Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Apr 1977, C3

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RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge and Centre Sts.‘ 884-1301 May 15! - 174m Anniversary Service‘ Guest - MISS Jessie MacLeod, B.A., M.R.E.. National Secretary. The United Church 1040 AM. - Organ Recital 11:00 AM. - Morning Worship with Specral Choir Music (infant Care. and Church School during the Morning hour of worship) 7:30 PM. Discussion of Church Membership in the study. Visitors and newcomers are warmly welcomed 7:30 pm ST MARY S ANGLICAN 10030 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL RECTOR Rev Bernard Barret 884-1394 Rev Fred Jackson 884-2418 Sunday, May I, 1977 8:00 am. Eucharist 9:15 am, Chapel Service 10:30 am. Service in Church 7:00 pm. Evening Prayer Wednesdays: HOLY IRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE ST . THORNHILL 3 OF HWY 78 W 0F YONGE ST.) 8896931 Sunday, May 151. 1977 St Philip & St, James 8:00 am. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist 10:30 a.m. Church School. Kinder. garten and Nursery School LUTHERAN -- ' cry gunduy l. v‘y DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK W4, w;m¢a¢s¢a9xx I 4 4 av‘AbexxAN' was”aIzmsxxAv/x/rx,«as? 4 94/» ZION LUTHERAN (2 miles south of Maple) Rev, James S Dauphmee Vice-Pastor - 8846264 9 30 a m Worship Servuce 1030 am Sunday Chmch School For more information, please contact Bev Allen at 638-5524. York Woods library, 1785 Finch Avenue West, between Keele and Jane, 9:30 am. to 4:30 pm. Downsview library 2793 Keele at Wilson 1 to 4:30 pm. Thé sale will continue Saturday, May 7. For more information, contact publicity at 667-1078. For $1.50, you’ll get to listen to experts in the field, such as Dr. John Armstrong, Dr. Sarah Isbister, Alex Isbister, Lillian Messinger and Sy Silverberg. The auditorium is located at 1750 Finch Avenue East. Know what happens to library books that are withdrawn from circulation? They‘re sold for peanuts, that’s what! Saturday three North York libraries will be selling off hardcovers for 25 cents, and paper- backs for 10 cents apiece. Limit 20 per customer. Places and times are as follows: Central library, 5126 Yonge Street, north of Sheppard, 9:30 am. to 4:30 pm. These will be some of the topics covered May 2 in the Minkler Auditorium of Seneca College, when the North York Mental Health Council presents a panel discussion titled “Sex therapy and relationships”. ANGLICAN BAPTIST Pentecostal NORTH YORK â€" Sex therapy . . . what is it, who needs it, when, why, how much does it cost, is it for you? Parents are invited to bring along questions or complaints. If these can‘t be resolved by the panel, they will at least be discussed. A panel of school trustees, teachers, and teacher union representatives will be on hand to discuss problems in education. Think yoga is just for the lithe or double- jointed? Well, think again! Seneca College, Finch Campus, will be of- fering a $40 spring-summer course titled ‘Yoga for People with Limited Movement’ The course begins May 2, with registrations accepted now. It should be of particular interest to peeple experiencing general overall stiffness, older people, arthritics, people with back problems, insomniacs, and others suffering stress-related problems. - Classes will be held Tuesday afternoons from 2 pm to 3:30 p.m., May 3 to August 2. Before coming to register, call 493-4144. The annual meeting of the Thornhill Parents Council will be held Wednesday, May 4 at 8 pm. in the 'l‘hornlea Secondary School on Bayview Avenue. Coffee and cookies will be provided later in the evening. Everyone throughout the 'l‘hornhill- Richmond Hill area is invited. chquB. 