All makes pIus Johnson and Evinrude. Fair prices. North York Marine. 881-5821. Good condition. $800 for both or will sell separately. Call afte: 5:30 pm. 884-6481l “um, HIGHESI cash prices or trade value paid to: houseful of furniture and appliances. Brice's Furniture‘ 363- 1954‘ «as FIGGZMUJJSSIOIL Morkdale.Plaza,.Eeb. 2 - 12. Toronto Boat Show Discounts. Snlent Sports Marine. Hwy, 48. Sutton. 1 - 722-3877. Ask for free catalogue. C4w 28 1970 SNOW CRUISER‘ Model C200. Good COHdItIDn, 8848817, 889- 6016. c2w29 DEAD or crippled {arm animals, picked up promptly. 705-439-2421. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son, Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324E266. ï¬c29 Brand new. 14' fibreglass canoe. paddles, life lackets, $350. complete New in 1972. Excellent condition Hardly used‘ 884-3400. Motor 2 h.p. Johnson NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of DR. GORDON BERKELEY STALKER, deceased. ALL PERSONS havmg claims against the Estate of DL Gordon Berkeley Stalker, late of 364 Kerrybrook Drive. RIChmOfld Hill, who died on or about January 15th. 1973. are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before February 7th, 1977. after which date the Estate will be distributed and the undersrgned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED at Richmond Hill, this 3rd day of January, 1977. 884-0413. evgl§59 “5 Boats 8 Supplies 72 and 71 Olympic Ski Doos 1971 SNOWCRUISER Sailboat Show 311 2‘“ Snowmobiles 1973 Yamaha Snowmobiles Snowblowers Bethesda Sales and Sennce NEW AND USED MACHINES Arctic Cat â€"Skiroule 834-7774 CUSTOM TUNING 888-1166 610 Reid Mower Marine & Sports 884-7716 881-2384 SNOWMOBILE SERVICE 440 GP, 40 HP. Good condition. 3500 884-7573 Articles wanted SALES & SERVICE Legal Notices doane hall HAS A SERVICE ESPECIALLY FOR YOU FOLLOWING BREAST SURGERY â€" TRAINED. QUALIFIED STAFF, QUALITY PRODUCTS. CCompanion By Airway .Tru Life by Camp 0 Lymphedema arm sleeves OMastectomy bras 0 Leisure bras . Wear (on request) CALL FOR A PERSONAL APPOINTMENT AT YOUR CONVENIENCE Wheelchairs / Walkers / Canes / Crutches SALES O SERVICE 0 RENTALS MASTECTOMY To meet your doctor: O Colostomy / Ileostomy Supplies 9 Braces / Support Garments Donald G. Plaxion i Plaxton and Mann 10350 Yonge St Richmond Hill. on LAC 4X9 c1w29 Ho 20 c1w29 c3w27 clw Z9 Good condition. WI“ certify. Best offer. 884-8422. 47,000 miles. 4 wheel drive. V 8-304 rugged. Power steering. btakes. Ideal (or cottage, hunting and snow plow- ing. Asking $3,200. 7.000 miles. Radio, Certmed‘ $2.140 hrm. 884-7079 71 Datsun 2402 For information call Low mileage. Private sale. $4,850 832-1365. Good running condmon.'sunroof gas heatel. $500 or best gffgt. exhaust. Needs transmission. $125. 773-4471‘ c1w29 1968 CHEV. New brakes and 68 GMC 16’ truck 74 GMC 18' truck Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 W 75 Honda Civic 884-6005 72 Pontiac Ventura 1972 Jeep Commando Automatic. power steering. clean 69 Volkswagen Full power. automatic,’hardtop very sharp. 68 Dodge Van Slant6 automatic, radial ï¬res Also 30 reconditioned VW's. 884-2139. 70 Buick Skylark A-l shape‘ Very reasonable Vandorf Motors 727â€"3322 69 Chev Nova 6Cyllnder tandard 76 3/: Ton Chev Pick-Up In the flyer currently being distributed in the Toronto area, the prices for 4,000 board fee1 of spruce lumber have been incorrectly presented. The prices stated are the prices of 1000 board fee? of lumber available when pur- chasing lumber in 4,000 board feet lots. Savewoy regreis any inconvenience that this may have caused our customers. 883-1730 W wnh hydraulic lift WIth hydraulic lift 71 Mazda 71 Dart s prescriptions CORRECTION NOTICE after 6 pm 'AV E WAY clw29 clw29 Clw29 "€29 Heavy duty, radio, rust proofed 4' wooden box. Low mileage. Yellow, 35,000 miles. Corvette mags‘ $4,500 Certified, AAl. Reasonable. 727- 3351, 773-5145. c1w29 HENRY'S Garage, 69 Volkswagen 4 wheel drive. 