But it was Magna’s goalie Brian Casey coming up with some superlative saves to help his team pull out the victory. Scofing for Magna were Mark Gossman, Jim Barrie pulled its goaltender in the last minute and applied tremendous pressure in an effort to get the tying marker. There was no further scoring until Barrie narrowed the gap to 3-2 with a minute and 31 seconds left. They then made it 3-1 early in the third. Both teams stuck strictly to hockey and it resulted in an exciting game with Magna jumping into a 2-0 lead before the visitors hit the scoresheet. The series was tied at two games apiece when the final game was played Monday night of last week here. WELDRICK CONSTRUCTION 176 Weldrick Road 881-0069 Ma gna takes ti t/e ° SWIG - Trench ' Exvating . cums ‘ Septic Tarts 0 Draim (New and Repairs) RICHMOND HILL â€" The Richmond Hill Magna Midget II’s won the York Simcoe hockey league championship with a 3-2 win over: Barrie. flCHMOND HILL Darlene Douglas, 9, of Union- ville, and Chris Oldfield, 12, of Markham show the style they’ll THE SMART MONEY CARD Big ’Ice Fantasia’ Show B-Z â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, April 13, 1977 Res. eat-2654’ - Trenching DATSUN That's style This game ended regular season play for Wood and John Burnett. Assists went t0>Andy Beckwith, Dennis Reid, John Burnett and Jim Burnett. SISiEY FOR CONVENIENCE SISLEY FOR HONDA fl Muskin above ground pools 6†top seat vacuum equipped. t18’$735- * 24' $895. 1. 15' x25 $1,1 75. * CUSTOM CONCRETE (GUNITE) POOLS. PRICED ON REQUEST! 16’ x 32 FROM $8,950. t BARBEOUES â€" PATIO FURNITURE “NEW LINES†- POOL CHEMICALS, POOL ACCESSORIES â€" (Just north of High‘vQ ay 4Q}. at the Sheppard subwap stop.) 4709 Yonge Street. 223-3111 STEEL VINYL POOL SPECIAL TEST DRIVE A HONDA. V 8021 KENNEDY RD. N., UNIONVILLE be using during the 26th annual “Ice Fantasia†show at Unionville on the weekend. OPEN 7 DA Y8 A WEEK! 9 a. m (IN BUSINESS 10 YEARS) ‘/2 MILE SOUTH OF NO. 7 HWY Magna but they leave tomorrow (Thursday) for Brandon, Manitoba, where they will par- ticipate in the “Tour- nament of Champions†hockey tournament. TOTALLY INSTALLED INGROUND 297-3666 $4,399. from , Muskin filter Tony VanLoon, house league convener; Harry Sanders, refereeâ€"in-chief; Don McQuarrie York Simcoe Rep; Sandy Spensley, Women’s Auxiliary; Iris Irwin, ways and means; Marion Chapman, telephoning; Robert Vanderlynden, registration; Shirley Smith, trophy com- mittee; Paddy Heavener, publicity. Other members of the executive are: Ray Harris, past president; Glen Wright, lst vice- president; Robert Rennie, 2nd vice- president; Lyn Cairns, secretary; Ann McArthur, treasurer; Ted Clague, OMHA convener. M i n o r H o c k e y Association at its annual meeting. Maribel McKenzie was named president of the Oak Ridges and District Name Ridges exec. RICHMOND HILL â€" With very little heat, but much enthusiasm, the annual Spring Thaw Brier got under way last Monday and continues this week until the finals Thursday evening. The main event sur- vivers are rinks skipped by Jim Anderson, Jim Creighton, Walt Paul was also runner- up Junior Mens 1977 Western Ontario section championships and third to 5p.m. Spring Thaw Brier UNIONVILLE â€" The Unionville Figure Skating Club will be presenting its 26th annual “Ice Fantasia ‘77" show next Friday. Saturday and Sunday at Crosby Memorial Arena. The extravaganza will feature the talents of Josie France and Paul Mills, Western Ontario Section champions 1977. Junior Pairs Central Division champions 1977; Junior Pairs Canadian champions 1977; Junior Pairs Junior World champions at Megeve, France. 16’ x 32' Complete OAK RIDGES INGROUND POOL KITS $168500 By Ron Taylor Keith Anderson, Bruce Stephenson, Jack Shropshire, Don Richards, and Bob Taylor are fighting it out in the fourth event. Finals Thursday All male members are invited to the club Thursday to watch the finals, plus the club championship finals and join in the annual stag and presentations. The battle in the third event involves Dalt Hicks, Ron Logan, Barry Wilson, Wes Draper, and Len Lee, who won a bye because of his capacity as president. In the calcutta betting the present odds are 100 to 1 against the rink win- ning. Surviving skips in the second event are Leigh Raymond, Bill MacLeod, John Graydon, Bob Weiss, Floyd