1.2ch Jul"; uuuusuuut, LIIC lllUl uluu' Richmond Hill area is invited. All members of the church, living here moved For more information contact Marion away, as well as our neighbours and friends, are Hohener, 839.5653. ’ warmly welcomed to this Anniversary Servxce, and to the coffee fellowship which follows in the church parlour. p‘Jb’rfrfA‘WMfip‘m9‘i’fl/a’fial ‘ {h’r’l’wv$"WO~WO’WWI;§’#"$">R((- Sex therapy? Wednesdays 1000 am. - Holy Communion 00 Parent council meeting ’Steal’ books! ST PAUL S LUTHERAN 1013] Baywew Avenue J.S DAUPHINEE. PASTOR I a m Sunday Chmc‘h School I0 a m Wovshup Setvuce south york region scheduled events UNITED Loosen up with yoga 10:00 am. Eucharist 7:30 pm Eucharist Confirmation and First Communion 10 00 am â€" Blble School Classes lor all ages 1100 a m â€" Morning Servnce 700 p m â€" Evemng Service Player meeting Wednesday _ alv8,00 D m "Kn Old Fashlo‘ned Cauntry Church on the Edge of the City SUNDAY 945 A M ~Chulch School rm Bus‘ Ministry call 881-2818 1100 AM. - Morning Worshvp (Member Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) PREACHING IH£ OLD BOOK IHl NEW BiRIH THE PREC|0US BLOOD AND WE BLESSED HON AI WELDRICK ROAD BAPHSI CHURCH Comer of Weldnck Road and Barnum Sheet Rev BI McSpadden Pastor Phene 884 7859 RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright Street Tel. 884-3091 Pastor E. Corbett 9:45 AM Sunday School HOUT 11:00 AM. Missionary Falewell Janedale. Maul Missmn 7:00 PM. "Peace Be With You" Greg Mullet Speaking Everyone Welcome Give Heart Fund Rev DanaH Lamb BA 80 Mll'llStef ST. JOHN'S BAPTISY CHURCH 75 Oxlmd Sheet act. 148 Thomndge Dr Thornhlll Mmlster Rev D VanderBoom M.Th -889-5225 SUNDAY. MAY lst Service at 10:30 am and 5:00 pm SUNDAY, MAY lsl EASTER III Adult Bible Class 9:30 am Confirmation Class 10:00 am Divine Service 11:00 am (Children in church with parents) Starting in a log building, near where McConaghy School now stands, then in a building just to the south of Centre Street on Yonge, and, since 1880 in the present location, this historic centre of Methodism along Yonge Street has a varied and most interesting past. Jessie MacLeod, secretary for The United Church of Canada in the field of Christian Education and Growth, will be the guest of the congregation of Rich- mond Hill United Church, Yonge and Centre Streets, on their 174th anniversary. Church secretary to speak May 1 “I am concerned about the family lives of all of you. I want you to spend an adequate amount of time with your husbands, wives and children, and also to involve them as much as possible in our White House life. We are going to be here a long time and all of you will be Special music, starting with an organ recital at 10:40 am. by the Director of Music, Joe Calverley, and the church family, led by our special guest, with Sue Foot as Lay Reader, will celebrate this special and historic occasion in our church and community. RICHMOND HILL â€" Shortly after US. President Jimmy Carter took office, he issued this handwritten memora- ndum to all top White House staff personnel: SUNDAY, MAY 151 9:50 am. - Family Sunday School 11 am. and 7.30 pm . Rev. Dennis Anderson, from Lindsay Pentecosta| 26 Church 31.. Thornhlll Pastor F. Bond 851-0358 Sunday Serwces 10:00 am. A Sunday School (All ages) 11:00 am. - Praise 8. Worship 700 pm. - Charismatic Servuce Wed. 7:30 pm. - Prayel & Share Charismatic The Greatest of These Is lnvn Tips on family cultivation Presbyterian THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 27] Centre Street 889-5391 By Rev. Robert Quick Free Methodist Church Other Denominations The Revd, J.B. Burns, MA” BSD” PhD. Formerly Langstaff Baptist Church. Langstaff Rd Thornhull Miss Jessie MacLeod, secretary for the United Church of Canada, will be guest speaker May 1 at Richmond Hill United Church’s 174th anniversary. Born in Nova Scotia, Miss MacLean has worked for the church for nearly all of her adult life. Wednesday N’ght 7:30 pm Family Night IHE MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rev Cecnl Rosenbergev 8876846 BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU ALL WELCOME TUESDAY 8.00 p m - B|ble School and Prayet Community, govern- ment and church leaders are realizing, now more than ever, that the family unit is a basic foundation for ’the development, growth and survival of a healthy society. 