CONTENTS â€" 1000 sets bunk beds. continental beds and chests of drawers. No reasonable offers refused. Liquidators. 3368 Yonge St. Toronto. 488-791 1‘ c4w43 With Cap Badges, Air quce Wing and asserted ~military items‘ F6r further Information. call Don MIHS Rd., ’7 Gormley. west side Sat. May 14th" 230 Altamira Rd., Richmond Hill 10 am. to 3 pm. Miscellaneous household iten including children's clothing. Teakwood Furniture Good selection of eteosoted tlese Available at good pnces. Delivered or pick up. Please call Direct horn tmporte‘rs warehouse Open till 9 pm EINAR CLAUSEN LlMlTED Hwy. 7, Bramalea. 791-2355 79 Doncastet, Thomhill 831-0000 Mason and Risch Upright piano Complete set of lama, cymbals, all heavy duty hardware, only 4 months old‘ GBX bass amp. Cabinet radio/record player. Portable W. and stand. 9560 Keele St»,- Maple v w Washstand. 4 bICyCIBS, rocking chau Box telephone. Flat uons. etc, 47 Rosevuew Ave, Richmond Hill 10 am, to 12 noon lymrw‘7HP,%"wmu MM: $350 881-2326 GARAGE SALE SAL, SUN. MAY 14- l5 10 A.M.-4P.M. Household goods, adu|t and childrens clothes. Furniture. shop and stereo equupmgn} etc. GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 14 Air conditloner. Singer sewmg Treddle machine, freezer. old cedar chest, antique coffee maker. 48" mattress and box spnng, pIus numetous articles, Must sell - moving. Sat. May 14th 10 a.m. to 3 pm. 11 Pearson Ave, Rnchvale. Bedroom set, lefngerator. Old Crown sealers. 2 square Siding, aluminum and vmyl. NEW AND USED RAILWAY TIES RIDING LAWNMOWER etc‘ RICHMOND HILL FAIR GARAGE SALE Sat. May 14th 10 am. â€" 4 pm. 7.50 x 16.5 Rim 8 hole. Brand new $50 Color. good condition. Must sell Good candition. After 4:30 pm 832-8975 727-5466 24 Cedar Forest Coult Thornhill (N. on Henderson 0" John St.) May 14th. )0 am. to 6 pm 27 Westwood Lane, Ruchvale Household Items GARAGI: SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. May 14th 9 am. to 4 pm. 884-4828 RICHMOND HILL Sat. May 14 10 AM. to 1 PM LARGE GARAGE SALE 3 Families 669-2449 DOUG'S MILITARY GARAGE SALE SAT., MAY 14 79 Peelar Road Jane and No. 7 area 884-2690 Lug Tire 773-4350 MOVING GARAGE SALE Some antique's MOVING MUST SELL 88 WESTWOOD LANE )0 am toS p.rn. 32 LAURELEAF RD THORNHILL T.V. 25†Aftet 6 pm Will be at [he DRUMS mile south 0! 305 Articles in: Sale items, tfc4 ACCORDIAN, Paola' Soprani, 126 base. Best mm. 8846191. Back again - Same place 9 Wellington W. Aurora 727-9373. Open 11 - 5 Iues‘ - Sat LADDER, 26' aluminum. Aluminum wheel barrow, garbage cans. Hose on reel. Iools, axe, pick, pmpane torch, dolly sprinkler. fan. extinguisher. TEAKWOOD, rosewood furniture. Bedroom suite. diningroom 9 piece, Chesterï¬eld suite. wall unit. brand new, reasonabie. 247.4377. ï¬c39 SECONDHAND BETTY & MAC’S DISCOUNT MUSIC STORE DRAPES, 2 sets, 7' x 5' and 11' x 8‘ 884-7677 evgs. GARAGE sale. Thursday, May 12th. at 2:30 pm. 10370 Keele St. North, Maple, c2w44 GUITAR. Spanish. with case. Ex cellent condition. 850. 884-1761. DESK, heavy solid oak. 56" wide, x 35" depth. Needs refinishing. 773- 5947 atter 7 p.m‘ REFRIGERATOR. avocado green, frost free, 15 cu. ft. $150. 8840348‘ BICYCLE. lady's 3 speed. new. Girl‘s bicycle. Baby articles. 884-7610. STOVE, Miss Moflat coppertone, with mtisen’e. Good condition. 5150. Ca" after 6, 884-0620. Plan a swimming pool this season. Call MI. Lawrence, collect4613-745- 7156 and an Idea Booklet will be mailed to you. flc38 FREE Swimmingil’oofla Booklet - DINING room table and (our chairs, solid wood‘ 8816954. plw44 DOORS, 2 aluminum selfâ€"storing. 1 â€" 80". x 315‘)". $15. 1 â€"82" x 33%". 320. 