4 speed, Power steering, power brakes. New paint. Removable top. Certified. $4,300. Firm. 888-1706 Mg 1974 CHEV Impala. Topaz brown. Power steering and power brakes. Immaculate condition; 31,000 miles. 883-1384. c1w29 B300, 318 V8, automatic. power brakes‘ Heavy duty suspension and tires. $3.400 cash. 1-895-4453 1974 MONTE Carlo V8, aur conditioned, loaded. 881-1107. 1976 NOVA, 6 cyl. steel belted radtals, rust-proofed, $3,500 tum Cemhed. 895-2264 CSOseries 14 ft, high Cube aluminum box. 35,000 miles. Good shape‘ CB included. $4,500 or best oifer‘ 72 DODGE Polara4 power s‘eering. power brakes. Certiï¬ed. $850. 889- 2843. c1w29 1972 FORD LTD Brougham 2 door hardtop, Power steering and brakes, Automatic, air-conditioned. Good condition. Best otter, 8849749. 1976 WI. RABBIT DELUXE 5 mos. old 7,500 Hwy. mules Certified. 1977 licence. Ternflc car‘ Have now obtained company car Save $1.000 GOOD SELECTION OF QUALITY RECONDITIONED V.W"s SpeCIaIIzing In V.W. body work and general tepalrs . . ALL WflRKGUARANIEED . 75 Dodge Maxivan 75 Firebird Esprit 74 Chev Blazer ‘55 Cars it Trucks DOHERTY MOTORS 727-3322 VOLKSWAGEN SALE 74 Chevrolet TELEPHONE 895-8129 75 Ford 250 Pick-up 884-3391 884-4042 889-8990 Rear wheels cleQ clw29 c1w29 c1w29 clw29 c1w29 350 V8 4-door hardtop‘ PSPB, good condmon, New snow tires. as Is $1.800 or best offer. - after 6:00 6 cy|inder, standard transmission 51,000 miles; Mint condition Certified. Lic_ D55251. Automatic. This automobile has been completely rebuilt. immaculate condition, new tires, lady owner. ideal second car, will certify. 1970 MONTE Callo PS‘PB, air. Certified, $1500. 884-3395 aitel 530 pm. cZw28 SIIVEL automatic. power steenng brakes, wmdows. AM/FM. tilt steeung. alrcondituonedA 5.000 miles. I WOULD sincerely like to II Avenue Taxi Company for so ki returning my wallet to me, thoughtfulness is appreciated Mrs. E. Costoff. V8. Automatic, Power steering, power brakes, radio4 vinyl loot Low mileage. Certified Must sell. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Matthews lFamHy wrsh to express their appreciation to all their neighbours, friends, Thornhill organrzations and churches. fer the many acts of kindness and donations. I WISH to express my appreciation to friends and relatives and Dr. Nirenberski and Dr. Blaker and the nurses at York Ceniral Hospital during my recent illness‘ H, Hawkins c1w29 71 Pontiac Catalina Gautomatuc. Edna. snows. $450 negotiable 560 70 Dodge Cororlgt 70 Ford Pick-up 881â€"4150, 449-4880 WITHIN WED. 1973 Pontiac Parisienne STARTING SEPT. 15m. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT JAN 19th 76 CORVETTE 884-5539 883-1481 Cards of Thanks 72 Pinto 1 WHITE GRANI 7 SUGAR 727-5712 "3H0? "N SAVE A? 884-3612 KRAï¬ [MIRACLE WHIP “3:32- 4931 AVAILABLE ONLY AT ALLENCOURT Bayview Er Markham Rd., Richmond Hill WE FIESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. / 832-1012 PAPER TOWELS VIVA ASSORTED COLOURS INSTANT COFFEE FRESH, PARTLY SKIMMED IGA ROYAL GUEST FRENCH FRIES FROZEN SOMERDALE WHITE GRANULATED THURNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE JACKPOT $1,000.00 clw29 c1w29 c1w29 c1w29 c1w29 thank Mndw Your “NO ONE UNDER 16 YEARS ADMITTED" John St. and Bayview Ave. Thornhill 7:40 pm. Earlyhirds 8:00 pm. Regular Games DUNCAN, Harold Albert â€" at home In Toronto on Saturday. January 8, 1971 Harold Duncan. dear father of Robert. brother of the late Lerla Johnson Grandfather of Debbie and Wendy. Friends were recelved at the B. E Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge Street, Thornhrllr Servrce was held Wednesday. IntermentThornhtlt. clw29 SWITZER, M. Hazel â€" Last ol the Swrtzer Family 01 Richmond Hill. In her 89th year, at her home in Semonile. Florida on Wednesday. December 29th, 1976. A memorial servrce was held at the Marshall Funeral Home in Richmond Hill on Saturday afternoon January 15, 1977. Burial of the cremated remains, in the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Cemetery. BEDWELL, Lilian At the Resthaven Nursing Home in Aurora. on Saturday, January 15. 