930 am - The Letd‘s Supper 1100 am, - Family Bible Hour ‘ 1100 a m - Sunday School Kindelgarten to Glade 6 Bible School for Glade 7 and up 700 p m. » Evening Sewlce How refreshing to hear a leader in our world today at last place em- phasis where it belongs, on the importance of strong family units. more valuable to me and the country with rest and a stable home life. In emergencies we'll all work full time.” SUNDAY SERVICES ll 00 a m ~Blble Study and Morning SEIVICE 700 p m -Commumon Servxce Watch "The Hetald of Truth 1v Channel] Bame You don’t have to look Help your Heart... Help your Heart Fund ,CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST Concmd Rd 8 N0 7 Hwy WEDNESDAY 8 00 p m -Bible Study A Chutch o! The New Iestament 0rde SUNDAY 12 30 p m 24 Oak Ave . Ruchvale A _E. Atkinson Minister ~ 669-1831 A Young~ Sec 669-2784 SUNDAY, MAY lst RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL .4 ’4 "l #92, Bridge winners The $4,400 target was met at the annual missionary convention at the Gormley Missionary Church. The church was beautifully decorated under the direction of Mrs. Otto Monreal and Miss Pauline Bolender. Convention emphasis was on overseas missions. very hard to see that the modern-day family is ‘in Crisis‘; its survival is being threatened as never before. Titles such as “Is The Present Day Family Here To Stay‘?”, “The Present Day Family, Obsolete", “The Modern Family: Future Uncertain" and “Can The Family Survive” are appearing on bookstands weekly and in major magazines. Monday, April 18 â€" North-South â€" 1. John and Wendy Hunter; 2. Rod Sandford and Rich Godzwin; 3. Grace Saunders and Rose Morrell. Blue and gold, the Women’s Institute colors, were used in designing the cake and floral decorations which served as centrepieces when the 'l‘hornhill chapter of the WI Thursday celebrated 75 years of service in the community. Alva Thompson, the club’s secretary, brought the cake from Port Perry, where whe lives and has spent weeks organizing the anniversary event. ’i‘he uni't‘s senior member, 91-year- old Mabel Mizen arranged the flowers. East-West â€" 1. Fred and Theresa Tierney; 2. Ross Jenkinson and Richard Charlebois; 3. Ann and Rodger Nor- thwood. Recent studies tell us only one in 11 homes is a happy one and one in three are divorced or heading that way. The 15 local members and some 50 guests from neighbouring Institutes were on hand to hear Mrs. J. Clausen, president of the York East District. Friday, April 15 â€" Northâ€"South â€" 1. Bob and Edna Dunn; 2. Rose Morrell and Grace Saunders; 3. Victor Cronshaw and Bev. Jones. Missionary goals Anyone who has any job the young people could help with call Jack or Leslie Wright at 887- 5234. W.|.75th anniversary East-West Hand carved in solid oak. Size 22" by 6". Style as illustrated. Shipped post paid. Send $17.50 plus tax to: from the churches The way to make sure your assets are distributed as you want, is to make a will. The way to make sure your will is properly administered is to appoint Victoria and Grey Trust as your executor. Do it today! F rUEs - THURS. 9:30 - 4:30 33$: FRIDAY 9:30 - 6:30 SATURDAY 9:00 - 12 noon Your will assures that what you leave goes where you want RFM Woodcarving 250 Esplanade Toronto M5A 1J2 Indicate exact lettering required. Allow one month for delivery. WCTORM and GREY V1 U 1 [111111 and TRUST COMPANY CLASSIC CO1TAGE SIGN 10355 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Serving more and more people since 1889 1. Bob 884-1 707 Robert Quick ...... right emphasis Young people are seeing the institution of marriage as un- satisfactory and hyprocritical, and choosing to live together without it. Our modern world seems to do more to dissolve the family than and Ann Manning; 2. Diane Brown and Marg Melnichuk; 3. Heather Burling and John Shearer. Monday night Side Game â€" 1. Pat and Pete Sharp and Bob Hull. Coming Event: May 15 a two-session Swiss team game. The fee $20 is per team of four which in- cludes a supper of chicken and pizza. Monday night Side Game â€" 1. Pat and Pete Martin; 2. Pete Osborne and Evelyn Baldwin; 3. Jack and Billy Maver. Wednesday, April 20 â€" North-South â€" 1â€"2. Rose Morrell and Grace Saunders tied with Diane Brown and Sherry Vogan; 3. Edith and Herbert Hobson. East-West â€" 1. Marg Melnichuk and Jean Goodwin; 2. Cleta Dieken and Ann Jansen; 3. Hank congratulate the