B-lo â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. March 2. 1977 TAYLOR BROSTRANSPORT Company to take 0V8! lemalmng 24 months lease on a 1976 wmte, two door Cutlass Supleme. an, unhmuted mIIeage. $150. pet month. SSS-288341115 black extetior, red interior, 305 radials, automatic, radio. Like New PARTS: 1968 Mercury 390 motor; 1966 Chevy Van, 6 cylinder; 1971 Renault; 1967 Rambler, 6 cylinder automatic; 1965 Dodge pickvup, 6 cylinder. standard. good for around the farm 3150. 884-0249. c1w35 1969 CHEV, 6 automatic, good condition. 3470, 884-3250. c1w35 Ready for camper‘ Very low mileage New paint iob‘ Certified. 1968 CHEV, good mechanicaily. needs body work. $250 or best ofler. Cash. Uncertified. 889-3664 after 6 pm. clw35 1976 V.W. Rabbit Deluxe 6 mos. old. 8000 hlghway miles, 6 mos. or 12,000- miles let! on wauanty. Includes 1977 Incense celtmed. Must be seen. Save ove! $1,225. All leasonable otters conSIdeled. Now have company car 895-8129 1974 BUICK Electra, Immaculate condition. $4.900. 8894432 1972 CHEV Belair. 86,000 miles. very good tunning condition, $1350. or best offex. Certified‘ 8846679. Evenings battery and exhaust. 28 mpg. 3575‘ 7734425. c1w35 Equipped with fridge, stove sink. 1972 CORTINA, 55,000 miles. New 73 Gran Torino 72 CHEVROLET VAN . EXECUTIVE-DRIVEN DEMOS 0 FactOry invalce displayed on wmdshleld of each cat 0 Full new car factory warranty. 0 All trade-ins welcome. OBank terms available to Sult. Approximately BUT; V-8. power s‘eering and brakes Certified MI, Blair, ASK FOR HOWARD 364-7562 days 294-0382 evenings 884-2946 318, 4 geal, posmac. $275 ALL ORDERS TO BE APPROVED BY MANAGEMENT $100 DEPOSIT 0R CERTlFIED CHEQUE REQUIRED 76 Camaro 1972 Vandura GMC 11 AM. SHARP SAT. MARCH 5 LG 76 Volvo 242. 0/0 Llc, YSM 003 â€" $5463. Above oifer good only as long as present stocks last 17T0 CHOOSE FROM 70 Duster Days 398-1714 - evenings 889-7564 889-2797. WANTED NO. 7 Indoor Auto 0 Auction 55 Units WILL BE SOLD DIRECTLY TO THE PUBLIC $900 as is. 884-8670 GAS AND DIESEL 195710 1969 MODELS GOOD RUNNING CONDITION 881-0464 No. 7 Car Sales WHY! I WOULD YOU BUY A CAR ANYWHERE Hwy. 7, '4 nu. E. 0? hwy. '27 851-3033 TRACTORS 7010 Yonge â€" 889-6209 Volvos & Fiats Below invoice cost ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks Ll’.‘ Evgg $500 c1w35 clw35 'c'lwas CleS clw35 clw 35 ’w 35 1971 AMBASSADOR 4 door sedan. air codditioning. new brakes, $500. 8842891. clw35 4 door hardtop, automatrc, power steering and brakes, air-conditioned, stereo. A-l condrtron. Certified, ‘1]00 firmr 884-8077. Clw 35 1963 ChevA 283 V-8, P3,, runs and handles we|l. Uncertified. $100 884â€"5012. , c1w35 1975 MONZA 2 + 2, 4 speed, AM FM 8 cyl.. many extras. Best offer‘ 8831285. C1w35 ART rental and‘lease-purchase. Phone: York Fine AH Gallery, Snowball Village Boutiques, 727A 9856. c2w34 Announce theit maniage on Thursday, February 10. 1977 in Richmond Hill, Ontario, c1w34 New paint 8. battery. Recent tires Gas heater 100% reliable this wrnter $800. wrll certrty. No offers. MCPHEE 8. FIDLER MARILYN JEAN FIDLER AND OR. JAMES ALEXANDER McPHEE gnttqueï¬ 8c @171 WORLD DAY or PRAYER. IN RICHMOND HILL Our Lady Queen of the World Church on Frrday. March 4 at 8:00 pm. Guest speaker Mrss Dorothy Konyha o! Daybreak. The theme this year being “Love In Action". Partlcrpatrng churches include. St. Gabnels Angli- can. St. Matthews Umted and St Paul's Lutheran. Everyone welcome. Course Sunday. March 6th, ‘77. 9 am. - 2 pm. Location l2 Beaverton Rd.. Richmond Hill‘ Cost $625 per person. This emitles petsons 12 years of age and up Wlth no valid driver's licence to operate a machine. Phone Mr. Brocklehurst atter 6 pm. for registration and Information. 