All Wort Gummeed ‘7 mile scum of Auto“ Sndevoad on Don Mulls Road 1966 VOLVO Must be seen 26.200 mules. certmed. an conditioning. AM-FM ladIO. sun root excellent condition. CALL SCHOMBERG Volkswagen Sale Doherty Motors 727-3322 vinyl top. 351. auto. an. buckets. floov console, AMFM. PSPB. $2,700 or best olfer. Excellent condition. 32,000 miles. Michelin mes, AMFM radlo, power steering and brakes. Rustproofed. $3.900 939-7219 after 6 1970 Mustang fastback, automatic, new paint and tires. I972 Cornet, automatic, 6 cyl. very sharp. 1972 VW Camper, fully equipped. 30 VW Beetle stationwagons and 411's. V: mile south 01 Amara sideroad on Don Mills Rd. 71 GMC 1/2 ton 1971 Toyota wagon, as is. $250 "CHEAPIES" 1973 Flat, 30,000 miles, as is, 3350‘ 1973 Cougar, XR7 73 Chev 1/12 ton V~84 Power sieerinngBwei 20,000 miles. Certified. $5.500 Fxnellent cnnrlihnn 1974 Monte Carlo 300 Series In good mechanical condltion. Extra wheels and snow tires. $995, 0! best offer. Tim. 889- 911] Vandorf Motors 727-3322 aveag Performs on a pinch of gas. ‘ . and still is Canada‘s lowest- pn'ced new car! LIMBERTS 1975 Plymouth Sport 69 Buick Skylark Spring Specials new paint. Mags, high back seats, customized exterior and mtenor. portholes and roof rack, AM-FM 8 track. rebuilt 289 mofnv many new pans. Evgs 884-1559 881-1552 6 automatic. Both cemhed IMPALA, 2 door hardtop. V-8 automatic New palnt‘ As 5 Asking $495. Evgs. 727-1451 JOB opportunity with Vanda Beauty Counsellors. No experience necessary. Immediate earnings; 727‘ 8040, or 936-4457 19 2c 1971 FORD WINDOW VAN 1 ownel. A-l condition 884-2267 884-5932 EAGLE $1.. NEWMARKET 773-5689 ‘55 Cars & Trucks 68 Chevrolet 67 Ford Van 3 speed s(andard 76 Chevy Suburban 884-2012 5"" Help Wanted Me: 5:30 pm 895-3222 Only 52995: $1.100 W. » age 727-1451 494 after 6 days evenings 20 2c brakes. Asking engme. good condition after 6 pm 6784 1975 FORD LTD Country Squire statuonwagon. looks like new. cemhed. Pnth to sello Contact Ron Richardson 7278416 965 CHEVY H P.S.P.B. alr condihoï¬mg. Used Cars. 7273012. Walters Used Cars. 165 Wellington E 7273012. 1974 DODGE. 4 door sedan. P‘S.P.B. automatic. $3.035. Walters Used Cars, 7273012. B74 MERCURY Marquns. $3.000 1975 OLDS Cutlass, P.S.P.B. 2 doon $3.850. Walters Used Cars, 727‘ 3012. 1973 PONTIAC Catalina, $2,100 1976 PONTIAC Ventura. 6 cyl. automatic, $4.495. Walters Used Cars. 165 Wellington E. 727-3012. 1976 PINTO. 4 cyl. 4 speed standard. $3.150. Walters Used Cars. 165 Wellington St‘ E. 7273012. 1975 CHEVELLE Wagon, P.S.P.B, $3,995. Walters Used Cats, 165 Wellington E, 7273012 1973 CAPRI. 4 speed. 52,000 miles as Is condition. $1,800. 7272075 1976 MONTE CARLO. $5.150, P.S‘P.BA automatic. Walters Used Cars, 165 Wellington E. 727-3012 1976 DODGE DART. 6 cyl. automatic, $3,725. Walters Used Cars. 165 Wellington E. 727-3012. 1975 LA MANS, 4 DOOR, P.S.P.B. automatic. $3,425. Walters Used Cars, 727-3012 1969 AUSTIN 1100. 4 door. As is‘ Running condition. Call 884-7202 after 6 pm, 2 door hardtop. New shocks. brakes and tires Cettmed. $2300, 1976 G.M.C. Sprint V8, silver. air- condmoned, AM»FM tape. power steering. brakes, windows. 775-1827. Black Cat speual edmon V-6. CB AM/FM 8 track stereo. radat scanner many extras. Best offet 2 dr HATV. P,S.. P‘B†Alr, 68000 onglnal mules‘ excellent condition, will certify, asking $1100. 727-3151 weekdays 9307217 evgs. 8. weekend 610 Stationwagon, Good condmon Extras. Celtlhed. 773â€"4401 773-5460 From $239 MCKENZIE YRIILERS Ola Hm 7a! Baywew SE 475 Fennedv 90 2E 2 door. 250 cu. m 6 cylinder rustprooied. -excellent condition Certified. Call Dave. Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 ham Certlhed, Onglnal owner. Excellent appealance, Best offer. TRUCK CAP SALE 74 Chrysler Newport 1976 1/2 Capri PINTO ha 73 Super Beetle 73 Datsun MUSIANG Mach 1970 Bonneville CHRYSLER New Yorker m. all options. cemhed 69 Oldsmobile 887-5200. 888-1040 76 Chrysler Cordoba 727-3572 73 Ipyota 884-9793 74 Maverick ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks Good condition. Must sell Call Steve 832-2327 8-70“ eluxe best 1968 FORD VAN 773-4592 884-0350 Standald 6 cycllnder 1600' standard, 35,000 miles $5,200 893-1678 Loaded Great colour 221â€"6761 Nova. 6 Cutlass 442 Her. 895-55 :hba‘ ertlfled. 89S k. excellent "ex 504 evenmgs 8891831 266 5812’ 35 wdï¬ MF Heavy Duty Engme Oil 324 a case MF 1130 Transmrssron orl $14.95 per 5 gal. can while supply lasts MF 500 PSI pressure washer $375. (1 only) MF 110 bushel spreader 51195. Used MF 6 row corn planter 31695 Used MF 33 gram and tertrlrzer dnll 51750 New MF garden tractors In stock. PHONE JOHN OR STEWART GORMLEY 887-5886 wlï¬ unu‘miï¬ A DIVWBU'OR Woodbine Avenue (Don MIHS Roam RR. 1. Keswick. Ontario LdP 3C8 Telephone (416) 476 4311 Gravely manual starting Complete wnh 36" rotary mowerv $475, BULLDOZER John Deere â€" 210 with float 727-3910. Easy Fingertip Control Infinite Variable Ground Speed with Constant RPM on Drive Shaft Powerful, Top Quality. Cast Iron, Kohler Engines for Years of Service Front-Mounted Mower for Full View Mowing Walters Used Cars, 165 Wellington E 7273012 1970 VW BEETLE Very clean. Sound engine. 8875. Evgs. 884-6424. 1976 GM pickup truck, $4,150 @BQHW‘EB 1969 LINCOLN Mark III, A] can dituon. 33,250. 8335473. ability Complete Speed and Directional Steering with Hydrostatic Drive Zero Turning Radius for Unh’mited Maneuver- 1975 MONTEGO MX, an conditioning PB, PS, 400 cu‘ in; new radials, new brakes. EXECUIIVE dnven $3.095 â€" 7274501 aftel 4:00 pm muffler. excellent condition. $1,300 727910]. 1973 FORD haH-ton V8‘ automatic. Immaculate condition, certified and licensed. Phone after 730 pm, 727- 9590. good condition. $400 or best offer‘ 727-3235. 1971 VW Wagon. gas heater, new 1971 FORD Econoline % ton V8, 883 1679 1967 DODGE Polara, P‘S‘ V-8, 383‘ 1975 PLYMOUTH excelient con- dltion, new paint. power brakes and steeting, V8, $1.350 or best (My. 8984917. “‘5 Farm Equipment 1956 Fargo truck, dual wheels‘ flat bed with 4‘ rack. Must be seen to be appreCIated‘ $800. Ask for Mane Crocker. 669-3063, between 9 am. and 3 pm. or evenings. ask for George, 705 - 435-4270. 1972 DATSUN 510‘ Mags all around. New sporty paint job. $1,000 or best offer. Good running order. WI“ certify. 7276346. beautiful condition. Must sell. 895 4563. 1966 CHEVY ll 35. 6 cyl. automatic roadworthy. as is $300. 895-4918 mm: Whute and red Landau root. $4.000 or best other 661-6532 1972 RED Chevelle Malibu standard Massey Ferguson chlmder automatic, AM-FM 8 track good condition‘ Must sell. excellent condmon 5700 Or besl ' 881-1032 76 Pontiac Ventura Pamally completed. Fibreglass body $200 884-5436 1971 DODGE Colt. New automatic ttansmlsslon as Is 8200. 7273359, 20 2c 884-3163 TURF EQUIPMENT LTD 69 Volkswagen COLLECTOR'S ITEM 1976 DUSTER ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks Best olfev. Call after 6:30 Disassembled. New motOr PYTHON SPORT CAR ALL TERRAIN VEHICLE Tractor 884-5436 884-5451 1968 OLDS DELTA 88 881-1970 EVGS Rumble 17th. clw46 IIRE. mounted on Ford rim, 595 x 14. Goodyear, 5 Michelin wmte wall mes 205 x 14. Call after 4'30 884- 9838, CEDAR rails. $1.50 each. 773‘425‘ c2w46 RIMS and tiles fat 73 Datsun 510‘ $35.00. 