By g0|ly. “1001‘s like a g00d 0119- home in Richmond Hill Spring JaCk Rumne)’ can hardly Thaw Brier last week. The smile contain himself as this rock rolls faded lawn He lost, Bring on those trouts Bruce‘s Mills: Two miles east of Don Mills Road on the Gormley- Stouffville Sideroad; opens 8 am. to sundown. TORONTO â€" The spawning run is nearly over and the season opens for trout fishing April 30 at six Metro Region Conservation Areas. Good trout fishing opportunities are available within easy driving distance of Toronto with times ap- plying to opening weekend only unless otherwise stated. Albion Hills: Four miles north of Bolton on Highway 50 opens 8 am. tthï¬nUan. " " " ’“ Claremont: Two miles Situated North Duï¬errn Street OFF MAPLE SIDEBDAD WE WELCOME BACK ALL OUR OLD CADâ€" DIES AND OTHER BOYS AND GIRLS 13 AND OVER TO ENJOY A HEALTHY SUMMER AND EARN GOOD MONEY TO HELP YOU THROUGH YOUR NEXT SCHOOL TERM. Please Phone 889-4772 Pro Shop for registration CADDIES OPENING SATURDAY. APRIL 16th MAPLE DOWNS GOLF CLUB â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. April 20, 1977 We're prepared to make you a MONEY SAVING DEAL RIGHT NOW! Open evenings, Monday - Thursday till 10 pm Fridays and Saturdays till 6 pm. 0N BRAND NEW CARS AND TRUCKS N0 REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! VISIT US TO-DAY reighton rinl< A Win? Atta baby H e a r t L a k e : Approximately four miles north of Highway 7 on the Heart Lake Road; open 8 am. to dusk until the end of May; offers rental row boats; bait is restricted to worms and flies. Greenwood: Five miles north of Pickering, off the Westney Road; open 8 am. to sundown. east of Brougham on Highway 7 and one and a quarter miles north of the Westney Road; open 8 am. to sundown. Glen Haffy: South of Mono Mills and Highway 9 on Airport Road; open 8 3m. to sundown April 30, May 1, 7 and 8; open 10 a.m. to sundown for the balance of the season; The regular $2 parking fee is in effect at these areas. For further in- formation contact Metro Region Conservation at 661-6600, Extension 286. In this instance, there is a two fish limit per angler and bait is restricted to worms and flies, two ponds stocked several times a week from the authority‘s hatchery. rarestone Stores USE OUR flnotonc CREDIT“ 0 Inst!" new dlSC pads O Rapack Iron! outer wheel bearings 0 Inspect "om rotors 0 Inspect hom calipers 0 Inspect from grouse seals 0 lnspecl master cyhnder O Inspea brake hardware 0 Inspect bvako hoses AM no 00.10.:- hood munocmg (30.000 um. prom-a "mum FRONT DISC RELINE 20,000 Mile ‘Flrestone prorated warranty SISLEY FOR CONVENIENCE SISLEY FOR HONDA (Just north of Highway 401. at the Sheppard subway stop.) 4709 Yonge Street. 223-3111 TEST DRIVE A HONDA. Photo by Hogg CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Richmond Hill 884-4401 RICHMOND HILL â€" As the Calcutta odds indicated, Jim Creighton‘s rink won the Spring Thaw Brier at the club last Thursday evening beating out Jack Rumney. This was only one of the honors this very strong rink won over the past curling season. Bil] MacLeod, also as predicted, won the club championship on the same evening. Soring out winners of all the schedules was almost impossible and to prove the point, Al Clugston, during one of his five or six trips to the prize table, actually could not remember why he was