We have funds to lend for renovations, debt consolidation, or any other purpose - No Penalties for prepayment - No Hidden Costs -' Best Rates 8 Terms - Up to 20 - year amortization - Up to 85% of appraised value. iwmlllIlll"II|IIIIIIIIIIIIIImullIllIIllllIllllllIIIlllllIIIIIII|ll|||IlllllI|IIIHllllIlllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII||llllllllllllllll|l||||llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIII|lIllmflmlllIlllllll“lllIllIlll"NHIlmlllllllllllllllllIlllllllllll|IllllIIIIIIlllllIllllfllIlllllllllIIIIII‘IIIIHIIIIIIIIllllllfllmlll|lllllllllIllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHUIIIIIIï¬ 3-8 â€"- THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. April 6, 1977 .'WlmllllllllllllIIIII"IllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|IllIlllIlllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIlllllllllIIIllll|IlllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllll|llllllIll|lllllll|lllll||Illl|lllll|Ill|||ll|II|IIIII|IIII|llll||Ill|IlllllIlllIIIIllIIlIll|lIllllllllIllll|llllllI||lllllll|IllllIII|llllllIllllIll|Ill|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllll|lllll|UllllIIllIIIIllIllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllll|IlllIlllIll|lllllllllllIlllllll||Illllllllllllllllllllllllg Fa Iast loan approval service come to us. We're in your neighbourhood. Loans for Home Owners w R E A l T 0 R AURORA 125 yous: s1. T989810 m --_- '3’; SYMINQTON 727-1333 '“éï¬ï¬fï¬'†881-2443 KING TOWNSHIP Ten room aluminum siding home on 3/4 acre lot. Combination livingâ€"dining room newly broadloomed. Family room with stone fireplace and walkout to patio. One bedroom apartment for inâ€"laws. Single car garage. Excellent home for large family. PRICED AT $78,900.00. HOLLAND LANDING-JUST LISTED Three bedroom brick bungalow on large lot. Rec. room partially finished. Single car garage. Immediate possession, ASKING $54,500.00. AURORA â€" COMMERCIAL Storey and a half house on Yonge Street corner lot. Five rooms up, kitchen plus five offices on Main Floor. Paved parking lot. PRICED AT $89,500.00. AURORA Three bedroom brick bungalow on large landscaped lot. Work kitchen with dining area, large livingâ€"room. High basement. PRICED AT $57,900.00. AURORA â€" SOUTH Four bedroom brick backsplit on large lot, bordering Golf Course. Large master bedroom with ensuite, separate dining room, family size kitchen with extra cupâ€" boards and built in dishwasher. Party size family room with fireplace and walkout. Extra 4 pc. bath off lower hall. Electric heat, two car attached garage, paved drive. This home is immaculate. PRICED AT $99,500.00. Northtown Shopping Centre 5385 YONGE ST. 2258809 NATIONAL TRUST THE MONEY MANAGERS 61112 , UP TO (fluffy? 2,200 so. FT. garden - r “Homes "031,995 am Fmrshe'd basement wrlh walkout Planned recreation laulmes Large ram-I1 room Large hutchen Mam floor laundry room Shoppmg, schools lransportahon nncludrng GO bus 3 bedrooms + a den Aurora Garden Homes has shattered the price barrier. Where else can y0u buy a home of comparable size and features in the Toronto region for under $50,000? Only in Aurora. 0n Yonge Street. it's the opportunity y0u've been waiting for. Come. See. And convince y0urseli. 9 m; 2nd Mortgages ‘“ Mortgages flom I .1330 down (T0 QUALIFIED PURCHASERS) :{fly Lake Ontano SALES OFFICE I Emma Classiï¬eds 884-1105 - 1106 IURORA 01 3 bedvooms 2 rashmoms Gauge Bvuadloom throung Lille me! bedroom Walton! to pmo Beauulully landscaped Paved dmes c5w39 ARE you warned about someone With a dnnkmg problem? It so, contact AI- Anon. 366-4072 0! wnte PO. Box 516. Rlchmond Hull. COMIdEMlaI. M DO you have a dunking problem? If so AA can help. Wnte Box 84. Richmond HilI, or call 4876591.