3-10 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, April 27. 1977 To operate one of the Town's Transrt Vehrcles at the followrng trmes during school sessron and Saturdays only In the summer: Week days - 8:00 AM. - 9:30 AM. - 3:00 PM, - 4:30 PM. Saturdays ~ 9:30 AM. - 5:30 PM. Successful applicant to be at least 21 years of age. In good physical and mental health. possessing a valid Ontarro Chauffeurs chense (Class "C" under new classrlrcatron system). be courteous and well groomed at all times. Rate of pay - $5.00 per hour. Please apply no later than May 2. 1977 to: 015% DISCOUNT AT SEARS OPROFIT SHARING ORETIREMENT PLAN Please apply in person to: Duties: Responsible, under the Director of the Developmr research and prepare technical reports on: -Development proposals 00fficia| Plans OAmendmenBIOOtï¬aalPhns OZoning by-laws to the Ontario Municrpal Board 0Land severances to the Land Dwrsion Committee OMinorvanances All oriented toward development cOntrol. Planner |ll (Official Plan Branch) One requrred Duties: Responsible under the Director of the Ollicral Plan Branch to particrpate in a wide range of regional studies including: 'Environmenlal analysis 0Land use 'Municipal servrces 'Transporlation 'Capital works programming All oriented loward the preparation ol regional policies and an Official Plan. Salary Range: $22,014.00 to $24,883.00 per annum Qualifications: Member of CIP or equivalent, minimum five years' experience in town planning, preferably in a regional context. The successful applicant will be a competent researcher and report writer, capable of working effectively with a planning team. Location: Newmarket, Ontario, oflering all the advantages of a small town or rural living with a large Metropolitan centre within easy commuting distance. Applications clearly indicating the posrtion applied for and containing a complete resume and references will be received until May 16, 1977 by: R. H. Scullion Personnel Coordinator The Regional Municipality of York Box 147, Newmarket, Ontario Required for the Liberal Circulation De- partment. Requirements: Accurate with ï¬gures. Be able to type. Congenial. For appointment call Marilyn Freibauer. Drapery Department An opening exists for a reliable person to work in the Clerk's Depart ment. Duties would include Licensing. Assessment up-dating. School support changes, processing Zoning Bylaws, etc. Also will act as relief operator on PBX equipment. Grade 12 commercial course or equivalent with a typing skill at 50 w.p.m. requrred. Shorthand or dictaphone a definite asset. Experience at 1 - 2 years in office procedure and a knowledge and understanding of assessment rolls and procedures prelerred. Salary: $9.760 to 310.223 - 1977 Rate. Please apply no later than May 3. 1977 to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 10266 YONGE STREEI RICHMOND HILL THE REGIONAL MUNIC|PAL|TY 0F YORK Sears Personnel Office Experience preferred but will train. Benefits include: 371/2 hour work week Hillcrest Mall - Richmond Hill Monday to Friday, 9:30 to 5 pm. daily icoflcuvts tn °1a~vo3¢ co ts LICENSING AND ASSESSMENT CLERK Eh» ï¬ihvral PART-TIME BUS DRIVER I Sears I Planner lll (Development Branch) One (equiledï¬, . I, _ In nu. nun-Au ‘VO§¢ Simpson Sears requires a fulltime COMMISSION SALES PERSON Forthe PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 10266 YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Assistant Bookkeeper 884-0981 e THE TOWN 1 0F ’ RICHMOND HILL Requiresa 000000 Requires a THE TOWN OF R|CHMOND HlLL the Development Branch to C1I29 THE JOB: Machine PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STERLING DRUG LTD. Yonge