called up. Len Lee and his rink also picked up a fair share of the vouchers. Lady prizes The ladies were also passing out prizes earlier in the week for their playoff winners. In the third schedule skip entry, top honors went to Mildred Rois and her rtink of Laura Wat- son. Betty Kerr and Penny Thompson. Mini In the Mini Major competition, our two rinks. made up of Joanne Bloxam, Betty Schwan, Susan Rae and Marg Jean Coneybeare, Ruth Taylor. Pat Naylor and Carole Wood won the Perkins trophy for their win in the Ladies Skip entry. . Closing spiel The Ladies Closing Spiel had 48 curlers in double teams curling two ends alternately. Convener Clare Wood and her committee of Dorothy Nystrom, Hilda Mulcahy, Marie Rice and Marj Baillie reversed the prizes and gave first place to the losers. In the senior section, the trophy winners were Faye Weiss. Florence Rintoul, Helen Schenoffer and Marg Mellon. 4 WHEEL DRUM RELINE 20,000 MILE Firestone prorated warranty 0 Install new Immgs o Repack Iron! ouler wheel beenan 0 lnspeci wheel cyllnders 0 Inspect masler cylinder 0 Insped tron! grease seals 0 Inspect brake hardware 0 |nspec1 brake hose: 0 Inspect brake drums By Ron Taylor tram Cooper, plus Chris Rickaby with Colleen Alexson, Glen Hamilton The curling wasn't too serious but the social atmosphere certainly improved. Each team curled four ends in each game but only threw a total of four rocks per end. This amounted to ap- proximately one half an hour on the ice for each of four games. Jack Vernon and his fashionable rink of Jill Ring, Mary Barrow and the worlds best second started off well but were beaten by the eventual winners, Len Lee and Paul Welsh. A new idea for the closing spiel went quite well last weekend and should become an annual event. Paul's top rink included Shirley Bruce, Byron Ring and June Beaumont. Perkins wins On the other draw. Floyd Perkins wrapped up the season with another victory, this time his rink was made up of Janet Thomson, lucky Bil] Schwan and Beth Pryce. Mike Olynec was second and third prize went to Ron Logan. This fine spiel was topped off with a delicious buffet by Lester and his wife Pauline and an excellent "roast" of Jack Shropshire, organized by Bill Oliver and his sup- porting cast of Dalt Hicks. Bill MacLeod. Danny Milford, June Beaumont. Orton Beaumont, Ruth Taylor, Garnet Dawson. Dave Pulchinski, Tab Mac- donald, Elgin Barrow, Bob Whitaker. and Len Lee. and Mary Deane, placed second and third in their division. Well done. DRUM/DISC RELINE 20.000 MILE firestorm prorated warranty I |nsla|| now hon! dISC pads 0 Install new rear Innings I Ropack tron! outer wheel bearings O lnspocl drums and rotors 0 Inspect from calipers O Inspou rear wheel cyllndors o Inspoc! master cylinder 0 Inspect lronl greaso seals 0 |nspoc1 brake hardware 0 Inspect brake hoses ANY ADDITIONAL nuts on uaoun WILL as QUOYED anon: woax IS sumw hill curling column Jack and Vera leave our club this year for a new venture in Orillia and this was a good op- portunity to get even with Jack for all the em- barrassing moments he has given the club. The elimination draw was a complete sellâ€"out, and thanks to Bob Thompson's ideas and the Board of Directors assistance it was suc- cessfully carried out. Nice Liz Hillaby walked away with the color TV,. The final trophy presented to him was the most