Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Apr 1977, B11

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SALARY RANGE 12,500 44,500 POSITION â€"F|REFIGHTER A newly created p05ition wrthin the Fire Department. Under the direction of the Fire Chief, the successful Applicant will be responsible for Inspections of lnd ustrial Commercial structures, maintainence of tire apparatus and vehicles, tirefighting, hall maintenance and other fire related duties. to live in Responsible mature person to look after 3 yr. old child in the country, must do housewark, laundry, cooking. able to drive and swim Experience WIth young children necessary. References please. The successful candidate must be physically fit and be willing to undergo a physmal examination Application forms available at Administrative Centre, 50 Wellington St. W Aurora. Ontario‘ Must have a qualified licence and be able to qualify for new Ontario Driver Ratings, Class D‘ Interested Applicants are invited to submit a lesume outlining experience and education background by May 4th, 1977 one with general experience and one with general and front end experience to work Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Skills should include dicta typing and some bookkeeping. Mature couple required to foéter group of troubled pre-adolescent children Must have your own home, knowledge of child care preferred. Salary expenses and social work support provided For more information call; MRS. DARLENE BESANT, CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK, 288 CAWTIIRA BOULEVARD, NEWMARKET, ONTARIO. L3Y 4N8 Required to perform a variety of duties with minimum supervision. The successful applicant will be proiicient in typing and shorthand with pfeVlouS secretarial experience, Discretion and efficiency are necessary In carrying cut the responsibilities of this position Must have own car. We offer a competitive starting salary with complete benefit package. For personal interview. please call Rod Brown, 8512861. Medium Slled company m Woodbnne-Steeles area requnes matute IfldWldual, selt-slavter, to handle all related dutles In accounts MRS. GLASSON Specialized Foster Home Required RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY Housekeeper-Nanny For Richmond Hill law office. Call Mrs. Farmer 49 Yonge St. Newmarket 898-1900 Part time after school needed immediately TOWN OF AURORA FIRE DEPARTMENT Full Time 895-2318 0r362-1022 CFGM Radio MECHANICS 495-1444 Firefighter Accounts Payable Part time person GENERAL FREEZER LTD 9230 ISLINGTON AVE. WOODBRIDGE, ONT. APPLY TO SERVICE MANAGER 884-9235 SECRETARY Carol Healey Sports Dept. ' DODGE CHRYSLER LIMITED REQUIRES 2 Licenced Apply in Person to: 884-9255 727-8694 was. CALL C. Puffer REQUIRES Bicycle Assembler T0: ILB. RODGER. A.M.C.T. CLERK ADMINISTRATOR TOWN OF AURORA, 50 WELLINGTON ST. W., AURORA, ONTARIO LAG 3L8 Prevuous scheduling experience required as clerical background. Applicants musl have numerical ability and be a good communicator For first class dining room. Excellent working conditions and gratuities. Call Mr. McLean 881-2121 Barlenders, waitresses and kitchen help for one day BAVARIAN BEER FESTIVAL. Must be over 18. Apply in person at Richmond Hill Arena, from 10 AM til 4 PM, Friday, April 29. Groundskeeper Maintenance Person Ask for Mr. Galden PreviOus adminrslratlve nursrng experience required and demons1raled leadership as well as clinrcal skrlls. Minimum 2 years supervisory experience. Please submit resume to: Mrs. S. Healhcote. Mechanically inclined people for Richmond Hill company. No ex- perience necessary. Training provided. Ca! an asset. Retired or semi-retired person to look after vegetable and flower