8328987. GARAGE Sale. 8 Cypress Point Court, ThornhilI. Sat. May 14th, 10-4 pm. West on John 81.. from Bayview to Bayview Fairways Dr‘ BABY furniture Cribs, playpens. high chair, change table, jump chair, etc. Reasonable. 884-0181. 4 PIECE Chesterï¬eld. like new, 3250‘ Baby's crib $15. Continental bed $30. Dresser with mirror $20. Chesterfield, 2 chairs, 4 tables fnr cottage $50. Exercise bike $20. 884- 7434. BEDRDOM suite, (Canopy bed). Ftench Provincial, 6 piece. 889‘ 5101. GAS barbeque, 884-8672 TEAKWOOD Living - Dining Bedrooms, Designs in Ieak. 457 Markham Rd.. Allencourt Plaza. Richmond HilL 884-3750. tfc ALL 50% - 60% off with blue flowers‘ as x 100i 325‘ 834-3514. electric belt massager. Like new 884-3751. TYPEWRITERS, adders. calculators. sales. service, tentals. Newmarket Business Machines, 497 Timothy St. Newmarket, 895-7621‘ tfc36 DRAPES, lined. White background EXERCISE cycle ANTIQUE white wmught Iron table. 49" long x 31" wide and 32" high‘ Ideal for patio or balcony. 883-1481‘ TELEPHONES â€"1 modern black dial phone; 1 1930's style monophone (no dial), 810. each. Outdoor aluminum clothes dryet, $10. Bedroom drapes. 320. Individual hardwood arm chaivs. Small free standing metal cupboards. $8. each. Children's play tables. "8V8! used. 512. each. Large wooden bike rack. 33.50. Coleman camp stove, 515. Many othet itemsa Owners moving â€" must sell, 8846627. After 4 pm. "SELLING OUT" BEDSPREAD, hand quilted, twin size, boy's. Matching diapes. pillows, quilted pictute‘ 884-7270. BUFFET and hutch. cherrywood, glass doors, 2 years old. Excellent con- dition‘ 3250‘ negotiable. 884-2522. racer. Good condition. 565‘ 884 8393. MR conditioner 5000 BTUs Reasonable. 889-3877. BICYCLE, 5 speed. Silver Skyway with chrome trim. Good condition 884-1464. KITCHEN table and 4 chairs. arborite Dams, windows. an conditioner, kitchen cupboards and cabmets, all rammed trom completely venwated bui|dmg, Call Mrs. Farmel for appomtâ€" ""3"" 884-9235 LEADING swrmmrng pool wholesaler Enu'st ‘dl'sbose of 1976 all aluuunum pools In stock Sacrrhce game for desperately needed lactory warehouse space. Brand new swnmmrng pools Includes filter. walk around deck, lence and warranty. Sue 15 x 27“ $1355 cash or terms Call Perc collect days or evenings l? 416-481-8802. tlc27 Household and baby items. noveltues, etc. 497-0144 Evgs. 884-5507 WANTED GOOD USED CLOTHING Sold on consignment Baby's futniture and accessories also needed Appointment only THE CLOTHES RACK 773-5734 cZwI PERENNIALS & ALL KINDS REASONABLE GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 14th 37 CASTLE ROCK DR RICHMOND HILL Construction Material 10 AM TO 5 PM rowing machine‘ flu is OIL LAMPS: tall Ontario banquet lamp; CNR bracket lamp; 2 guardian angel type lamps; large bracket lamp with reflector, 2 oilguard lingerlamps; other Canadian patterned lamps COLOURï¬D AND PRESSED GLASS: cranberry crackle glass epergne; cranberry enameled cookie jar; cran- berry jar with ground lid; 2 man berry pony glasses; large green enA ameled jug: 2 sugar shakers; cut glass decanter. MISCELLANEOUS: large Beaver bell; large I878 bell; iron llowerbasket doorstep; early iron doorknocker; IlOn; kettle; brass relly pan; oval iron fish kettle; pewter toast rack; copper boilers. kettles; 2 snull boxes (ex- cellent); good bear trap; colourful homespun blanket. pieced quilt; tools Including framing hatchet; surgeon's saw; wooden planes; pour in: ladle; cooper's hammer; log brand with cipher Plan to attend this excellent sale. preview from 4 PM. Terms: cash Or check with ID. Not responSIble for accrdents. Partial listing: Outstanding 7 piece Chippendale carved twin bedrqgm suite. 8 piece Mahoeonv dining room suite with bubble glass china cabinet Chippendale secretary. 