appropriate. Good luck Vera. Purina Dog Chews Town 8 Country Ken L Burger Milkbone Romar hurgain Pep Dr. Bailards Kal Kan Master Feeds Society 1 Menu Top Choice Topbreed Gravy Train Ken L Treats Flavour Snacks Gains Meal Ken L Ration Healtho Budget Champion Burgerbits Purina Dog Chows Town 8 Country Ken L Burger Milkbone Romar Shurgain Pep 1 Dr. Ballards 3 K3! Kan Derby Wpo Master Feeds Society Menu Purina Dog Chows Town Er Country Ken L Burger Milkbone Romar Shurgain E39_ DISCOUNT PRICES HARTZ MOUNTAIN PET SUPPLIES Harlz Mountain Quality Cat Litter 10 lbs. 89¢ F 25 lbs. .99 F 50 lbs. F Harlz Mountain 2 in 1 flea collars < dogs and cats Dr. Ballards 15 oz. Champion dog food DUJ 6V2 02. luxury dog food 29'; to Apr. 27 AlpO 14‘/2 oz. canned dog food Dr. Ballards 24 oz. speciality dog food Thanks to all who supported this effort. Cash prizes went to Wayne Hindmarch. Margot McKinnon, Linda McKinney, Dave Bruce. Barry Wilson, Marg Shaw and Bob Moore. Clonie Jones had her ticket drawn first from the 264 sold and was compensated $25. while Audrey Louden will have the next year’s curling fees paid for by the club. Purina Tender Vittles12 pack (500 gr.) Kal Kan gourmet dog food 14 oz Kal Kan gourmet cat food 6 oz Ken L Meal 20 kg. (44 lbs.) $7.95 to April 27 Ken L. Kibble 20 kg. (44 lbs.) $7.95 to April 27 Gravy Train 4 kg. (8.81bs.) $2.95 to April 27 Happy cat - Semi moist cat food 5 lb. (2.27 kg.) Milkbone beef flavour 24 oz. 89¢ Reg. Price PET FOOD & SUPPLIES If you are having difficulty obtaining excellent service on your present import car, whether it be Toyota, Datsun, etc., call now Er arrange an appointment in our Brand New 12 Bay Service Dept. with all the electronic equipment 8 staff to give you total satis- faction FREE PARKING -DOOR PRIZES-SNACK BAR ARCHERY RANGE - MOVIES EQUIPMENT DISPLAYS - SLIDE SHOW DEMONSTRATIONS - PHOTO DISPLAYS OPEN: MON-WED. SAT. 9:00 am. - 6:00 pm. THURS, FRI. 9110 am. - 8:00 pm. PET VALU Rain checks available on specials 10593 YONGE ST. IN SHOPRITE PLMA ADMISSION Adults: $1.00 - Studentswx'ï¬â€™Ã©) & Children: .50¢ SOUTH OF ELGIN MILLS RD. (BEHIND MACDONALD’S) FOR INFORMATION CALL SMALL CAR CENTRE [T0, 11623 Yonge St. 1 mile North of Richmond Hill. 773-4542 884-9274 SATURDAY APRIL 23, at 10:00am. to 5:00 p.m THORNLEA SECONDARY SCHOOL on Bayview Ave. 1»: miles north of Steeles Ave. ARCHERY CANADA ‘77 YORK PIONEER BOWMEN HONDA CIVIC WE KNOW IMPORTS $2.69 CONCRETE STEPS driveways E: - cheen b|o< IMPORT OWNERS IRON RAILINGS $2.85 Sm ALSO AVAILAB 29¢ 99¢ 37¢ 57¢ Regular Price Regular price Regular Price Regular Price Regular price PRESENT Reg. Price Reg. Price to April 27 Reg. Price 1355 Shawson Drive, Mississauga (1 Block N. of 401 â€" West off Dixie Rd.) Reg. Price Reg. Price 3 Year Guarantee UNIT PRECAST CD. 678-9331 FREE ESTIMATES Purina Cat Chows 9 Lives V Puss N Boots Tender Vitties Kal Kan K Dr. Ballards ! Derby ‘ Pamper Flavour Snacks Special Menu Meow Mix Purina Kitten Chow Happy Cat Budget Miss Mew Tetramin Theralin Linatone Esbilac Mirra Coat Purina Cat Chow 9 Lives Puss N Boots Tender Vittles Kal Kan Dr. Ballards Derby Pamper Flavour Snacks Special Menu Meow Mix Purina Kitten Chow Happy Cat Budget ‘ Purina Cat Chow ’ 9 Lives Puss N Boots ‘ Tender Vittles Kai Kan Dr. Ballards Derby Pamper Flavour Snacks Special Menu Meow Mix Purina Kitten Chow $323200 FROM