gardens. Salary negotiable Required 2 days per week. Over 21, Chaufier's License, references Apply 65 Bowes Road, Unit 2. Concurd. Steady Job-Top Pay Reply stating experience and wages requlred to Box 150 "The Liberal‘i WAITRESS - WAITER Class “A” Mechanic 884-6782 York Central Hospital, STAFFING CLERK Parttime Bookkeeper - Secretary Woodbine â€" Steeles 5"5 Help Wanted PARKWAY HOTEL Required immediately For our Nursing Department Carpenter Expefience Gardener York Central Hospital Try temporary assignments while waiting for permanent position required fmm 9 Denny’s Sunocu, Parttime NURSING CO-ORDINATOR REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Box 1652 The Bannerl7 ONE DAY ONLY 727-4927 RELIABLE TRUCK DRIVER 883-1661 773-5779 10236 Yonge St, Richmond Hill 10 Trench_.St,. Richmond Hill 883-2254 10 Trench St., Richmond'Hill For Answering Service Parttime weekend shifts only APPLY TO Stenos 0 Dictas 0 Typists Personnel Coordinator OFFICE ASSISTANCE 10084 vanes 31.. mcwouomu JOB HUNTING GETTING YOU DOWN? 495-1092 Apply in person TELEPHONE OPERATORS Personnel Dept, 883-2254 889-1942 Expenenced H'EUHPS Licensed required as well as a strong general mus! have strong Interpersonal skills. rmmunicator. Apply to: Mature, experrenced In rehabllltatlon wrth mentally retarded. Hours 3 to 11 pm. Mon. through Fn. Mark- ham area. 294-4971 Walttess/Waiter for lounge bar. 3 pm, to close. Wednesday, Thursday. Fnday and Saturday. Call ML McLean 881-2121, Parkway Hotel. Parttime, 4 hours daily. Ideal for lretired person with mechanical skills. Call Mr. Lallmer. 881-2121, Parkway Hotel. Be sure of 9 weeks, summer em ployment and interesting part time job, year round. It you are 17 contact the Queen's York Rangers, Auwra Armouty, any Monday or Wednesday night 727-4991 17 2c Requires mature teenager to supervise the courts during club hours, mostly evenings and weekends, Start immed~ iately, Diane Bain, 889-2891r Diane Wells 889-4704. For bedroom section of Parkway Hotelr Experience necessaryr Must have own transportation and live in area. Call Mr. Latimer, 881-21214 BARTENDER (2). experienced only, 1 for week days and 1 for weekends. Parttime RNA. and RN. 884â€"9278 Maintenance Person Full time Help 884-6970 WANTED horse stable and grounds. Housekeeper Supervusor GERMAN MILLS TENNlS CLUB 889â€"7442 727-9322 Join Now Chamber persons Clw43 Clw47 C2w4 J YOUNG person to help ar0und home. Grass. garden, odd jobs. Fnday and Saturday 8884122, NURSES' Aides. experienced, required for parttimewevemng and night shift only. 884-9248. (8 to 4 WANTED, female or male help for light garden work, steady job, good wages. Call 8‘10 evenings. 7272382, EXPERIENCED office cleaner. fwe nights per week Phone 727-1148, ATTENTION ambiti0us persons. company requires several part time and one full rime person. Day or evening, car necessary. 895-6532. Will puck up old used car's and scrap metals 898-2967 1974 MERCURY MARQUIS, $3.000. P.S.P.B. AIR CONDITIONING. 1972 OLDS DELTA, P.S.P.B. AUTOMATIC, $2,050. 1973 PONTIAC CATALINA, $2,100. 1974 DODGE, 4 DOOR SEDAN, P.S.P.B. AUTOMATIC, $3,035. 1975 OLDS CUTLASS, P.S.P.B. 2 DOOR, $3,850. 1976 PINTO, 4 CYL. 4 SPEED STANDARD, $3,150. 1976 PONTIAC VENTURA, 6 CYL AUTOMATIC, $4,495. 1975 CHEVELLE WAGON, P.S.P.B. $3,995. 1976 MONTE CARLO, $5,150. P.S.P.B. AUTOMATIC. 1976 DODGE DART, 6 CYL. AUTOMATIC, $3,725. 1975 LA MANS, 4 DOOR, P.S.P.B. AUTOMATIC, $3,425. 1976 GM. PICK-UP TRUCK, $4,150. ALL CARS ARE COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED & CERTIFIED. FINANCING AVAILABLE. 350 V8, power steering and brakes, radio tape deck low mileage. certified $3495, Like new. 789-4994 $300 uncemfied or best offer. Phone Jim 727-1459 or 495-6969 after 5 pm 1974 NOVA 350. Blue. 32,200. Good condition. 