223-1787‘ BANKRUPT stock, swrmmrng pools. New rectangular redwood type above ground swimming pools at huge reductions otl manufacturers suggested Irst price From public auction of bankrupt Fanta-sea Swim Centres, Frrst come â€" lust served. eruted quantltles, Installation and terms arranged. Phone Mr. Dan collect at (613) 745-7156 9 am. to CUSTOM CAMPER CONVERSIONS WANTED GOOD USED CLOTHING Sold on consugnment Baby‘s iurmture and accessoues also needed Appomtment only THE CLOTHES RACK 773â€"5734 czw ovethead door. Take it away. 884‘ 3323‘ FREE 1963 13 HP. EVINRUDE, tank and controls. $250. 884-2913. 305 14’ FIBERGLASS, 35 HP. mater, convertible top, trailer. Many extras 727-3970 after 5 pm. 17' custom but" to accept outboard or Inboard-outboard dnve. Pnced for quick sale. $850 cash. TRUCK KAPS FROMSIIO RAISED VAN ROOFS FROM W9 FIBREGLAS RUNABOUTS BOATS FROM $7†CANOES SLIDE-IN CAMPER INTERIORS FROM 8176 EOUIPMENT‘ ACCESSORIES "SPECIAL ORDER" ITEMS DELUXE CUSTOM. MODU- LAR OR PARTIAL CONVER- SIONS REPAIRS OR RENOVATIONS ASSISTANCE FOR "DO IT YOURSELVES†STORAGE USED VANS 12' featherweight, aluminum, Manaqua. Complete With paddles and seats. Excellent condition‘ $200. VAN WINDOWS $19.95 and up 13262 Yonge 51.. P0. 80x 933 Oak Ridges. Ontario LOG 1P0 - l~773-4473 1974 â€" 650 cc YAMAHA, excellent condition, 8000 miles, best offer. 8954343, 12’ Aluminum boat 750 x 16.5 Rm 8 hole Bland new $50 condition. Asking $850, Call after 5 pm. 7273783. 1972 08450 Honda. good condition, WI†CEYtlfy‘ Asking $800 SSS-7308‘ 20 2c 1974 YAMAHA RD 350A. New June. 1975. Immaculate condition. K81 tires. 4700 miles 3900.004 before 3 pm. Ken 7278008‘ 1971 TRIUMPH 650, Chopper, good XLH Sportster 1000. gold. custom seat. hsghway pegs. backrest. alarm, custom shield undel 2100 miles. 53200 1973 HONDA XL 250. 3595‘ 1968 Ramble: 6. Clean. 3295. 889-4233‘ 1974 KAWASAKI 175cc $550. 773 5117. Al condition. less than 2.000 miles asking $2.000. 5% h.p. Evinrude motor, $450 “5 Boats & Supplies 1975 Harley Davidson 7000 miles. back rest. Avon Ille mmt shape. $1500 0! offers. 727-5466 C0175 Like new. Only dnven 800 mules, Make an otter. 6.000 mile: $1.100. or best offer Articles for Sale Fireplace Wood “4° Motorcycles for Sale 887-5614 7508 HONDA 1ed manure. w. Lug Tire 775-2692 884-9025 74 Honda 1974 HONDA SKI BOAT garage. hoathouse. With 884-5971 889-7118 884-6592 727-4438 Canoe 884-6743 884-3362 72 HONDA CB 750 PHONE 550-4 I delwet after 6 pm EVBHIHES 19 2c GARFIELD E. WRIGHT CHAIRMAN. The building wnll be open for "Epectlon and tender forms may also be obtained at the propeny on June 4th. 1977 Item 10:00 am. until 2:00pm. The highest or any tendel not necessarily accepted. Tendets WI†be delivered to the Clerk's Ofï¬ce, 62 Bayvnew Avenue. Nonh Entrance - 2nd Floor, Newmatket. Ontano. L3Y 4W9. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Wendel farms may be obtained at the chute ot the Engineering Department. The Regional Mumupahty of York. Don Mulls Road. one and one-qualter mules north of the Auwta Road. lor the sale of the followrng property: A two storey buck resrdence on a mne thousand lorty nrne (9,049) square leet lot. berng Part of Lots 49 and 50. Registered Plan 85. Townshlp at King. desugnated as Part 6 on Plan RS-332. The propety rs located on the east srde cl Keele Street. approx-ma!er 400 feet north of the Krng Crty Srderoadt THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL MR. C.D. WELDON TOWN CLERK MUNICIPAL OFFICES 10266 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO SEALED TENDERS Will be received by the Regional Clem UNI] 1100 a m on THURSDAY, JUNE 9TH, 1977 Each Tendeler WIII submit with hlS tender a deposit m the form of a M bond or certmed cheque In the specmed amount. The lowest or any tender need not necessarily be accepted Plans and Contract Documents may be obtained from the Toronto office at the Consulting Engineets. A charge of $35.00 WI“ be made fat each set. Wthh WI†be non-refundable, Cheques shall be made payable to "M.M. Dillon Lomited". for the constructlon o! sanrtary sewers In the Town of chhmond Hzll. Ontarro. The work consrsts of the Installatron of approxrmalely 250500 Irn. it. of 10". 