Something for everyone EPRIN G TRAVEU PLAN YOUR UK TRIP. WITH EXPERTS -â€" DETAILS AVAILABLE ON INE)(PE\lSl\/E CAR RENTAL, HOTEL PACKAGES, ES- CORTED BUS TOURS. eg. SCOTLAND 6 DAY ESCORTED MANCHESTER PRESTWICK LONDON From ‘119°°from London SIMPSONSTRAVEL Ri"ï¬'°s‘“£fl'.. ' IC men I ‘ 883'1373 CHARTER FLIGHTS :mm {om-ms YOU All’ J. mas: ‘EXTIIAS’! FROM 5284 TO 5384 FROM 8234 TO s384 FROM TO TO BRITAIN 'P'kes shown are per person based on two sharing accommodcvions. Note: Cenain deponure dale: and howl; may no! be available a! the virne o! booking. Price; shown for Aruba apply to vhe Tamariin Beach Howl Ger Fibruary ll vhrough April 3. I977 departures only. Also 14 Ni ht {Nights * Holidays 9 rom Available Famous tor its blue skies, azure seas, constant breeze and shopping bargains. Yliis international resort has a Dutch otm0$phere, Exciting casinos for your evening's entertainment! Weekly Friday and Saturday departures direct lrom Yoronto via CP Air DOB Charter Jot through April lb, l977. Choke ol 8 hotels! CALL FOR DETAILS â€" 2 Z TRAVEL SERVICE Olher depavluve dates and hotels are available 3! h-gner pnces o DEPART'SURE CANCELLATION INSURANCE lo protect you travel Investment an Elkm Excluswe‘ o All departuve and room taxes wheve applicable Snack or lull meal and beverage‘sevv-ce mJlught o Transpovlaluon and baggage transtevs between anport and 1 hotel 0 You: room ready on auwaIâ€"Elkun has you ore-reglsleled n has and gvatumes let all scheduled meals and sen/Ices 0 An Elkm vepvesentahve or local gwde lo aSSIst you T,e|| your travel agent you ll be travelling with Etkm the people who otlev you more than lust the sunshune‘ Jamaica : livin ’ is easy @1113 3131121711 SPECIAL FEATURE The most important thing to remember is while in Jamaica,-do as the Jamaicans do. For the most common expression heard among Jamaicans is: “Soon come, mon," which means, roughly, “I'll be there as soon as I can," and that could mean anywhere from five minutes to five hours, depending on a dozen factors. Some 90 miles off the south coast of Cuba, Jamaica covers 4,411 square miles of semi-flat to hilly to mountainous terrain. A nearly two million population inhabits this 50 by 150 mile tropical paradise. JAMAICA â€" Reggae is the rhythm, rum is the refreshment and relaxation is the reason. Discovered in 1494 by Christopher Columbus, Jamaica has crossed many hurdles in its development and final step to complete in- dependence on August 6, 1962. Recent political problems, which have been less public since December‘s election, did cause problems for the tourist industry, but visitors to the island will find that nothing hap- pening politically will keep them from enjoying a happy, fun-filled vacation. Add to that, lush vegetation, friendly people with a charming leave’itâ€"till-tomorrow outlook on life and you’ve got all the reason you need to take a vacation in Jamaica. But visitors shouldn’t FOR BROCHURES G INFORMATION, CALL (416) 484-1818 On! Reg No ‘37998‘ LTD is the Treasures of Tutankhamen at the National Gallery of Art, 6th street and Con- stitution Avenue, and admission is free. Somewhat more restricted than the exhibition held in London a few years ago, it is still awe-inspiring to think that more than 3,000 years ago artisans had achieved such a level of creative ability. ’I‘utankhamen, a boy king who died in his late teens reigned from 1334 to 1325 BC. and the discovery of his complex burial site was one of the world’s greatest ar- cheological achievem- ents. WASHINGTON, DC. â€" Now) through March 15, the highlight of Washington sight-seeing _ In the 205, the an- nouncement of the discovery of the grave site and the opening of the tomb made this country Tut-mad â€" even fashion was influenced with Tut- this and Tut-that. There was even multi-colored Tut knitting wool that knitted up in stripes. The _Washlngton presentation has been exceedingly well done. 0n the walls of each of the exhibition rooms are huge blow-ups of the interior of the tomb upon its discovery with ex- planatory copy telling of the struggle, the dispair, and then the awe when the entrance was finally discovered and entered. be upset over the slowed- down way of living. After all, you’re