Street South Aurora. Ontano an ihterwew. call or write 727-4261. ext. 243 This position requires an accurate and efficient typist. Appllcants must be capable of working with a minimum of Supervision We offer a competitive starting salary along with an excellent beneï¬t package. Fora personal interview, please call Rod Brown 851-2861‘ REQUIRES CARRIER SALES PEOPLE 40 hour week. Over 33‘ per hour Good benefits. Steady work. Apply person to: Receptionist in Model Suiles, 50 Bail Blvd,. Richmond Hill. REQUIRES CARRIER SALES PEOPLE 0 Combination Body person & Painter for our small body shop 0 Licensed Mechanic MAINTENANCE MECHANIC @1112 ifihtral Twin Hills Mercury Ltd. AGE 10 and Over FOR NEW AND ESTABLISHED ROUTES IN EARN TOP DELIVERY COMMISSIONS DON’T BE LEFT 0UT!! EARN TOP DELIVERY COMMlSSlONS DON’T BE LEFT OUTH 884-0981 881-3373 For appointment call Hugh Brown at For 2 to 3 afternoons and evenings per week. Must have retail fashion sales experience GENERAL FREEZER LTD. Call Today CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Call Today CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Hillcrest Mall-Richmond Hill UNIONVILLE IN NEWMARKET Dolan Shoes, Housekeeper Required For Baif Blvd. Apartments AGE 10 and Over COWER ST.. OAK ST., SECOND ST. 884-8669 TANNEB P|ease apply: INVOICE TYPIST 884-0175 9230 ISLINGTON AVE WOODBRIDGE 727-4221 Sales Person Requires ClWAZ “034 required for Kitchen remodelling firm expanding to Aurora. Local area resident preferred. Duties will include general office procedures, kitchen design and layouts as well as showroom sales of kitchen cabinets and appliances. A leading manufacturer, of office and education furniture, requires a Time Study. person with a minimum of 1 years experience in method study and work measurement. Preference will be given to community college graduate. Part time but continuxng s!enographic help tequued for a very busy. very dwersdied office. Please_ provude personal resume of qualifications experience and salary requured lo EXPERLEWOFFICE PERSONNEL GOOD COMMUNICATION AND TECHNICAL UNDERSTANDING OF MANUFACTURING A MUST “5 Help Wanted OPENING FOR MATURE AND AGGRESSIVE SELF STARTER FOR KM‘ Dental Assistant/Receptionist Experience preferred but not necessary Good pay and Fringe Benefits. CALL 889-7549 for appointment 33YONGESI A SECRETARIAL -aoq . £153me 41mm N Draftsperson/Typist required part time for new dental office at Gateway Plaza, Wellington St. & Haida Dr DR. HOWARD YOUNG Requived by publishing company. Apply: Mr. Frank Johnston 0.E.L. MANUFACTURlNG CORP. ToH Road, Holland Landing, Ont. Intermediate Accountant Box 151 “The Liberalâ€, 10101 Yonge 81., Richmond Hill For Production Planning, Expiditing and Purchasing PLEASE CALL OUR TORONTO OFFICE COLLECT Hanover Kitchens, Toronto The Meat Shoppe V ORARY 0R PERMANENI PLACEMENT REGISTER IODAY Kinney Shoes WITH EXPERIENCE FOR REST HOME Major Mackenzie Dr., Maple Hillcrest Mall - Richmond Hill ALLISON AGENCY ,5 Good salary‘ Excellent company paid benefits 727-1104 727-4571 Manager Trainee Time Study 884-0592 Expenenped Butcher 889-0330 Fuil time position VARIOUS SHIFTS 884-9276 832-1231 Apply in person to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Friday Person 485-7615 727-1307 N.A. Male or Female â€" Home evgs. â€"0ffice 43t1n 16 2c JOURNEYMAN-LINEMAN Required by Bolton Hydro Electric Commissuon. Dunes WI†Include operating as Iead hand or working foreman. Most fringe benefns In eflecl. Good hourly rate Will ‘be oifered to nght man-woman, Apply In handwntmg. stating pas! experience. qualifications and education, We have now completed renovations in our office and have space