PERSON to share 2 storey town home. Five appliances. Fully broadloomed. Your own washroom. Recreation facilities Non smoker. Mr. Valiant. 889-9435. clw29 Forrent Recreation rooms. garage, garden. $300 monthly, Available February lst. 889-8445 AT 10181 Kee|e St North, Maple Phone Mr. A. Black 889-4973. RELIABLE professional person seeks home or self-contained apartment to rent with garden, in York County. References supplied. Call 895-6600 (daytime) or (705) 456-3132 after 7 THREE large bedrooms Pay own utilities. 77 Yongehurst Avei, 651; 9387 after 6. c1w29 p.m ï¬llllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllIIIlllllIIlIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIlllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllIlllllllmll||Illlllllll|llIIIIIllllllllIllllIIIllII||ll||ll||l|IIIllll|III|lllllllllIII||Ill||I|Illll|llllllllllllllll|llll|IllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIII|Ill|lllllll|lllllllllll||I||IIIIIWIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllll|ll|Illlllll|lllIIIIIIIIlIlllIlllllIllllllllllllllllllï¬ 10‘ 128 708 565 wanted 505 wanted B-8 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, January 19, 1977 gllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg "’4 Wanted To Rent We have funds to lend for renovations, debt consolidation, or any other purpose - No Penalties for prepayment - No Hidden Costs - Best Rates 8 Terms “ â€" Up to 20 - year amortization â€" Up to 85% of appraised value. Each withâ€" 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths. Also outdoor pool. You are cordially invited to visit our lovely furnished model townhouse. Children Most Welcome For fast In approval service come to us. We're in your neighbourhood. Northtown Shapping Centre _ 5385 YONGE ST. 225-8809 NATIONAL TRUST Loans for Home Owners 2nd Mortgages 2 Bedroom house 157 ACRE DAIRY FARM Located east of Listowel, well drained land, large painted barn, stable cleaner, milk house, bulk tank, 2 silos, implement shed, 2nd barn ideal for young cattle, 2 storey brick home, all buildings in immaculate condition. Call Jake Arends 519-291-1788. Accommodation PRIME RATES FOR ALL TYPES OF MORTGAGES EXCELLENT COTTAGE AND COMMERCIAL FINANCING WENMORE FINANCIAL LTD. DON HAMILTON REAL ESTATE 8. INS. LTD. 132 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel, Ont. ' Listowel Ofï¬ce 519-291-3500 or if busy call 519-291-3130. SEND FOR FREE FARM CATALOGUE MCDONALD DRIVE, AURORA ‘5“ Shared THE MONEY MANAGERS WEEKDAYS MON. - FRI. 11 AM. - 8:30 PM. SAT. 11 AM. - 5 PM. SUN. 12 NOON - 5 PM E112 Country Lane (JUST SOUTH OF WELLINGTON ST. W.) 10140 Yonge St. Richmond Hill For information please contact Barbara Fleming 884-0677 - 773-5268 164 Townhouses FOR RENT 727-1354 Houses to Rent ‘“ Mortgages c1w29 plw29 MORTGAGES c1w29 Eihvral Classiï¬eds 884-1105 - 1105 1,500 sq. ft. 0! 4,500 sq_ ft Economical. NEW INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Heart Lake Road and Steeles 3,600 sq ft. and more ll required of pnme warehou§e and retail space. Ideal for light manufacturing and warehouse storage. Will dIvrde and supply 10% finished aIr~conditIoned office space or showroom. CALL CATHY AT 453-3209 or 459-5104 after 6 For Rent â€" 2,000 . 10000 sq. ft. 33 per sq. ft. Richmond Hill ‘29 Factory-Industrial Space INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL SPACE BRAMPTON Richmond Hill Industrial Building 773-5230 881-3893 clw'29 UN 26 ï¬c27 tfc22 clw29 TWO bedroom apartment. February lst.884‘1986. c1w29 ,FURNISHED bedsming room, suit quiet business man. 884-1215, BRIGHT spacious two bedroom apanment. near Yonge and Arnold. Adults only, 884-7233. c1w29 TWO bedroom apartment, Bayviewâ€" Markham area‘ $225 monthly. 