The artist soon relieved my sense of being overwhelmed by ex- plaining each of the paintings on display. The paintings give the impression they were done quickly and with the utmost facility, thus enabling him to imbue them with the emotion Within minutes I was hanging on to the ropes as the count delivered the knockouts to the ego of the reviewer. How? How? Head reeling, I asked myself: “How do you write a review of an artist who has won numerous competitions and awards â€" e.g., winning an open competition for sculpture over Henry Moore and Alexander Calder, and being honored by Pope John for his eccelsiastical carvings and mosaics?" All of the paintings convey a sureness of technique that is so professional and developed, that the artist is able to capture the scene, person, building or animal realistically, and yet convey exhilaration that was felt when the subject was first per- ceived. they deserve The paintings represent the count’s travels throughout the world, and most of them are done in dry-brush tempera, which is an excellent medium to capture mood, emotion setting. Entertainment By William L. Cook Driving to the York Fine Art Gallery last Thursday was a gloomy experience. As you can no doubt perceive, I was suffering from my usual state of ontological insecurity when I was introduced to the artist, Count Alex von Svoboda. Fog and rain seemed to be joining forces to tell me something. My wife quickly contributed to my apprehension by im- mediately heading into the boutique next door when we arrived, with her master charge card held high in her hand like a knight with avenging sword. I left this stimulator of the sluggish economy and entered the gallery. Fog, rain, credit card bow to art ï¬aflv birds, 20,regula1, ’4 special, jackpot, doo: prizes. AT YORK FARMERS' MARKET 7509 Yonga Sheet. EVERY MONDAY WITHIN WED. APRIL 27th/77 43%?“ IHUHNHILL LIUNS ‘ WBINGO v m i '0)? At 7.30 PM. Chia Yue Chou ...... playing since 4 THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT JACKPOT $1,000.00 THORNHILL LIONS NO ONE UNDER 16 YEARS ADMITTED' John St. and Bayview Ave. Thornhill 7:40 pm. Earlybirds 8:00 pm. Regular Games ****************** i‘kiitti‘k‘k‘k‘k‘kt‘k‘ktii <k ROGERS, SLINGERLAND, LUDWIG,‘ 4K PEARL ETC ...... 1» a. COME IN AND SEE US TODA Y/l ; Cezanne says that art must begin and end with emotion, with technique in the middle. These paintings are the culmination of years of experience and training. They are completely successful because they Joanne Leatch, with a well-rounded and full-bodied voice, proved to be a good choice for this music; all she needs is work on the extension of her upper range. Bass Geoffrey Rison, possessing a voice with depth and agility. was successful in creating colorful contrasts in his aria “Through The Darkness.†Fine blend The choir excelled in the two unaccompanied choruses with impressive clean choral attacks, flexibility in dynamics, vitality in singing and good intonation. The work concluded with a dazzling fugal chorus. Organist Derrick Lewis played with competence and evident technique. At times, however, he tended to compete in volume with the soloists rather than accompany them. 7 The success of this performance is undoubtedly due to the imaginative interpretation of Edward Luka, whose dynamic conducting has never failed to move choirs, as well as orchestras. This young Canadian soprano, winner of the Toronto Mendelssohn choir scholarship this year, continues to show promise. York Region can justly be proud of this aspect of its cultural activities, of which it needs more, and the York Philharmonic Choir certainly deserves support. Its program lists several patrons already and it is to be hoped that they will continue to give assistance. Fine program Philharmonic choir It was of no surprise that the choir gave a fine rendition of Rossini’s “Stabat Mater", or “At The Foot Of The Cross“ in the English version; once again the choir has musically proved itself worthy of respect. The work is composed of 10 sections and involves four soloists and mixed choir. The opening chorus and quartet revealed a well-disciplined group with rich and balanced tone. The enunciation was precise and amazingly clear, even in pianissimo parts. Roger Jones, a ringing