On Good Friday, York Philharmonic Choir will present the second of two free concerts this week, when it performs Rossini’s “At the Foot of the Cross," at Richmond Hill United Church at 8 o'clock. The play hwinds up Saturday night. Free concert A psychological thriller by Frederick Knott, the play tells the story of three hoodlums who attempt to wrest away a valuable “tOy†from the terrified occupant. Edward Luka, ac- companied by Derrick Lewis of Kleinburg on the organ, will conduct. Iris Stringer Laurie lluu basementbattle . . . Plenty on tap here Battling in her basement apartment every night this week at the Curtain Club against several unseen enemies, is Iris Stringer, who plays the harried blind woman in the production “Wait Until Dark." Edward Luka . . . free concéft Last Sunday (Apr. 3) the choir presented the same concert at St. RICHMOND HILL â€" There‘s plenty on tap these nights in the way of entertainment for people in Richmond Hill and area. Richmond Hill High School â€" Two one act plays: “Fool's Errand" and “The Rose and the Crown"; Apr. 13-16. Tickets from cast and crew, or at door. York Philharmonic (‘hoir â€" presents ROSSini‘s “At the Foot of the Cross", Richmond Hill United Church, Apr. 8 at 8 pm. Admission free. Art Shows Pauline Kulha â€" Canadian landscape artist, York Fine Art Gallery, Snowball Village‘ King; Apr. 6-17. "Wild Flowers" â€"â€" an exhibition by the late Canadian artist Robert Holmes, Art Gallery of Ontario; Apr. 6-June 5. “Muskoka Landscapes“ â€" Mildred Lena Russell â€" Gibson House Gallery, Willowdale; to Apr. 24. Call 595-1567. Thornhill artist, Pauline Holancin Kulha, seems to be trying to decide whether her painting is ready for her exhibition. which opens with a preview tonight (Apr. 6) at York Fine Art Gallery, Snowball Village Boutiques, from 8 to 10 p.m. Anyway, it’s Last year more than 100 requests for tickets had to be refused because all tickets were sold. Clip and mail this coupon to-day. Fri., June 3rd Hot 8 Cold ._ Buffet DON’T BE DISAPPOIIVTEDAGAIIII Endosas . . . . . . . . . . . . inmyordetnrwï¬ï¬edchewe. NAME. Muse send me ............................ tickets at $3! I fave ordered 5 tickets. Reserve my table ADDRESS. 8172 McCOWAN RO., JUST NORTH OF HWY. 7 PHONE 297-1366 MARKHAM, ONT. MARKHAM CENTENNIAL CENTRE Exhibition opens tonight ‘ GUY LOMBARDO PHONE. Choir soloists will be Brenda Luka, soprano; Joanne Leatch, contralto; Roger Jones, tenor; and Geoffrey Rison‘ bass. On Apr. 13, Richmond Hill High School will open its four-day run of two one~act plays at the school They are “Fool‘s Errand," a modern verse play. based on the Can- terbury Tales, and “The Rose and the Crown" by J.B. Priestly. in fhev other one. The plays carry a total cast of Death is their common theme. Laurie Hutchinson, who plays death in one of the playsxis also featured Joseph’s Morrow Park Convent in Willowdale. ,tickets at $30.00 pet coup|e Calendar Early birds, 20 regular, 4 special, jackpot, doo Drizesr AT YORK FARMERS' MARKET 7509 Yonge Street. AND HIS ROYAL CANADIANS DRCH. EVERY MONDAY TO THE MUSIC OF DANCE At 7.30 P.M 8:30 - 12 pm. Guido Molinari â€" a retrospective of the Canadian artist's work, Art Gallery of Ontario; to May 23. Peter Pan â€" Pepi Puppet Theatre, Poor Alex; to May 1. Call 225-9473. Shot in the Dark -- A naughty parlor maid is accused of murder, Herongate Barn Theatre; Apr. 8â€"9. Royal Winnipeg Ballet â€" O'Keefe Centre: to Apr. 9. Lady Winderhiere's Fan â€" Oscar Wilde‘s great comedy, Colonnade; Apr. 7'14. Call 922â€"0084. Dracula 7â€" Toronto Truck Theatre; to Apr. 30. Call 922-0084. “Untouchable Machine Shop“ â€" Ramada Inn, Willowdale; Apr. 9: Apr. 11-16: 18-23 still going on as planned, and will be open to the public the following evening, through Apr. 17. A landscape artist, she paints both in oil and watercolor. The gallery is located 212 miles west of Aurora on Wellington Street. -D|N|NG LOUNGE ~DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS 'SPECIAL OCCASIONS CHEER/1 If All! Y E VE/l/T ‘11 r m; GflA rs ro/I/isA Graystones Tavern 183 Yonge St. Aurora 727-9561 7â€?“ OakVIY/t 3n,th loggflï¬â€˜? ’5 30/ [600015011 St. Hark K11. (519)8434710 (4/0) 842-267] atflWII 7 (1155, {101, Mon. «Silt. 70-6 {4/6) 683-1335 1011/11 5/10! 9n: Night 111/me Wat $101. 10-5 Area theatre holding workshop THORNHILL â€" North York Theatre for the Performing Arts, for- merly Thornhill Theatre of the Performing Arts, is holding drama workshops, Apr. 6. 