8849755. 75 GMC 2 ton Van Electric brake and tow hltCh. New rear tIIES‘ Aluminum van. lined and hardwood floors. Power steenng, bvakes. RadIo‘ Extra iuel tank. 4 speed transmussmn. 31.000 mules. Cost $9,200. Sell $4,800. 165 Wellington E. Aurora 727-3012 75 PONTIAC LEMANS SPORTS COUPE Needs body wmk, good engine. $500 or best offer, '63 Chev 6 cylinder standard. Good condmone Nem/ blakes. $150. Excellent condition. Low mileage 727-9566 Evgs. Q55 We have a good se|ectuon 0! Quality [econdmoned Volkswagens for sale We also.speuahze In Volkswagen body mom and genetal tepaus All Work Guaranteed ‘42 mile south 0! Auma Sldevoad on Don Mulls Road. ‘5‘ Cars Wanted Volkswagen Sale Doherty Motors 727-3327” W Walters ’71 TORINO Cars 8 Trucks 75 Trailer HD Tandem 8 ton with ramps. $1.800 OOPEN DAILY FOR SALES. Cars For Scrap 1969 Ford Window Van 73 Dodge Pick-up CARS AND TRUCKS WILL BE SOLD DIRECTLY TO THE PUBLIC 11 am. Sat. April 30 ALL ORDERS TO BE APPROVED BY MANAGEMENT $100 DEPOSIT 0R CERTIFIED CHEQUE REQUIRED 1971 MAZDA 1200 851-2305 884-4913 884-7716 884-6136 V-8, automatic Best offer. CONTINUING OUR GOOD SERVICE POL|CY INDOOR AUTO AUCTION NO. 7 CAR SALES HWY 7, 1,4 ml. E. of Hwy 27 851-3033 17 2c CZW 42 13c FANTASTIC FAMILY CAR VALUE ! AUSTIN MARINA COUPE It comes loaded with all kinds of comfort and safety features. And delivers top quality family driving at a very appealing price! LlMBERT’S $3,995 4 door, 12,000 miles approx.. gold, tinted windows, power steering, power brakes. bucket seats. hardtop VA8, automatic. Radio, air con ditioning. Beautiful condition Doctm's car. $5,500 1967 CHEV, rebuiIt V8, painted last faIIA $200 0r best offer. 832-1081 after 6 pm 1973 MINI Austin, certified. In excellent condition $1,150. 884- 3252, 1969 PONTIAC Laurentian, Good condition. Best offer. 884-7830 afler TWO 1968 American Ramblers, 6 cylinder automatic, good condition 70,000 miles. Both for $450 292 5140, Fury Salon. 4 d06l sedan, V-8 engine‘ powel steenng and brakes. $4,200 Certified. 884-5449 ms. Power brakes. steering. front dISC.. speCIa| tum and whee| package. Auto, trans. AM/FM radio. Low mule- age. Excellent condition. 8844155 9 am. - 9 p m. 1973 adds? POLARA 2 deal. power steenng and brakes. an, radials, one ownel, 30,000 miles. M condltlon. Certified. $2.200 2256012. WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 39.000 mules. Excellent condihon Cemhed. $1800. 773-5420 ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks 340 Power steering and brakes, 4-speed. mag wheels, extla sel lures. well maintained. 884-0210 New valve job. Needs minor body work. Power steering and brakes, radio. $500. As is. 727-5466. Excellent condition. one owner‘ 17.800 miles, an conditioning, radio 4 deal. whitewalls, vmyl root. BEST OFFER Excellent condition‘ 16,000 miles Tape deck, speakers. 1970 DUSTER, 2 door, uncertified Good condition. 3300. Call me! 5‘ 884-7718, 1976 Chrysler Newport Custom 75 MAVERICK 4 DOOR 7.6 Plymouth EAGLE ST., NEWMARKET 366-0238 73 MATADOR 1973 Duster Cars & Trucks Dart Swinger 1-473-2516 895-3222 69 Dodge 74 MGB 1976 MONARCH 851-2840 884-8967 Aftef 4:30 after 5 pm Clw 43 "(I 29 6 cylinder, radio. step bumper‘ New tires, brakes, exhaust, paint. Only 45,000 miles‘ Certified. 832-1012 V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, air-condikioning. Many extras. Certified‘ $650 Firm. McKENZIE TRAILERS Old Hwy‘ 7 at Bayvuew 88 475 Kennedy Rd 26 1975 CORVETTE, Asking $7500 speed 350‘ 884-2975 after 6. 1968 FORD Station Wagon Can be certified. $200, 889-5184 evenings. 1970 OLDS Toronado‘ 38,000 original miles. Full power equipment. Air conditioning. Real beauty. $1750. 