Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Apr 1977, B8

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Newly decomed. tannly to school and shoppm June. $385 month Ca atterS. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT inwlIlllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllfl'lllll|lllllllllllllllllll|IIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIHIIIIIIIllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIJlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|||l|llllllllllllllllllllllll||III|Illl|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|In"I‘IIHIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIHllINN|IlllllllIIHIUIIIIIIIIIIIIII|lIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllII|mlll‘llllfllllflflfllflflflmlfllllllIIIIIIllllIllIllllll"IlllIIIllIIIIIIIIlllllflllllflumlllfi We have funds to lend for renovations, debt consolidation, or any other purpose - No Penalties for prepayment - No Hidden Costs â€" Best Rates 8 Terms â€" Up to 20 â€" year amortization - Up to 85% of appraised value. B-s â€"- THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. April 20. 1977 fllllllllllllllllllll _ lIIllllllIllIIIIlllllllllllllIIIllllllllllIIIIIIlllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|lllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllmllllllllllllllIllll|IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIll|lllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllIIIllIIIlllllllIllllllllllllllllll||llllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE REASONABLE RENT 884-5272 For fast loan approval service come to us. We're in your neighbourhood. Northtown Shapping Centre 5385 YONGE ST. 225-8809 NATIONAL TRUST $600 per month new, completer Magnificent Vlew Ideal for othce 0: small I) Loans for Home Owners 2nd Mortgages 3 Bedroom Home WENMORE FINANCIAL LTD. 10140 Yonge St., Richmond Hill 884-0677 Deborah Berger 773-5268 YONGE- CENTRE RICHMOND HILL Newly renovated building at Yonge and Markham Rd. Richmond Hill 727-1354 Toronto 782-4442 McDQNALD DRIVE, AURORA 483 Sq Ft AURORA THE MONEY MANAGERS FIRST, SECOND & THIRDS NEW LOWER RATES Ideal for Doctors, Real Estate Accountant Sales Office, Etc. FOR RENT filly: '29 Business, Office Space Jim Fraser 487-7101 Young and Biggin Real Estate OConsohdate Debts and Reduce Payments OHome Improvements oPurchase Real Estate THORNHILL PENTHOUSE APARTMENT (JUST SOUTH OFF WELLINGfON ST. W) WEEKDAYS MON. ~ FRI. 2 T0 9 PM, SAT. 11 AM » 5 PM SUN. 11 AM. - 5 PM Each wnh â€" 3 bedroom Vlsn our love Wellington 172 3 bedroom penthouse condominium apartment, brand broadloomed, 5 appliances, your own laundry room. Indoor pool. sauna‘ hobby looms exetCIse room. ‘5‘ Houses To Rent CHILDREN MUST WELCOME Apartments To Rent BORROW ON THE EQUITY IN YOUR HOME Fast Personalized Service In Your Home Townhouses 884-9235 “4 Mortgages wely f RV MORTGAGES Zl‘ihtral Classifieds 884-1105 - 1106 nths. Also outdoor pool ‘hed model townhouse MAPLE. is worn home. 2 baths. large galden. $450. 832-2364. FM“ AURORA Heights. 6 room backspllt semi. available May 15th. Retelences 727-4669. 2 BEDROOM house on a large lot $250 month. Call 8841869 after 6 Waterfront lot. 313.900. Safe. sandy beach for children, $500. down. LAKE SIMCOE 494-2800 “’5 Vacation Properties c2w41 c2w42 C2w42 tfc27 PROFESSIONAL tutnring by qualified teacher, children Grades 1-8‘ All gublects Including French. 884- Gas powemd. .Pleasantwlle area Rewald ' 7891 ARE you womed about someone a dunking problem? If so. conta¢ Anon. 366-4072 01 wnte P.0. AVAILABLE A] PRIVAIE FARM For one or two horses Wooded riding 884-2137. DO you have a dnnkmg problem? It so AA can help. Wnte Box 84. Richmond H1”. 0: call 4876591. DO somethnng new vous Dating Ltd Blampton 11 am ages weicome Richmond Hrll â€" $270 monthly. 