Bookkeeping & Accounting Services 0 CUSTOM BUILT REC ROOMS, BARS 0 GARAGES, ADDITIONS ' PORCHES, CEDAR FENCING 0 COTTAGES 0 UNUSUAL JOBS AWEook/(eqï¬rglmne Tax By the week mam}; N year [(de M. Pal BOOKKEEPING G INCOME TA} By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) Ross I30 (‘emre St. W. - 884-1788 BOOKKEEPING PAYROLL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS THE SMALL BUSINESS SPFCIALISTS ACCUUIV TING SERVICE Complete ï¬nancial Statements Yearly. fluarterly, Monthly Payroll Admin. FREE ESTIMATES KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM QUOTATIONS CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Additions, Renovations & Rec. Rooms 83 Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill, Ont. Tel. 8844171 Ken Moore Carpentry Alf Catenaro CARPENTRY J. C. HUGHES BOOKKEEPING, PAYROLL INCOME TAX ITALIAN. GERMAN, ENGLISH CARPENTER K.A. SMITH BARPENTRY All types of Carpentry work GILLESPIE T.V. 221-1385 DJ. Dilwonh St Assoc.. 495-0502 or 8M5543 Beiote 1 I‘m. . Afler 5 pm REPAIRS - ALTERATIONS STEPS AND STAIRS For small businesses Custom cabinets Rec. rooms and bars Renovations Sundecks Accounting Semices 10620 Vonge St, Ste. 207. Richmond Nil! For small businesses CARPENTRY CB RADIO BOB ROSS CONTRACTING MARLENE PARISI. 889-7250 SALES - SERVICE 889-5683 FREE ESTIMATES Please phone 8M1§34 Addm 164 Hendon Ave Willowdale W3 Carpentry CUSTOM HOUSES FREE ESTIMATES AT Reasonable Rates Call Ivor 8848209 889-3679 1 PRICE 8. SON 832-1 321 225-9169 884-4030 884-7530 889-1377 \s, Rec Rooms is Renovahons TFC 42 NC 4w 40 "c" TFC 3( an 18 "<33 "C 42 TFC 38' 1'ch VFC 35 He 27 LThe Plant Minder Co. 0 Wedding Invitations I Business Cards 0 Business Forms Why let your plants get lonely Call while you are away? Plants and small pets cared for Simpsons-Sears Ltd DON’T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIMEH gets right down _ to the nittyâ€"grltty Lifetime experience. Overgrown, aged shrubs and bushes brought back to beauty and production. All types of gardening. Materials supplied. Foundation planting our specialty. Fully guaranteed. SERVICE DIRECTORY Renovations RED OAK PAROUET ’ 2 I - . Free Estimates - Reasonable Bafes - Guaranteed Serwce. COMPLETE LINE OF 5 Spring Garden [2 blocks nu'th oi Shepmrd off Yonge) \Mllowdaie. CALL 889-1790 Neighhburhood Shop-at-Home MILVERTON UPHOLSTERY EUROPEAN Plant Care 8240 Yonge $1., Thornmll E 8 J VARIETY STORE Service Robert Smith 881-3487 FLOORING FOR HOME OR BUSINESS USE OUR - RESTYLING - REBUILDING By Craftsmen Pï¬nï¬ng FEQQE Bepair§ & Steam 9'29an FactoryCIaam NpeIsv-fl 773â€"5993 Workman's Prices Upholstering Lansing Upholstery Gardening-Landscaping Reliable Automatic Transmission 8893656 2234100 LANDSCAPE GARDENER Carpet Installation Estimates - No Obligation 90M Yonqe S“, Thcmhlll 8843629 832-2572 Carpet Cleaners Automotive Repair carpet Installation Rebuilt 6‘ Repair Transmissions Body it Paint Jabs. 889-7821 Carpet Cleaning Upholstery Cleaning 881-2449 881-6799 Upholsterers DWI-13 "933 Chesterï¬eld suites custom built it recovered. Furniture required Specializing in Anu'que restoring & re cavering. 221-9044 I Contractors 0 New Homes 0 Conages-_~_ aénogatibné 0 Residential Exteriots 0 Custom Cabinets - Etc, Everything your house needs we repair and service Free permits, [Slams drawings. No job too small Sears carpet cleaning spemalisls vemove deepdown din and soil wnh meliculous care. Call today. W; the pvalessxonal approach to carpet beauty. CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates FREE ESTIMATES JALO BUILDING SERVICE 889-9821 4 . s m U Contracting & Renovations WE DO ALL KINDS 292-2319 or 741-0267 Contracting Co Ltd. MES GARAGES BASEMENTS EA VES T RUUGHS 7355 REMOVAL 88441194 8831835 Richmond Hill BUILDING 881-0431 CM 43 c2w42 TFC 37 "€33 Mww TFC 33 If; 37 W37 "cl I Invitations O ROOFING O TflEEWUflK O PLUMBING O STORM REMOVAL O CLEAN-UP C) EXTERIOR PAIN Till/G "Number Oné" Joscelyn Laughlin Harper, Tory & Associates o Investments 8‘ 0 Mortgages 0 Interim ï¬nancing CHIMNEY REPAIRS CONCRETE PATIO OR PRECAST SLABS PORCHES - STEPS A. W. Kirchen, 0.D. (‘harlered Accountants 887-5720 - 889-27“ 84 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario CHARTERED ACCOL'NTANT 10265 Yonge Street Phone: 884-8651-889-8275 RELIABLE REASONABLE 881-3019 For Invitations & Stationery (‘harlered Accountants I033; \jnnge Street Richmond Hill. ()nl. 884-44746 30x12!