The occasion for such preparation is the annual dart tournament between the seniors and the Lions that will take place tomorrow (Thursday) at the Wheelhouse at 7:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to come and observe and cheer for the team of their choice. Last year, the seniors took home the trophy. This year the Lions are OAK RIDGES â€" All the men of the senior citizen’s club, The Wheelhouse, are busy making sure their aim is straight and true, and all the Lions are busy sharpening up the eagle eye. C-4 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, March 2, 1977 Eélgle eye Seniors challenge Lions Club CM with cheese with each purchase of any product pictured below The next few weeks are McDonald’s __ l weeks at LobIaws. This week, just buy any one of the products shown below and for only 1¢ 7‘} Loblaws will give you a passport worth a free Quarter Pounder with cheese, redeemable at participating McDonald's restaurants anywhere in Ontario! Buy two products shown below and for 2 ¢ get two passports. this week Quarter Pounder with cheese offer expires at Loblaws, Tuesday March 8, 1977, but your passports are redeemable at McDonald’s until Saturday April 30, 1977. plus many more selected items in store Shop early for best selection as quantities are limited and no rain Checks will be issued for these items. Watch Loblaws ads for next weeks passport to McDonald’s. Correspondent Millie Stewart 773-4424 determined to be the victors, but the seniors are just as determined to hold onto the glory. The two area contestants both are students at Oak Ridges Public School. The Oak Ridges Lions are entering a boy and a girl in the Lions Public Speaking Contest to be held tonight in Claremont. only oak ridges lake wilcox Public speaking The members of the'Wheelhouse are saddened to hear of the passing of Mr. G. Hagen of Aubrey Ave. in Oak Ridges. Mr. Hagen passed away last Wednesday. The members of the club extend their sympathy to Mrs. Hagen. For those of you who get the paper early enough, there is an afternoon euchre at the Wheelhouse this af‘ temoon. The admission is 25 cents per pegson and_the pleyingï¬starts at 1:30. They are Jeff Mitchell and Carmen Keyink. _ Seniors news The Junior Young People will be having a coffee house this Friday at St. Paul ’3 United all beef frankfurters 1 lb. pkg 7:30 pm. at St. Paul’s. There will be a movie called ‘Barett’ all about a cop who really cared. There is no admission to the coffee house, and all are welcome. It really isn’t spring clean up time yet, but St. Paul’s needs some items that you may just happen to have. They are old Christmas cards (for use at York Manor), stamps with 1/4 to 1/2; inch borders (for use by the leprosy missions), and Dominion Store tapes (for use by York Presbytery). If you have any of the above to donate, please call Mrs. Jean Anderson at 773-5152. St. Paul's hockey team, God Squad, will play Newmarket Gospel Hall at the Richmond Hill Arena on March 4 at 10 .98 2 litre carton Loblaws Ice cream another reason vyhy_ _ more than the price IS rlght.. 1.57 pm. All fans are urged to come out and support the team. St. John ’5 Aing/igan The ladies of the ACW will be at- tending the World Day of Prayer to be held this year at St. Paul’s United Church in Oak Ridges. There will be babysitting for the youngsters. Sunday will be family service at 10: 30 preceded by a hymn sing at 10: 15. A group of Young adults from the Mon- treal area called Youth With a Mission, under the direction of Gloria Black, will be presenting several dramatic mimes. Loblaws On Tuesday, Rev. Gerber will be travelling to the Church of Christ The King in Etobicoke to present an audio- visual called ‘The God Who Speaks Through Nature’ to the ACW. passporttoMcDonald’s apricot, sgawbegry pr baby 225 plastic bottle shampog Earth borh 1.49 RICHMOND HILL â€" The following meetings of civic interest have been scheduled during the next two weeks: Wednesday. March 2 â€" 730 pm. committee room bylaws. procedures. fire 8. personnel committee. Thursday March 3 â€" 8-:30 a.m.. office of the commissioner of works â€" engineering committee Monday, March 7 â€" 7:45 pm, council chambers - regular council meeting. Tuesday, March 14 â€" 7:30 pm. council chambers - planning committee. Wednesday, March 15 - 7:30 pm, committee room bylaws, procedures, fire 8. personnel committee. Thursday. March 16 â€" 8 am. â€"- ofï¬ce of the commissioner of works â€" engineering committee. iViG corner Coca-Cola two-1.5 litre bottles (plus 60¢ deposit) returnable, packed 2‘s 1.30