2 bedroom house B-85 Aurora â€" $300 monthly. 3 bedroom duplex 8-85 Thornhill â€" $225 monthly. 1 bedroom apartment 8-77 chhmond Hrll - $210 monthly, 1 bedroom apartment 3-83 erlowdale â€" $280 monthly, 2 bedroom apartment B~75 Bradford â€" $258 monthly. 2 bedroom apartment 8-66 Aurora â€" $258 monthly, 2 bedroom apartment 8-64 Richmond Hill â€" $400 monthly, 4 bedroom house B-71 Don Mills â€" $250 monthly, 2 bedroom apartment 8-55 Many more on lrle Drop In and see us today (lee charged) Located in a 2% year old prestige Richmond Hill Shopping Centre. A real chance for a family or business person to gain inde~ pendence, and at less than replacement cost. Mall and store sh0wing healthy annual increases. All statements available. FEMALE companlon wanted for dnve to Banff‘ Mustdrwe. Call Kathy, 884- BEAGLE. male 11/2 years old. Free to good home. 7734305. 7729 Cropped. vaccmated and dewmmed Flashy bundles 884-8477 Property of D and 8 Sales. $25.00t Inventory. Monday. Apnl 25, 6 pm. sharp, at Stoultvrlle stock yards. 50 new Englrsh and western saddles, all name brands, 300 halters, 100 brrdles, 100 parr ol English breeches. saddle pads, blankets, show equrpment, rumprng saddles, srlver show saddles. etc. etc etr Complete tack shop Inventory; C3“ lor Inlormatron 1640-4198, Sellrnrz plece by prece and wholesale lots. EVERYONE WELCOME EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD For rental homes. apartments, rooms. townhouses, throughout York Regron and North Metro. EA. Scott 669-1717 THE POODLE SCENE For further information call Child's Helicopter Public Auction 154 RES|DENT|AL RENTALS A.E. LePage (Ontario) Ltd. Reaitor POODLE CLIPPING PET GROOMING & ACCESSORIES 10088 Yonge St.. Richmond HI” 620 530 PROHTABLE UGHHNG FRANCHISE STORE Boxer Pups ‘35 Business Opportunities 10217A YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL 0R CAIVL 8847214 351 708 hmond Hull Conhdenha. BOARD 52° Personals Transportation SADDLES, BRIDLES, RIDING EQUIPMENT Houses to Rent 884-5587 Lost 8 Found LOST 350 Pets Livestock 884-8722 Tutoring LOOK HERE 1 so. contact Al- wnte PO. Box Phone Rendez "4531661" c2w41 fit 29 fic29 With All RELIABLE cleaning lady wanted. 1 day week. must have own tlan- sportatlon. After 6 pm. 833-6173. Home Typing TYPING done In my own home. IBM Selectnc typewnter. 884-6872. EXPERIENCED cleaning woman required, one day every other week, to Stan. Ior townhouse in Thornhill. Own transportation. References requued, 8812083. LEARN to fly. Introductory HIght $5. Toronto Airways Ltd , Buttonwlle Auport. 297-1422. m 52 ALTERATIONS done at home,_ Call 884-7987. c5w38 A quantity of mrxed sawdust and manure. Professronal and amateur gardeners welcome. Gaylands Farm. No. 7 Hwy. between Bayvrew & Leslle North SldP. shawberry plants and duck eggs‘ 884-32554 c3w42 TREES. SIIVEI Maples. 10' â€" $9. Other types available‘ RR. 1, 18th Ave., Richmond Hill. 884-8630. PERENNIALS, Raspberry canes and INSTANT PRINTING Due to high unemployment figures. 2 mdustnous expenenced students seek work. Cmshed stone. sand. concrete gravel. etc. Delivered In small quantities. J 8 B Lawn Mower Repair 8 Service Reasonable rates. RR. 1, 18th Ave“ RichmOnd Hill. 884-8630. 3 rm. north of Kmé City on Keele St Dig yout own for $5 Vanety of sues to 6 ft. Estimates on digging or transplanting 889-9409 Studio Number (between 7 pm. and 9 pm.) or call collect 1 - 895- 6618 (between 1 pm. and 6 pm). .. New enrolling students fdr pnvate mdxvudual Insttuctlon on the drum set. 15 years teaching experience and formerly wuth the Teaching Staff of the Ontario College of Percussion. Toronto, For more Information phone Driveway Gravel Call Randy The Printing Place 883-1307 COW MANURE FREE COFFEE WHILE YOU WAIT Photo Copying ~ 10' Pnntlng of every descnptlon YARD MAINIENANCE PAINI ING GENERAL REPAIRS VERY REASONABLE 5‘“ Domestic Help Wanted Trees Pine & S ruce Dig your own or $5 ELITE ALTERATIONS CO. Fertilizer Free “5 Employment Wanted Accounting Bookkeeping lRandv or RBId Knappett's Landscaping Baywew 8. 