Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Mar 1977, B9

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Members for Band-Pipers and Drummers Members for Colour Guard Required immediately for industrial divi- sion of plastics laminating plant located Keele St, & Hwy. No. 7 area. Most have pleasant telephone voice and an aptitude for mathematics. Starting salary. $628 per month. Experience a necessity and‘ salary negotiable. Must possess Class “A” mechanic’s license. We are currently seeking a mature, dependable individual to perform repairs and maintenance on our forklift and delivery vehicles. Temporary bindery workers to commence first of March Must be available for shift work. Starting rate S3.35. A large steel warehouse operation requires mature person experrenced In the various accounting' functions of a medrum srzed office, Keele and Hwy. 7 area Call Mr. Daniel 1 DRUM MAJOR Towmotor Mechanic 661-2351 Ext. 42 Persons wishing to train for a career in Processing Pharmaceuticals are invited to apply for the position of RONALDS FEDERATED GRAPHICS, Required for our Real Estate Office at Yonge-Steeles. Pleasant telephone manner and typing ability a must. For appointment please call PRODUCTION OPERATOR for small engines and machinery‘ Some diesel knowledge helpful Apply In person to, - CORE RENTALS 889-3707 or 884-0508 Clerk-Conveyancer EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS BRANCH 375 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Pipe Band and Colour Guard Require Minimum requirements: Grade 12 Mechanical ability an asset Apply in writing to: SENIOR CLERK ACCOUNTING Receptionist EXPEDITER General Help To start March 9,'1977 Call Mr. Miller 884-9235. Apply Personnel Office PLEASE CALL Employee Relations Dept. D Dow Pharmaceuticals Down Chemical of Canada. Ltd, 380 Elgin Mills Rd. East, Richmond Hill, Ont. L4G 5H2 226-0803 Mechanic Wanted 234 Newkirk Rd. Richmond Hi||, Ontario 10481 Yonge St, Richmond Hill Richmond Hill 661-2222 Law Firm Part time Looking for Canada Trust Clw 35 Clw35 Clw 35 Clw 35 Clw35 C1w35 clw 35 TRUST COMPANY REQUIRES EXPERIENCED PART TIME To deliver for Econolme Va well groomed. Opportunity available With retail clothing, furniture and general merchandise store in Richmond Hill area. Duties wrll include super- vision, trainrng of new employees and general administration. We are looking for a mature. responSIble indiViduaI wrth supervrsory experience over a small stalls We have two openings for experienced real estate agents in our Thornhill Branch 8143 Yonge Street (Bayhill Mews) 500 yds. south of No. 7. Call R. Cusson - Manager 898-1220 50% arrangement. For interview 881-3232 FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND TUESDAY Salary: $13,000 â€" $16,000 plus bonus. Depending on qualifications and experience. Pleasant and Outgoing personality with ability to take complete charge of staff. APPLY IN PERSON 9190 YONGE ST. THORNHlLL Must be able to read drawings and be able to use preCIsmn Inspection equipment. Only those qualified need apply. The Royal ngpsantv Requires Drummers and Accordian Players Age 12 and over Majorettes, age 8 and over Must be good typist Pleasant office Good employee benefits Cali Mr. Kamevaar for interview INVOICE CLERK Metal Fabricating Manufacturer is looking for QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTOR MAPLE LEAF ACCORDIAN BAND MIDAS MUFFLER SHOP FASHION-AIRE STUDIO STORE MANAGER PLEASE CALL: JOHN REIS, SOCIETY FOR GOODWILL SERVICES, 362-4711 EXT. 221 Experienced, well groomed, self-motivated for high fashion ladies wear store. Full and part time REAL ESTATE OPPORTU N ITY Mrs. Evans 884-1107 HAIR STYLIST EXCEL METALCRAFT LTD., Sales People MANAGER 669-9806 Keele - Hwy. 7 area 10119 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 889-7651 (corner of Spruce) 95 Cousins Dr., Aurora, DRIVER for office supply company in Van. Must be reliable and Call for appointment TELLER 505 Help Wanted 884-0899 884-2400 727-9431 Requires RmalTrusl clw 35 Clw 35 Clw 35 ClwdS clw35 c1w35 Clw 35 w35 OFFICE ASSISTANCE. for small Garden Centre In Aumra Expenenced only need apply. Parttime. For surgical floor, Able to do shifts and some weekends. Full time position available at Country Style Donut, Woodbine & No. 7 Hwy. for midnight shift. Call Requned immediately for part time work. weekends involved. Phone (8 to 4 pm.) 884-9243 Clw 35 Excellent opening In Sales Dept, of medium sued company for ex- perienced person to process customer orders. Excellem benefits SteelesA Woodbine area. 3-4 days weekly. Must be able to work some Saturdays. Some experience or knowledge of Sporting goods preferred. Apply to: Mrs. Nemet. Electronic design drafts person for small progressive manufacturer. Experience essential. ' DO you need a part time job, work your own time, Very profitable, Phone Fay Coburn after 4, 630-5276. c2w35 Position available with a national home-owner service company. If you like meeting people. own a car and have a few hours free each week, please send a brief resume to Box 137 “The Liberal", 10101 Yonge St., Richmond HI”, Ont. c3w34 SENIOR CA. Richmond Hill SECRETARY TYPIST Keele & N0. 7 MACHlNE OPERATOR Expelienced. Full Phone Chtis, Personnel World Ltd. PRICING AND CODING CLERK EXPERIENCED NURSES AIDES Fulltlme for central supply room 69 Ponfiac Mould Makers CALL MARVA SMITH 755-1171 Country Style Donuts Counter Help Required for Plastics Company in Richmond Hill 7750 Baywew Ave., Thornhill Shouldice Hospital SALES CLERK Experienced Waitress/Waiter Galaxie Tavern 884-6531 ch Canadian Tire Associate Store Waitress/ Waiter DRAFTS PERSON For Accounts Receivable 889-1175 $200, or best offer‘ 727-8649 or 889-7388 Nursing Aide (9 AM to 4:30 PM) "EDP/PS Stationwagon 495-1155 WANTS Expenenced 889-7651 889-9139 LUCRATIVE PART TIME MANAGER 884-7960 0 RNA. 889-4349. 884-6782 884-6970 Part time 10288 Yonge St Richmond Hill. $160 & Part time‘ c1w35 clw35 clw35 c1w35 c1w35 Clw 35 Clw35 clw34 Clw 35 clw 35 For busy wareh0use. Speed, accuracy and adaptibility to perform a variety of duties is a must. Cat also required. Telephone 8890450. SECRETARY with shorthand for sales office. Electronics company in Ihornhill. Car required, 889-7201. LEADING swlmmrng pool wholesaler must drspose of 1976 all alummum pools In stock, Sacrrlrce prrce lor desparately needed factory warehouse space Brand new swrmmrng pools Includes lrlter, walk around deck, lence and warranty Size 15 x 27'. $1355 cash or terms Call Perc collect days or evenrngs 1e For 8‘,'2' Pick-up Truck with laddel racks. $150, Call between 8 - 4. BANKRUPT stock, swrmmrng pools. new rectangu|ar redwood type above ground swimming pools at huge reductrons 011 manufacturers suggested lust pnce. From publrc auction of bankrupt Fanta~sea Swrm Centres. First come â€" hrs! served. errted quantities. Installation and terms arranged Phone Mr. Dan collect at (613) 7451156. 