on holiday so what’s the hurry? And, when temperatures climb the scale to 80 degrees Fahrenheit in winter and 90 plus in summer, you won’t much feel like hurrying anyway. There's another thing visitors should be aware of if they intend to rent a car. Driving is on the left and roads are narrow; curvy and get hillier as you go inland. A gentle reminder to “remember to drive on the left†comes in the form of road signs spaced along all major routes‘ A shprt blast on the horn when snaking around some of the more pronounced curves on country roads, is a good rule of thumb. And remember â€" don’t King Tut exhibition awe-inspiring ttt‘k‘k*iiititttt‘kt‘k‘k‘k‘k‘k‘k‘k‘kti. 1r t #444444444444444*:444444444 RICHMOND HILL 889-2317 881L815" GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE if" "E ‘ WOODBRIDGE MALL ‘ Lg 7766 Martin Grove Rd. N " WOODBRIDGE @. TRAVEL AGENCYno. 351.293 8135 Yonge St. ' THORNHILL 881-3535 "PLANNING‘TO GO ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD? Complete or pleasure Avoid crowded airport | costs no more to purchase your tickets from one of our convenient centres. Divisipn of Splendid Travel Service Limited (G‘ Youngsters, on the whole, are fascinated. But, a word of warning: the display cabinets are chest-high for an adult, which means that six to eight year olds have to be lifted up. Many smaller children become tired and meddlesome. The lineups seem en- dless; at least two hours, the guides warn. O b s e r v e r s a r e astonished that the photos showed what great quantities of goods had been stacked in the chambers â€" they seemed to be pikd helter-skelter â€" foods, statues of gods and godesses, drinking cups, a sword patterned in hieroglyphics, hunting equipment, a chair inlaid in ebony and ivory in the pattern of a leopard’s skin, another entirely inlaid with ivory and overlaid with gold. Even statuettes called Shawabtys were there to serve the dead pharaoh in the after-life. Jamaica is an island which honestly and truly has something to offer everyone. Accommod- ation throughout runs the gamut from exclusive, luxury hotel resorts, which can cost $50 to $65 per day per person in winter, $30 to $40 in summer, to smaller, cozier guest houses and hotels. These can be as low as $11 per day per person in summer to twice that in winter. One very charming way of spending a vacation there, is to rent a small grass hut, some of which are available near the village of Negril, the western most point of the island. A l t h o u g h m 0 s t Egyptian sculpture of this period is highly stylized, there are some delightful small sculptures of Tutankhamen, as the teenager that he was, spearing fish and hunting with a bow. try to negotiate the roads at the same pace the Jamaicans do â€" they’re used to it. Perhaps the most touching of all the sculptures was that of the goddess Selket who stands, arms spread, defending the guilded shrine which held the boy king’s viscera. Our Door !5 Your Door To The Worid AURORA 727-4271 881-3743 Buying beads and other souvenirs is a favorite activity for visitors and, in Jamaica. roadside art and craft stands make it an enjoyable adventure. This Jamaican girl ties up a string of coffee bean beads for a visitor to Fern Gully, near Ocho Rios. to Barbados would bé complete without a tour of the island. Pear-shaped, meas- uring 21 miles long by 14 wide, Barbados is an island packed with sight- seeing delights. Tropical gardens, wavebattered cliffs, white sandy expanses of beach, fields of ripening sugar cane, historic building and much, much more await the ,visitor. Tour operators will pick you up at your hotel and Leisurer holiday Aboard S. S. Ithaca, a Strandcruise ship, the cost includes round trip air flight from Toronto to Palermo in Sicily, airport transfers, 15 days aboard the Ithaca and all meals, as well as on board en- tertainments. One of the most leisurely summer holidays allows you to fly and cruise into the sun for less than $700 for two weeks. BARBADOS â€"â€" N0 trip Don’t Jamaica soiwenirs for $15, which includes a fivehour tour. steak luncheon and free It is a vacation you will rum punch, take you on a never forget. miss the tour “for women who deserve the best" Â¥l4 Levendalq Rd. Richmond Hill. 884-4741 07'9'05uu- EEECOI'tEd MOtOï¬COflCh TOUI‘S Spring-Summer-Full With many 0! them visiting the Calgary Stampede Departs evevy Monday June 6 lo Sepl19lh‘ 1977 J Western Canada Jasper 0 Ban" - Yellowstone 23 Days Maritimes 12 Days $450. Also many departures to New England. Florida. Caliiornia Virginia. Kentucky. Georgia. Tennessee & Penn Dutch Departwes in June, July August & September Maritimes & Newfoundland 18 Days Deparlwes in July. August 8. September $655. THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. February 16. 