan, skip, Jean Robertson, vice, Steve Preece, second. HILLTOP BOWLING HILLTOP BOWLING STRIKE IT lUC/(Yll Dave Massey of the Chinguacousy Curling Club was the consolation winner. CFRB Radio sponsors the three day bonspiel annually at Thornhill with 36 rinks throughout Southern Ontario par- ticipating in the event. Collier and Orville Wong winning 15-11 and 15-11. Richmond Hill is at home Tuesday evening to the St. Clements Club at 8 p.m. at Langstaff p. m . at La Secondary School Arkay juves get to finals The Richmond Hill Arkay Juveniles travelled to Welland during the holidays. Oooh, 00h They lost 73 to Orillia at Orillia Friday night and 6-1 to Barrie Sunday in a game which saw Jack Vantol get the lone Hill goal. This game saw them encountering a fast- skating. well disciplined Stratford team who outshot them by a wide margin throughout the game. RICHVALE â€" Oak Ridges Novices downed Richvale Baker Sales 2-0 in Richvale minor house league hockey last week with Donald Godfrey and Mark Mitchell doing the scoring. The Unionville Figure Skating Club will hold a qualifying meet for it's members Sunday at Crosby Memorial Arena. Figures competition will begin early in the mor- ning, at about 8 a.m.‘ followed by free skating in the late morning and early afternoon. Spec- tators are welcome, and will see some of the club‘s youngest members taking part in their first com- petition. They got all the way to the finals in the annual hockey tournament there before succumbing 5-2 to Stratford. Other novice action saw Oak Ridges also blanking Richvale Lions 1-0. Billy Hodges and Kevin Oldham played good RICHMOND HILL â€" The Black and Stewart Realty Minor Midgets ran into some rough flying weather on the weekend. Figure Skating (‘om- petitions This meet will deter- mine which skaters from Unionville are to take part in the North East Interclub Competitions to be held later in the year at Markham Centennial Centre. ’Ridges blanks Richvale Figure skaters FOR FAST “N0 WAIT" SERVICEâ€" CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT firestone 6 Month or 6000 Mile \Prorated Guarantee 500 BI 554‘ A on $4 wan [ms cuupw Coupon ouev expnes Jan 3151‘977 RICHMOND HILL â€" Oh well firestoneï¬ $2995 $3495 $3995 4 Cylinder 6 Cylinder 8 Cylinder Parts & Labour Included INCLUDES: New plugs, new pomts‘ new condenser. new rotor, adjust turning and carburetor. Lubricate heat riser valve. Check dislnbulor cap, cooling syslem hosesl spavk plug Wires, coil, PCV valve, alr ï¬lter and gas line liller. Special pnces lor cars with electronic ignition. For fast "No Wait" service â€"â€" call for an appointment, Light Trucks & Imports Too! of the game, was the recipient of a trophy for best goaltender in the tournament. WhipGrimsby Richmond Hill opened the tournament on a 3goals Richvale Richmond Inn 5, Oak Ridges 3. John Boilley led the win with three goals with the others going to Ed Bailley and Ricky Fleming. Midget Only bright spot in the game for Richmond Hill was goalie Mike Doyle who, after the completion Scoring for Richmond Hill were Randy Martin and Rick Girard. Assists went to Steve Bishop, Dave Forster and Zenio Ferrone. games Atom 2 for Cooke Richvale United Drain 3. Unionville Mill Paper 2. Shawn Cooke had two goals for Richvale plus an assist with Sam Cowan getting the other one. Richvale Heron Sales 1. Leona Stone 0. Out- standing goalkeeping by Ramo Caranci with Angelo Deansilis scoring. Peewee Oak Ridges 4, Richvale W P Motors 2. Bantam rs Your Community Hockey ham Church St. L‘AETIHN CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING WILDWOOD SKI TRAILS 3 WELL MARKED TRAILS OPEN WEEKENDS 9 TD 4:30 PM. For Information Phone 832-8874 DUFFERIN ST. 2 MILES NORTH MAJOR MCKENZIE DR {m 7:45 P.M. "nu ROYAL YORK PLACE: ï¬Ã©hmond Hill Arena RICHMOND HILL RAMS OHA JR. A , , ACT/01V DA TE: “33‘: Tuesday, Jan. 18th [kill/IV 7194677017 4? “ a NO TRADE-IN HEOUIRED ‘1’†o NORTH AMERICAN WIDE GUARANTEE INSTALLED on YOUR rnuchr NO EXTRA COST! ‘Furestone Traction All Season :5) 95 67 6| promising note by handily defeating Grimsby 6-2. The Hillers then went on to play their