tenor, demonstrated good voice control in his demanding aria, while lacking subtlety at times. Soprano Brenda Luka and contralto Joanne Leatch blended superbly in their duet. Later on in the prdgrani, Luka displayed remarkable breath and pitch control in her sustained “C†abovethe choir. A well-attended concert at Richmond Hill United Church on Good Friday evening provided good community support for the York Philharmonic Choir despite many other Lenten performances this season. DRUM CITY LONG & McDUADE 459 BLOOR ST. WEST TORONTO 10W, 10W, PRICES]! The orchestra will be featured in the Egmont Overture by Beethoven; Die Fledermaus by Strauss; Bizet‘s Car- men Suite No. l; Sibelius’s Finlandia and Greensleeves, Vaughan Williams. For tickets and information call 884- 3411, 895-8711, 727-5576. A winner of the silver medal for top marks at the Royal Conservatory of Music for seven straight years, Chia Yue Chou's feature work will be Ger- shwin’s Rhapsody in Blue. Pianist Chia Yue Chou, who has been playing the piano since he was four, will be guest soloist with York Symphony Orchestra in a concert at St. Andrew’s College in Aurora, Apr. 29 and 30 at 8:30 964-8006 Brilliant pbnthSO FABUL OUS BARGAINS /N DRUMS NUMBERS ADMISSION s1.0!] The prices range from around $300 to $500. It will be difficult to make a selection because so many of them will appeal to one do begin and end with emotion. True-to-life performance CNIB players in comedy This poses a bit of a dilemma for the mother who, although an ardent feminist long before the Local artists and ar- tisans will feature their works at an art show and sale, May 6-8 at 86 Keele St. in King City. Saturday’s show will run from 10 am. to 4 p.m., with Sunday‘s going from 1 pm. to 4 pm. Wide Variety And they had to, for they were a varied bunch; a free-wheeling mother, (Elsie Leslie); her husband, (Al Zavitz of Richmond Hill) more at home in his boat than his house; his much-married sister, (Betty Brown) finally wearying of her many trips to Reno; the two, young lovers, (Ruth Biron and Martin Koven) unhappy about their elders' reactions to their flight; and old boyfriend of the mother‘s, (Gary Sarney of Thornhill) now being eyed by the sister; and the maid, (Marian 'l‘reen) quick to arrive with the tea whenever a crisis arose. The play concerns the plight of the family when the daughter, 22, decides to go away for the weekend with her boyfriend. There will be no charge for the show, which will feature a wine and cheese party on the first night (Friday) from 7:30 to 10:30. In the CNIB show, “Yes, My Darling Daughter," a three-act comedy by Mark Reed, the players, all but two of whom were blind, moved about for the most part with the ease of people completely familiar with the area. Only oc- casionally did one of them falter. That out of the way, let it be said the players took a bright comedy and, with the exception of an off- andâ€"on again first act, kept it that way throughout. But certainly not through any lack of courage; in fact, the resoluteness with which they performed difficult moves was often all that brought home the realization they were without sight. Free show at King City Last week at the CNIB auditorium in Toronto, The Glenvale Players showed how blind people move on stage in a play about people with normal sight. Either way, it was true to life. A few weeks ago Rich- mond Hill Curtain Club closed off its season with a play about a blind woman, with veteran actress Iris Stringer showing what it was like to be blind from a stage viewpoint. Canraulpass Sold through Travel Agents or VIA CN Passenger Sale Ofï¬ces Accommodatnon m Daynuters, Club cans and sleeping cars available lor an additional charge Winnipeg and West Introducung Canranlpass VIA CN's newest, mosl economncal "a 30 Days unlimited coach travel on any VIA CN tram and most VIA Any nme. any day Use :1 as often as you WISh Reservations are Canada-Wide Winnipeg and Ea?! Canrailpg Canrailpass. _lt’s like having all of Canada In your pocket. By Jim Irving I50} travel trom September 16 to June 15 Gary Sarney . easy charm cause became a cult, feels less secure about her daughter's ability to be a free spirit and does her best to talk her out of it. Father doesn‘t hear about it until it‘s