The first occurred at Broadway Datsun, Yonge St., where 156 car tires and 32 wheels, valued at $6,213. were taken. A-Z â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, January RICHMOND HILL â€" Police‘ reported two big thefts in Richmond Hill last week. Police said there were no signs of forcible entry. At the Canadian Legion, Ohio Rd., ‘ BETWEEN BAYVIEW & LESLIE 0N STEELES ‘ "PROFESSIONAL DECORATING ADVICE" LPHONE OPEN THURS 226-2533 TILL9 PM SALE ENDS JAN. 31st GLIDDEN PAINT sow HERE! GRASSgrg%lsiéfngé WALL COVERING ALSO WINDOW SHADES $10,000 in safe, tire thefts 22 Prospect St., Newmarket 10350 Yonge St., Lower Level, Richmond Hill 25% OFF Audi Porsche VOGUE WALL FASHIONS SPECIAL CLINICS * FAMILY PLANNING * * BIRTH CONTROL 1% * VENEREAL DISEASES * Free and confidential information, advice, diagnosis and treatment VINYLS - WOVENWOOD York Regional Health Unit TWO LOCATIONS Editorial 8 Accounting . . Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . Display Advertising . . . . Classified Advertising . . TELEPHONE THE LIBERAL DEPARTMENTS DIRECT. CLASSIFIED - 08441051814373 METROSPAN 7 NORTH DIVISION J-(3 Van Kampen - Geneval Manager Jean Bake: Peavce Assistant Genetal Managev Jim Dawes - Advemsmg Duvedor Pelev Lune Cuculahon Dnectov Newman Slunden - Producnon Manage: Lanv Johnston - News Eduor, Markham-Vaughan Edmon An_Robson News Eduov, Richmond HI" Eamon Colin Forsvth AdVemsmg Supervle Ross Hodsoll CucuIaXIon Supervva Loma Woods Accounung Manager Us A s so '"Wsnpns (0 The Libeval IS pubhshed each week by Menospan Community Newspapevs Lumned This newspa member m the Camden Community Newspapev Assocnauon and the Audu Bureau oI Cuculauon Home delivery 01 The Liberal IS 30 cents evevy 10m weeks. by mail 5990 a year outside 0' Canada, No local mall dehvevv wheve camev sewlce exusts 7-9 pm. Wed. Mi pm. Thurs. 9-12 noon Tues. 7-9 pm. Wed Fri. Morn. By appointment Io'ronto; Hwy.11, Newmarket Eur ._3§.i_!15ra1 The contents, both editona! and advevtismg oi Richmond Hill, are protected by copvngm and any use is prohibited H. J. PFAFF b MOTORS 10101 Yong. Sum. v.0. box 390. uc 4Y6. 0mm TELEPHONE _ scum. 931.3373 AND Second Class Man Registration No 0190 VOLUME 99. NUMBER 28 895-451 1 887-5843 832-1296 88“ 133 832-1384 887-5245 297-3633 884-81 77 884-0981 884-81 77 884-1 105 364-79171 Downhill for skiers Area skiers have more than just the slopes to worry about, apparently. when they try out their skis; they also have ski thieves. thieves attacked a safe after breaking in and marked up a total of $4,726 in cash and damage. At Honey Pot Ski Lodge, Gary Mortley of Scarborough, reported the 12, 1977 Eï¬iéuu'nou V saweu 391.3375 o! The L|beval, any unaulhonzed Thornhill 8 Toronto Customers Call ‘ 881 3373 For all Depts. Gives satisfaction Always! _ . mmed. This newspaper IS a m Canada, 51500 a yea: OUAUTY MIRRORS WITH BEVELLED EDGES. . . In These Popular Home Decorating Sizes APPROX‘ APPROX. APPROX. APPROX. 1!“ x 18†18" I 24“ 2‘" 1 IO" 24" x 36" I lull Pvlu A man Prlu l mu Price l marl Pun 499 699 999 1199 Attractiver designed hexagon. square, or coflee tables that begin with a practical, heat a. stain resistant coating. and end with a dramatic Mediterranean Oak finish! Popular sizesi Your Choice DISTINCTIVE OCCASIONAL END TABLES Add a dramatic dimension to home living with this exceptional combination of beauty and practicality! Hexagon or Cocktail style tables boast superb con- struction, stylish Spindle sides and 2-door front, a rich Walnut finish, and Antique Brass finish hand- les. Cocktail Table: Approx. 20" x 60" x 16". Hexagon Table: Approx. 25" x 25" x 20". The thefts, which included cash and Wintario tickets, and more than $2,300 in damage, occurred at Maple Arena, Corner Store and Cadillac Building Products‘ all on Keele St. in Maple, and Hudson Kitchen. Keele St. Concord. » Charged with four counts of break, enter and theft, was William Munro, 19, of Keele St.. Maple. Patrick Noble, 19, also of Keele St., was charged with possession under $200. Also noted Other area break-ins reported in« cluded the following: a store at 136 Woodbridge Ave.‘ Woodbridge, owned by John Bragg of Nobleton, $250 in damage; Gundula Barenscher. Dearbourne Ave., King City. $2,500 in household and personal articles from his home: Two Maple men were arrested and charged in connection with a series of break-ins in Maple and Concord, from Nov. 29 to Dec. 30. theft of his skis and poles from the lobby of the ski lodge, Jan. 4. They were valued at $200. Jean Vanderkooy of RR2, Gormley. told police that her $90 skis were taken from the “ski hole†at Uplands Golf and Country Club in Thornhill, Jan. 8. Steelcase Rd. popular Thieves were busy on Steelcase Rd.. in Markham, last week, with four breakdns and three thefts reported. Hit in order of address were; Penguin Books of Canada Ltd., No. 41, $87; Gage Envelope Ltd., No. 65. $61; James A. Cook, Davis Printing Ltd, No. 96, $91; Stewart Group of Companies, No. 259. amount taken. if any, unknown. Save on space while you splurge on comfort and style! Designed to double as a sofa and pull-out sleeper. wilh Vinyl upholstery for practicality plus! Basic Black to suit all decors. Approx. size: 73" x 42" x 33". w SPACE SAVING SEAT AND SLEEP UNITS It's hard to tell which is the front end and which is the back of this truck, which was smacked broadside by a CNR freight train at the Centre St. â€" Newkirk Rd. crossing, Jan. 8, about 2:30 p.m., and was left a crumpled mess. Aldo K mart Price Train collision fatal On sale January lZIh t0 I5th 0 While Quantities Last 0 We reserve the right to limit Quantities 27" I4†Cristofoli, 35, of 265 Derry Down Dr.. Downsview, driver of the truck, was killed. Police said a warning signal at the crossing was in effect at the time of the accident. Photo by Johnston