1977. Beloved wile of the late Joseph Bedwell. Dear mother of Eunice (Mrs. Thomas McCandIess) Thornhill and Jack of Richmond Hill. Loved by her grandchildren. Lenora, Brian, and Gordon. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Service was held on Tuesday morning Interment Pine Hills Cemetery. COOPER, Violet E. - Suddenly at York Central Hospital on Saturday. January 15, 1977. Violet Foster beloved wife of Albert Cooper of Richmond Hill. Dear mother of Jean. Ron and the late Joyce. Survived by six grandchildren and 2 great- grandchildren. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. Service Wednesday. January 19. 1977 at 1:30 pm. interment Aurora Cemetery. LEDERICH, Heinz - Suddenly as a result of an accident on Thursday. January 13, 1977. Husband of Freida Lederich and father of Gerhard Lederich. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. Service was held on Saturday afternoon. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. The York Symphony Orchestra Vellore Old Boys 95th Annual Dance and Euchre. In Vaughan Memorial Hall, Vellore, 8 pm. Jan. 21. Admnssmn $3. Lunch pmwded. Plesudent, Fred Constable: Vlce~pteSIdent, Henry Casely; Secretary, Howard Plunkell; Treasuler, Jack Williams‘ (:1 w 29 IS holding 3 Symphony Ball at the La Gondola, Concord, Janua_rv 28th 1977. Tickets 884-9242, or Caro! Rose 478-4095. ~ c4w27 5‘5 Coming Events 555 Deaths 3 OT. POLY BAG 2 Lb. Bag 2 KG PKG. 10 oz JAR TWIN PACK or brand name T.V.'s (colour and B & W). Hr Fr's, and components‘ a few deep freezers. acquired by York Home TV and Appliances, 85% new stock, 10160 Bayvrew Ave, chhmond Hrll, Bayvrew Plaza. For Grampian Antiques (D. Ainsworth - B. Peacock). at the "Victona Square Community Hall". Located just west 011 Don Mills Rd.. 4 miles north at No. 7 Highway, at Victoria Square. NUMBERS Featuring refinished pine furniture including Welsh dresser. Lincolnshire dresser, gallery top kitchen dresser. blanket boxes. chests of drawers, pub tables. drop leaf table, hanging Cupboards, towel rails. foreman's desk. Sideboards, food safe. tea wagons, Victorian carved oak parlour table, oak con5u| table W/ single leg. oak hall rack, 6 pc. Queen Ann style dining Suite. unusual deck chair w/brass inlay. walnut commode. occ. tables & chairs. collection of discontinued Royal Doulton figurines. Royal Doulton picture plates, Doulton stone & china wear. assort, of old cranberry glass (pitchers, vases, tumblers. etc), slection of collectable biscuit barrels in- cluding a wedgewood, carnival, vaseline. and venetian glass, Edwardian wall clock. old brass alarm clock. mantle clocks, amber linger oul lamps, brass 0i| lamps, brass hanging fixtures. brass jelly pans. bells. horse brass, key-Wind pocket watch, 4 bottle cruet set; torlet sets. crocks. lanterns, etc. This is a real good sale, with approx. 250 quality items. Everything in good condition. PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION ANTIQUE & COLLECTORS AUCTION! ADMISSION s1.00 Friday, January let 7:30 PM. SHORT NOTICE LIQUIDATION BY PUBLIC AUCTION 119 OF USED CARS AND TRUCKS THE ORIGINAL FOR 289 10610 BayVIew Avenue, Terms: Cash Auctioneer. Charlie Dunn Site Phone: 884-4165 SATURDAV, JAN. 22 » BEGINNING 12:00 (NOON) TERMS CASH. NO RESERVE preview from 11:00 AM, KAHN AUCTION SERVICES - Ph. (41619858161 Inspection of vehxcles Thurs†Fn. and Sat. belore sale. You an: mwted to bung your mechanic. ‘100 deposn requued at turne of sale. (Cash. certified cheque. Chargex. Mastercharge) GREEN AWlLLMS. Della and Angus MacBean, formerly of Langstatfe. Ontano, are pleased to announce the marriage of then daughter. Aona Louise Faye Green. daughter of the late Carl Green to Robert Victor Willms. The weddrng wrll be held on April 23, 1977, at the Kelowna Alliance Church. clw29 BUICKS DODGES CADILLACS PINTOS 1/2 TONS MID METRO VEHICLE HOLDING LIMITED POUND PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION SATURDAY JAN. 22, 11 AM. 5’“ Forthcoming Marriage 815 Pharmacy Ave (JuststhEglmton) 309 SNOWMOBILES