9 piece carved walnut dining room suite. 9 piece Duncan Phyfe dining room surte. Mission oak court cupboard. Duncan Phyte china cabinet oval Duncan Phyfe table. 3 piece French carved coffee and end table set (feathered). leather topped end tables. Duncan Phyfe pie crust tilt top lamp table. Mahogany end tables, drum tables, several fancy mirrors. Empire Mahogany captains chair, 54" poster beds. cedar chests. Mahogany plant stand, large wicker trunk. wicker rocker, gramophone, wicker chairs. ladder backed captains rocker (rush seat). odd china cabinets, dressers. chest brass coal box, scuttles, A hanging lamps. pair of metal figures plus a quanitity of miscellaneous glass and china too numerous to list Preview Sunday lrorn 11 am to sale time. Note: This is a very partial listing as we have not seen the one storage lot which will also be sold the same day. TERMS: Cash or cheque Auctioneer: P. _Vere Phone 1-957-7338 Sale held and conducted by West Lincoln Auctions. PARTIAL LISTING FURNITURE: 2 drawer jam cupboard in original blue paint; 12 pane pine/butternut tlatbaclr, refin; belltop rope bed; 2 cherry pegtop tables; stretcher base table. Quebec; pine harvest table; several rockers, includ- ing hall-spindle and Bowmanwlle; Z lamp tables; pine/oak Sideboard; large walnut wardrobe; set of parlour iurniture; set of pressedback chairs; set of Hitchcock type chairs; blanket box; small document box. great form and other small wooden boxes; relin,, lrames. mirrors; duck decoys; buggy seat; small items of wooden- ware. POTTERY: Redware water pitcher wrth floral decoration; large blue sponge ware jug; Bennington items; many other cracks. CHINA: lronstone teapot and creamer. Tealeaf decoration, perfect; 2 bowl/ pitcher sets; 2 lancy teapats, one with matching Sugar bowl; 2 small tureens; Wedgewood box; Crown Devon vase. AT VICTORIA SQUARE COMMUNITY HALL, DON MILLS RD. (Extensuon of Don Valley Parkway) AT 18th AVE. ABOUT 3 MILES NORTH OF HWY. 7 AT 7 PM. ONE OF OUR BESI SALES IN SEVERAL YEARS Lowest or any Tender not necessanly accepted. MR. C. STEWART PURCHASING AGENT MARSHALL MACKLIN MONAGHAN LIMITED 275 Duncan Mm Road Don Mills, Ontano M3B 2Y1 upon payment of 3 325,00 non» refundab|e certified cheque made payabLe to Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited, Plans. Specmcations and Tender Documents may be obtained aitel Friday. May 13. 1977 from The Corporation at the Municipal Offices, Town of Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Ontario. or Tues, May 17th, 1977 Sealed Tenders. plarnly marked, wrll be reserved by the Purchasing Agent until 12:00 noon. local (me on Friday. May 27. 1977 for the Reconstruction ol Carrvrlle" Road In The lawn of Richmond Hlll. ‘ from the Roselawn Senior Public; School, westerly, 1700 ft. to Ayrg Road, including Grading, Storm and‘ Sanitary Drainage, ConCrete Culvert. Granular Base and Pavmg‘ AUCTION SALE SUNDAY MAY15, 1977 1:30 PM. QUALITY AUCTION SALE TENDER FOR ROAD CONSTRUCIION Town Clerk Municipal Offices 10266 Yonge Street Richmond Hill. Ont. THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL MR. C.D. WELDON HENRY MILBERG. AUCTIONEER SUITON WEST for the constiuction of sanitary sewers in the Town at Richmond Hill, Ont. The work consists oi the Installation of appionmately 11.400 lin. ft. of 10" and 12" sewer pipe and appronmately 5,400 lin. it of house connections Plans and Contract Documents may be obtained from the Toronto oliice ol the Consulting Engineers. A charge of $35.00 will be made for each set, which will be nonâ€"relundable. Cheques shall be made payable to “M.M. Dillon Limited". The Tenderei shall submit with his Tender