April this year seems to have fallen short of being the cruelest month here in southern York Region. For most of its 30 days we‘ve had perfect weather for getting outside to start putting the garden in shape. The higher the hedge desired, the farther apart each plant should be _spa_ced.' p,,. Wéenrhhesuggests planting hedges about one foot apart if they are to mature at one to two feet in height. Hedges to mature at three to five feet can be spaced There are a number of things you should either have done already or have plans for doing in the next couple of weeks. You should certainly have given your lawn its first feeding by now. “If it is a formal hedge it will require trimming annually, or more frequently, depending on the species. Hedges which are allowed to grow in a natural manner with some removal of straggly growth are informal in appearance and require less upkeep. " Garden hedges are great Low-grown hedges are ideal for bordering a gar- den. Medium-sized hedges are best used for separating different parts of the garden. Tall hedges can be used as screens for privacy. For trimmed hedges consider privet, alpine currant, cotoneaster, boxwood or evergreens such as Japanese yew, white cedar, hemlock or spruce. For natural growing hedges select spirea, lilac, forsythia, honeysuckle or shrub roses. Gardening Weather is great When selecting plants for a hedge, consider their purpose and the amount of maintenance they will receive. Hedges are an attractive and economical alter- native to traditional fences, says RF. Gomme, Ontario ministry of agriculture and food hor- ticulturist. A fertiliz'er-with the 3 ft. Shefflera’s - ’1 5.00 3 - 4 ft. Oleanders - ‘1 5.00 2‘/2 " - 3" Tropical Plants - .65 ROSES * MUMS * CUT FLOWERS COMEAND SEE OUR HUGE SEL EC T/ON OPEN TUES. - SUN. 10 - 6 FRI. ’TIL 9 PM. or muum mm 1" x 6" REDWOOD 60" All KINDS OF BOX PLANTS FOR SALE "3"9509 Baskets 0 LANDSCAPING JOHN RIDDER o GREENHOUSES DON'T FORGET MOM 0N MOTHER'S DAY 9211 BAYVIEW AVE., JUST BELOW 16!!! AVE. OR 1 MILE N. OF NO. 7 HIGHWAY By Lynda Nykor In Imus. SOUTH GERANIU‘MS OPENING SPECIALS Time for Spring Planting . . . is here again 889-1374 2" x 4" Cedar 4. «999950?! ""iâ€"ms'lw on: SPECIAL CEDAR FENCING LUMBER P’Ji/ :22; 1r: “Egg MLMINJCLMï¬uPPLY mg. I--. 13132 YONGE ST ., OAK RIDGES PLAZA 884-541 1 x 6" x 6†x 4†x4" X 6!! x 6†x 4†THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, May 4, 1977 “an mumsâ€"sum Dummies Cedar 28¢ Fl' Cedar 52¢ Ft. Cedar 27¢ Ft. Cedar 58¢ Ft. WOLMINIZED SPRUCE Spruce 28¢ Ft. Spruce 44¢ Ft. Spruce 26¢ Ft. Spruce 55¢ Ft. EDWOOD 50" $1 .00 Ft. ’{wuommâ€"mm Lumné first number of its three- part formula higher than the others is best. This means you've got a high nitrogen food that will quickly green up your grass. Winter mulches should be removed, especially if you've used material that could harbor disease or pests close to the plants. Soil should be removed from around roses, and the dead canes should be cut back. It's a good idea to plant some lettuce now â€" the cool nights will keep it from getting a bitter COME AND SEE US WON’T YOU? NTJ mom. to m" be. uni ’- It is not necessary to buy the largest plants, says Gomme. But the bigger the root system, the better. 15 to 20 inches apart and taller hedges should be planted 30 inches apart. To plant the hedge, dig a straight trench at least 18 inches deep, keeping the topsoil separate from the subsoil. The trench should be wider and deeper than the size of the root system. Set each plant in a straight row, about two inches deeper than at the nursery. Fill in with topsoil mixed with peat moss. Firm the soil around each plant. Gomme suggests using a line to prune at least one- third of the top growth. If this is not done. hedges will be thick at the top and sparse at the base. taste. If frost threatens, cover it overnight with newspaper or_ p1a_stig._l_ Fertilize along each side with balanced fertilizer such as 7-7-7 at about one pound for eVery 15 feet of hedge: _W§iter frequently until the plants are established Prune shrubs that like an early spring barbering now, for instance, hydrangea. You can plant seeds for hardy annuals now. Alyssum, annual phlox, cosmos. poppies and sweet peas are just a few that will stand up to cool nights. Irises should be getting a feeding, but don‘t feed them again until next spring. Yoï¬ can also, to GARDEN CENTRE 884-6091 LAWN AND GARDEN EDUIPMENT SALES - SERVICE - PARTS COMMERCIAL AND DOMESTIC LAWN MOWER AUTHORIZED DEALER OF HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS AND TORA EQUIPMENT. V/ FOR "MOTHER'S DAY" WE SUGGEST HANGING BASKETS ‘ 550 1; 5"POT GERANIUMS 250 g. Wm