A challenging position to a conscientious individual willing to accept responsibility and advancement. Initial duties will include production, shipping, receiving and material control. The right person will ultimately progress to a senior management position. Local finance company requires adjuster. No experience required. Job duties require outside and office work. Established general insurance agency requires person with typing ability‘ Insurance experience essential. Outstanding opportunity for ambitious men and women in the North Toronto area. For a permanent career with a nationally known company in the ï¬nancial field. Extensive training, excellent group benefits, Individuals must be mature, ambitious, and career minded. An occasional Saturday. Experience desired but not necessary. $2.80 perhouv. Apply 883-1723, 1m9RM Experience a necessity and salary negotiable. Must possess Class "A" mechanic's license. PARTTIME HELP WANTED RONALDS FEDERATED GRAPHICS, We are currently seeking a mature, dependable individual to perform repairs and maintenance on our forklift and delivery vehicles. Opportunity for homemaker to earn extra money collating newspapers. Monday and Wednesday morning. Call Newsweb Enter- prise, Vern Fagan. Towmotor Mechanic Steeles - Woodbine area For interview Phone 883-1803 FASHION-AIRE STUDIO Factory Cleaner 495-0422 SUNNY CRUNCH FOODS LTD.. Associates Financial Service Aurora Shopping Centre Ltd Aurora, Ont. HAIR STYLIST Mon. - Thurs. 10 am. - 5 pm. General Office Help 310 Steelecase Rd. E., Markham Small factory and distributor of éleotrioal broducts in Concord area offers CAREER OPPORTUNITY SECRETARY Adjuster Position For Confidential Interview Call 491-0868 For appointment call To clean food plant and offices Must be reliable. responsible and a self-starter Hours 1:30 to 10 PM. Monday to Friday 10119 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, Ont. Career Sales $15,000 PLUS Apply Personnel Office 669-2165 PART TIME 10481 Yonge St, Richmond Hill Monday to Friday 9a.m. to 1 pm. CONTACT Mrs. Warner 661-5008 493-1711 APPLY 5“ Help Wanted REQUIRES CARRIER SALES PEOPLE Required for a small sales office a congenial mature bright person with good typing and dicta skills and adaptable to a variety of functions. Excellent fringes and .competitive salary offered. If you would like to work with three sales executives. W Emma Applications including previous experience and references WIII be recelved until March 11. 1977. BOX 195 RICHMOND HILL, L4C 4Y2 r7w 25 0 Hours flexible 0 Mature self-starter 0 Some bookkeeping. good typing, telephone manner, etc 0 Thornhill area. REQUIRES CARRIER SALES PEOPLE AGE 10 and Over FOR NEW AND ESTABLISHED ROUTES KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Maintenance and Delivery Person Required for Canadian Home Products Ltd., (Chef Boy-Ar-Dee) EARN TOP DELIVERY COMMISSIONS UNITED WAY OF YORK REGION requires SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIST DON’T BE LEFT OUTH Mr. Breward, 884-3502 AGE 10 and Over FOR NEW AND ESTABLISHED ROUTES EARN TOP DELIVERY COMMISSIONS DON’T BE LEFT 0UT!! Service Centre 884-0981 881-3373 Requires Experienced Parttime Help For information contact: SECRETARY Girl/Boy Friday Call Today CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT AHBon Agency 33 Yonge St SW Aurora 727-1307 3741 or 3742 IBM Biscette experience prefened‘ Job located: Kaela and Hwy. 7 area. For lntorview call Call Today CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT IN ALL AREAS KEELE - FINCH For an appointment Salary $125 week REPLY TO BOX 139 "THE LIBERAL" 10101 YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. L40 4Y6 Furniture Store IN ALL AREAS Ifyou fill the bill call ‘BANNEII Please call Mrs. White at 636-9751 889-7210 727-4221 for interview Clw 36 cZw 35 (31w 36 62w 3! (22w 36 IFCJI For vacumning and general cleaning, $3.00 per hour. Apply in person to superintendent - ML Jones, Apartment 101. 70 Baif Blvd., Richmond Hill. For general cleaning of floors‘ walls. etc $4 40 per hour benefits, ONE HOUSEKEEPER Voyageur Restaurant at Hwy. 400. [550 Service Centre. requires capable person with knowledge of cleaning products and methods Good rate and company benefits. Mature, Experienced To train as an assistant in better Ladies Wear Store. Call: Reat Estate Olfrce requrres mature. experienced person for permanent posrtron. Accurate typrng and pleasant telephone manner essentralr Own transportatron necessary Highway 7 and Bathurst area. Monday to Frrday‘ 3 pm. to 8 pm; Saturday. 9 am. to 1 pm. Call Mrs‘ B. chhman. EXPER Work at home or in our office. Initial training provided, Previous experience an asset. 5“ Help Wanted Apply: Manager SERVICE ADVISOR GM DEALERSHIP roa HMORARY on PERMANENT PUCEMENT REGISTER room SALES PERSON RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST WATCH MAKER 832-1555 AURORA CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH LIMITED 269 Yonge St. S. Aurora 727-1361 Apply Service Manager Cadillac BAIF Yonge North Requires PO. Box 631, Concmd Ontario L4K 186 c 669-1717 days or 494-2507 evenings Janitor Mature pelson. 