71 SUPER BEETLE 5‘5 Coming Events 1972 Oldsmobile Delta Royale 884-1555, Safety Training 65“ Marriage Snowmobile 884â€"3865 @ï¬ Mike, Evgs‘ clw35 Clw 34 ’clwas clw 35 ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE SAT. MARS, 11:00 AM. Ornate brass prism hanging oil lamp, round oak centre pedestal table, hallstand, washstands, several antique clocks. Gingerbread, OG, Missmn. etc.. signed GundyA Clapperton pitcher, Mary Gregory, cranberry, carnival, Royal Dux group figurine. wash sets, floblue, silver spooner, cruet, stained glass window, quilts, bells. copper, brass, pictures, oil lamps, signed Pontypool style umbrella stand, jewellery, coins. pewter, bottles, crocks, etc. Claremont Hall. 5 mi. north No. 7 Hwy.. Brock Rd. Pickering. MR. 8. MRS. F. G. ALLEN 0F MAPLE wish m announce the engagement of their daughter Victoria Ann to Mr, Ronald Harris, son of M. and Mrs‘ Ernest Harris of Thornhill. Wedding to take place at St. Stephens Anglican Church, Maple. June 11, 1977 at 4:30 pm. PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION specralizrng in Italian bread, French siicks, ro||s. pizzas and pastries, All are baked daily on the premises. Delivery service beginning in March. Location - Bayview Plaza, a few blocks north of Markham Rdr 884-9711. JANITORlAL CONTRACTORS 2i Prowde Janitorial Services for two (2) years at the Land Registry Oifice. 134 Main St, NEWMARKET. Ont, L03034. 3‘ Prowde Janitorial Semces for two (2) years at the Land Inventory Office 97 Newklrk Rd., RICHMOND HILL, Ont. L01263. Separate Individual Sealed Tenders Will be received until 2:00 pm, local time on THURSDAY, MARCH 17. 1977‘ 1. Provide Janitorial Same for two (2) years at the Georgian Bay Regional Office, 24 James St. E.. 0R|LLIALOnL L01472. Combmed Tenders Will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Govern- ment Servrces, Georgian Bay Regional Office. 24 James Street East, PO Box 790. Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 NOTE: For further information regarding the Tenders. please call Mr B Mclsaac at the above address, telephone No. (705) 325-74034 THE OLD BREAD MlLL BAKERY The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted THE ORIGINAL OF USED CARS AND TRUCKS ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER THE SUCCESSFUL BlDDER will be required to provide in- terior building cleaning service for a 20,000 square foot building housing offices and lab0ratories at the Southern Research Station in Maple, Ontario. Information and Tender Forms may be obtained in person from Ontario The District Office Duflerin Stteet Maple, Ont. LOJ 1E0 or can be provided by mail by telephoning (416) 832-2261 local 279. Sealed Tenders will be received at the Maple District Office until noon, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1977 Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to contents wrll be recerved until 3 pm EST, March 15, 19?7 at the Purchasing Department Ofï¬ce, Phase #I - 1750 Finch Avenue East, WIIIowdale. Ontario, ATTENTION: Director of Purchasrng. Drawrngs and Specrtrcations may be obtarned from Senior Buyer]. Shannon at SENECA COLLEGE 1750 FINCH AVE. E. WILLOWDALE, ONT TELEPHONE: 491-5050 A deposrt of $5000 rs required for Drawings and Specificatrons. This refundable upon return of same rn satisfactory conditron. Lowest or any tendel will not necessarily be accepted W.T‘ NEWHAM TENDERS ARE INVITED For Building Cleaning President. 6‘5 Engagement B. GREEN, AUCTIONEER 297-4133 ""57 SENECA COLLEGE TENDER N0. 19 RE: CARPET|NG: SUPPLY 8: INSTALLATION PHASE I - KING CAMPUS Ontario 1750 FINCH AVENUE EASY WlllOWDAlE ONTARIO MZN 5T7 SIX CAMPUSES SERVING NORTH VORK AND YORK REGION OPENING SOON OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY 5‘5 Coming Events Ministry of Hon. Frank S. Miller Minister Natural Dr. J.K. Reynolds Resources Deputy Minister Insnechon ol mums lhuvs F1: and Sal below sale $100 deposit u.L quued at um! a! sale (Cash cemhed cheque Charm. Maslevcharge) BUICKS DODGES CADILLACS PINTOS ‘vz IONS PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION SATURDAY MARCH 5TH 11 AM MID METRO VEHICLE HOLDING LIMITED POUND 815 Pharmacy Ave (Justso 309 6“Tenders c1w35 c1w35 Auctions Auctioneer - Joe Simmon OIHERS Lic. A34 ONULUK, John â€"In memory of John 0nu|uk, who passed "away March 4. 