Perfect condition. 3-speed standard tlansmlssion, ll'l perfect conditlon. Asking price $300 MR. and Mrs. J. E Stephens of Campbellford, Ontario, announce with pleasure the engagement of their daughter. Nancy Lou to Mr, Henry Nelson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson of Thornhill. Wedding to take placeAugust274l977. c1w28 Silver, automatic, powet steenng brakes, Windows. AM/FM. tilt steering. air-conditioned. 5.000 mules. THE lamrly of thé lale Grace L Sanderson wrsh to express therr sincere thanks and apprecralron to fnends. neighbours and relalrves rn therloss of a dear wrle and mother. Special thanks to Rev, R. Shorten, Rev. C. G. Hrgginson and the Marshall Funeral Home for all therr kind acts. clw28 Rod and SaHy Johnson and Family \ Vellore Old Boys 950: Annual Dance and Euchre. In Vaughan Memonal Hall. Vellore, 8 pm. Jan 2] Admrssron $3. Lunch provided. Presrdent, Fred Constable: Vice-presrdent, Henry Casely; Secretary. Howard Plunkett; Treasurer, Jack erlrams. clw28 We wish to thank our friends and neighbours who helped us In so many ways In our time of sorrow. We will always be so grateful. I wish to show my appwdahon for the wonderful glits I received on my retirement from the many glOUpS of people from Langstaï¬ Secondary School. John T‘ Stewart I would Irke to thank all my friends and neighbours {or therr krndness during my recent bereavement. John Sanders. clw28 MR. and Mrs. Leslre Fear of Richmond HI†are pleased to announce the engagement of therr daughter, Elizabeth Diane to Robert Brian Anderson. son of ML and Mrs‘ Robert Anderson of Richmond Hrll. The wedding wiH take place on June 18. 1977 c1w28 Mr. and Mrs. W. Ronald Cooke are pleased to ann0unce the engage- ment of their daughter Pamela Jean to James H‘ Wood, son of ML and Mrs. James Wood. Bramalea, Ontano. Wedding to take place on August 20, clw 28 -=4|IIIllllIIllIlllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllmg Till|IllIlllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllï¬. Biscayne 4 door. $1.000. Needs front wheel bearing. Body m good shape. Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 m 55" Cards of Thanks A-6 â€"- THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. January 12. 1977 881-4150, 449-4880 CENTRE 884-1812 Phone 889-1812 Rice's Flowers Fot ALL Occasions Estelle Markham 884-3787 ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks RICHMOND HEIGHTS V8 ENGINE 352 5‘5 Engagements 58 Chevrolet 76 CORVETTE Wired Anywhere 773-5087 CALL AFTER 6 PM 884-9302 WSurrounding Districts We Deliver to Toronto c1w28 clw28 3»: 26 1c29 JEWER, Ralph Leslie Suddenly. Satulday. January 8, 1977‘ Loved by Jacqueline, Tracey and Lindsay JacobsA Son of Thélma and brother of Fred of Collingwood. Cremation wnth services a‘ C. L Fawcett Funeral Home, Collingwood ROWLING, Ada Mary â€"M Newmarket Nursrng Home4 on Saturday, January 8. 1977. Ada Rowling. dear mother of Yvonne (Mrs. Les Chldley) of Richmond Hill, dear grandmother of Wendy (Mrsr Angus MacFarland). A funeral service was held from the Marshall Funeral Home, on Monday afternoon. Cremation c1w28 1 pm. Thursday, January 13th. Memorial donations to The Ontario Heart Fund In lieu oi "OWENS would be appreuated, McLAREN, Glorianne â€"At Richmond NHL on Saturday, January 8. 1977. Glorianne, dear daughter of Percy. and Shirley McLaren, of Richmond Hill and dear srster of Gordon and Prismlla. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. Funeral Mass was held 1n Our Lady Queen of the World Church Tuesday mornrng. lnterment Aurora Cemetery. clw28 ARROW. Gordon 0.]. Sr. At erlowdale on Monday, January 10. 