a deposut in the tom of a bid bond or ceitilied cheque in the speutied amount. The lowest 01 any tender may not necessarily be accepted. UP TO NOON. Local Time SEALED TENDERS. properly marked as to contents. will be received by THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF R|CHMOND HILL CONTRACT 77-01 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL TENDERS FOR SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION 3°†Auctions YORK FARMERS MARKET 7509 YONGE ST., THORNHILL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1977 MR. OD. WELDON TOWN CLERK TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL MUNICIPAL OFFICES 10266 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL, ONT. mTenders for Gatsby Antiques and Flemming, Construction. To be held at the Old C.N. Freight Sheds on Station St. in King City on Monday. May 16th, at 6:30 pm. Antiques: Beautiful carved Victorian sideboard. Empire style walnut mirror-back what-not. Elizabethian Oak sideboard, flat to the wall cupâ€" board. walnut sideboard. oak armoire. small oak sideboard. beautiful pine chest of drawers (refinished). large pine chest of drawers (refinished), pine wash stand (refinished). small Harvest type table (refinished). very ornate mirror dresser, tile back marble top washstand. swrng back mirror dresser, small wash stand. wash stand with towel bar, gate leg' table. small twin pedestal desk, china cabinet, Jacobean gate leg table. small drop front desk, uphol- stered love seat. Pub table wrth wr0ught iron base. upholstered chair. rocking chair, Rock Maple day bed, pine blanket box (refinished), set of 4 chairs. Beech Compter cook stove. pine hutch in‘ the rough. 2 pianos, very ornate mirror (set in bronze). brass bed, 2 very old projectors, Cranberry ban- quet lamp. several old Finger lamps, several old ail lamps. Banquet lamp, 3 railroad lanterns. 7 piece wash set (A»l condition). 5 piece breakfast set (Cherry pattern. all marked North- wood) flat to the wall clock, several other clocks. very old Thos. Edison cylinder record player, dresser set, beautiful Victorian hanging lamp, Ginger beer bottles. pewter, wood planes. crocks, stained glass win- dows. glass. china, copper, brass, etc. Equipment: 2 8-N Ford Tractors (l Farmall H Tractor with loader). 7' rotary mower. 1067 Dodge School Bus Model 1700 International cab and chassis 1973 5808 Case with extended hoe. 2 International Cub tractors with single furrow plough, 1966 20 passenger School Bus. 3 hp. International gas engines (24" fly wheel). 2 airconditioners. V2" pedestal drill. Old barn beams. Quantity of used lumber Railway ties. 2 chain saws. V-4 Visconsrn engine. Classic Vehicle: 1957 - 98 Oldsmo bile 2 door hardtop In mint condr. tron. (Subyect to a reasonable re- _ serve.) Miscellaneous: 2 games (broken to ride good with children). old Stevens pump - action 22. Very old Violin. Old cream separator. 30" Moffat electric stove. 2 years old. Old barn lanterns and many more interesting and collectable items too numerous to mention. Owner and Auctioneer not responSrâ€" ble for loss or accrdents day of sale. Terms Cash or rndentrfied cheques. Ample free parking. Auctioneer: Dan Craddock. Orange vrlle Antiques and Sales. Phone 519-941-3335 3:00 PM. FR|DAY, MAY 13. 