13 and 18 at St. Cyril‘s Separate School, at 8 p.m., prior to casting their next play, “Everything in the Garden," which will be held in June. St. Cyril‘s is located at Kempford Ave., just west of Yonge St. and scuth of Finch Ave. Anyone wishing to take part in t} well as play a welcome The ch expand r planning musical. and the Angry M WITHIN WED. APRIL 6/77 me wishing to take the workshops, as s audition in the afterwards, is me to attend. club also hopes to 1 next year‘ and is 1g a revue, a big 11, yet to be chosen, me play, “Twelve Men THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT JACKPOT $1,000.00 THORNHILL LIONS Enjoy a warm tweak/1w visit one ofour showrooms Write/or a brat/1m Dept I [6’01 10/ 35mm NO ONE UNDER 16 YEARS ADMITTED John St. and Bawiew Ave. Thornhill ,4 vamp/111’ 51111112111 11/ far/y 61111111111111 ? [7/211 171111131111 7:40 pm. Earlybirds 8:00 pm. Regular Games Entertainment When A1 Zavitz of Essex Dr. in Richmond Hill. and other members of the Glenvale Drama Club, present their season opener, “Yes My Darling Daughter,“ Apr. 21-23. they'll have more than just their acting ability in common. Uses cane The only fully sighted player in the (7NIB production â€" Mr. Zavitz is partially sighted and makes his way thrOugh Richmond Hill streets with the aid of a white cane â€" is Marty Koven of Toronto. Green-eyed? TORONTO â€" Dr. Robert Blood, an Ann Arbor marriage coun- sellor. will speak at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. 252 Bloor Street West, Saturday April 23 at 8 Locations, cues and stage movements are solidly memorized and one has all the feeling that one is watching actors and actresses with full sight. Yet that won‘t deter them from moving through their production at the CNIB Auditorium, 1929 Bayview Ave., with all the appearance of any other experienced amateur group. The members, with the exception of one. are all blind. The lecture, titled Extra Marital Jealousy: Can the Greenâ€"Eyed Monster be Tamed?, is part of ‘Update: the family ‘77‘â€"the theme of the 5th annual conference on the family sponsored by York University‘s centre for continuing education. Dr. Blood will conduct an in-depth professional workshOp on extra marital jealousy Sunday, April 25. ca11667-2525. RICHMOND HILL â€" Sight Ibo/dental to C N/B performers NUMBERS ADMISSION s1.00 Thornhill. too Another area player in the cast is Gary Sarney of Thornhil]. Other members of the cast of the three-act comedy by Mark Reed are: Ruth Biron, Scar- boro; Betty Brown and Marion Treen‘ Toronto; Elsie Leslie, Weston. Directing the play are Joan Fullerton and Lucy -\l Zauitz Hill resident Advertisingq Lunansky of Toronto Teachers‘ College. Starting time is _8 p_.m. For ï¬ckets. whiéh are $1.50. call 884-0738. CANADIAN ADVERYISING ADVISORY BOARD Hranrh 3 HOME SHOW NATIONAL April 8 - 16, Coliseum, Exhibition Place, Toronto No. 1 Jackpot q'uuuԠNo.2 'nUU‘" Wed. April 6th No 1 Jackpot 55 No’s No. 2 - 56 No's Early Birds at 7:35 pm. - Reg. Games 8 Specials at 8 pm. $$TWO JACKPUTS$$ No. 1 Jackpot $60000 No.2 $50000 "YOUR BINGO CENTRE FOR ALL SEASONS" Ideas to make the good life Specialitees Francaises-diner prix fixe 4122 Bathurst St. 7 1 MI. N._'0f 401 I in North Yofk Mautre'd Marce keeps you posted. 1 MI. N, 01401 South of Sheppard The National Home Show. Make sure you're there to see the ideas that will make your good life better. Weekdays â€" 1:30 pm. to 10:30 pm. Saturdays & Good Friday, April 8 â€"10:00 am. to 10:30 pm. Sunday, April 10 â€" 10:00 am. to 8:30 pm. COME EARLY FOR GOOD PARKING Admission: Adults $2.50. Children 50¢. The 1977 National Home Show will be the largest ever, You'll see 13 acres of all the newest products and exciting exhibits from every area of housing and the environment industry. The “Do-it-yourself" Theatre in the West Annex is a brand new feature added to the popular Builders’ Showcase, Celebrity Model Rooms, Fashion Show. Green Thumb Theatre, Vacation Home Court, Consumer Centre. Indoor Plant & Flower Clinic. Microwave Oven Cooking Theatre, and of course, the spectacular Model Home. SPONSORED BY THE TORONTO HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION Trains Stop Hourly at CNE Station, RICHMOND HILL LEGION BINGO NO PLAYERS UNDER 16 YEARS ADMITTED Legion Hall, Ohio Rd., off Elgin Mills Road E. BETTER (WeaIaManl itttttttttttttttti *‘k‘k‘ki‘kt‘kt‘k‘k‘k‘kt‘kt‘kt * ROGERS, SLINGERLAND, LUDWIG,‘ * PEARL ETC ...... x» * COME IN AND SEE US TODA Yl.’ i» THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, April 6, 1977 â€" DRUM CITY LONG 8 McOUADE 459 BLOOR ST. WEST TORONTO 964-8006 10W, 10W, PRICES]! Bathurst Streetcars Stop at Door. FABULOUS BARGAINS IN DRUMS Mantre'd Marcel 633-8104