18th Ave.. Richmond HIII 884-3089 832-1595 FOR SALE PHONE AFTER 5 PM King-Keele NurseryAFarm 884-9697 881-4209 Fast Serwce Ple up & Delivery 727-4186 0 Painting 0 Decorating 0 Carpentry 0 Plumbing Interior - Exterior Nursery Farm Reasonable For free estimates please call HELP ng-Keele Gardening &Supplies Huston Cameron Drum Studio 7" Miscellaneous 884-2753 708 c4w40 C2w4l Tutoring de W42 DAYCARE given in my home. any age Blueglass â€" Elgln MIHS. 884-3514 WILL look aftEr children In my home. Monday-Friday. Ages 2-5 years. Reasonable rates. Call 884-6813 anytime. (17). experienced babysuttel available daily, Has references WILL gwe daycare Markham Rd Yonge. Back yard. 3 years and 884-5785, OXFAM . . . a baby food? RELIABLE daycale gwen In my home Hlllcrest Mall area. 883-1644. DAYCARE available In my home Hllluest Mall area. 8849446. Top Sml, Garden MIX, Cow Manure‘ 3‘2 cu. yds. - $29.50. Free delivery In Richmond Hill & Thornhlll aleas Small quantities available. F0! Senior CIIIZEHS Good food - companionship. Must be ambulatory and In reasonably good phySIcaI and mental health, Semi private (2 to a room. pnvate wash- room). Wamng lust for private room. TRENTVIEW House, Year round resort "1 Muskoka. offering specialized service for retired or handicapped persons. Short or long terms. Very reasonable rates. For longer stays cost would be less than your pensions, If you qualify. PO. Box 331, Gravenhurst, Ontario, POC lGO. have organized home care for Chlld- ren. 3 years and up. Nourishing lunches. Enrollment limited, 884- 8789or884»8611. algal Nov exaclly sponsored N are feeding and teaching aboufi nutriho their lunle on P.O, BOX 18.000 STN‘ "A" TORONTO MSW 1W2 OXFAM TWO FORMER TEACHERS Work-n9 Wuh People Who Are Helpmg Ihemselves Knappett's Lanscaping & Garden Supplies RESPONSIBLE GIRL SCREENED LOAM CAREFREE LODGE Bayview & 18th Ave., Richmond Hill ‘3“ Rest Homes 541 Call Administrator 884-7373 884-3089. 223â€"8990 Daycare but OXFAM n Programs 1 die c4w42 ‘ovhers tfc41 Your time is worth money as an Avon Representative. Cash rn on that spare time. Win prizes too. No sellrng experrence necessary. Has caree! opponumtnes far experienced commissmn salesperson. Posmon available m our furniture department. The successful applicant WI“ enloy mu company benefits Including: to Irve In. Responsnble mature person to look after 3 yr. old child In the country. must do housework. laundry. cooking. able to dnve and SWIm. Experience With young chrldren necessary. References please. EXPERIgm'EE OFF’ICE PERSONNEL Requrred for full trme posrtron In a one person offrce commencrng May 16. 1977 Varrous dutres Include typrng‘ answerrng phone. payro|l, accounts receivable. acc0unts payable and bookkeeprng to lrral balance, Some experrence preferred We requrre for a prestrgrous Town House development. mature person who can work Independently and who enIOys dealrng wrth the publrc by telephone and In person. Some typrng rs necessary and related experrence In condominium admrnrstratron or property maragement rs requrred, North Ontario Mould Co. Ltd. 293 Markham Road, Richmond Hill, Ont FOR KMIORWY OR PERMAM NT PLACEMENT REGISTER YODAY 15% discount on personal purchases 5 day - 371/2 hr. work week APPLY IN PERSON T0: aavonssn jun " SECRETMIAL 400, g‘aaéficn 41mm For appomtment please 03“: K.A. Garner Metropolitan Trust Company 869-1880 Ext. 135 Garden Centre Help 889-7388 Simpsons-Sears Ltd. Housekeeper-Nanny RECEPTIONIST TYPIST Avon has territories open Relief 1 night a week No weekends RN. or R.N.A. ASSISTANT