1977 â€" C-s‘ However, hours before the Sunday opening ceremony, those with good lungs and legs will have climbed the steep hill to Arthur’s Seat for Clans to meet in Edinburgh this spring From April 30 to May 7 it will host the first week of the Gathering of the Clans, the first since 1951. The following week clansmen scatter to their clan areas or tour historic sites. Bagpipes will skirl and drums will beat every day at 11 am. on Edinburgh’s famous Princess Street, claimed by many to be the finest street in the world. They will lead the parade on April 30 from the Castle down to Princess Street. And on the final day (May 7) they will head the Parade of the Tartan with overseas visitors marching under their national flags. On the actual opening day (May 1) dignitaries and the Earl of Elgin will extend a welcome followed by Scottish dancing. The Earl is the 37th Chief of the clan of Bruce and chairman of the management com- mittee for the Gathering. The closing ceremony (May 7) is also in the Meadowbrook stadium, with Highland games and a pipe band competition. E D I N B U R G H â€" Edinburgh is a beautiful city with its ancient castle atop a sheer cliff. 2512 When you travel, you expect your trip to be pleasant and safe. But an accident or illness can happen anWJhere, at anytime. That's why Ontario Blue Cross developed a health plan for people who travel. OUTSIDE CANADA GO PROTECTED MAIL THIS ' COUPON TODAY. This new Ontario Blue Cross Plan is for tamrlres,_ businessmen, students â€"â€" anyone who travels outside the country for business or pleasure.‘ If you become ill or have an accident while away, your provincial government health plan. while providing excellent basic coverage, may not cover all your bills for such things as ambulance service, private nursing and addi- tional hospital and medical care that maybe required. Whether you will be away two weeks or four months, this Blue Cross Plan supplements your basic government health plan protection. For families or individuals. Costs range from $8.50 for individual coverage for 14 days, to $112 for an entire family over a 120 day period. Go protected against unexpected and costly medical bills. Contact Ontario Blue Cross. Ask about the _ I. 44 _4 Corner House The "beautifu/ clothes - beautiful/y close.†SNOWBALL VILLAGE 727-1280 2% miles west of Yonge St Getaway! II- 939$? NAME: (Please Prim) ADDRESS: CITY/ TOWN PROVINCE POSTAL CODE Please send me literature and application form tor Health Plan While Outside Canada. One event is certain to raise the roof â€" the military bands of the Scottish regiments. Seats are reserved for all performances. Major events will in- clude performances in Usher Hall, a Fiddlers’ Rally and also a fiddlers’ concert with Scottish country dancing, choral and orchestral concert church choirs. The Clan Club in the handsome Assembly Rooms will be open every day for visitors to gather and meet friends. Daily admission is around $1.25 (based on the British pound at $1.70 Canadian), or $425 for the week. The castle and other important buildings will be floodlit every night. Just to roam the streets any hour of the day or evening will be exciting. But there’s lots of free daily outdoor en- tertainment such as music and dancing in Princess Street Gardens and the traditional evening ceremony Beating Retreat, on the castle esplanade. Obviously with thousands pouring into Edinburgh, it will be impossible to get tickets to all the reserved seat events a visitor might wish to attend. the annual May Dawn service of worship at 5:30 Be a Globetrotter in a great outfit from us - Aurora Sideroad Haute Couture Fashions