available for two experienced productive sales people Work under relaxed conditions. Ask for Bob Case or Don Glass. Permanent pamlme posmon to: rnature person evenlngs and occasional Satmdays. required for the welding department. Preference will be given to experience in sheet metal. Required immediately. mature student for the summer period. Dutles will consust of pickup and deliveries In the am. and operating switchboard in the pm. Must have driver's license and fair knowledge of city and district. Apply to: KJ. Beamrsh Construction Co. Ltd.. 7901 Bayview Ave. Yhornhill or phone Mr. Charlton, KINNEAR PONTIAC BUICK (1975) LTD. 3741 or 3742 IBM disceï¬e experience preferred. Job located at Hwy No. 7 & Keele St. area. Mature person with at least 1 year RPG programmlng experience on IBM 8/32 or IBM 8/3. Systems desrgn experience In an rnventory control area would be an asset. Location Hwy 7 and Keele St. area. Bo|ton Hydro Electric Commission, 23 Mill Street, Box 1, Bo|ton. Ontario. LOP 1A0 Attention: C. Smillie, Mgr. Optometric Assistant Sales Help Wanted Key Punch Operator For full 0! part time employment in Newmarket Send resume stating experience, expected wage, etc‘ 0E1“ MANUFACTURING CORP. ToH Road, HoHand Landing,0nt. RATCLIFFE’S CANADA LTD. 10537 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HlLL, ONT. ‘DATA PROCESSING ASSISTANT Experience desuable but not essential. Apply In writing to ALLISON AGENCY 727-1307 Required for metallurgical lab. Sales Person W.R. Case Realty Ltd. CLEAN UP PERSON FOR NEW CARS The Banner, Aurora. TRAINEE LAB TECHNICIAN Required |mmediately Required by Trust Company Shorthand. Good telephone manner Prevnous office experience preferred Mappin’s Hillcrest Mall Apply Box 1653 Excellent company paid benefits GIRL/ BOY FRIDAY ALLISON AGENCY 727-1307 SPOTWELDER Apply in person RECEPTIONIST â€" TYPIST Apply in Pelson to PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT APPLY SERVICE MANAGER 727-4288 889-1191 Required FOR INTERVIEW CALL; 884-1107 Mrs. Evans (WOMAN) 9612 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL 884-4481 REQUIRES 17 2c (Zth 4 With top typing skills and dictaphone experience General Administrative duties. Small office‘ Keele and No. 7. We can prowde a pleasant wmking environment for a bright. alert per- son in accounts payable. Some plEVIOuS experience posting on a bookkeeping machine is required. EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Required immediately for fulliime work in our Health Records Previous experience required. Apply to: Part time‘ Required to work weekends and holidays. 3 shift rotation. Apply to: $15 PER NIGHT 7P.M.t010 PM. NEED 3 persons, neat appearance. with car to demonstrate and deliver free advertismg gifts for national home appliance company. For inter- view cal| 10 am. to 2 pm. Someone immediately to do Iighi cleaning In the evening. several times a week. Please call Personnel Dept. York Central Hospital Snap-On Tools of Canada Ltd., 669-9441 OPERATORS FOR AND COLLATING DUTIES Iyplng and nnuwledge of compute: Input coding helptul. Telephone 889-0450 Apply In pelson only to: Mel Ball Concord Floral Co. Ltd.,' (Salary. Bonus and Commlssion) STUDENTS PART TWME 1890 Hwy. 7 West, Concord Accounts Payable Clerk PLEASANT TELEPHONE VOICE SMALL BACKHOES AND LOADERS 10 Trench 31., Richmond Hill Personnel Dept. York Central Hospital Switchboard Operator 884-4287 Farm Labour Medical Dicta Typist 669â€"9501. PERSON REQUIRED FOR MR. WOOD AT 881-3268 881-3324 MRS. LEE DENTAL OFFICE MUST BE EXPERIENCED 883-2250 4:30 - 9:30 884-4451 GENERAL OFFICE 8271 Keele St 883-2250 REQUIRES 10 Trench St., Richmond Hill C2w 43