1977 For the supply of: One - 7,500 G.V.W., 4 x 4, extended cab Pick-Up - equipped wrth angle plow, automatic, One - 7.500 GoV.W., Extended Cab Pick-Up - automatic. Specifications and information may be obtained from the Parks and Recreation Department of the Iown oi Vaughan The lowest or any tender not ne~ cessarily accepted , PAW. Wilson, Director Parks & Reareation Town of Vaughan, Maple, Ontario CONTRACT P.R. 77001 SEALED TENDERS ptainiy marked as to contents will be received by the Parks and Recreation Department until:- ' VAUGHAN 1977 SUPPLY OF TRUCKS AUCTION SALE 309 CONTRACT 77-05 MM. DILLON LTD. Consulting Engineers 50 Holly Street Toronto, Ont. Auctions CZw M WE would like to announce the ï¬rst 00m and weinev roast for the Oak Lake Hills G.R.S. Club to be held 2 pm. May 14, 1977 at 11281 Keele 81., between Maple and King City. Mmission $2 per adult. children under 12 free. Games and prizes for everybody. We would like to thank in advance those who have helped to make the event a success. The monthly meeting at Oak Lake Hills G‘R.S. Club will he held SATURDAY. MAY 14 AT 11 AM. 'Rummage, home baking. garden centre at King City United Chutch. at Elizabeth Grove. Refreshments available, THOMAS, â€" To Janet (nee Thomson) and Brian, a daughter, at York Centlal Hospital, May 6. 1977. MCKENZIE. Bill and Ann (nee Turkington) proudly announce the birth of the" son Christopher )ahn George, Apnl 8, 1977 at York Central Hospital. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. J. McKenzie and Mr. and Mrs. G. Turkington, Glasgow, Scotland. Special thanks to Dr. McGregor and nutsing staff. WIDEMAN: Don and Faye are thtilled to announce the birth of a daughter. Tina Susanne, 7 lbs... 1 02., on April 25. 1977, a sister for (Sam Special thanks to Dr. Hayami and nursing Sta†at York Cental. STOKES: We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to Our relatives. friends and neighbours for their floral tributes, memorial donations and kindness in the loss of; a beloved husband. father and grandfather. â€" Audrey Stokes and family. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of KARL FRANK MOCSARY, late of the Town of Richmond Hill. in the Regional1 Municipality of York, who died on or about the 2nd day; of February, 1977,' must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 27th May, 1977, thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate havrng regard only to the claims then tiledt claims then filed‘ DATED at Richmond Hill, this 18th day of April, 1977. 8 PM. May 26 at The Viking Club in Oak Ridges Plaza 'SATURDAY. MAY 14 AT 1 PM. KlNG CITY UNITED CHURCH ELIZABETH GROVE Household items, toys, chma. glass. etc. Refreshments available. Gord Orr‘ Auctioneer. “5 Coming Events ol household lurniture. At 258 Oxford St, Richmond Hill, first street south of Elgrn Mills Rd. olf Bathurst St. Richmond Hill. Property of Mr. and Mrs, 0E. Sale. Terms Cash. Alvin S. Farmer. Auctioneer, Gormley 887-5311. ltems lor Auction: 2 modern blue pictures. orange picture ~ oil painting. pump lamp, 2 large brown pottery )lamps. l brass lamp, 2 green shag lcarpets. 1-6 x 9.1-7x 9. ‘Buffet and hutch top, wine rack, Idesk and chair. Chest of drawers, lwrcker chair. 2 end tables, 2 light fixtures - Tiffany lamps. wrought iron book case, 3 green scatter mats. large chair, magazine rack/end table, small skirs 8. poles & boots. cedar chest, grape mulcher. 2 ladders. sqr galv. tub. red swedrsh saw, vice. blue hle cabinet, plus hanging liles, old blue table, 4 sea-grass chairs, caned chair. carved chair, printing press 2 boxes of type plywood & wallboard.‘ roll of tar paper, 2 new plastic garbage pails. brawn carpet 5 x 9'7", 2 brown carpet pieces. mirror tile (11 carton) chest of drawers (blond), Aqua-Vak vacuum (shop-vak), odd. chairs, steamship trunk. beige carpet, pictures and frames. carton of cork, humidilier. typewriter, yellow metal tea wagon, 2 card tables, old radio cabinet. round table â€" arborite, tape recorder. small round fan, 2 large artificial plants, scythe. wrought iron planter screen. 