Hill High graduation night February 18 Feb. 18. Again, remember it begins at 7:30 and costs a mere 50 cents. Come and see the Wonder Five vs our own Junior Boys. Watch our by Janet Robbins RICHMOND HILL â€"â€" GRAD NIGHT IS COMING UP. The Athletic Council was forced to postpone its annual Grad Night for two weeks due to the storm on Jan. 28. So now the big event is POLYESTER Sold in Catalogue 14.99 FAMOUS CATALOGUE -.~.~.~.-.-.-,c;-:‘:-:-:~:~:~:~:.:~:-:-:-:~:» : - _ J . PANT SUITS SOLIDS Er CHECKS SIZES 8-18 WRAP STYLE Refreshments will be available. If you want to have a fun night, come to R.H.H.S. on Feb. 18. Hockey On Jan. 31, the grade 13 boys played the teachers in a game of hockey. The game was fast and senior girls challenge our Lady Teachersâ€"â€"Girl Grad Team. And as for a grand finale. our Senior Boys Basketball Team will challenge the Boy Grads. 10620 YDNGE ST. NORTH _ ANNUAL FEBRUARY furious but in the end, the teachers won 12-6. On Feb. 1. the Senior Boys Basketball Team played Stouffviiie at RHHS. It was one of the most exciting games of the season, with the play extending into overtime. We were leading till Stouffville caught us. The final score was 63-61 in their favour. Top scorers were Mark Girdler (18 points), Jim Croke (14 points) and Steve Crocker (9 points). WE'VE BEEN ACCUMULATING AND PREPARING FOR THIS SALE THE PAST SEVERAL MONTHS â€" SOME LOTS ARE LIMITED SO BE EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION AT OUR... TUNA 2g Lumct 3 per family MEN‘S a TURTLENECK T SHIRTS Starkist 6V2 oz. Chunks_ RUBBERMAID WASTE S BASKETS Double Bull Long Sleeve Sold Elsewhere 2.99 Gold Colour Trim 53mm)S FRAMES Regular 1.98 Limit 2 perfamily Value Pack BATH D §QAR 6:2 FACE or g DISH EEEIHSB Fii‘iiï¬s HOSE n3 JERGENS Great Value Limit 4 per family Limit 6 per family Limit 2 per family First ’Quality CANADIAN Limit 8 per family Early birds, 20 r‘egulal, 4 special, jackpot, doc prizes. AT YORK FARMERS’ MARKET 7509 Yonga Street. EVERY MONDAY ADVERTISERS LIBERAL ADS At 7.30 RM TOOTHPASTE 50 Ml. Limit 3 per family CLOSES UP - _ GIRLS ACRYLIC 4-6x GIRLS' Ladies' Shon Sleeve Cotton Sold Elsewhere 1.98 Limit 3 per family §QZS 3 Individually Packaged 13x18 Colourful, Broadloom Sold Elsewhere 2.99 Limit 2 per family Acrylic Subs Limit 6 per family STRIPE . smvv - '» T SHIRTS PLACE g 4 Limit 8 per famny HANDY DRISTAN Lomit 2 per family MATS3§ 1mm 6 mar farmlv Heavy Duty Vinyl Personalized ,‘(1 Limi16 per family or 15cc SPRAY 12 TABLETS OPEN MON.-FRI.10-10 0 SAT. 9-6 To be held in Morgan Hall in the MARKHAM Shopping Plaza. north side of Hwy. 7, ‘/A mile west of Hwy. 48 in MARKHAM. Featuring refinished furniture such as butternut flatbaclr crrca 1860. drysmlr, double brass bed. pine jam cupboard.‘ small pine llatback. pine washstands, pine boxes. pine tables, rockers. numerous excellent primitives including wooden ware, cast iron, tin: oil lamps, unusual lanterns. collectors glass. crockery. china, brass, copper. Silver. pocket watches. Many unusual items. An excellent selection. THURS. evening, FEBRUARY 17, At 7:00 PM. Preview from 5:00 PM. ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE 309 LIMITED QUANTITIES Auctions TED WATT, Auctioneer POP'NS YARN 4oz. Skein Selling Elsewhere 159 leit 4 per family Childrens. Girls. Teens Ladies. Firsts Er Subs .. Famous Make fl LACE S VINYL RUNNERS g Lumlt 6 per family 225 YARDS Polyester THREAD“ Pre-priced 45° ea. JACKET KNEE C 4-6x, 7-14, Teens Sold Elsewhere 5396,99 Limit 2 per family _ Limit 4 per family 16x36, 16x42, 16x54 LEATHER LOOK TERRY f TEA S IQWEHLZFS ASSORTED DIE CAST S Eflï¬Â§ 3:3 Colourful Full Printed RICHMOND HILL AUTO, HOUSE 8’ “FE INSURANCE CALL 889-8902 Get an immediate quote. personal attention, prompt decisionsi Our tradition of service guarantees protessional advice and satisfaction whenever you call. Call York and save! /YORK FIRE AND CASUALTY 7699 YONGE ST THORNHILL Ladies’ ’ Nylon S flames? 4 <2 MEN'SD Limit 4 per family ACRYLIC _( SLEEVELESS’ Sweaters STRIPE ‘ TEA S TOWEL 4;, Limit 4 per family Sold Elsewhere 2.99 Limit 2 pe! family Limit 6 per family Ladies' 8 Teens ASSORTED BASEBALL. SPIN 'n WIN FUN AT 200 Acrylics, Nylons, Limi12 per family BIWAY i ENVELOPES Our Best Seller No.8 or No. 9,1 UNISEX Elastic S BELTS Limit 2 per family One Size BOX 16x28 Linen 8 Cotton Limit 6 per family Or lusl'walk mo our oflice THE 1 WARREN RUMACK. BA. LLB. BERAL. Wednesday, February 9, 1977 -â€" B-ll 8185 YONGE ST., SUITE 207 BAYHILL MEWS - THORNHILL TELEPHONE 881-5111 Wishes to announce the relocation of his office for the practice of law to GIANT ‘ TEA S TQWEESZE’ 20x40 First Quality 4-16 Poncho BOYS' SOX JAOUARD RAIN COATS SoId Elsewhere 3‘99 Limit 2 per family Acrylic 6-8‘/2, 9-11 Limit 6 per family JAUUARD 8 BATH TOWELS Limit 2 per family Cotton or Linen BOBBY ORR Doll or ‘ Clothes . ATLAS Limit 1 doll or 3 clothes per family First Quality Canadian Pack of 3 FLASH CUBES Fantastic Offering KNEE D 5:3 Limit 2 pkgs. per family Limit 5 per family