5 day week, Good wages and company benefits Immediate opening‘ ONE DAY PERSON Bookkeeping For distributing business Truck Driver Parttime or Retired To repair watches At home Steady work ALLlSON AGENCX.~/. For personal interview call R.N.on R.N.A. 884-0991 CLASS “Aâ€|.|CENSED MECHANICS BESTVIEW LODGE 329‘ Eagle St. REQUIRED BY PROGRESSIVE DEALERSHIP ALSII TUNE UP & BARBURETIJR SPECIALIST ruu comm mums APPLY IN PERSON m TOM VANDENBURG Part Time nights 11 pm. to 7 am. APPLY 669-1628 884-2400 Part Time 884-4030 727-1307 Newmarket c§w36 Write: ‘gamcn - cum» Requue fulltlme m busy 24 hour family restautant, Good wages and company benehts. Experience not necessary Apply: Manager 832-1555 Waitress/Waiter etc. $4.40 pe! hour. Good L43tln CZw 36 Clw 36 (11le c3w36 Openrng for reception person. To register guests and operate switch- board Saturday and Sunday, 7 am. to 3 pm. and some other days parttimer Ideal for retired person. Call Mr. McLean. 881-2121. Parkway Hotelr For expanding family business, part- time only. Call for interview. New company in Richmond Hill seek- ing your services. Must be exper- ienced to start a small set of books to trial balance and financial statements. Some secretarial duties will be required Must have cat. Call Mr. Giammarco With a pleasant telephone voice Full and part time position available No experience necessary. Bookkeeper Reception, typing, bookkeeping. 4 pm, to 8 pm. Monday. Wednesday, Friday. Yonge - Steeles‘ Couple wanted Expeï¬enced 1 day per week. Call M. Steinhouse Bookkeeper For sieel fabrication. Must be experienced with blueprint reading ability, Reliable. conscientious persons with clean driving record only need applyi High School Student CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE Looking for MI and part time 1ashion show directors. Free training Show kit provided. Lots of opponun‘ny tor advancement. Start at 30%, 35% 013896. 640-4039 Pmmmemmnmgor afternoons State experience Apply: Box 806 Concord, Ontario L4K 108 Bookkeeper $150 Plus Requires PART TIME HELP 883-1387 Tu nemaster Richmond Hill Welder-Fitters WANTED RECENT RN. and R.N.A. Relief 884-9276 Hotel Recepflon Parttime GREENACRES to begin March 315t APPLY TO: F.J. Farmer ADMINISTRATOR. BARBER For interview 881-3325 881-3326 895-9838 194 EAGLE ST., NEWMARKET, ONT. Celebrity Fashion Jewel|ery, Mrs. Reed 225-0460 889-0518 895-3262 WANTED For Appointmml Phone PHONE 505 Help Wanted (22w 36 Ch: 36 C2w 36 Required Immediater Successful applicant must possess good typing skills and have previous office experience. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, March 9, 1977 â€"- 8-9 Canadian Tire. Aurora, presently has the above part-time openings for persons who enioy working with the public. Applicants should be available evenings and Saturdays and are requested to apply in person during the following hours PERSONNEL OFFICE RONALDS FEDERATED GRAPHICS Part Time Opportunities: . Cashiers Tire Installer Sporting Goods Sales Requrred on a permanent parttime basrs lor surgical unll. Grade 12 desrrable. Medical Secretary's course or experience rn health agencres an asset. Worlung hours wrll be 4 pm to 8:15 pm. Monday lhrough Frrday. Apply: Personnel Dept. York Central .-_H0§pjtal.w.. for computer input‘ training will be provided. We have new offices and I pleasant working environment. Monday to Frldoy 9 to 5 pm. If you have a talent for selling and like meeting new people QUALIFICATIONS - Grade 12. Previous hospital admitting experience. DUTIES - Assist Supervisor in the general administration 01 department. Maintain bed control in cooperation with nursing units. Will be required to work 1 weekend per month. Seuetanes, Typists, Bookkeepers, wuth transportation, for high paying temporary aSSIgnments. 884-6782 884-6970 Required for our Patient Reception Dept. PermainentAeveriing shift. 669-2420 LIBERTY FURNITURE INDUSTRIES LTD. Bed Control Officer 10 Trench St.'. Rlchmorid Hm 727-1331 Aloi Bros Ltd. RItr. 141 Yonge Street 8., Aurora A Talent For Selling? Apply: Personnel Dept. Yorkicentra‘l Hospytal, 10481 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Unit Secretary Furniture manufacturer requires for 1u|| and part-time work. Must be neat in appearance Little Village Dining Lounge Temporary Typist 883-2250 Waitress/ Waiter 10 Trench St., Richmond Hill 275 Yonge St. 3., Aurora WEDNESDAY 2 PM. - 5 PM. THURSDAY, 2 PM. - 5 PM. & 7 PM. ~ 8 PM. We need top people We pay big commissions We are a well established company CALL IN TODAY FOR CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW ' OR PHONE GEORGE JACKSON This Is For You CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE You must have experience You must want to earn top money You must be a closer You must have a businesslike manner Fully Experienced WANTED FOR APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL Keele & No. 7 area OFFICE ASSISTANCE 10084 YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL CALL Mrs. Cruikshank : High" ; 884-9121 727-2939 HEUHPS 883-2250 Typist 8160. Sales Department at manulac- tunng company tequnes a person who Is experienced In pricing and coding, Some customet contact. Excellent benetits. WoodbmeSteeles. Call Marva 755-1171. Personnel World Ltd. PRICING AND CODING CLERK