2 cracks, flag and flag pole, large picnic table, 2 blond square end tables. apple cider press. roto tiller, mulcher. quantities of garden tools. garden chairs, roll of fencing. Jokes of glasses. boxes of records. 2 ire screens. 2 fire baskets, 1 pair of brass fire-dogs (andirons). antique ping cradle . pool table, antique tall- Ieal tables 660 MARKET DAY 0t unclaimed goods from storage for Central Leasing and Mary Gray’s Antiques. May 19. at 6:30 pm. 360 Newkirk Rd. Richmond Hill. "An- tiques". 4 matching oak dining room chairs. pine blanket box, wagon wheels, |ug_.and vase. Nippon tea set, wrcker table. rocker. paintings. picture frames. crocheted dailies. etcr wrne glasses. ruby bowl. old musrc stand, flute, floor radio. mantel radio, sewrng box. horse dollars barn lanterns Old books. SllVEL china. glass, brick'- A'Brac, Some coms, medals and lewellry. "Used Furniture". dressers. beds. colonial dining room suite. lawn lurmture. garden tools. trunks. mirrors, kitchen utensrles. chester- lields. china and complete cottage supplies. Auctioneer Norm Faulknerr Terms: Cashr SAT. MAY 14th 12 NOON AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE 610 Cards of Thanks AUCTION SALE ‘35 Births 309 by he: solicitor STUART P. PARKER, 0.6. Box 29. Thomhill, Ontario L31 3N1 Legal Notices Matgare! Jane Mocsary Auctions C2! ‘5_ c3w44 WELDRICK â€" In loving memory of a deai aunt. Orphie, who passed away May 14, [974 and her husband. Boynton, who predeceased her, January 10, 1971, " With Christ as Saviour. Death is but stepping on a shore And ï¬nding it Heaven, Reaching out to a hand and finding it‘s God‘s hand." Fondly remembered by Elwood and Mary. MacMILLAN - Ian and Pa! are pleased to announce the arrival of the†son Steven William, born May 2. 1977. at York Central Hospital. A brother for Shawn and Kevin. Many thanks to Dr. Golab and Skory and the nurses on the ï¬fth floor. DICEMAN, Flownce L. In loving memory 0! a dear wife and mother who passed away May 13th. 1974‘ Memories are like threads of Gold. They never tarnish o: grew oId. Ever lemembered by husband Garnett, Jessie. George, Jean and Stan. Get acquainted hour 7 pm Sit down dinner 8 PM. Dancing until 1 AM. To the music of Ellis McLintock and his Orchestra with VOCallSt Julie Manchester. 330 per couple. For reservations. phone 297-112) or 887-5909. CANNING, Helen Bernice â€" In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister who passed away May 12, NH. Your last parting wish We would like to have heard And breathed in your ear Our last parting word. Only those who have lost Are able to tell The pain m the heart AT not saying farewell. Too dearly loved to ever be lorgotten. Mother, sisters and brothers. At the Centenary Hospital. Scar- borough, on Tuesday, May 10, 1977, Frank Teasdale. beloved husband of the late Susie Jardlne, formerly of Concord, Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill (Funeral arrangements incomplete). Interment Maple Cemetery TEASDALE, flank MESS. Howard 1. Al Newmarkel, on Thursday. May 5. ‘1977, H0ward Ness, beloved ‘ husband of Maud Bowen (formerly of ‘Bayview Ave, Thornliill), dear father ofAnn (Mrs. J. Curtis), Rose (Mrs. H, Stephenson) and Edwin (Bill), loved by his seven grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Rested al the Marshall Funeral Home, Rich- mond Hill. Service was held on Saturday afternoon. lnterment Maple Cemetery. NURMI, I’me M. At the Toronto General Hospital. on Friday. May 6, 1977. wife of the late Aarno, dear mother of Renio Nurmi of Richmond Hill, grandmother of Sheryl and Richard, sister-in-Iaw of Sylvia and dear friend of Edward Sparkes. A private family service was held at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill on Monday. Cremation. At York Central Hospital, on Monday, May 9, 1977. Frank O’Reilly, husband of Gaetane O'Reilly, lalher ol Moriral Rested at the Marshall: Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Mass‘ was held in St. Mary lmmaculate ChurCh, Wednesday morning. In- terment Holy Cross Cemeteryl ‘MOREHOUSE, Dorothy Clarissa At the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday. May 8. 