8834384, 1973 PONTIAC LeMans. Many options Will certify. $2450. 773- 5264. 1967 GRAND Parisienne, Best offer 889-6753. Fully equnpped. Asking $4,700 or bestofler. 889-6593 1974 GREMLIN, V-& 35000 miles‘ Very good condition. Radio. $1695 8843120, 1973 CHEV Van, excellent condition‘ V-8, power brakes, radio, radials‘ $2,150 or best offer. 898-2748‘ 1974 FORD Van. Custom interior, full head room Call Brad 727-5251, 1976 PLYMOUTH Valiant, private sale. certified, automatic. six- cylinder, radio. defogger, excellent condition. 895-8157. TRUCK CAP SALE FROM $239 1974 COUGAR XR7, excellent condition, air conditioning. powét windows, steering and brakes. Call aftel 6 pm. 7276169. 1972 FORD Super Van. Standard 6. Good condition $1,500. 884-3966 Evgs‘ 1969 PLYMOUTH stationwagon, P.S. PlB. good lunning condition as is‘ besk offer. 727-9971. 1975 PLYMOUTH automatic, V8. excellent condition, power steering & brakes‘ $1.300. 898-1917‘ 1974 GMC half ton truck, automatic P.S. & P.B‘ Camper tape Certified 939-2182. 51,000 orlginal miles, 2 door hard top, beautiful condition. Original paint, 5 new beited tires‘ Cer- tifiable. 1968 BUICK Skylark. Best offer‘ 727 6752 after 4 pm. 455.4 batrel. 2 door hardtov bealllful condltlon Almost n Certlflable 889-087 ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks 1970 Buick Wild Cat 40,000 original miles 1970 DATSUN, 510. shumentation. 4 speed radials. One pair mags after 4 pm, 773-5694, Blue. unbelievable. 0 onglnal miles, wm_dshie| and carnal. Phone 1974 FORD, window-van, $3.600 certified. 895-4453. 1976 OLDS Cutlass S, 2 door hardtop, 350 V-8, radio, tear defoggel, 13,000 miles. $4,400. 898- 1522 after 4 pm. 1976 FORD Half-ton with cap. 6 cyl. standard, will certify. Best offer. 8981482. 1976 DATSUN 8-210 1977 CUTLASS Supteme. Loaded. Must sell. 884-9883. c2w4l 1968 G.M.C. Half~ton pickup, 327, automatic, as is, $600 or best offer‘ 727-8066. Low mileage, excellent condition Second car, no longer required Reasonable. After 5, 1974 Yamahfi I974 â€" 650 cc YAMAH condition, 8000 miles. 8954343. 6.300 miles, Twln carbu‘ start. Uncenihed. $400, 73 Can Am. 125 cc 7273101 1972 GMC 1/2 m1 PICKUP 5.000 miles on new engine Klelnbutg “° Motorcycll Sale 1967 AMBASADOR 75 Chrysler Newport Custom 727-1693 68 Javelin 884-5403 SAVE 68 VW BUG 893-1765 889-0872 832-88 72 'ama “200 cc 884-0079 889â€"1831 266-5812 full in- buckets, 5 $700. Call €th 43 1973 SUZUKI T8400, 6,000 miginal miles, Call Ray, 727-2505 after 5 1974 YAMAHA 100. Brand 8475. or best offer. Very condition. 727‘6752 after A 1972 HONDA 250 miniblke‘ condition. $195. 727-2563. 1973 SUZUKI T8250 Enduro‘ Ex- cel|ent condition. Header, 5.600 miIes. Tom, after 5 pm. 884-9356. New MF 4 r0w planter $2495 New MP 110 Bushel spreader $1195 Used MF 4 row planter $950 Used IH Seed Dnll $250 New MF Garden Tractors in stock PHONE JOHN 0R STEWART GORMLEY 887-5886 80 HP, Inboard-outboard. Custom made. fully-equipped. tlailel, many extras. All like new. $5.500. “° Mototcycles fut Bluelay class. Fast, rellable‘ mahogany. In mmt condition. TIBIIEI $750. 884-7890 CABIN CRUISER, GOOD CONDITION "5 Boats & Supplies “5 Farm Equipment 33 HP. Ewnrude Electnc star! motot. used one season $1,600 889-2003 Cape Flattery NEW Demo. low hrs, lwrn. 120 Ford diesel, FWC. Spacmus lrmabin configu- ration, command bridge. full In- strumentation, VHF radio. not cold pressure water. US. or Canadian delivery. All reasonable otters consi- dered. frnance & trade. OVERSEAS BOAT SALES Toronto 881-4532 Vancouver 604-987-9254 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, April 27, 1977 â€" B-ll 14W Grew. convertible top. 65 Merc $3.600 Call 10-day 889-5581‘ on Crestliner, Doral & ThunderCrafl Boats & Mercury Motors. 