'I-I-I-I-I-I III-I-I-I-I‘ 2 .400 $53 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, Maich 2 Kaila Ihaeii z We’re drawing names for 600 certificates, each week, during the four weeks of the “Celebration†A DIVISION OF TANDY ELECTRONICS LIMITED Just fill out an entry form. Contest begins Feb. 28 and ends March 26, 1977, at all Radio Shack Stores and participating Dealers. 197T 1 ' i 7 I 5‘15"?†' 1 1' A '1 " '1‘? 'x “ , , .I‘ ‘ ‘ w. I..‘ ‘. T" “' .11" ‘ h -‘ .wt ‘, ..-- ‘ 1, y ~ ' I p ‘, I ‘~ \\ I ‘| ‘ l . I o-I-I-I-l-l-I-I-I- H 3 TRIPS FOR TWO w I I -1. n .I-l-II NOTHING TO BUY! HUNDREDS OF PRIZES TO BE WON! 5-...-III-I-Il-I-I-I-I-I‘ Each includes: All standard equipment appli- cable; including a 302 CID 2V, 8 cylinder engine plus the fol- lowing optional equipment: HR 78 x 15 WSW radial tires; deluxe bumper group; electric rear win- dow defroster; light group; LH. remote control mirror; wide bodyside moulding with colour- keyed vinyl insert; dual accent paint stripes; power windows; tinted glass, two piece vinyl roof. Pre-delivery, license and gas. »\ K i ' ul - . ‘ .v‘ ‘ I * /\'.. b 'h u . L I i { L “f :“71 ï¬x *i‘é" ' m .\ A TWO-DOOR HARD'I'OPS Canada’s Number OnET-Iolidaymaker. Sunfljghf $3 Includes airfare, hotel accommodations and $500 spending money with each trip K12. Ea. m. , Mm \\ U \L/M/Hiinï¬Ã© g