1977. Gordon Arnott SL, beloved husband 0! Myrtle. dear father of Gordon of Knoxville, IAr, Thelma Reim of Thornhill, Lorne of Freeport. Maine, and Frances Blahowch of Vancouver. Washington. Lovrng grandfather of 18 grandchrldren and greatgrandchildrenr Fnends were received at the R. S. Kane Funeral Home (4812 Yonge Street at Sheppard subway station). Service in the chapel on Wednesday at 2:30 pm, Interment York Cemetery Parking on premises. c1w28 JAMES, James Thomas - At York Central Hospital. on Thursday, January 6, 1977, James, beloved husband of Jennie Sutton of chhmond Hull. dear father 01 Robert SMERCIAK. Walter Joseph â€"At York Central HOSDItBL on Tuesday, January 4. 1977, Walter. beloved husband of Ruth Towers4 of chhmond Hill, dear father of Debbie and Jimmy Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, chhmond Hrll. Servrce was held on Friday afternoon. interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. clw28 WEBSTER, Paul Webster, 1966 graduate of Richmond Hill High School and wife, Gillian (nee Decks) are happy to announce the arrival of their son. Stephen Band. 8 lbs., 4 025‘, New Year‘s morning, 1977 at Enfield. Middlesex, England. Second grandson tor the Webster family. I. and James T., grandfather of Robert. Bnan, Michelle and Margaret. A funeral service was held on Saturday, January 8. 1977 at Westmlnrster Crematorium. erlowdale. Cremation‘ Rev.‘ Doctor Ramsay Armrtage. oflicnated, c1w28 10.00 am. â€" Bible School Classes for all ages 1100 am â€" Morning Serwce' 7.00 pm. â€" Evening Semce Prayer meeting Wednesday , aL800 om An Old F_aAsmt_)ned Country Chuvch (ANGLICAN) BROOKE $1., THORNHILL (S. OF HWY. 7 B, W. _0F YONGE ST.) 889-5931 Sunday, January 16. 1977 8:00 am: Holy Communion 10:30 AM: Holy Baptism wrlh Choral Eucharist. Church School, . Kindergarten and Nursery School Wednesdays 10:00 AM. - Holy Communron 1U 1.) l DdyVICW HVEIIUe J.Sa DAUPHINEE. PASTOR 9:30 am. Sunday Church School 1100 am. Worshrp Servrce Celebrating the 15m Anniversary 01 St. Paul Jan. 9» 16 - 23 Guest Preacher on Jan. 23rd, The Rev. M. Conrad Waterloo. Ontario ANGLICAN UNITED Pentecostal Wtrï¬gr‘K/I’r‘#Wr‘W;$‘WW¢WM § DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK mam“ 4 «xxxrw’mw"sass/,wa,«WAxA ( In 19th century costume. Elizabeth Malcolm will weave on an old spinning wheel while Robert Cockburn will demonstrate old printing methods. WAKE-UP! SHAPE UP! WALK! nan rmpanmn , 3m .. Nm'k 1mm and Bob Dunn, 3. Heather Burling and Marg Davis. 4. Grace Saunders and Rose Morrell, 5. Aleda McBride and Edythe Turp. Ann and Hank Jansen were the overall winners on New Years Eve at the Royal York Hotel. For information call Natalie Platner 884-1689, Cleta Dieken 727-5789. WW3‘M;’K¢W,$WWW«5 SUNDAY 9:45 AM. < Church School For Bus. Ministry call 881-2818 11:00 AM. ~ Morning Worship PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN 10030 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL RECTOR Rev. Bernard Banet 884-1394 Rev. Fred Jackson 884-2418 SEASON OF THE EPIPHANY Sunday, January 16th. 1977 (Membel Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) BAPTIST Rev. B] McSpadden Pastor Phone 884-7859 Comet 01 Weldnck Road and Bathurst Street HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 10:00 am. Eucharist 7:00pm. Eucharist on the Edge of the (My 8:00 am. Euchanst 10:30 am. Servrces. Kindergarten, Nursery 55" Deaths ‘35 Births RevV Dana H. Lamb B.A. B.D‘ Minister ST. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Street Wednesdays c1w28 Pioneer crafts TORONTO â€" York University's Glendon College is now exhibiting “Drawing Rediscovered†an exhibit of 36 con- temporary drawings by 12 artists living and working in Ontario. Gallery hours are Monday to Thursday‘ 11 am. to 5 pm. and 7 to 9 pm. and Fridays, 11 am. WILLOWDALE â€" Black Creek Pioneer Village staff will be at Central library, 5126 Yonge St. Jan. 15 from 2 to 4 pm. to demonstrate pioneer crafts. Art ShOW at Glendon The Rev. 1.8. Burns, MA, 80.. PhD Sunday, Jan, 16. 1977 Epiphany II Adult Bible Class 9:30 AM. Kirk Sessron in Hall 10:45 AM. Holy Communion 11 AM, Children directly to Church School 11:00 am. Presbyteens 12:15 pm Evening Worship 7 PM. Visitors Welcome Presbyterian SundayJanuary 16, at 11 AM. STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY Message "Christian Lifestyle 1977" Guest Speakers: Mr. Tom Knott MIS‘ June Atkinson Chulch School to: you people 3 â€" 13 yeats and Infant nursery. VISItors and New ReSIdents warmly welcomed For fear that the Richmond Hill Fire Departments‘ prize firefighter might feel left out of the passing seasonal festivities. lnez van Ravenzwaay of 18 ZION LUTHERAN (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. James S. Dauphinee VIceAPastor - 884-5264 9:30 am. Norship Service 10:30 am Sunday Church School LUTHERAN THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mmrsrer Rev erluam Wallace 884-1831 Organist 8r Choir Durerlor Mr Richard Phnilrps 11:00 am. Sunday School 11:00 am. Morning Worship Monday - 6:30 ~ 8:00 pm. Explorers Group Girls ages 9 - ll ST‘ PAUL'S LUTHERAN 10131 Baywew Avenue 18 DAUPHINEE. PASTOR RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge 8. Centre Streets 884-1301 .271 Centre Street RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 889-5391 A gift for Blaze too to 5 pm Admission is free to the gallery located at 2275 Dec. 3lst. 1. G. Stein (Georgia), 2. Victor Cronshaw. 3. Stu Cole, 4-5. John Hall, 4-5. Yahti Sahae, 6. Marie Cole. Side Game winner was Janet Cronshaw. Bridge results Jan. 3rd. N-S 1. Lorie and Joe Coen, 2. Victor Cronshaw and Bob Manning, 3. Marion and Don Fahner, 4. Cleta Dieken and Sandy Jenkinson, 5. George Newton and Omar Khamissa. E-W 1. Fred Dieken and Ross Jenkinson, 2. Edna and 80b Dunn, 3. Heather Burling and Marg Davis, 4. Grace Saunders and Rose Morrell, 5. Aleda McBride and Edythe Turp. AURORA â€" Winners at Duplicate Bridge Dec 29th, Side Game. There was a tie in the Student game between Kim Jenkinson and Sharon Leonard and Shelley Jenkinson and Michelle Freeman. 9:45 am. Sunday School For free bus service call above numbers. Wed. 7:00 PM. - FAMILY NIGHT Actiwties for every tamin member .Thurs. 9:30 AM. - Ladies Coffee Cup Bible Study. 11:00 am. Morning Worship Service Nursery and childrens church provided. 7:00 pm. Evening Fellowship Hour Charismatic Services at Richvale Community Centre - Avenue Road. Pastor F. Bondt 851-0358 (Aft. with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada). 10:00 am. - COOKIES BIBLE HOUR Service at 10:30 am and 5:00 pm 0 Lively srngrng 0 Puppets and quizzes 0 Scripture chorus 0 Brble stories. 'A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU‘ 11:00 am. - PRAISE SERVICE 7:00 pm. - CHARISMATIC SERVICE ALL WELCOME. Other Denominations SUNDAY. JANUARY 16, 1977 SUNDAY. JANUARY 16, 1977 Rev; D‘ VanderBoom M,Th. - 889-5225 BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 884-5029 Rev Ruben C Quick 8846629 148 Thornridge Dr Thornhill RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH 212 Hullswew Dr Minister Bryson Dr. presented her canine friend with a giant bone. Inez is a Grade 3 pupil at M.L. McConaghy Public School. Bayview Ave. at Lawrence. For more information call 487-6211. TUESDAY 8:00 pm. - Bible School and Prayer 9:30 