The public gets its chance the next day to kill the editors for omitting favorites stories, and aften for running others that they would rather were left out. Two daysâ€"Monday and Tuesdayâ€" especially. That’s when they decide what stories go where and what stories go nowhere and have to be killed because of lack of space. I was asked by some young people the other day to speak to them at a later time on a particular aspect of the newspaper business. But unfortunately I was unable to make it. That very thingâ€"the newspaper businessâ€"prevented me. They have a quaint custom here at The Liberal where they expect their minions to be around on certain days to put the paper together. After being introduced to the girls, ‘ one said their class would like to know if figs:r§:‘:v:(;ullfiigg(t)nder 1f the release of newspapers should print the facts. Without too much pondering rd say Punt [heufaag I ,Sald' a b“ m‘ it was wrong. At the same time, I think crequl°u§}y' well' that 5 more or less many doctors probably gloried in the the Idea' idea of being up there with Tommy “see, I told you it was a dumb Hunter and Bobby Orr for a brief question," chided her companion. moment, and so not much harm was You know the kind: a prominent citizen has kicked out all the windows at the service club’s annual bash; or maybe it‘s just some petty domestic spat where one spouse has clobbered the other because they threw out the Sunday paper before the other had a chance to read the Crime Flashback. But to get back to the young people. I was approached by two of them, plus a couple of adults, just as I was about to flee a school board meeting last week before the board members did any more damage before my eyes. And I might be called up sometime as a witness to testify whether or not there was a full moon on the night in question. I blurted out something else at that done point, something to the effect I thought maybe I knew what she meant now; that perhaps she wondered whether a It reporter had the right to introduce his all t] comments along the way. I dic I tried to think of a quick example, but didn‘t fare too well. I wanted to say that, after the reporter had listed who, what, when, where and why, there was nothing wrong in speculating on a few reasons for some of the above. In fact, he owed it to his readers if he knew some of the background. If, for example, a man was picked up Lowrey, Conn, Galanti. Mark-O-Sonic Included with each organ: delivery within 200 miles of store, matching bench, earphones by Leslie, music pack, unlimited lessons. Your choice of deluxe lamp. ORGANS: Question of facts regional Â¥ 2 “hm/9â€â€œ viewpoint/xI didn’t ca†More than facts SAVE UP TO 40%! Organs - Pianos PRE-INVENTDRY SALE! AVENUE Organ & Plano Ltd 5235 Yonge St, Willowdale Mason & Risch All new for 1977. Fine tone, fabulous finishes PANOS COME DEAL NOW WITH YOUR FRIENDLY KEYBOARD SPECIALISTS l mule north 401 By Jim Irving â€" TRADE-INS ACCEPTED â€" EASY TERMS AVAILABLE just nonh Parkview I'm being facetious, but the idea is that printing the facts isn’t just a straight recital of black and white and nothing else. It often goes beyond that. A fact, just as many words we took for granted for so long, may have to be redefined. But don‘t ask me to redefine it. I’ll stick with the dictionary definition: perpetration of actâ€" occurrence of event; datum of exâ€" perience (often with explanatory clause or phrase. for going beserk in a candy store and separating the white jelly beans from the black, it would help some to know he formerly was a member of Ian Smith‘s government in Rhodesia. If I interpret that last part correctly, then it backs up what I'm saying. Even Premier William Davis, whose government quietly destroyed the education system (and which also gave youngsters the right to drink along with Joe and the boys but never felt the need to apologize for any of that) rushed to beg forgiveness of the doctors. He did have a point this time, however, as the facts weren't com‘ pletely on the line. Some of those gigantic sums covered medical staff as well and were not always what the good doctors could claim for themselves. Guilty government But maybe the young student wasn't even talking about that. Maybe she meant facts such as those set out in a story recently purportedly showing doctors†earnings under OHIP and which caused a great outcry. They didn't. But maybe I couldn’t have said much more to them, anyway, than I did when I left them at the board offices. I have rambled on and have not been all that satisfactory in my answers. But I didn’t have that much time to talk to the girls, who I thought were to call the next day to enlarge on the matter. “Yes,†I said, “tell your cla newspapers should print the facts." However, I probably could have added: but only if they have them. JOIN IN THE FUN! Girls didn ’t call 223-6684 OPEN EVENINGS your class SERVICE SPECIAL 4 AYS DNL DRUMS FRONT & REAR DISC PADS FRONTâ€"DRUMS REAR ON BRAKE PARTS AND INSTALLATION MARCH.9. 10, 11. 12th BRAKE RELINE ...... ., ........ 9.5 .5 U E I DIEM... ..... I ..... n ...... B 10288 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Phone 884-1196 Dodge-Plymouth Datsun-Toyota Reg. 52.84 Chev-Pontiac 1971-75 (SAMPLE LISTINGS) Ford Meteor 1970â€"74 1973â€"75 1969-74 Reg. 58.84 NOW 705 462 5 4550 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. March 9, 1977 â€" A-5 4225 INCLUDING . IMPORTS