FEATURED THIS WEEK LOOK ~ I 0%}. ’5! NEW 1976's - AND USED Auctions Auctioneer - Joe Simmon Lic. A867 NAME YOUR OWN PRICE W & P MOTORS THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. January 19, 1977 â€" B-s MR. and Mrs. Paul Jolicoeur of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Debbie to Phil Tearne, son of Mrt and Mts‘ Maurice Tearne of Richmond HiIL clw29 MR, and Mrs. R. L, Trntman are very happy to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Carol Ann to Mr. Harry De Jonge son of Mrr and Mrs. G. DeJonge of Grand. Ont. Wedding is planned for Oct. 1, 1977, MR. and Mrs. Harold Good 0! Richvale, are pleased to ann0unce the engagement of their daughten Donna Mae to Donald "Wayne" Nielsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nielsen, of King City. Wedding to take place July lst, 1977. c1w29 W U l' IVIU I UHD LTD. 10440 YDNGE ST., RICHMOND HILL 889-7701 0 88¢6661 MR. and Mrs. H. Reid Gillespie of Southfield, Michigan, are pleased to announce ihe engagement of their daughter. Nancy Sue to Daryl LaWrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A‘ Rice, of Richmond Hill, The wedding will take place In Michigan on August 13, 1977‘ CUSTOM wood turning. No lob too small. Oak Ridges 773-5584‘ ,A.“ 11 “‘5 Engagements 310 Antiques it Art CHEVROLETS VEGAS FORDS VOLVOS OLDSMOBILES OTHERS c1w29 Aw 27 HUDY, Richard and Diane happily announce the birth of then daughter Kara Lynn, 6 |bs., 121/2 025., on Friday, January 14th. 1977 in York Central Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Golab and the nursing staff. REID, Ron and Brenda (nee Coirini), are happy to announce the arrival of a baby sister for Cary. Lora Kim. born January 2. 1977, weighing 7 lbs_, 11 ozs. Proud grandparents are John and Alice Reid and Art and Louise Coirrni. We wish to thank Dr. luck and the nursing staff at York Central Hospital. clw29 McTAGGART, er David and wife, Judy Patnua are happy to announce the arrrval of their daughter. Wanda Mae Grace. 6 lbs,, 8 015., 1 pm 7th day, first month, 1977, at York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill. Many thanks to Dr. J, Niremberski and nurses. clw29 REASHOR, Bnan and Sherryann (nee Allen) wish to announce the arrival of twms. a boy and a girl, on January 14, 1977, at York Central Hospital. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses c1w29 WEBB, Don and JudI (nee Hunt) are proud to announce the birth of Yana's brother. Steven Donald Roy. 8 Ibs,.9 V2 015. on January 8, 1977 at York Central Hospitalr Special thanks to Dr, John T. Bate and the Nursing Staâ€. clw29 BRENNER Keith and Lynn wish to announce the arrival of their first child, Jennifer Lee, 7 lbs., 3 015.. January 13, 1977. Many thanks to coach Dr. Jack Dubins and staff of North York Branson Hospital. c1w29 Clearly marked asto contents, will be received by the undersigned until Friday February 4, 1977 at 11 AM. lor the supply of 21 vehicles for the York Regional Police Force‘ The Information to Bidders. General Conditions and tender documents may be obtained from the undersrgned at 240 Prospect Street, Newmarket, Ontario,‘ Telephone 895-- 1221 Ext. 268. How we miss the welcome footsteps, of the one we love so deal, 0ft we listen for him coming, fully Sure that he :5 near, If we had all the world to give, we'd give it yes and more, To hear his voice and see his smile, and greet him at our door, MORRIS, Samuel â€"Who passed away January 20, 1976. But all we can do dear fathel, is go and tend your grave. And leave behind tokens of love, to the best fame! God ever made. Sadly missed by Karen, Joe and Jay. No longer in my life to share, but in when you are always there. Sadly missed by your loving wife Wilda. MORRIS â€" In loving memory of my dear husband Samuel who passed away January 20, 1976‘ The gates of memory never close‘ how much I miss you no one knows, Tenders 609 “5 Births an Memorian. Btian J. Ward. Secretary, York Regional Board 0! Commissioners of Police. c1w29 Tendets clw29 clw29