FUCHSIA 250 mm HYDRANGEA 399 From Our Own Greenhouses AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF: ONURSERY STOCK OFRUIT TREES OVEGETABLE PLANTS ALSO AVAILABLE: DECORATIVE PLANTERS Er PATIO STONE SAND 8 GRAVEL, MANURE, SOIL, PEAT, LOAM FLOWERS FOR MOTHER éSéW£§€8§JA'NER $5.95 GOLDEN, PFITZER, ANDORA, JUNIPER, GLAUCAJUNIPERS, ETC. BIG VARIETY OF POTTEO FLOWERS. TROPICAL PLANTS ASSORTED COLORS GERANIUM PLANTS DON'T FORGET MOM...0N MAY 8th HANGING BASKETS $4.50 - $7.50 - $9.95 HERBS EVERGREEN SPECIAL paraphrase Candide, start cultivating your garden now. Dig the area you'll be using for vegetables. Turn the clods of earth on their sides, so you‘re not turning topsoil to the bottom. Add material such as composted manure, well- aged compost. rotted manure, sand and peat moss to keep the soil both rich in nutrients and friable Dig flower beds and add peat moss, compost or additional loam. Your One Stop Nursery Centre AT 386 HIGHWAY N0. 7 EAST OF BAYVIEW THORNHILL CLOSED SUNDAY Phone 889-5540 or 889-6564 LAWN 8 GARDEN EQUIPMENT SALES 8 SERVICE Gardening is much easier when tools are in good working order, says R. F, Gomme, Ontario ministry of agriculture and food horticulturist. “If you didn‘t prepare your garden tools last fall, now is the time to clean, recondition and repair them.†Gomme says edges of shovels, hoes, spades and lawn mower blades can be sharpened easily with a file. “Lawn mowers will use less fuel and will be more efficient if they are well maintained." Choose right shrubs Metal parts should be cleaned with steel wool to remove the rust. Rub all metal parts with an oily cloth to prevent further decay. Shrubs can be useful tools in home land- scaping, says RF. Gomme, Ontario ministry of agriculture and food horticulturist. “When choosing shrubs for your property, pur- chase them from local nurseries or garden centers. Usually, nur- serymen have selected shrubs that have proven themselves adaptable to the area. The home gardener can then be sure the plant is fresh from the ground and climatized to local conditions." The sooner the shrub is back into its natural place in the soil the better. Prepare your tools Although it will take longer to get the desired growth. Gomme advises home gardeners to buy small, young shrubs. 8844361 Shrubs are available in many sizes and varieties to suit different types of conditions. Gardeners \should consider the garden location and wetness of the soil so that a suitable shrub can be chosen for the light and moisture conditions. To get your lawn mower back into good working order, first wash the visible parts with kerosene or fuel oil to remove dirt, grease. oil or clippings that may have accumulated last season. Remove the air cleaner and clean it according to the manufacturer‘s instru- ctions. Drain dirty oil from the crankcase and replace with fresh oil of the proper weight. Clean or replace spark plugs. Check the blade with the spark plug wire disconnected. and sharpen the blade if necessary. Take care not to sharpen the blade out of balance. Gomme also suggests “These small, young plants are less expensive, easier to transplant and generally tend to adjust more easily to the new environment.†thgsaae â€" Retail «mu-h 89551â€- m V 7279ng "A Good m m w, - ’FERTILIZEB 0 Sidewalks o Trending - Excavating o Curbs 0 Septic Tams I Dlains (New and Repairs) 176 Weldrick Road 881-0069 WELDRICK CONSTRUCTION Word We! OMAN? lTD Res. 884-261†Maple Dominion Hardware P.O. Box 836 Maple, Ontario King City Dominion Hardware 84 King St. King City, Ontario Allencourt Dominion Hardware 433 Markham Road Richmond Hill, Ontario GARDEN SPADE Made by True Temper wulh 271/2 D-handleand polished blade Manulacluled by True Temp}?! 22 Spllng leem 34/211 hardwood handle washing all plastic garden tools such as hoses. and storing them out of direct sunlight. “Simple care and maintainance of garden tools now can save a great deal of time once the gardening season begins," he says. VALENTE GREENHOUSES 114 CROSBY AVE. EAST CROSBY/WE YONGE 884-1740 - RICHMOND HILL - 884-958i HORSE FENCES s2.27 GRASS SEED MIXTURE 20° a Park Kentucky Blue Grass Fasl slamng 2Ibs sows about 300 sq Il ALPHA $3??? FENCING DOMINION HARDWARE SALUTES THE BLUE JAYS Call collect 5751220 ukyf‘ï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬- A NEW CONCEPT IN 2 lb. bag WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF TROPICAL PLANTS INDESTRUCTIBLE INEXPENSIVE CALL US FOR INFORMATION nu It RUBBER EF‘II‘OT‘T give cpl 25 ID bag s1.77 )SE SDII 08990801 mum glowlh [or a‘ ants and DulDS ’.. 884-5331 832-1430 833-5481 4055?â€? Mlg sugg 1913‘15‘98 SO-GREEN ROSE FOOD wulh msecl conllo‘