9 am. i0 6 p m. fic34 10.000 btu,. Admiral, SUN 3 years warranty left. 884-9845 carry a stock car, Best offer‘ 887- 5282‘ clw35 WEDDING dress¢ head piece and veil size 16‘ Reasonable 884-5324. ALUMINUM CAP 14' Tandem flat bed tFailer. made to of furniture‘ Folding legs and accessones, excel Ientcondlfion.SeHingfor$100 firn Phone 884-8631 416481-8802 SELLING up 6. 773-4691 ANTIQUE pump organ, Bell, repaired. $250. 773-5230‘ clw35 FRIDGES. Z. apartment size. 335 each, 1 floor polisher $5., 2 old high back chairs $5 each, Viking typewriter, portable. with case, brand new $45. 1 small coffee table 554, 2 pairs antique brass scones $25 a pair. 3 table lamps $5 each, 1 single bed with mattress $30. 884- 0249, c1w35 39" SINGLE bed, old Underwood typewriter. record player, strolIer, playpen. change table, crib. 884- 8817. c1w35 We am going out o! basins. We have several thousand tropical )Iants, succulents, cacti, vines, ivy: Ind flouting phnts. Plant your Terranums 0r decorate you: home at reasonable prices Teakwood Furniture Direct from importers warehouse Open till 9 pm. EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED Hwy, 7, Bramalea, 791-2355 79 Doncaster. Thornhill ‘ 881-0000 Compressor Air-conditioner 305 Selling Out Beds repaired 8. repolished 8118 Yonge St. Thornhill 8814072 3440 Pharmacy Ave” Unit 12 Scatborough - ‘97-7833 Unable‘to relocate Displaced by New Airport 6’ Pool Table Hlllcrest Mall - Richmond Hill Sales & Service New & Used Music & Accessories anate organ |essons Plano Upright, $600 Good condition 884-2454 Evgs. Full time. $3.50 per hour Brass beds All sizes SHIPPER REQUIRED Karbin Sales 881-3252 Articles fut Sale J. Greftegreff Greenhouses 889-7821 294-5634 Cornet 01 17th Ave. Markham - Pickenng Townlme 5 h.p. single phase 884-0775 883-1255 Delivery Person Thomas Organs After 5 pm Lined drapes and items Mechanic’s tools. After c1w35 c1w35 c1w35 c1w35 clw'31 tfcll Clw 35 Clw 35 Clw 35 Clw 35 clw 35 tfc 4 tch 7 TFC 34 1958 Chevrolet V6, 1977 license Dependable transportation Investment 3600. 888-1233 clw35 STEREO must go. 8 tracks, turn table, AM‘FM and FM stereo. 884 0255. c1w35 BATISTE Sheers, 2 pairs, pale yellow. like new. Finished widths are 13' and 10' and are 92" long to hem. $90. 297-3454. c1w35 REFRIGERATOR, good condition, 390‘ 884~9637 c1w35 CCM Exercise bike, deluxe model brand new, reasonable. 8322473, DEAD or crippled farm animals, picked up promptly. 705439â€"2421. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son, Woodville, Ont Licence No. 324C66. He 29 SWIMMING Pool Sacnfice. Leading Canadian Manufactuler and DISIIIbUtO! has aluminum pools left ovet from 1976 season. Hall Pnce. Guaranteed Installations and terms. Call Collect days 0! evenings 1416‘ 791 man my] HIGHEST cash prrces or trade value paid for houseful of furniture and appliances. Brice's Furniture. 