†_, WENMORE FINANCIAL LTD. 10140 Yonge St., Richmond Hill 884-0677 Barbara Fleming 773-5268 883-1721 RICHMOND HILL TWIN Nicely decorated 3 bedroom brick is close to schools, shopping and transportation. With reasonable down payment owner will hold one open mortgage. Asking $53,900. Call John Cryer. LARGE LOT North Richmond Hill. Beautiful homesite surrounded by stately evergreens. Three bedroom aluminum clad home has been completely modernized and is in splendid condition. Asking $63,900. Call Mr. Walsh. FIRST, SECOND & THIRDS NEW LOWER RATES BORROW ON THE EQUITY IN YOUR HOME OConsolidate Debts and Reduce Payments 0Home Improvements oPurchase Real Estate Fast Personalized Service In Your Home GUARANTY TRUST CO. OF CANADA 52° Personals “4 Mortgages MORTGAGES ï¬t 29 "c 44 New club bemg atgamzed. Famlly outings. Dancmg and euchres. For mate Intermatlon wnte Box 146, The Liberal. 10101 Yonge 81., Richmond HI1|,0n1. L4C 4Y6 ww WIDOW WIDOWERS CLUB 30 and up 727-1201 UCZZ OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 889-9409 Studio Number (between 7 pm. and 9 pm.) or call collect 1 - 895- 6618 (between 1 pm. and 6 pm). Now enlolllng students for private Inleldual mstructlon on the dtum set. 15 years teaching experience and formetly wnth the Teaching Staff of the Ontano College of Percussmn. Tmonto. For mete Information phone PROFESSIONAL DRUMER THORNHILL BUNGALOW $78,000. Asking â€" $19,000. Down â€" One mortgage 101/4 percent. 6 rooms plus. â€" New broadloom, 2 garages, lot 175 deep. Close to schools etc. Im- mediate possession. Gino Matrundola, 226-6910, Titanus Inc. RE. WILLOWDALEâ€" - BACKSPLIT $ 1 0 5 , 0 0 0 â€" $20,000 down, ex- cellent financing. Close to all con- veniences. Large kitchen, family room walk out to fireplace. Move in tomorrow. Gino Matrundola 226- 6910, Titanus Inc. RE. NORTH Asking $54,900. Frame Bungalow, Lot 62 x 434. Joe Pacitto, 226-6910, Titanus Inc. R.Eï¬ OAK RIDGES â€" $40,000. DOWN Ranch bungalow, lot 97 x 142. characteristically finished basement with bar & fireplace, second kitchen and walk- out. A pleasure to see. Must be sold. Joe Pacitto, Titanus Inc. R.E. RICHMOND HILL Newly renovated building at Yonge and Markham Rd. Richmond Hill Ideal for Doctors, Real Estate Accountant Sales Office, Etc. Now taking students Maple. 832.1124 HuflonCamemn Drun1 Studio ‘29 Business, Office Space 884-9235 ‘IOB ’w 40 Tutoring spaniel, also budgie with cage. Call after 6, 884017]. PUPPIES for sale. Mother, cocker ALTERATIONS. lady's, men‘s; Child ren. 884-0841. [In 2! STEELES BAYVIEW RAVINE Large bungalow in exclusive area -cul- de-sac~, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, large kit- chen with walk out to sun deck, party size family-rec- room, wet bar and walk out. Fully A-C. First mortgage at 91/2 percent. Buy now and take possession in August. Gino Matrundola 226- 6910. Titanus Inc. “2 Dressmaking 35° Pets c2w38 A quantity of mixed sawdust and manure. Professronal and amateur gardeners welcome, Gaylands Farm. No. 7 Hwy. between Bayvrew & Leslre North Srde INSTANT PRINTING Does your pet get untidy and unloved In a kennel? Feeding and grooming In your home. 6 years experience. 