PROPERTY MANAGER Bayview at John ALLISON AGENCY v/ ~ experienced, chauffeur's licence required Personnel Dept. Simpsons-Sears Ltd., Upper Canada Mall, Newmarket, Ont. Requlred by Trust Company Shorthand. Good telephone mannel Prevmus office experience preferred in King Township CALL RECEPTIONIST â€" TYPIST Sears 889-7072 (9 t03 p.m.) 884-1107 Mrs. Evans 884-1515 727»1307 895-1551 727-8694 AVON REQUIRED evgs‘ 727-8649 5"5 Help Wanted 43th Vehicles may be Inspected Thursday and Friday lrom noon to 7 p m You can buy before the sale ll you WISh. at the compound of MID METRO VEHICLE HOLDING LTD 815 PHARMACY AVE JUST SOUTH OF EGLINTON 1968 FORD Station wagon Good CEI'Ilfled condition. 3200 8896184 evemngs. ResponSIbIe‘ happy. person to “VE'In active country home and care for two young boys, help With housework and cookmg. Must time and 5mm REPLIES T0 We at McLean's are expanding our Shop McDonald's Restaurants requires at 8177 Yonge St Thornhill. full time maintenance staff, The Job duties include: takrng apart, washrng, and setting up restaurant equrpment. and cleanrng windows, walls. floors and furniture. Previous experience is not necessary‘ Hours are from 11 pm. - 7 am. Be your own boss - work close to home and enyoy a varred and res- ponsrble posrtron m thrs small friendly office There IS no typrng requrred rn (hrs posrhon as you handle hooks up to and rncludrne lnal balance. payroll and phones $180+. Wage range is S600 - 800 per month. McDonald's offer a wide range of company benefits. Including a medical and dental plan. comprehenswe Insurance policy, and regular performance and wage revrews. Please apply - 11 am. or2 OPEN IO THE PUBLIC SATURDAY AT 11 AM Bookkeeper Richmond Hill ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks AUTO-TRUCK AUCTION Dental Assistant/ Receptionist Drake Personnel 630-0064 884-8456 Counter Help required for new dental office at Gateway Plaza. Wellington St. & Handa Dr DR. HOWARD YOUNG Wanted Full & Part Time Mother’s Help OOPEN DAILY FOR SALES. CARS AND TRUCKS WILL BE SOLD DIRECTLY TO THE PUBLIC 11 am. Sat. April 23 ALL ORDERS To BE APPROVED .BY MANAGEMENT $100 DEPOSIT 0R CERTIFIED CHEQUE REQUIRED experienced In transmussmnand an condmomnl Service Manager Tony DeCiantis 759-4116 Box 494, Aurora AH benefits Including pensmn plan. medical and dental plan The Donut NO. INDOOR AUTO AUCTION CONTINUING OUR GOOD SERVICE POLICY Experienced New& Used car Clean-up Personnelli Body repairman, 727-1104 727-4571 Licenced Mechanic JANITORIAL MAINTENANCE NO.7 851-3033 727-9444 APPLY IN PERSON WE REQUIRE A Hcenced or phone 4 pm. Friday Convertible Fully power equipped V8. automatic, 430 engine Good condition As :3 $950 Call 005139.200 Sell $40800 75 GMCZton Van Electric brake and tow hutch New tear mes Aluminum van. luned and hatdwood flows. Power steenng. brakes Radio Extra fuel tank 4 speed transmussuon 31000 miles. 1973 PONIIAC LeMans. Many options. WI“ certmy. $2450. 773- 4 door sedan 6 cylindet 68.000 mules Can be termed Buy as IS at$325 1972 PLYMOUTH Fury III, V8 automahc 2 £100! hardtop, Best offer 8810755 1972 CUTLASS Supreme.‘ Excellent condmon. $2500 889-5758. 1967 GRAND Pansmnne. Best offer 889-6753. 5264 Low muleage°o excelleni condition Second car. no longel (equned Reasonable After 5 pm 884-0079 1968 BUICK WILDCAT 22 000 miles 2 dour Vrnyl roof. Power steerrng and brakes Steel belted radrals and snows 6 cylrnder Very economrcal to operate Excel~ lent condrtron 889-0831. 1976 Datsun 8-210 - Home evgs. 1966 PONTIAC â€"0flice 75 Pontiac Grand LeMans ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks 1974 CORVETTE 454, 75 Trailet HD Tandem 8 ton wuth ramps. $1.800 884-6365 773-5140 884-7761 884-7716 884â€"6136 24000 miles shape Call Vince 16 2c plw42

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