363- 1954. ":18 DISHWASHER. Lady Kenmore deluxe portable, harvest gold. ‘225. AIR FILTER. electronic for house, new,‘200. with glass top New $395. Asking $275 or best offer. Only those with good taste for good furniture need phone, 884-9845 atter 5 pm. SHOTGUN Wlth case, WINCHESTER model 1200, As new, ‘150, Rocker, large size Italian Bentwood ‘90. ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings, railings. siding, soffit systems, trough. Free esitmatess Ron Woods 884-15136. A6 BROWNIE SUIT, size 10. 381-5322. c1w35 CONTENTS - Bunk beds, Captain’s beds. Mates beds, continental beds. roll-away beds. kitchen suites, bed chesterflelds, livingroom suttes, assmtment of lamps and tables, No reasonabIe offers refused. 3368 Yonge St. Toronto‘ 488-7911. um 34 TEAKWOOD Living - Dining - Bedrooms, Designs in Teak. 457 Markham Rd‘, Allencourt Plaza. Richmond Hill, 884-3750. tfc DON'T buy a 1977 sw1mming pool. We still have 18 above ground pools leftover from 1976. They have to go now! Sacrifice as low as $888! Call Duncan collect days or evenings. 1- 416-560-3511. c3w35 NIMROD tent ttailer, excellent condition. Call after 6 pm. 884- 5535, c1w35 Hammond B3 with JR20 tone cabi net. $4,000 firm. Private. ACRILAN plush gteen 10' x 15‘ $175 like new. BUG LIGHT, 2 element, never used covels 1 me ‘120. AIR CLEANER, portable, electronic ‘100‘ TfiPE PLAYER, Reel-towel Phillips ‘ 5. YORK ALUMINUM - Free estimates Aluminum siding windows, doors, awnings, 884-4558 Or 832-2238. BATH|NETTE AND Swing-O-Matic: $35. 884-0413. clw35 BARBELLS. dumbells, stands, 500 lbs. weights. $100. 8328987, c1w35 GENDRON stroller $10.. high chair $5., roll-a-way bed $15., dishwasher $15., girls bike 315‘ Everything in good condition. 884-5012. clw35 BEDROOM suite, boy's 3 piece Colonial. Tent with sleeping and dining areas. 884-2954. clw35 suite‘ 0311 LIVINGROOM suite, 4 pieCe. black and white. good condition. $300 or best offer. 832-2658 evgs. c1w35 STEREO in teak wood cabinet, very good condition. $65. 884-2244. Dryer Love seat. green and beige; 2 tub chairs, student's desk. ’/4 size rollaway bed, 2wooden bar stools, 1 small coffee table, TYPEWRITERS. adders. calculators, sales, service, rentals. Newmarket Business Machines, 497 Timothy $1., 'Newmarket, 895-7621. tfc36 DINING room Suite, 9 pc. Mediterranean, includes 2 captain's chairs‘ Antique barber’s chair. 889- 8990. plw35 305 BlKES, Boys blue chopper, also boys coaster, must go. 884-0255. c1w35 TEAKWOOD furniture, bedroom, 6 piece, $450. Diningroom, 8 piece, $490. Livingroom, brand new. 247- 4377. tchS Fonzie Special 311 All Good Condition. 889-1362 Articles For Sale 23° Campers & Trailers $40. 2 piece rust chesterfield miscellaneous articles. 884- after 5. cleS Ultra modern Coffee Table Articles wanted MOVING TO APARTMENT 889-1064 ORGAN carpet. dark moss underpad Included 727-9186. c1w35 c1w35 c1w35 Clw 35 clw35 Clw 1R C LEXTRA )& Several late model used trucks. All low mileage. Top notch condition. Can be certified. Cheeta 340 twin, excellent condi‘ion. Very low mileage. 18', selt‘contained, sleeps six, many extras. Like new. $2250 Ed. For 3/: or 1 Ton Puck-up Ust 1300‘ Any reasonable offer or trde with trailer and cover. Excellent condition. 884-2946 Evgs. clw 35 |NVENTORY SALE “0 Motorcycles for Sale Rumble Tractor 14’ Cedar Strip Boat With Trailer Case Model 6000 Tractor 8. Loader 31895 Ford 8N Tractor $1550 "PRICED TO SELL” “5 Boats & Supplies “5 Farm Equipment liquid-cooled 12.5 HP, 2-cylinder diesel engine. Power-take-off shafts both front and rear. 3-point hitch 10-speed transmission Live hydraulics. 