1977, Domlhy, beloved wife of the late Albert William Moreh0use, dear mother of Charles Morehouse of Richmond Hill. Resting at Bishop's Funeral Home, Fredericton. New Brunswick Funeral service on Thursday, May 12th, 1977‘ in- terment Fredericton Rural Cemetery. of Agnes Darling, dear father of Vivienne and Edward. Complete funeral service was held in the chapel of the B.E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy. 78) Ihornhill on Monday at 3 pm. Cremation. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society w0uld be appreciated. O'REILLY. Frank EDWARDS. Ethel L At York Central Hospital, on Friday. May 6, 1977, Ethel, beloved wile of Lloyd Edwards of Richmond Hill, dear mother at Jean Cooper, Ivor and the late John and David. dear grandmother of Jenifer, dear sister of Margaret ‘Bird. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Service was held on Monday alternoon. Interment Richmond Hill Presbyterian Cemetery. KELLY. Robert Edward At York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill on Friday May 6, 1977, Eddie Kelly of King City, beloved husband DUGUID, John Paris Suddenly at North York General Hospital, on Thursday, May 5. 1977. John Duguid. of Toronto. husband of Emmeline Garden. lather of Garry. grandfather of Blair, Paula and Lynn, brother of Joseph of Edmonton. A memorial service was held at the 8.5 Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge Sl. (at Hwy. 78) Thornhill on Monday a! 1.30 pm. Cremation Mr. and Mrs. William Robert Burns, ol Richmond Hill. are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Leslie Maureen. to Paul Michael Englehutt. son ol Mr. and Mrs‘ Clare Englehutt. of Richmond Hill. Marn'age to take place Sep- tember 17, 1977, at Our Lady Queen of the World Church, Bayview Ave INVITES YOU TO JOIN US FOR OUR GRAND OPENING DINNER DANCE “5 In Memoriam “5 Engagement ‘55 Death ROLLING HILLS GOLF CLUB 5‘5 Coming Events FRIDAY, JUNE3 Ted Broadstock, science teacher at Crosby Heights, _ is coaching a Crosby Heights Senior Public School is making good use of the swimming facilities at the Richmond Hill Centennial Pool. PATERSON - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather George Paterson. God took him home. it was his will, But in our hearts, we love him still. Ever remembered by George and Helen and family. Separate grants were also given to the Vaughan department of parks and recreation to assist in the cost of two sports’ projects. Provincial government grants have been approved for both the Richmond Hill District Minor soccer association. and the Richmond Hill midget 11 hockey club to assist them in future travel expenses, it was announced by the ministry of culture and recreation. The Richmond Hill soccer club will receive $2,822 to defray costs of sending Centennial pool is being well-used ‘ Representing the midget division will be Debbie Baskerville, Bev L e w i s , E l l e n Querengesser, Mark Aust'in, Danny Hen- derson, Mike O’Donnel, Chris Weisener. The following Rich- mond Hill high school students will be com- peting at the York County Track and Field Meet at Thomlea May 12. Prov. grants approved for R.H. minor hockey York Regional police’s no. 2 