am. - Ihe Lord's Supper 11:00 am. - Family Bible Hour 11:00 am. - Sunday School Kindergarten to Grade 6. Bible School for Grade 7 and up. 7:00 pm. < Evening Service 11 am. Pu|pit Exchange Wlth Rev. R‘ Quick 01 the Free Methodist Church 7:30 pm. Evening Inspiration SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 am. - Bible Study and Morning Service 7:00 pm. - Communion Serwce SUNDAY 12:30 pm. Watch "The Herald of Tmth T.V‘ Channel 3, Barrie Concord ‘Rd‘ 8. No‘ 7 Hwy SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 1977 Walk a block a day. It's the first step. WEDNESDAY 8:00 pm. - Bible Study Wednesday Night 7:30 pm Family Night CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST A Church of The New Testament Order 24 Oak Ave†Ruchvale A,E, Atkmson Ministel â€" 669-1831 A. Young - Sec. 669-2784 THE MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rev. Cecil Rosenberger 887-5846 9:50 - Sunday School RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE *1 nun/w: nan Bad weath‘ even more Going to snow some more for sure. Government figures show that 60â€"80% of snow in Canada falls after January tst. Bad weather is still ahead and driving will be even more hazardous for you and your family. So don‘t hold off your tire buying till next year. Act now. We have the tires you need at prices you can afford. 2 DuPont 66 Nylon Cord Plies. beneath 2 mileage producing Glass Belts (and all behind a deep-siped tread pattern) adds up to GO - all-the-way! Winter after winter, this tire has created a reputation for outstanding performance. It has earned it. It's an outstanding tire! JANUARY SERVICE SPECIAL! 5-YEAR ROAD- HAZARD INSURED Modern 78 Series in either Nylon Blackwall for economy or Polyester Whitewall for added stability with no 'overnight set' . . . Both choices are superb ‘bad- weather performers' with all the attributes of many higher priced traction tires. Big. deep, self- cleaning lugs take firm hold on the worst of winter. Exceptional traction 2 constructions 4 DAYS ONLY JAN. 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th Extra Cash Bonus Coupons Parts and Installation Extra Action-Traction in a rollicking Glass-Belted ‘Giant’ of a tire 5-YEAR ROAD-HAZARD INSURED /_[fl-I1FIDIH 10288 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL 884-1198 THE WORST IS 6.00/12 A78/13 (6.00‘ 878/13 (6.50 078/13 (700‘ 078/14 (635/14) E78/14 (7.35/14) F78/14 (7.75/14) G78/14 (825/14) H78/14 (855/14) 5.60/15 F78/15 (7.75/15) 678/15 (8.25/15) H78/15-(8.55/15) SIZE YET TO COME 13) 13) Generally inspect steering Adjust wheel bearings Check wheel bearing noise Spin to check wheel balance Adjust steering gear Centre steering wheel Inspect front and rear suspension Adjust torsion bar Correct toe change Check tire pressure Set toe. caster, camber One tire , (and alustmem price) Apply for your Canadian Tire Credit Card 19.95 24.90 25.95 27.80 21.75 22.90 24.45 25.90 27.45 18.90 20.40 21.45 ‘HIWAY- BYWAY’ Glass-Belted WHITEWALL A78/13 878/14 078/14 E78/14 F78/14 678/14 H78/14 078/15 F78/15 678/15 H78/15 J78/15 L78/15 REG. s1 2'95 ‘HlWAY-BYWAY 2+2’ SIZE Glass-Belted Nylgg 18.95 23.65 24.65 26.41 20.66 21.75 23.23 24.60 26.08 17.95 19.38 20.38 1 tire (and adjustment) price 26.90 27.90 29.85 30.90 31.95 33.90 35.95 1 me (and adjustment price) 30.90 32.40 34.95 37.80 38.95 40.80 24.85 23.40 24.40 25.45 26.45 27.40 28.95 30.40 31.95 24.45 29.40 30.95 32.80 2 or more each after discount for cash* 24.13 25.08 26.46 27.45 28.45 30.30 32.25 27.45 28.88 31.30 34.01 35.10 36.86 2 or more each after dascount for cash* 21.33 26.03 27.50 29.26 23.23 24.13 25.60 26.98 28.45 21.71 20.33 21.28 22.28