1972 ARCTIC CAT ‘55 Cars & Trucks Models to suit everyone Rockwood and Nomad Travel Trailers Continued show prices that can’t be beat Last chance to save dollars McKenzie Camping Trailers Ltd. Metro’s No. 1 Hardtop Dealer 235 Old Hwy. 7 East, Thornhill 889-1831 Immaculate. Low mileage. Must sell. Asking $900. Ken THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. March 2. 1977 â€" 3-9 ATTENTION CONTRACTORS! 3 LAIDLAW BLVD‘ MARKHAM 1972 CORSAIR 2‘" Snowmobiles Snowmobiles INTRODUCING THE NEW 1977 Snowblowers SALES & SERVICE Reid Mower Marine & Sports 884-7716 881-2384 DUMP BOX 73 Kawasaki 350-3 JOHN’S MARINELAND 884-6240 CALL ANYTIME 889-8990 HUGE REDUCTION 0N ACCESSORIES 294â€"36 50 72 Olympic 335-E, 884-1634 BROUWER MANUFACTURER a. D|STRIBUTOFI 887-5886 TURF EQUIPMENT LTD Woodblno Avonua 10cm MIHS Road: RR 1. Kumcl. OnI-no L4? 3C9 Yolaphonn ("6) 416 £311 884-2293 ML“ ~ M 'rotkwood HARDTOP TENT TRA|LERS 889-8990 $100 889-0270 23° campers & Trailers c1w35 c1w35 c1w35 Clw 35 c1w35 clw 35 ,o‘gflfl 1970 BUICK SKYLARK Full power. automatic, real sharp $1395. 1971 DART Zdoor, slant 6, automatic, radial tires 312951969 DART V Good transportation, certified $795. 1970 VOLKSWAGEN STATIONWAGEN Radial tires, radio, automatic $1295 DOHERTY MOTORS 727-3322 c1w3! Stationwagon 18.000 mules. A-l condition. $3,600 firm. 833-5559 Evgs. HARVIES USED CARS 13032 Yonge St, Oak Ridges 727-9703 773-5473 8 cyl., automatic, beaumul condition Finished inside. Rebuilt motor. carry a stock car. Best Mm. 887- 5282. clw35 1974 FORD Window Van‘ Excellent condition. Asking 33500. 727-6275 c1w35'. 19756hovyVan Green. economical 6 cyl. automatic, 31,000 miles. Two rear mund windows, with roof vent, AMFM stereo. partially finished campei interior, certified $3,500. 14‘ tandem flat bed trailer. made to 1972 OLDS Delta, excellent condition, new motor. 884-6708. WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 ":29 2 door hardtop, automatic on the floor, bucket seats, good shape. $250, Certified, $1,500. Can be seen at Rlchvale Transmission or phone 1970 GMC Handi Van A-l condition, rust proofed. 8000 miles‘ 884-2532 1975 Olds Cutlass “8" 15,000 miles 1974 Mercury Marquis - loaded. 1973 Chevelle 4dr129,000 miles 1972 Olds Delta 1974 Dodge Coronet 1973 Pontiac Catalina, Special $2100. 1973 Chevy Impala 1972 Ford LTD Brougham 1975 Olds Cutlass 1975 DATSUN 8210 73 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Handymans specnal 9212 Yonge St, Richmond Hi|l 889-5571 or 745-2519 atter hours ‘55 Cars Er Trucks 73 Ford Galaxie Impala Classic LlC. HDY 759 73 Oldsmobile Llc. DXP 565 72 Pinto Wagon Llc. AZT 418 74 Pinto Wagon LIc. HXR 076 69 Oldsmobile 1965 Chevelle SS 69 VW Beetle WALTERS AUTOMOTIVE Reconditioned Cars 8. Trucks 727-3012 Cars & Trucks 6 wt Inflation fighter Delta 88 convertible Spring Special 73 Chevrolet 74 Maverick 727£290 after 5 pm PHONE BILL 0R PETE 8 AM, TO 6 PM. 165 WELLINGTON E. AURORA 73 Capri V6 884â€"6167 or 782-9220 75 Belair 70 Hornet The Spo'rty One 884-5285 889-0270 Special deal Like new After 6 Clw35 Clw 35 clw35 Clw 35 Clw 35 clw35 Clw 35 Clw 35 c1w35 clw35 clw 35

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