†110 James St St. Cathrines, [ZR 7A7 585-4811 Optometrists I Chartered Accountants SIDEWALKS PLANTER BOXES ELITE ALTERATIONS CO. Leo Goodman Investment Ltd., 881-0276 anytime _ GENERAL HANDYMAN Brian H. Cowen All Types & Occasion STONE WORK Suite 204 I’rofexsional Bldg, 22 RI(‘II.\I()ND ST Rl(‘ll.\1()f\‘l) IllLl. H) appointment ROSENBERG & COMPANY Chartered Accountants 884-8171 anytime Financing ROGER D. WHITE, GENERAL CONTRACTOR 261-7770 W “1.235 Yongo Sl. Richmond Hill PATIO DOORS 884-2092 5- BUQKETT REID & BRADLEY SUNDECKS 889-4729 8843962 0 Painting 0 Decorating 0 Carpentry 0 Plumbing Interior - Exterior Cal] early for free FIRM estimates Personal attention to all work For free estimates please call .Home ‘ Improvements? Lic. B342 884-2753 C2w43l "(N TH: 39 TH: 40 «:31 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL C & L Painters 884-9026. Painting Wallpapering Stucco LOMBARDI CONTRACTING I Siding 0 Soffit O Shutters 0 Windows FOR WA TERPHUUFI/VG can/mm ALSO PA 7/05, CHIMNEY-5', PURCHES Lie. 8 1373 Insurance - Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Telephone 727-9488â€"9 Rear 47 Yonge Street S Aurora. Ontario. Have regular medical check-ups. Corner. Agency Limited PAINTING a. DECORATING Free Eshma'es PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R.E.Dunn 727-3303 Karl Bundschun 884-4832 0 hours FRI-2E ESTIMATES JUIIN Mad’lll-IE 8848506 83 (‘l-ZN'I'RE 51‘, E. RI(‘I|MUNI)|III,L H Painting and Decorating MacPHEE ALUMINUM Interior - Exterior Ivan Dalton Peter Elliott and Paperhanging Free Estimates 889-2163 773-4314 Painting & Decorating Insurance Painters PAINTING 8845227 N/C 2W 42 .l‘Iaws .Fascia .Avmings O Railings ï¬c43 TFC 42 "(I9 tfcl4 WC 3! "(36 "(36 FRANKS PAINTING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Done On Weekends Good work in your backyard. Why pay Florida prices when you can grow your own? Gardens rototilled. Will make a garden for you REASONABLE RATES! CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY PAINTING Typewriters - Adders Electronic calculators Professional finish guaranteed TYI’I-ZWRITERh .\I)I)I\'(} .\I,\('III.\'ES SALES- RENTALS LII. SIMS xx Baker .\\'9. Richmond Hill â€" XXI-I745 OResidential 'Commercial OAImstmng 'Manninglon Mills Typewriters Adding Machines Sales it Service Alf 's Ufï¬ce Machines Richmond Hill 881-1997 “' ‘ ROTOTILLING ODD JOBS MOVING "Charlie The Painter" RELIABLE REASONABLE ROTDTILLING HUGH BARR 889-2773 W All-'6' BRUY/V, PHOTOGRAPHER Excellent rates DECORATlNG Janitorial Services Carpet Cleaning LEONARD’S FLOOR CLEANING .by Ursula Liane 6123 YONGE ST, WILLOWDALE 225-8881 Photography l J.S. Adams Flooring (20., 884-2031 Cash Registers Electronic 884-7269 Carpet- Upholstery Cleaning ' FAMILY PORTRAITS 0 WEDDINGS ' COMMERCIAL 0 PUBLICITY Cushion Flowing PAINTING Rototilling Free Estimates Building Supplies Office Machines Sales - Service Painters Flooring Parquet Flooring 883-1360 RED OAK CALL 832-2667 Anytime 884-6864 8849318 8842345 Factory Clearance 29‘ I"?! s¢ ft. 2234100 495-6302 TFC 42 [PC 42 Wt 37 "<10 "T43 IFC 38 "BM [Building Tradesl [ Weston Richmond Hill 743-4422 8846361 L free Cutting Furniture flat is! Complete stripping 8 reï¬risling setvice. Antique furnimre bougm & sold. lSpringServics: I [Spfingflij RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL IT ALL STARTED WITH THE WORKS |N THE DRAWER f Repairs to all makes of T.V.'s Major Appliances, Vacuums & Antennas installed Sweetheart Peter York Home T.V. 10510 BAYVIEW AVE. Paint & varnish removed from fuln'r‘ ture, em. by hand ptocess only. Call Arnodeo's. Fee estimates ‘ No obligation. EXPERT TREE REMOVAL LOT CLEARING GARDENING ONTARIO LAWN SERVICES FREE [8 mm TE 889-2645 W ., WALKER CONSTRUCTION J. WELBORNE Er SUN BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years' experience Fireplaces, Extensions ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS REC. ROOMS, ETC. Mr. Stripperl 'Service, Maintenance and Installations Phone for free estimates 447-5814. UNIT 18. RICHMOND HILL 8844165 COMPLETE SERVICE FOR HENDRICKSON SUSPENSION SVSTEMS Stone Er Brick work TREE CUTTING PRUNING SHRUB REMOVAL CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES “leavy Dufy Truck & Trailer Spring Service BEK ELECTRIC Contractors Ltd. New phone (416)727-3121 TV Service Marilyn Drew 60 Industry Street North, (Aurora) YORK SPRING SERVICE 884-4135 Springs Replaced, Re-arched, Repaired General repairs Electriciaï¬sJ Furniture Stripping Masonry 887-5031 297-4235 We Will Strip For You Antiques 833-6475 884-2882 8844827 Llc‘ B3734 We Reï¬nish ï¬c40 MW 41 MW 40 TH: 38 THIN Hull IFC 4o TFCAl ‘ R. TURNER , DRY WALL a PLASTERING RECREATION ROOMS, KITCHEN and BATHROOM CABINETS 1') {Tm minim, mama}: Ming 8 sprayed New 9 old work. Free affiliates. 8881985 m, u /_ W *IIï¬-HMOND EFRIGERATION AIR-CONDITIONING & HEATING RICHMOND HILL PLUMBING & DRAINS LTD. Drains cleared by electric snakes 1 Plumbing, 1 Heating, Air Conditioning OSLID|NG GLASS DOORS ICERAMIC TILE Special rates for Is! .70 days. SALES. SERVICE, INSTALLATION 0 DOMESTIC ' COMMERCIAL I INDUSTRIAL HENRY'S PLUMBING SERVICE Electrical DEAL SERVICES 3899M 7734138 SPECIALIZING IN BATHROOMS AND KITCHENS BRAINS AND CONCRETE 120 ARNOLD AVENUE THORNHILL 50 INDUSTRIAL RD 884-1964 THORNHILI. PLUMBING HEATING Er DRAINS THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. April 27. 1977 â€" C-5 D & L Appliances Delivery Service Specialist: in moving 24 HOUR SERVICE Air Conditioners Humidifiers Air . Conditioning appliances 8 furniture CREATIVE DECOR BATHROOM it VANITIES DESIGNED-INSTALLED-REMODELLED Installation & Service Plumbing & Same hourly rate for 24 hour service 889-8564 or 889-1213. 889-2462 773-4696 FREE EST/MA r53 8849230 884â€"9230 Air Cleaners 749-4107 m3 REMODELLING TIME Apartments, homes and offices. Fully insured. Reasonable rates SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 8845807 Home lmproyements Dom MOVE! IMPROVE CUSTOM KITCHENS Evgs. 884-0717 SPECIALISTS IN: Moving-Cartage Moving (NW 41 Clwu TFC 41 CZW 42 In: All Try our modern officiom drive-mm trailer service OCEDAR DECKS 'COUNTER TOPS mfbuths ï¬lamdsapes. Have you ‘vegetab/e 0 flower gardens m7- 'Fast Accurate OReIiable OHeasomble Many years expenhnce Call us for coils, shocks, and tandem bushings vegetable 0 flower gadens [ro- fmbndly planned, planted 8 mah tabed. Camplere lawn 0 garden sale. Fertiï¬ze now. For consdma‘m (rappraisalmll DO IT YOURSELF OR PROFESSION- A‘LY INSTALLED. FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL PEEL FENCE SYSTEMS INC. Special rates (or senior citizens and low\income families. PARADISE Window Cleaners & Painters WELL NG'YON D CHAIN LINK GAL OR VINYI I REGULATION POOL FENCE 0 WOOD OR METAL PRIVACY 0 WROUGHT IRON “"Cé’rdening -Landscaping Building Maintenance Ground and Carlisle Landscaping 'SELL YOUR ‘ *UNWANTABLES IHONE 884-1105 Raymond & Co. Contractors 833-5040 on AUNORA 465 DAVIS DR., NEWMARKET Renovation & Design ARGEE CONSULTANTS 881-0276 INCOME TAX Expelbnced- [med Custom 30mm Gardens, lawns salded Gerda: mantle, etc. 898-1351 Fencing Call Patricia 884-8338 221-1466 2257213 SYREEY CZW42 c4w40 04w“ NC 42 TH: 33