women for a history of achievement dating back to 1902. President Anne Jackson narrated a short resume of the club’s activities, beginning when there were 70 members from the area’s farming households, to the present when one room in York Central Hospital owes its existance to the hard work of the Thornhill WI. From the Willowdale-based senior citizens Friendship Club, the Belles of Yesterday provided ,musical en- tertainment. The women’s auxiliary of Thornhill Presbyterian Church where the party was held. acted as caterers. to solidify it. Economic pressures, increased mobility, materialism, changing moral stan- dards (or lack of them), role confusion, increase in community activities for individual members and other factors all contribute to weak family units. But all is not lost. Our homes and family units are what we make them. The family can and will survive if we want it to, and take the necessary steps to ensure it; â€" We must begin to ask the questions: “Where are my priorities?”, “What percentage of my time and efforts do my family have?”, “What values is my home based on Register your team with Ann Payment 727- 3873 or Cleta Dieken 727- 5789. For information or partners call Ann Paymentfi727fi873. ONLY BY COMPLETING AN APPLICATION CAN YOU HELP TO DETERMINE WHETHER THERE IS A DEMAND FOR RENT~GEARED- TOâ€"INCOME ACCOMMODATION FOR FAMILIES. For families interested in renting an Ontario Housing unit, additional information and applications may be obtained from: I,” Your Council has asked the Ontario Ministry of Housing to determine the need for new rent-geared-to-income housing for families in your community. If there is a need, rent-gearedâ€"toâ€"income accommodation will be developed by the Ontario Housing Corporation at the request of your Municipal Council. ' Applications are being distributed to tenant families as part of a survey to determine the interest in this type of housing. ALLENCOURT PHARMACY, ALLENCOURT SHOPPING CENTRE BARROW INSURANCE SERVICES, 10211 YONGE STREET ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 10350 YONGE STREET ROBERT B. SOMERVILLE CO. LIMITED, 27 ' 16th AVENUE OR FROM ANY DIRECTOR TICKETS AVAILABLE AT SPRING DINNER MEETING 0 IF YOU HAVE ONE OR MORE CHILDREN I 0 IF YOUR PRESENT ACCOMMODATION IS INADEOUATE 0 IF YOUR INCOME IS MOOEST IMPORTANT EVENT * SUPPORT YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE THE RICHMOND HILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESENTS GUEST SPEAKER: The Hon. Sidney B. Handleman 6:30 P.M., WEDNESDAY, MAY 11th, 1977 Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations. FAMILY RENTAL HOUSING “Improving Advertising and Business Ethics” THIS IS OF INTEREST TO YOU! $10.00 per person - Limited to 150 tickets by advance sale only â€"â€" We must return to the Truth. God ordained the home and provided the institution of marriage for the benefit of ourselves and society, and provided as well the tools to function suc- cessfully as a family unit in a world that tends to pull it apart. The Holy Scriptures and the Christian Church have something to say to the modern family. â€" We must as inâ€" dividual family members be more loving, more thoughtful, more involved in each others‘ lives and THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. April 27. 1977 â€"â€" C-3 lething to say to the lern family. We must as in- dual family members more loving, more Jghtful. more involved each others‘ lives and Quality family life, happy homes, lasting marriages and good children don’t just happen by accident. They are the fruit of careful cultivation and hard work. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE * CONTACT LENSES * HARD AND SOFT * CERTIFIED FITTING Clerk’s Department, Municipal Offices, Town of Markham, 8911 Woodbine Avenue, MARKHAM, Ontario, L3H 1A1 concerns and less self- centered, less pressured by society, less materialistic. â€" We must realize that strong homes are a product of how well we build them what we pour into them, the quality of materials we use, how much time we spend on them and the sacrifices we make for them.

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