Perkins and Bob Thompson. With only one more win and better skill at curling than at euchre this sur- prising team of Ron Taylor, Keith Bluer and Pat Deciantis will find their way into the main event finalsi Lavender, Clark Bullock, Jack Rumney and to everyone‘s surprise, Elgin Barrow. The musical group, “Kaleidescope†will also be featured as well as a Another performer will be Paul Mills who was runner-up Junior Mens 1977 Western Ontario Section championships. third in the Junior Men 1977 Central Division championships. Also headlining will be Lorna Wrighton and John Dowding. They were lst runner-up in the Senior Dance in the Canadian championships 1977: and 2nd runner-up in the Senior Dance cham- pionships 1976. in Junior Men 1977 Central Divisional championships. USE OUR firestorm CREDIT PLAN Firestone Stores hill curling column Hwy, 400 E: Autma Side Road CARRYING PLACE COUNTRY CLUB Tel. (416) 727-5711 0R CHARG 1 Golf . memberships 7 Available ATTRACTIVE RATES Full, week-day, corporate FOR INFORMATION CALL Bill Tape Ron Ellis Pro(essiona| Manager What strange drink container was requested a few weeks ago? Which local millionaire might not be seen cruising the Trent system this summer? As the season draws to a close, two remaining questions are unan- swered. 7 Phone 'now for reser- vations since only the first 150 will be accepted. Both draws are now filled but members are invited to attend the fun evening on Saturday. Bring your skates. Very few numbers remain in the TV draw so be sure to sign up this week. Mother’s Day A new venture for the club this year is a Mother’s Day Dinner May 8 from 5:30 pm. to 7:30 pm. Why not invite the family to one of Lester’s fine buffets which will be offering beef, duckling and fish plus many extras. Mixed bonspiel The final mixed bon- spiel takes place this Saturday topped off with some well planned en- tertainment, the elimination draw and a skate-off The ladies section playoffs are over and the Bayview trophy winners are Carole Wood, Pat Jurczak and Cathy Luckasavitch, skipped by Mildred Rois. Gina Morlock and her rink was runner-up. on Main Street in Unionville. Show per- formances run from Friday at 8:30 p.m.; Saturday, 4:30 and 8:30 p.m.; Sunday, 2 pm. and 6 pm, For further ihformation and tickets call 633-9575, 297-2824, 887-5571. Tickets are $2 to $3 and may be purchased at the Crosby Memorial Arena Executive producer of the show is Dorene Trunk; Hans Algren. producer and director with coâ€"operation of professionals Jack Belec, Mary Jane Bradley and Linda Donnelly. Visit to the Phillippines with the Fiesta Filipina Dance Troupe. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE h Average home $250. Free now. 889-0506 or 895-1 351. 1st TREATMENT â€" FERTILIZATTdN†2nd TREATMENT â€" WEED _ DANDELION CRABGRASS CONTROL HEAT El- COLD EI- INSU LATION: â€" Tested and proven for over a quarter of a century â€" Serving all York County â€" Most homes require more insulation faction If you are having difficulty obtaining excellent service on your present import car, whether it be Toyota, Datsun, etc., call now Er arrange an appointment in our Brand New 12 Bay Service Dept. with all the electronic equipment 8 staff to give you total satis- PRICE BASED ON AN AVERAGE LAWN SIZE OF 2,000 80. FT. AT 1‘ PER 80. FT 00 PER TREATMENT (OR LESS) Mac Insulation Co. will insulate your home to guarantee 5; your fuel bills. No mess! Complete in four hours. We best cellulosic fiber-incel insulation. DRIVE WAYS PARKING LOTS TENNIS COURTS PATIOS - WALKS RECREATION AREAS Insulate now to save money in the winter and enjoy a cooler home in the summer. MAC INSU LATION 41 MAPLE AVE. THORNHILL PHONE MAc mow 889-0506 OR 895-1351 Firestone T0 BEAUTIFY AND PROTECT YOUR CONTRACTORS ORK YORK REGION TORONTO RICHMOND HILL NEWMARKET Richmond Hill 884-4401 START- THIS-SPRING SMALL CAR CENTRE [T0, 11623 Yonge St. 1 mile North of Richmond Hill. 773-4542 884-9274 (WITH A TWOâ€"TREATMENT PROGRAMME) BEAUTIFY WE KNOW IMPORTS HONDA CIVIC estimates. No obligations. Phone Mac PHONE (416) 1-722-5015 OR PHONE TOLL FREE (416) 1-800-261-0500 GIVE OPERATOR (1) Our Pager Number 2892 (2)“Y_c_>ur Message (We will return your call in minutes) RED (Estimates on request) LIQUID CONCRETE AND ASPHALTSEALER BLACK GREEN “'3232‘m FROM savings on ’e use the