884- 6263. c1w29 FURNISHED, share kitchen and bathroom, men only. $25 per week. Phone 884-4319, after 6:30 pm. ROOM for rent. Share knchen and bath. Phone 884-6149. clwzg BRIGHT spacious upper duplex. 5 rooms and sunroom. Spacious grounds. $385. utilities paid. Yonge » Elgin Mills. 486-8578. c1w29 ROOM to rent. Close to transportation. Kitchen facilities availabie. No parking. 884-0345. A FURNISHED room, cooking faulitles, Central Richmond HI", TTC at corner. 884-9883 after 6 pm. FURNISHED room for rent. Gentleman. 884-6981. clw29 3 BEDROOM apartment. AduRs, no pets. 884-6840. c1w29 TWO bedroom apartment. No children. Apply: Apt‘ 109. 298 Markham Road. Richmond Hill. LARGE room with electric heat. Use of kitchen and bathroom Senior citizen preferred. 884-2711. clw29 ROOMS for weekly rent from $45. Marlyn Motel. One miJe north of Newmarket. on Hwy, 11.895-4585. c2w28 LARGL furnish& bedroom close to bus. Gentleman only. 884-7564. Woodbine-Steeles Area 1,200 sq. ft. Units 300 sq. ft office, air-conditioned broadloomed. drapes. Immediate Occupancy 889-2756 2 BEDROOM apartment available February lst, also 2 bedroom apartments available lor March lstl Apply: Supt. 441 Elmwood Avenue, Richmond Hill. c1w29 2 BEDROOM. sublet. Limited Income1$197 Including parking. Call after 6 pm. Wednesday. 8812162. c1w29 separate entrance, $120. month‘ 884-5608‘ clw29 FURNISHED room with k|tchen‘ Gentlemen pteferred. No parking Close to transportation 884-7398 HILLCREST Mall area, Noisy friendly family has two modern furnished rooms with separate entrance. Call 745-3500. or after 5 pm. 889-6437. Ask for Anne. c1w29 THORNHILL, close to Royal Orchatd Single room, kitchen‘ 881-1048‘ TWO bedroom apartment. 3187‘ To sublet and take over lease. Thornhill. 881-5180. c1w29 2 bedroom apartment. Available now. Rent‘ includes heat. hydro. water. etc. Near thhmond Heights Centre. Call Supt. 884-2475 MOBILE Hairdresset. Licensed: Geometric cut, permanents. colouring. Private in your own home. 8846005. tfc29 Spacious arr conditioned 3 bedroom In new condominum buildingr Laun- dry room ensuite, two baths, five appliances, two indoor parkrng‘ In- door pool. sauna. tennis and squash courts and many extras, Phone 481- 9779 after 6 pm. for appointment 2 BEDROOM sublet Limited income‘ $197 including parking. 889-5074. clw29 LARGE room. kitchen, furnished FURNISHED room, share bath and kitchen. Parking. 884-4878. c1w29 THORNHILL, bachelor apartment. Available immediately, $150. monthly. 881-1048. clw29 ONE and 2 bedroom apartments. Markham Rd., â€" Bayview. Adults‘ 8849885. c1w29 ‘78 Rooms For Rent PRESTIGE INDUSTRIAL MALL 73° Hairstylists Betwgen 8 am. 8. 5 pm LUXURIOUS PENTHOUSE GAZEBO 0F THORNHILL Adult Building 172 Apartments To Rent c1w29 clw29 clw29 c1w29 cZw28 clw29 c2w28 c1w29 do 46 tic 29 tlc 24 Tarot Card, Palm Readings, private consultations. Open daily. 693 Pape Ave., corner Dantorth. V2 block south of Pape Subway, 463-0115. Male. 3 months, paper trained Reg’d. Shots. Wormed. Well marked, 162 Excellent potential Iack In cluded 484â€"6755 or 221-5477 evenings. PROFESSIONAL tutoring by qualified teacher, children Gtades 1 - 8. All subjects Including French, 884- BABYSITTER needed, prefel my home, will take baby out‘ 889.2354 after 4:30. clw29 GERMAN Shepherd puppiesr Black and sable and solid blacks. Born Christmas day, CKC reg'dr Tattooed and shots. Call 6406740 Stoulfvrlle area. c1w29 7891 HAY tor sale 884-7469 C.K,C, reg'd. Fleld Tnal Champion Lines. $200 1â€"478-4593 Reg'd. Healthy. Stud â€" champion stock. $250. January 51h. King City area‘ Irish Setter 1% years old, Answers to "Beau," Broken hearted little gin looking for him Reward. Please call KITTENS, (8) free to good home. 884-3688any1ime. c1w29 ALTERATIONS. lady's, men's. ch’ldren, 884-0841. tfc29 LOST Kitten, pute white femaIeA Area Lawrence and Palmer, Richmond Hi|L884-3254. clw29 364â€"6595 Are you worried about someone with a drinking problem? If so, contact Alr Anon, 366-4072 or write P.0. Box 516, Richmond Hill. Confidential. Large black Labrador wiTh white markings, Answers to "Rex". Markham Rd., Bayview, Richmond An A An A n THE POODLE SCENE 3 YEAR OLD THOROUGHBRED MARE DO you have a dnnklng problem? If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. or call 487-5591. LEARN to fly. Introductory flight $5. Toronto Airways Ltd. Buttonville Airport. 