second game against Port Colbourne and played very poorly during the first two and a half periods and were forâ€" tunate to be trailing only 4-2 thanks to the excellent play of goalie Duncan Condy. Condy was left all alone on many occasions. Richvale Suburban Landscapingll. Unionville 2. M. Fantin and Paul Miles were among the Scorers. OMHA Peewee 3 for Boswell Richvale Country Place Retirement Centre 6, Keswick 1. Tim Boswell led the parade with three goals for Richvale with B. Ruytenbeek getting two and T. Boswell the other one. Ruytenbeek and A. Evelyn also got two assists with the others Richmond Hill's first two goals were by Rob USE OUR Firestone CREDIT PLAN Richvale Minor Hockey Richmond Hill 670-1 6 PLY (H \Rl. THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. January 12. 1977 â€" B-3 Big comeback There was just five minutes to go to make any type of comeback and, in spectacular fashion, Richmond Hill pressed Port Colbourne and tied it with both goals coming off the stick of Randy Martin with assists to Ferrone and Dave Earl. The deflated Port Colbourne team was out of the picture then as Wallingford with assists to Doug Lewis with two and Pete Kendall. going to S. Boswell, Paul Durigon, E. Iafano and T. Boswell. Bolton 6. Country Place 2. Allan Evelyn scored from Mike Brookes and Paul Durigon scored unassisted. Richvale had the lead twice but Bolton scored two fast ones to pull away. Richvale opened Unionville’s eyes by Unionville wins L'nionville 9, Richvale 7. A Shorthanded Rich- vale Hill Crest Mall team took on a big, rough Unionville squad and almost overcame. Sharon 8. Country Place I. S. Boswell got the lone goal for Richvale. Assists to Durigon and B. Carbone. Midgets An experienced professional of 10 years‘ Instructing at University of Toronto, York University, Seneca College and head of Centennial Yoga Association Former in- structor for 4 years at Fiichmond Hill Family ‘pnce thh a unreadable lrade<im add $2 00 per tire :1 your node-m is no! retreadabla YOGA BR78 DR78 ER78 FR78‘ GR78- HR78‘ GR78- HR78- Registration and Fee ($31.50 per 14 week session) At your First Class 31332:? $33533; RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE For further information call 742-0878 or 884-2671 (Late evening or early morning) SIZE INSTRUCTION Bv AXEL MOLEMA \36 Month Prorated Gt'Erantee Classes EVERY TUESDAY Er THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH L24C/L24F AA -- YONGE AT CENTRE STREET Classes for students start Jan. 11th. 813th ‘BEGINNERS Tuesday Evenings 7:15 to 8:30 pm. Thursday Mornings 9 - 10:15 am F78-14l! 5 'INTERMEDIATE Tuesday Evenings 8:30 - 9:45 pm. Thursday Mornings 10:15 - 11:30 am EXTRA LIFE 400 BATTERY, I50 [YESTER ‘ ‘Fwestone DELUXE CHAMPION Whilm'ls $3.00 more Installed on your ca: an no extra cosl No wade-m ’equl'ed 1 TIRE PRICE Richmond Hill 8844401 $48. 70 52.60 53.70 56.30 59.50 63.00 59.50 63.00 s28 31 s370 m ‘Fwestone s32 s29 s28 s26 It was a remarkable comeback considering Richmond Hill scored all four goals with little more second from Pete Kendall and Rob Wellingford. than four minutes left in the game. scoring three goals within tWo minutes to put them ahead but Unionville came back after that. Port Colbourne pulled its goalie and it was then that Lewis scored his Other scores: Dominic Pacittie with a goal. Dave Twidale with one on a nice play. Brian Hobbs had two assists and Shawn McDowell and Rob McKinlay one each. Poor interest Coach‘s notezThere has been a distinct lack of interest on the part of parents since the start of the season shown by lack of attendance and it’s getting worse. There doesn‘t seem to be any ‘heart' in the sport. Doug Lewis scored from Rob Wallingford to take a one goal lead. Richvale led 4-1 at one point but ran out of steam. Terry Thorsell got a hat-trick for Richvale plus an assist . 2 OR MORE TIRE PRICE (Each) 8 0t C78 ‘3 C mD7814 BVaUIwaII 2 ov More MRE PmCE (each! 1 1..., In: $44.00 or More (each) 48.00 49.00 52.00 55.00 58.00 55.00 58.00 North America- Wide Guarantee Installed on your car at no extra cost No trade-in required 1 Tue ion $28 00