832-1514. new EASTER SUNDAY SPECIALS FOUND â€"b|ack kitten, 4 to 6 months old, on Sat. April 2‘ 884-0646. Special rates for senior citizens and low Income families. Nylon halters $3.95 Reg. $495 Saddle Blankets $4.95 Reg. $55.95 Brushes $2.50 Reg. $2.95 Lead $1.50 Reg. $1.65 Many more deals,& speCIals to choose fromf‘Sund‘a'y ohly. (Free hoof prck with every purchase). We wrll be open Good Friday. Sat- urday & Easter Sunday from 10 AM. to 8 PM. 1-640-4198. Crushed stone, sand, concrete gravel‘ etc. Delivered In small quantities One year old cairn terrier with papers needs good home. Loves kids. Lime Red‘s Riding Goods. one mile west of 48 Highway on Stouffvnlle Road. 100 saddles in stock - horse. youth and pony size to choose from, (FREE rabbit Wlth every saddle Sunday only SCREENED loam. top sorl, garden mrx, cow manure, 3% cu. yds. - $29.50. Free delivery in Richmond Hrll and Thornhill areas. Smaller quantitltes available. Knappett's Landscaping & Garden Supplies, Bayvrew & 18th Ave, Richmond Hill. 8843089. c2w40 Driveway Grave| 8 stalls plus 4 bedroom brrck farm house. Rent. $500 per month or best reasonable offer by surtable tenant. Locatron Woodbrne Ave. v Aurora Srderoad. For Information call Female Cocker Spaniel Gardens rototilled. Will make a garden for you in your backyatd‘ Why pay Florida prices when you can grow your own? Reasonable rates‘ Knappett‘s Landscaping. Bayview & 18th Ave.. Richmond Hill 884-3089. W n THE POODLE SCENE The Printing Plate 883-1307 FREE COFFEE WHILE YOU WAIT Photo Copying â€" 10‘ Pnntung of every description Professmnal finish guaranteed POODLE CLIPPING PET GROOMING & ACCESSORIES 10088 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill For Rent From May lst, ’77 Fertilizer Free FOR SALE 7" Miscellaneous ROTOTlLLlNG Excellent rates HUGH BARR 889-2773 DECORATING 111 630 1‘2 years old. Phone after 6. 884-6029 INCOME TAX 884-5587 VACATIONING PET OWNERS 7“ Gardening &Supplies "FONZIE" PAINTING 351 Call Patricia 884-8338 Farms for sale or rent 883-1360 Lost 8 Found 889-7549 884-8785 Horse Farm 350 Pets Livestock C2w 39 cdw 3‘3 3w 40 EARL GAUSLIN AND NORM FAULKNER‘ AUCUONEERS 1-640-3079 Household Furnishings and Antiques. dining room suite. antique sewmg machine, pine cupboard bottom, pine chest of drawers. coal orl lamps. rugs. Harvest table. coffee and end tables, many more collectable items. To be held in the Claremont Community Hall. Sat. April 9th. 1] am Terms Cash ~ No reserve. WILSON: (nee Varley), Although \I arrrved just a Irttle brt late; Now that |'m here they think I'm lust great My name rs Christopher Paul. I checked in on March 28. 1977 at 8 lbs.. 15 025. My proud parents are Jan and John and my brg brother rs Randy. SAND: John and Nancy (nee Humphreys) are proud to announce the blfth of then hrst child, a son, Bruce Ellert James‘ 7 lbs., 12 025. on March 29. 1977 a‘ York Central Hospital. Many thanks to DI. Golab and nutsing stafl. TYPING done In my own home, IBM Selectnc typewritet. 884-6872, RELIABLE cleamng woman wanted every other Thursday or Friday. Own transportation. Thornhlll. 889-79294 LEARN to My. Introductory flight $5. Toronto Auways Ltd., Buttonwlle Alrpmt. 297-1422. [1:32 ALT'ERAroN’s done at home.. Call 884-7987. c5wd8 DAY care required, Ross Dean School area, 5 days weekly, 884-1958 Evgsr BABYSITTER needed around McKnllop School, few hours in morning, lunch hour and after school. Phone 884-6148, YOUNG mother rn Thornhill area, wrlling to care for preschoolms In my home, Monday through Friday, spacrous play area and lunch served. 881-6040. c2w40 Leave your children at nursery school or kindergarten in the morning and with us all afternoon. We pick up at school and provrde lunch‘ Planned program, enrollment limited. RELIABLEdaycare given In my home Hullcrest Mall area. 883-1644, WILL give day cale In my home. near Baywew ~ Markham Rd_., “8917:8518; NEEDED near Beverly Acres Public School, for 1 Child 5 years old, 884- 6698, call after 5. To be held in Morgan Hall in the Markham Shopping Plaza, north side of Hwy. 7. 