297-1422, m 32 DRESSMAKI NG. alterations, bridal, party dresses, 832-2342. c2w29 SISAL BALER TWINE 5‘“ Daycare Wanted POODLE CLIPPING PET GROOMING 8. ACCESSORIES 10088 Yonge. St.. Richmond HI†SOD FOR SALE Yorkshire Terrier puppies LABRADOR RETRIEVER PUPS Pick up in the ï¬eld Don Mills â€" Bethesda Sideroad Julia’s Zodiac 630 "2 Dressmaking DOGS AND CATS BOARDED St. Bernard Dalmatian 10.000 FT. 40 LBS. PER BALE 11.75 884-3942 832-1044 884-6691 351 832-1430, 832-2383 Lost- Dog “ Gardening hSuppIies Pure bred puppies $120 884-5587 833-5924. Lost & Found IN AND OUTDOOR RUNS 888-1947 881-4260 350 Pets Livestock Personals Lost 775-7737 p3w29 c1w29 clw29 clw29 TFC 2? C3w 27 clw29 NW 28 Clw 28 884- tfc29 IFC 45 ll: 23 IFC 52 IFCSI tic 44 CLEANING lady required in the Thornhill area. weekly, $20. 881- 0460. c1w29 PERSON required for day care for prolessronal development days and school holidays excluding summer holidays. Beverly Acres area. Call DAY CARE available In my home. Any age. Toys. lunches. |arge back yard. Oak Ridges alea. 773-4572‘ c1w29 RELIABLE, Honest cleaning lady. abstainel, non-smoker required every other week. References. $20. Thornhill, south of Hwy 73‘ 881- 1310. c1vo29 after 4:30 pm. 884-2945 DAY CARE given In my home, any age, 884-8709, c1w29 DAY care given in my home. Beverley Acres area‘884-7l49, c1w29 We provide a service needed by thousands of people monthly. We don’t look for them â€"they look for us. If you enjoy helping people, enquire about this opportunity to make money on a commission basis from our offices, Choose your own hours. HOMEMAKERS Part time, permanent jobs available on 3 hour shifts. such as 1030 â€"1:30, 11 am â€"2 pm. We provide paid. supervrsed, trarm‘ng, freeemployee food and regular performance and wage reviews. All statutory and school holidays off. STUDENTS Part time. evening and weekend jobs through the school season are available. In addition to the above benelits, we offer flexible working hours tMtwnbeMWflw mSMtwmsmwlm mumsmMMeewmsm vacations. Full time work may be available during school vacations and holid aysi INTERESTED? For more information, apply in person between 9 â€" 11 am‘ or 2 - 4:30 pm Thursday or Friday, McDonald's Restaurant, 10593 Yonge St‘, Richmond Hill 10956 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Half mile north at Elgin Mills 884-2922 ALL PLANTS MUST BE CLEARED IMMEDIATELY Mr. Plantman But. tired of commuting. wrshes to relocate Withrn easy drrvrng distance of Richmond Hillr Chartered Accountant and RM. Age 34. Have been 3 Comp troller for a number of medium sized companies. E.D.P. exposure. FINANCIAL EXECUTIVE PRESENTLY EMPLOYED Required for our Real Estate Office at Yonge-Steeles. Pleasant telephone manner and typing ability a must. For appointment please call Parttime, Day or Evening Customer Service - Food Preparation Please phone 884-9697, after6 p.m PART TIME OPPORTUNITY! EVENINGS 0R WEEKENDS Receptionist 5"“ Domestic Help wanted Richmond Hill Store Open Sundays 226-0803 SUE) 54l Part time c2w28 Help Wanted Canada Trust Daycare WAITRESS-WAITER for lst class diningroom. Excellent working conditions. Openings lor lunch 11:30 â€" 2:30 pm. Monday â€" Friday. Call Mr. McLean 881-2121l clw29 RELIABLE, veasonable day care available in our home, in Beverly Acres area, Call anytime 889-7288‘ PROFESSIONAL cauple requnres reliable woman for care of infant plus housekeepmg. 