Arena needs 7‘; added parking OAK RIDGES â€" Last week when the Dynes played Stratford. I watched the cars going to the arena for the game. C-6 â€"â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. March 30, 1977 The answer is simple. There simply is not enough parking space at the arena. and the excess cars must park on the street When the street is full. there is nowhere else to go. Then I watched as about 30 or 40 cars started to go down the street and then turn around and go home. Now. why would they all turn around and leave when such an important game was about to begin? While I am on the subject of the arena, I would just like to remind everyone the Ice Review for the Bond Lake Skating Club will be held tomorrow night at 7 o‘clock sharp «March 31). I have high hopes something will be done about the parking situation at Bond Lake Arena before the next season rolls around. Ice Review This is thé chance your It may have been a Pooh Party. but no one poohed the results of those who took part in this session at the children‘s department of Richmond Hill public library. Shown coloring in Pooh. while instructor Sheri Robertson looks on, are, Lynne Moritsuga, 8, and Steven Venn, also 8. oak ridges lake wilcox GRANDVIEW TENNIS CLUB m K REGISTRATION NIGHT THURSDAY, MARCH 31m 7 AM. TO 10 PM. Discover HENDERSON AVE. 1] PUBLIC SCHOOL THORNHKL TENNIS FOR ALL THE FAMILY†Correspondent Millie Stewart 773-4424 T ENNIS ! Pooh party For further information, call 88-90361 (6 - 9 pm) T ENNIS ! TENNIS! Tonight, the men of St. John's will meet at the parish hall for a work party. They will be putting some more inâ€" sulation in the ceiling of the second story. Saturday, the couples‘ club of St. John’s will join with the couple‘s club of St. Paul‘s for an evening of bowling and billiards in Richmond Hill. youngsters get to show off their skating skills. The admission is $1 per adult and 50 cents for children. The music will be provided by a disc-jockey and there will be a buffet. For tickets, please call 773-5873. There will also be performances by guest skaters. The guild has a dance scheduled for April 234 The tickets are $7. per couple. All children par- ticipating in the show are asked to be at the arena for the dress rehersal no later than 4:30 that day. Our Lady’s Guild The meeting for the month of April will be held April 5 at Our Lady of the Annunciation School on Bond Cr. Mass will be at 7:15 and the meeting will follow. Catching people on film RICHMOND HILL â€" Catching people on film under natural cir- cumstances as opposed to the clothesline-type shot with a group of people staring stiffly at the camera was the theme of the last meeting of the York Region camera clubi Barry Dursley, a freelancer and staff photographer for Imperial Oil, said children are the easiest to photograph, and are much less camera shy than teenagers or adults. But the trick, he said, is to engineer informal photos in natural light of people concentrating on something other than the camera. He stated that does much more to capture the many moods and expressions of a person than a formally posed portrait, Dursley showed a number of short programs he had on people engrossed in such things as the wonders of Ontario Place and the Santa Claus parade. Y 9:30 a.m.TO1O gm’. SATURDAY 9 a.m.TO1O pm RICHMOND HILL â€" The following meetings of civic interest have been scheduled during the next two weeks: Tuesday, Apnl 5, 7:30 pm. â€"p|anning committee, council chambers Monday. April 4 Tuesday, Aptil 5, 4 pm. â€" finance committee, deputy treasurer'soffice Civic corner 45 pm. â€"council meeting. council chambers CONCRETE STEPS IRON RAILINGS 3 Year Guarantee UNIT PRECAST CO.