1976‘ Rick and Carolyn are thrilled to announce the birth of Kimberly Carolyn, 7 lbs. at 3:42 AM. on February 16, 1977 at Y.C.H. A sister for Matthew and Dennis. Many thanks to Dr. Golab and nursing staff. Clw 35 "We cannot halt the hands of time or live again the past. Within our heads are memories that will forever iasti†Sadly missed by wife, Fay and son Stephen. c1w35 ONULUK, W. John â€" In loving memory of a dear son-in-Iaw. who passed away March 4, 1976. Dearly qued and sadly missed. â€" Mom and Dad Bishop. NAME YOUR OWN PRICE 655 In Memoriam Ministry of Government Services Chairman, Board of Governors D.G. PLAXTON ELLERBY ‘35 Births (Just south Eglunlon) CHEVROLETS VEGAS FORDS VOLVOS OLDSMOBILES ch: 35 THANKS to Texas Instruments staff for beautitul gift'and dinner on the occasion of my retirement. â€" Anne Morrison. c1w35 CULNAN. Joseph Daniel â€" Suddenly at York Central Hospital. on February 23, 1977, J, D. Cu|nan, dear son of Mr Culnan, of Thamesville. also survived by his brothers and sisters, Funeral Mass was held in Thamesville on Saturday, February 26th,1977. c1w35 THANKS to Lucy Rossi and girls (or lover dinner at Lucy's home. â€"Anne Morrison. clw35 MONKMAN - We wlSh to extend our‘ Sincere appreciation-and thanks to our relatives. friends, and neighbours for floral tributes, cards. expressrons of sympathy and many acts of kindness extended to us during the illness and loss of our dear Mother, Ethel Monkman. We especially thank Rev. R. Shorten, Dr 14 Wynne. and the stafl at York Central Hospital and the Marshall Funeral Home. Velma, George, Jim Monkman and Families clw 35 GIBSON, Thomas ( Retired Vice President of Gibson’s Dantorth Radio Company Limited) Suddenly at York Central Hospital, on Sunday, February 27, 1977, Thomas Gibson, dearly beloved husband of Hilda Wood; and dear father of Mrs. Ronald Taylor (Ruth) of Richmond Hill. Mrs. Stewart Fisher (Joyce) of Oakville, Bob of Markham and Rusty of Thornhill. Dear brother of Mrs. Clarence Hines (Elsie) of Agincourt, Art of Thornhill and Wilt of Fenelon Falls; dear grandfather of Tommy. Linda. Scott, Jet, Holly. Tim, Robbie and Jamie. Friends were received at the "Humphrey Funeral Home," 1403 Bayview Ave. (at Davisville Ave). Monday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. Private lamin service was held Tuesday afternoon. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. EXTEND THEIR SINCERE APPRECIATION TO THE MANY FRIENDS WHO GAVE THEIR SUPPORT AND HEARTFELT SYMPATHY DURING OUR TIME OF SORROW. ch35 MULLINS, Edward â€" Suddenly at York Central Hospltal, on February 24, 1977, Edward Mullins, dear friend of Mrs. G. Beauchamp and»fami|y, A funeral Mass was held on Saturday. February 26, 1977. Interment Holy Cross Cemeteryr REGINAL G. ROUSE YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL The South Entrance-West Wing of the old building will be c|osed as of March 8th, 1977, 12 Noon. Maternity patients are requested to use the Emergency Entrance Langstaff Wing. Visitors are requested to use the main entrance - Langstaff Wing. “55 Deaths The plan to achieve this goal, known as “Community meg," is administered by the Ministry of Community and Social Serwces and is conducted in partnership with local Assoc1ations for the Mentally Retarded and other concerned community agencies. Basically, it calls for: 0 creation and funding of group homes and other kinds of community accommodation 0 increased numbers of workshops and life skills programs I early infant stimulation programs, parent relief and development projects 0 access for developmentally handicapped people to a full