Driveway doldrums FRIDAY APRIL29 It was all to no avail, however, and council resolved not to allow construction of the road. “Just think." said Corcoran afterwards, “if everyone here were dedicated to helping people. Just think of what could be done! Instead, here we are, playing politics.†“I find it preposterous he would come and ask us for that," he said. “If we assume it," countered Corcoran, “we get a subsidy. He‘s going to pay the shot. I think we’re one ahead." “You can’t have us break our own laws," maintained Burnie. “I don’t see where it could do any harm." said Councillor Bill Corcoran. “We could put the maintenance contract right in the deed." Presented by Royal Canadian Legion Branch 375 GERMAN FOODS BAVARIAN BANDS AND DANCERS u Commissioner of Works Bernard Toporowski told councillors the 300-foot road built to provincial standards, would cost approximately $11,000. RICHMOND HILL â€" Although a local resident has offered to pay the entire construction and maintenance cost for a 300-foot roadway into his land-locked property, Richmond Hill council Monday refused to co-operate. The bylaw stipulates the town must assume all roads built to provincial stan- dards and that, once assumed, the town must maintain those roads. Without a road into his 4-acre holding, Fidele is unable to get a building permit for a home. His property is located north of Snively Street off Bayview. M “Our bylaw is quite clear, said Coun- cillor Mike Burnie. “I’m not prepared â€" whether Fidele or God constructs it â€" to have taxpayers pick up a 300-foot road to plow out for Mr. Fidele." Angelo Fidele, with his solicitor Alan Fenster, couldn’t persuade councillors to bend a town bylaw. HOME mt RICHMOND HILL ARENA OUR GREATEST SALE EVER. SPECIA L MVIHGS OI‘I OUR OLD 04PM DA PII‘IE FURNITURE AND NOW, A HEWDARK, TRADITIONAL LINE/ILSO AT GREAT SAVINGS STOCK OH MOST ITEMS. HOFBRAU FESTIVAL Legion. ADMISSION ONLY $ PLUS TAL I PLUS TAX FUN STARTS 6PM TIL 1AM (RESTRICTED TO PERSONS18YRS.OFAGE AND OVERT‘aâ€"v Lucky draw admission when you buy your ticket from the Legion- 924-7n1n GIANT BAVARIAN BEER FESTIVAL UHIOHV) LLE DAILY EXCEPT MON DAY SUNDAY FROM 12 WSW! municipality‘ under the Conservation Act, Councillor Bob Forhan of Newmarket said he was afraid a precedent was being set that could Although it {was made clear the region is NEWMARKET â€" Regional councillors last week pushed the moving of Richmond Hill’s Presbyterian manse a little further through government red tape by giving their blessing to the undertaking. TORONTO â€" Clive Ryland and Jean Halliwell, who appeared as the bemused parents in the Curtain Club's production of “Allin Good Time" in January. received nominations for best performance in a supporting role at the presentation of Festival awards at the Royal York Regional Planning Chairman Dave Fraser (Vaughan) moved the Favor manse move 2 local NEWMARKET â€" York Region council was asked last week to take action on a non-existent item. Spring Millscalled nonje‘xilstenft Local newspapers and the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce have been asked to un~ dertake and co-ordinate a public appeal and sub- scription to assist in paying the cost. The old manse is to be moved to Pioneer Village. Lou Wainwright of Richmond Hill spoke on behalf of the project and said he was “kind of disappointed the town only saw fit to donate $100." Ryland and Halliwell were two of eight nominations for the Blanche Hogg Award, which was won by Malcolm Martin of the Eastside Players for his role in Ibsen‘s “A Doll House." become contagious region approve Amend- ment 9 to the Official Plan of Richmond Hill . . . the Spring Mills develop- ment. The week before, however, Richmond Hill council had rescinded the actors nominated Hotel, Apr. 16 Martin has also ap- peared with Club. Last year, H all i w ell nominations Spring Miils Estates Limited was an ap- plication to rezone 108.7 acres just south of the Trailwood subdivision at Gormley Road and approving bylaw Starting Tuesday, April 26th, 1977 the Waterworks Department will be flushing watermains in the following areas. R.H. Kraft P. Eng., Town Engineer‘ Town of Vaughan Maple, Ontario TOWN OF VAUGHAN WATERMAIN FLUSHING 165 wellington east aurora 727-3012 1972 OLDS, DELTA ROYALE. 55,000 miles, APB 672. V/8 automatic, PS/PB 23,000 miles, 6 cyl., auto., Lic. KFA 997 V/8, PS/PB, 47,000 miles. Lic. JFR 869 1975 CHEVELLE WAGON walters FINE USED AUTOMOBILES 1976 DODGE DART the Curtain Ryland and r e c e i v e d in the best THORNHILL CONCORD INDUSTRIAL AREA MAPLE KLEINBURG WOODBRIDGE s2,050. s3,725 $3,995 Councillor Fraser argued. “There has been some question raised as to the validity of Rich- mond Hill's bylaw." Bayview Avenue actor and best actress category. This year the two categories have been reduced to the sole state of best performer. Top quality palm manulachued SWCIIICaIIy Ior Domnmon Hardware “I‘m advised by the s119:3? Allencourt Dominion Hardware King City Dominion Hardware 3‘129 99:2†1-1/2m x60de $187 3/4 m :60 yds MASKING TAPE QT‘ ROLL 433 Markham Road Richmond Hill, Ontario 884-533] solicitor his clients will be taking it to court,“ he said. “I did discuss the matter with Councillor Fraser," Spring Mills solicitor Ron Bederman told The Liberal Tuesday. “I don’t know what course of action we‘re going to follow," said Bederman. "But I‘m not sure that‘s what I said." “But it’s safe to say,“ he added, “when we do (FROZEN, CASE GOODS, PAPER PRODUCTS) OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Maple Dominion Hardware SALE WHOLESALE GROCERIES 172 CENTRE ST. EAST. RICHMOND HILL ALL SALES FINAL RECEIVER'S CASH OR CERTIFIED CHEOUE ONLY "SEALES" P.0. Box 836 Maple, Ontario 832-1430 “Besides,†he said, “I wouldn’t want to deal with something if there were legal actions pen- ding.†“The region,†said Richmond Hill Clerk Dave Weldon. “cannot. to Regional Solicitor Ted Oakes refused to make a recommendation on what he called ‘a non-existent item‘. make a decision, you‘ll probably be the last to know." THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. April 20. 1977 _ 3.11 P.0. Box 94 King City, Ontario 833-548] 66‘; Joseph Sprackman Squad (U S capacuy Councillor Lois Hancey (Richmond Hill) seconded Fraser‘s motion, which was tabled for clarification." Contacted Tuesday, Fraser told The Liberal “I wouldn‘t support a motion that attempted to negate the actions of a local council . . . maybe that’s the problem with regional government!†the best of my knowledge, overrule the town on its Official Plan.†NATURAL CORK WALL PANELS $199 PASSAGE WAY SET ‘449EA U EA pvacv LOCK SE! ‘4 98 EA $098 ENTRY LOCK SET PKG ,. RECElVER