too late. and then he heads for the nearest preacher. Mother knows best As the mother, Elsie Leslie, gives the kind of performance one is sure the playwright was hoping for when he wrote the part. It is easy to picture her as the early suffragette, who has since learned to take life in her stride. except maybe where young daughters are showing signs of being like her, are con- cerned. She easily deals with those around her with a movement of a hand, or a sly aside, cutting any nonsense that comes her way, while keeping the family ship afloat. However, when that fails, she gives her blessing. It is a skillful and highly-entertaining per- formance and, in the parlance of the sports world, she gets the first star. A completely different type of performance, but every bit as winning, was that of Gary Sarney’si The 'I‘hornhill resident displayed an easy charm and droll wit that was just right for the part of the worldly ex-boy-friend, even if he was just a mite young. Ruth Biron got off to a slow start, possibly hampered by the big glasses she wore. However, once rid of them and dressed in her more glamorous yellow DINING ROOM AND TAVERN WIENER SCHNITZELS SIZZLING STEAKS ‘ FIAMING SHISKABOB _ 4| FOR THE FA MIL YAND FR/ENDS SUCCULENT PLATTER DINNERS DELICIOUS HOT APPLE STRUDEL FOR RESERVATIONS 483-1601 FOR THATEUROPEAN TOUCH { 3363 YONGE ST. JUST SOUTH OF 401 AT FAIRLAWN Tithe Eanubt QCbe Eanube $275 $175 $125 A little more softness and her young lady would have been hard to fault. Al Zavitz marred a fine job with some memory lapses. However, he moved about the stage with uncanny ease and naturalness, and was in every way the proud father and angry husband; angry father and proud husband. Constant trip Betty Brown, as the sister, who alternated her time between trips to the altar and to Reno, was a fine comic foil for all concerned. Down but never out, one lost romance to her was merely reason to pursue another, and she did it with zest and humor. outfit, she was much more at ease, exuding a radiance that carried through to the end of the play. She did have a ten- dency, one felt, however, to react a bit too angrily some times. which could have been due to the direction, or just her own determined interpreta- tion. For travel trom June 16 to September 15 Martin Koven, one of el «1% yet' Canrauipass CN long dustance buses eqwed on some trams VIII $325 $200 $150 the two sighted members of the cast, was excellent as the boyfriend, who wasn‘t very happy to learn that his in~laws to be had approved of his tryst with their daughter. Marian Treen, the’other 2 FOR $1000.00 CARDS â€" 5 FOR $2.00 No. 1 Jackpot Vbuuu" No. 2 v{Juum’ Wed. April 27th. No. 1 Jackpot 58 No's No. 2 - 54 No's Early Birds at 7:35 pm. - Reg. Games 8 Specials at 8 pm. Rranch 3 NEW â€"â€" NEW â€"â€" NEW Name _ Address PROCEEDS 70 6787/0 FlBRUS/S RESEARCH 8 [00/11 CHAR] TIES MAIL THIS COUPON WITH $1.00 TO: KINSMEN BINGO PO. BOX 183, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO \x . “.3. $1.45 $1oq $$TWO JACKPOTS$$ No. 1 Jackpot $60000 No. 2 $50000 “YOUR BINGO CENTRE FOR ALL SEASONS" braTzien ANNUAL MONSTER BINGO $10,00000 18 REGULAR GAMES OF $100.00 EACH CARDS -* 3 FOR 31"“ $9501.41 GAMES/l YOUR ADVANCE ADMITTANCE TICKET WILL BE SENT TO YOU BY RETURN MAIL ON A BUN RICHMOND HILL LEGION BINGO (SESAME BUN) EARLY BIRDS 8 NIGHT OWL GAMES REGULAR GAMES START AT 8 RM. NO PLAYERS UNDER 16 YEARS ADMITTED Reg MUST BE OVER 16 YEARS TO ATTEND Legion Hall, Ohio Rd., off Elgin Mills Road E. ADVANCE TICKETS So far as the direction was concerned, there could be a little more “business†among the actors, while waiting sighted member. provided just the right support as the maid. 2 SHARE THE WEALTH CARDS â€" 5 FOR $2.00 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, April 27. 1977 â€" A-7 This offer good Wed. to Sunday only WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS AT THE A lot of good eating at a very pleasing price. Come treat yourself right now, at participating DAIRY QUEEN BRAZIER stores. RICHMOND HILL ONLY 10441 YONGE ST. 2 FOR $500.00 CARDS ~ 3 FOR $1.00 around for someone on the phone, or while just sitting around talking. Also, one expected to hear a few doors close. after the performers presumably went through them.