889-9348 Evgs‘ c1w29 DAY CARE available. 832-8826 WILL care for one child In my home while mother works. 884-9464, BABYSITTER required Weldrick Rd., â€"Springhead Gardens vicinity for 4 month old baby‘ 884.2760 Evgs. Oak Ridges Plaza next to Gallacher‘s Food Market c1w29 clw29 'plw 29 C2w29 clw29 c1w29 ‘w 29 Requrred for the Roads Department. Must have Class “A†license, wrth experience on heavy equipment, including diesel engines. Probationary rate( 5 months): $618 per hour. Regular rate: $6.63 per hour. Usual fringe benefits. i Apply In writing, stating qualifications and related experience to: N. J. Pickard, Chief Administration Officer Town of Markham 8911 Woodbine Avenue. Markham Ontario L3R 1A1 We are an international marketer of cosmetics and fragrances. located in the north west Toronto area and it you answered "yes" to most, if not all of the questions in para one, please reply, in strictconlidence, in handwritten form to: If you have graduated or are presently taking the Community College Course or just thinking of entering the rewarding field of Real Estate we would like to give you the chance to hear and question our succesful associates which will help you decide: Are you peoples oriented, creative, in possession of all the usual secretarial skills. sell-motivated, well-groomed, ambitious and involved? The position offers an attractive salary and benefit package. I‘ this position sounds interesting to you, please call MR. MARTIN for a personal interview. GENERAL FREEZER LIMITED 9230 ISLINGTON AVE., WOODBRIDGE 851-2861 Thus IS an opportunity to get involved and lo be of semce to your local community Whlle earning some exlta spending money, Please telephone _ Hal Blame Editor 884-8177 As a progressive manufacturer of appliances and home comfort equipment we require a high calibre executive secretary, to carry out a variety of duties, with a minimum of supervision. This position offers an exciting challenge to the right person with initiative, to assist a progressive management team. ' The successful applicant will have excellent typing and stenographic skills in addition to several years of experience. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY TOWN OF MAR KHAM ï¬lm gibtral "COULD I BE SUCCESFUL IN REAL ESTATE" TIME: THURSDAY JAN. 20th. AT 7:30 PM. PLACE: 7724 YONGE ST.. THORNHILL Executive Secretary Career in Real Estate Seminarll CORRESPONDENT Box 127 “The Liberal†MECHANIC for reservations call; Richmond Hill Maple - Doug Bennett 8848183 Thornhill - Willowdale - Richard Hughes 889-8770 Over 30 Branch Offices serving Central Ontario You Are Invited to Attend!! "as Niacin Ln: Bahia; KING CITY the home fangs who care about people Requires For clw29 c1w29 SALES person, mature. part-time evenmgs, Immediately, experience not necessary. Baywew Variety. Bayvaew Plaza, 884-3417 c1w29 With Dealership experience, Hours 9 am. â€"5 pm. Employees benefits DO YOU LIKE MEETING AND HELPING PEOPLE. Have you the use of a car and a Hex1blé daily sche- dule? If so. consuder a career wnh Welcome Wagon. This IS a part time lobï¬hat wull add a second pay cheque to your household. To arâ€" range for mterwew. call For Richmond Hill Law office Pleasant manner and appea- rance. Good typing skills Shorthand preferred. Babysitters wanted 487-2405. RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY With knowledge of payroll 884-92353] BOOKâ€" KEEPER /TYP|ST Must be reliable. Holiday Help Apply Box: 128 The Liberal, Richmond Hill 881-2729 Expeï¬enced Clerk Typist WELCOME WAGON 889-5595 DAY 0R WEEK Call c1w29 c1w29 clw 29 If