range of community services. All of these activities aim at achieving a better quality of life for Ontario‘s developmentally handicapped. and at making their experiences as normal as possible. Mentally retarded people are often capable of much greater development than had previously been thought possmle. Although they learn at a slower rate than others. the developmentally handicapped can frequently develop skills and abilities that enable them to be integrated into the community as a whole 660 THE FAMILY OF Cards of Thanks OF MAPLE clw35 c1w35 HAGEN, Gosliall Olsen on February 23. 1977 at Aur0ra Resthaven in his 915! years Beloved husband of Ada Isobel. Oak Ridges. Dear father of Betty-Jean (Mrs. Vincent Greicius) Predeceased by son Alfred, killed in action France‘ 1944. Grandfather of Elaine, Valerie and Paul VGreicius, New York and Mary Mackay and Alfred Hagen. Vancouver, 8.0 Private services were held Friday, February 25th at WestminsterChapel. plw35 WIDEMAN, Elsie â€" At Briar Bush Hospital, Stouflville, on Friday, February 25, 1977, Elsie STECKLEY, beloved wile of Roy Wideman, of RR. 1, Unionville, in her 88th year, dear mother of MERVYN, Ruth Eileen, Clarence and Ray, sister 01 Annie (Mrs. A. Lehman), Ida (Mrs. R. Brillinger). Clara (Mrs. P STICKLEY). Walter, Lovella (Mrs. G. Shelter) and the late Louise (Mrs. A. Winger), Elmer, Clarence, Levi. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, Service was held in Heise Hill Brethren In Christ Church, on Monday, 2 pm. Interment adjoining cemetery in the spring. clw35 SMITH, Maud Lois â€" At the WilIOws Estate Nursing Home. on Saturday, February 26, 1977, Maud Smith. beloved wife of Arthur of Richmond Hill, dear mother of Joan (Mrsr T, Broadhurst), grandmother of Susan (Mrs. R. Sullivan) and Chris Broadhurst. Service was held on Tuesday at 11 am Cremation. clw35 lESSOP, Florence Hilda â€" At York Central Hospital on Wednesday, February 23, 1977, Hilda lzaby, beloved wife of the late Edward Jessop, dear mother at Joan, Helen (Mrs S. MacKenzie) and Allan. Sister of Ethel (Mrs. J. Judd), Grandmother of Stephen, James, Janis and John, Greatgrandmother of Stephen. Friends called at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge St, Thornhill. Complete service was held in the Chapel, Saturday at 11 am. Cremation. c1w35 555 Deaths Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boynton, oi Nobleton; will be at home to their friends on the occasion oi their Fiftieth Anniversary. on Saturday. March 12. 1977, in Christ Church Auditorium. Islington Ave.. Woodbridge ham 2 to 5 pm. Best wishes oniyr p2w35 ‘Community Living’ presents a new future for the developmentally handicapped. Rail Passenger Service between - Toronto-Markham-Stouffville 616 This is what Ontario is doing about it. Local Times NOTE: Trains will not operate Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Schedule One way Fares between Toronto and: Agincourt .85 Millikens 1.10 Unionville 1.25 Markham 1.45 Stouffville 1.80 For further information please contact VIA CN Passenger Sales Offices Train 990 1720 Lv. 1747 1753 1759 At Home 815 Ar. The approach :5 a new one. A good one. A healthy one Your support and understanding can help it succeed. For more information, or to receive the free booklet "Serving the Mentally Retarded." contact your local Ministry of Community and Social SerVIces office, or write to: Keith Norton, Minister of Community and Social Services Mental Retardation Community Service Development Branch ~ 3rd Floor, Hepburn Block, Queen's Park, Toronto. Ontario M7A1E9 and shall not be responsible for debts from that date f0lwald. have been separated from my wife Heather Graham from Province of Ontario I NATHAN GRAHAM 610 NOVEMBER 1975 Toronto Union Agincourt Millikens Unionville Markham Stouffville Legal Notices William Davis, Premier Help your I-EART FUhD'fl VIII