district headquarters building at 171 Major Mackenzie Dr., Richmond Hill, will be open to the public for conducted tours, May 16 to May 19, as part of Police Week 1977. RHHS will take part in Thornlea meet Constable Cathy Gray of the Oak Ridges detachment of Ontario Provincial Police doesn’t look as if she's all that anxious to try out that well-equipped motorcycle of fellow Constable, Robby Robinson. However, despite that menacing looking merge sign above, Constable Gray only has to look at the machine, while ‘55 In Memoviam The juniors will be By Jane Robbins Can I take you for a ride? Made up of area is asked to call Jim Lane, businessmen, the group membership director. at covers an area bounded 884-4421, or write to him south and north by Steeles at the Bank of Montreal. Ave. and Highway 49, and 10211 Yonge St., Rich- east and west by Highway mond Hill. 48 and Highway 400. A group, to be known as York Central Executive Association has been formed to promote and develop business in Rich- mond Hill and Aurora. Businessmen organize group Coach Broadstock has concentrated on teaching his pupils the skills of front and back crawl, breaststroke and racing dives. The team has the use of the pool for an hour each Wednesday afternoon under the coaching of Broadstock. team of 30 Grade 7 and 8 students in competitive swimming. Assisting him are staff members Jim Orser and Shelagh Harris. On April 27, Mike Smith, Steve Bialkowski and Mike O‘Donnell represented RHHS in a marathon run. Each ran 7.8 miles. Laurie Barnett, Leslie M c G r e g o r , A n n McIlwaine, Cheryl Paxton, Leslie Rogers and Jeff Bells will carry the senior colors. Jenny Chu, Lori McDov‘vell,‘ Judi Paxton, Jane Toporowski, Peter Gurney, Greg Walton, Steve Young. These students were THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. May 11 Thevgrants are part of the Wintario lottery program for supporting cultural and recreational activities. Vaughan will get one grant of $9,052 to help install lights in the Maple Park ball diamond, and another one of $2,543 to purchase playground equipment. two teams to the Invitational Inter- national Junior Orange Bowl soccer tournament in Miami, Fla. The other grant will give the Hill hockey club $1,500 to assist it with travel expenses to an invitational hockey tournament in Brandon. Tours of large groups during business hours, Monday through Thursday, may be arranged by appointment. Tour hours are from 7:30 pm. to 9:30 The latter runs from May 15 to May Constable Robinson explains its workings. just as he will be doing for visitors to open house at the police headquarters, during Police Week, 1977, May 16-20. People wishing group tours are asked to contact detachment commander. T.E. Dube. at 773-5281. Anyone wishing to join is asked to call Jim Lane, membership director. at Openings are still available in the association, which covers 100 classifications of businesses. Any, offérs? Call Shelagh Harris at 884â€" 5281. Meanwhile, the Crosby Heights swim team is hoping to find another public school swim team to compete against? T h e s w i m m i n g program has been so successful that it’s hoped to offer it again next year. among the fortunate few whose names were drawn from 108 hopefuls, all of whom were eager for the chance to take to the water. We are all very grateful to Don Fleming for his time and efforts involved in organizing this program The Activity Day series has finished. From talking to people it is obvious that everyone enjoyed it. Next Thursday they play Aurora. Our lacrosse team won over Huron Heights 54. Mark Wilson scored two goals, Kevin Bryan, two, and Craig Finkbeiner one. 1977 â€" B-ll