9. mile west of Hwy. 48 in Markham Featuring relinished furniture such as sm. pine hutch. exceptional walnut marble top washstand wrth tile back. burled walnut bonnet chest. Mr. and Mrs. chairs with deep red velvet upholstery, 2 board pine harvest table. Boston rocker. sm. stretcher base table. arrowback chair. pine yam cup» board. pine washstand. pine boxes; numerous excellent primitives including woodenware. cast iron. tin. oil lamps. including cranberry font wall bracket lamp. lanterns. glass. crockery. china. brass. copper. many unusual items â€" an excellent selection. MR. STRIPPER. Paint and varnish removed from furniture. etc. Free esnmates, Call Amodeo's. 884-4827. c2w39 EXPERIENCED cleaning woman required, 1 day weekly m Thornhlll. 8814682 02 TON BRAND NAME UNIT OGUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR, PARTS AND LABOR '5 YR‘ FACTORY WARRANTY ON COMPRESSOR ALSO FURNACE SAFETY INSPECTION AND COMPLETE CLEANING SPECIAL. ONLY $15.50 669-1412 5“ Daycate Wanted 5‘“ Domestic Help Wanted 5‘5 Employment Wanted “KEEP COOL SPECIAL" CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING Auction Sale 884-8611 or 884-8789 305 541 Home Care “35 Births Thurs. evening, April 14, â€"~â€"â€" Fri April 8th. NEED cleaning woman 0f farm machrnery, tractors. loader. day weekly In Thornhrll. ploughs. wagon‘ more preces of machrnery and tools The property of Steve Wldeman‘ In the Vrllage of Claremont, Terms Cash - No reserve. Sale at 12 Noon (Lease expired) 3 - EARL GAULIN AND NORM FAULKNER Auctions AUCTIONEERS 1-640-3079 ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE at 7:00 pm. Preview from 5:00 pm. Daycare From TED WATT, AUCTION EER mam-mud INSTALLED IN YOUR FURNACE 7“ Miscellaneous $998 c4w40 THE family of the late .Wrtlram (Moe) Morley woutd like to thank their l9|3th€S. friends and neighbours for then many acts of kindness, floral tributes and denatrons to various chantles. Your thoughtlulness and words of comfort were deeply apprecrated and wrlt be remembered always. MR, and MS. Harold Kirby of King City, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra, to David. son of Mr. and Mrs, Roger Wells, of Oakwlle COMANCHIE Sales, camper supplies. Custom van roots, custom interiors, truck caps and canoes, 773-4120, Location Va mile north Stouffville Slderoad. Yonge St, Oak Ridges‘ MISS SHIRLEYANN BROCK engaged to Mr. George Walkinshaw. daughter of Mr. and Mrs‘ Harry Brock. of RR. 1 Stouffville. on Apnl 2. 1977. MR. and Mrs. Gerald Paxton are pleased to announce the March 26, 1977 engagement of the†daughter Marjorie Gayle to Charles Ralph Andrew. son of Mr. and Mrs, C.E. GIrdIer, 18' CAMPER House trailer fully equipped. sleeps 6. excellent 99mm §g0_09. 727-6585. ncw40 Appliances, 1 bedroom, 4 piece bath‘ sleeps 4. $7,500. Good terms. NIMROD Trailer, good condition 8845535, CUSTOM CAMPER CONVERSIONS DEAD or cnppled farm animals. packed up promptly. 705-439‘242-11 Call anytime‘ Ed 'Pecom & Son. Woodwlle‘ Ont. Licence No. 324066. Ht 2‘? HIGHEST cash prices 0! Made value paid for houseful of furniture and appliances. Bruce's FUH’MUIE. 363- 1954 660 TRUCK KAPS FROMSw RAISED VAN ROOFS FROM 5449 FIBREGLAS RUNABOUTS aOATs FROM mo CANOES SLIDE-IN CAMPER INTERIORS FROM sm EQUIPMENT A ACCESSORIES "SPECIAL ORDER" ITEMS DELUXE CUSTOM. MODU- §I3:50R PARTIAL CONVER- REPAIRS OR RENOVATION: ASSISTANCE FOR "DO IT YOURSELVES" SWAP BARTER. TRADE STORAGE USED VANS 311 137‘! Y†St, PO. Box 733 Oak Rm, Olfllrio LOG IPO â€" 1-773-“71 5‘5 Engagements 669-1413 Cards of Thanks 30' Bonanza Travel Trailer 23“ Campers & Trailers AND UP Auction Sale Articles wanted 309 889-8890 Auctions 1013c