12 FT‘ aluminum car top boat With small motor, Phone aftet 6. 727- 3928. Massey Fetguson SPRING FEVER SALE CANOES, finest quality, custom made, cedar, canvas. 473-6112. CLEARANCESALE BOATS & MOTORS 884-7716 14’ Fibreglass Boat 16' FIBREGLASS BOAT With 65 h.p. Mercury. JOHN'S MARINELAND. 18’Ft. Fibreglass ' 1970 30’ Chris Craft Grew & Wellcraft “April Specia|" Sailboat 14’, 2La»dlaw Blvd.. Markham SKYLINE MARINE FOR BEST DEAL IN TOWN 309 294-3650 889-5163 9 am. to 2 pm 42' DIESEL TRAWLER $1,995 884-1235 Auctions After 5 Runble new. good CZw 42 good IFCH With top, 65 H.P. Mercury motor for sale or trade for camprng trailer. Private. 88445120. 14' fibreglass wrth convertible top. 45 HPV Mercury. trailer excellent condrtron. 884-7607 1975, Sloop rug. 5 benhs. pnvate head. flush lOllGI. custom galley. alcohol stove. bow pulpit. hfehnes. sumlog. compass. 3 sails, 7": hp. MEICury. allemator, A-l condition. Replacement cosl $13000. Sail-away pnce 510.000. 226-4691 CABIN CRUISER. GOOD CONDITION. Twm engines. Well equipped, $17,500. 727-3994 15"“ 14' Fibreglass Cadotette and soft top with 40 hp. Johnson electvic start and trailer, loads of accessoties. 31,500. 7273569. 2‘5 Boats & Supplies 13' fibreglass Arrow type, rib and main, $600. Wrth trailer. add 3175 erl deliver. 1 - 540-3986. 9.8 MERCURY, 1972, perfect, tank and hose. 8475‘ 884-1172. Thursday evg.. MAY 5 Al7100 PM. PreVIew flom 5:00 PM. To be held In Morgan Hall in the MARKHAM Shopping Piaza, north Slde of Hwy‘ 7. 1'4 mi|e west 01 Hwy. 48 16’ GREW MAHOGANY In MARKHAM. Featuring refinished turnltute such as ptne tlatback, exceptional chestnut drysmk with htgh back armed high back anowback rocker. unusual pine 1am cupboard, hanging pine cupboard, pine boxes; of furniture for Warren Brown at No. 18 Ninth Line South, Stouffville, next to Emerald Isle Motors on the Ninth. Including fridge. stove, automatic washer, dryer, 25" color TV, freezer, tent 18' x 20', grand master bedroom suite, sewing machine. buffet and hutch (new), antique clock, bed pan circa 17‘ 1800, lamps. chairs. dishes, tools, many more articles. Just a niqe, clean sale. Owner movingl Terms cash. No reserve Sale at 11 am. Norm Faulkner, W.D. Atkinson, Auctioneers, c2w43 as well as one at the finest selections of small primitive items available at auction Including wooden- ware‘ lion. tole, ctockery, stonewaie. unusual lanterns, biass, copper â€" an excellent selection â€" many un- usual items. Gord Orr, Auctioneer of Household Furniture for the Estate of the late Nelson Kerr, Vellore (with inclusions) 9554 Weston Road, Con. 6, Town of Vaughan, 3 miles north of Not 7 or 3/4 mile south of Major McKenzie drive, lst road west of No. 400‘ Sale includes piano (Uxbridge), piano stool. ball claw loot. R.C.A. portable colour T.V., approx. 19", 3 Starcraft Boat yr. old; 2 rockers; bedroom and living room furniture, kneehole desk. Beatty chest freezer. approx. 12 cu. ft, combination coal and wood and electric 4 burner stove, rollaway bed; 12' x 9' oval braided rug, dining room table and chairs, oak buffet; finger bracket lamp; misc. china and glass, some quite old, old picture frames including 1 old scottish church scene painted on glass with mother of pearl inlay; baby grand gramaphone. miscc hand and power tools; air compressor, wool winder, 1967 Chevelle 4 door car, selling as is Many other items: Terms cash, cheques with ID. only. ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE 1970 30’ Chris Craft SAT., MAY 7 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE SaHboat Grampian 23, Sat. April 30th 12:30 pm. "9 Auctions (LA! Sailing Dinghy Auctioneer TED WATT W 43 (‘2w43

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