12". 14". 15'1 18" and 20" drameter samtary sewers and approxrmately 10500 M. 1L 0! service connections. as well as 7.050 Irn. ft. of concrete curb and 22.500 sqv yds. o! asphalt pavement. UP TO NOON, Local Time SEALED TENDERS, propetlyTarlfeq as to contents. Will he received by C.D. WELDON. AM CT CLF‘RK The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted IHE WORK CONSISTS GENERALLY 0F IHE CONSTRUCTION OF APPROXI- MATELY 24,500 LINEAL FEET OFG INCH. 8 INCH AND 12 INCH DIAMETER WATERMAIN INCLUDING 43 HYDRANTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES. Tender documents may be obtained from the Town of Richmond HrII Munrorpal OIIICES, Engmeerrng Department. upon payment of a deposrt of $25.00 per set In the Iorm of a cheque (not necessarrIy certified) payable to the Town of chhmond Hrll. Such deposn will be refunded upon the return of the sand tender documents to the Engineering Department withrn three weeks of the closmg date and In good condition TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL TENDERS FOR ' SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION Sealed tenders. clearly marked as to contents. WI“ be received by the Town Clerk, Mummpal Offices, Town of Richmond Hill l0266 Yonge Street. Richmond HIâ€. Ontario. L4G 4Y5 until 12:00 noon on FRIDAY, MAY 27th. 1977. CHAIRS, 4 walnut dining room 375. Hi-fi‘cabinet in fruitwood $75. Call Ml. H. 899-9111. WASHER Spin dryer. Simplicity 3100‘ 8848954. TELEVISION, 26" colour AdmiraI French Provinual cabinet. $350 Admiral 26" black and white, $80 8840635. REFRIGERATOR, new, white. Moffatt, 15 cu. ft. 3415. 88113192 KENMORE portable washer spin dryer. Brand new. $180. 889-2601. PICNIC table, $15. Lady's bicycle $30. 884-0635. TENDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAINS IN LAKE WILCOX CONTRACT 77â€"02 For the sale of Land and Building CONTRACT NO. 21-7730 Teakwood Furniture OIL furnace, used. Good condition 231 Chmch St South CRIB AND MATTRESS LIKE NEW. Also wooden expanding gate‘ 884 4902. BARREL planters. Various sues‘ For Indooors or out 8844866 Evgs. BEDROOM suite. 2 DIECC. $75. Other furniture. 884-5259 atter 6 pm. Direct from importers warehOuse Open till 9 pm. EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED Hwy. 7. Bramalea. 791â€"2355 79 Doncaster, Thornhill 881.0000 Must be a sell starlet. Olganlzer and able to plan luv and direct othevs. Excellent wmlung condmons and employee benefits. “SELLING OUT†Cn'ta't'one ie‘Fleuc 884-5507 DONCASTER MEDICAL PERENNIALS & ALL KINDS REASONABLE SERVICE MANAGER WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1977 of proven experience and ability MR. C.D. WELDON TOWN CLERK TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL MUNICIPAL OFFICES 10266 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Call 889-9111 Requires the services of TENDERS “5 Articles For Sale c2w45 6“E’Tenders tfc 4 CONTRACT N0. 7706 MM. DILLON LTD. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 50 HOLLY STREET, TORONTO, ONTARIO TEAKWOOD, rosewood furniture. Bedroom suite, diningroom 9 piece. Chesterï¬eld suite, wall unit, brand new, reasonable, 2474377. ï¬c39 CONTENTS â€" 1000 sets bunk beds, continental beds and chests of drawers. No reaSOnabIe offers refused. Liquidators, 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto. 488-7911. c4w43 TYPEWRITERS, adders, calculators, sales. service. rentals. Newmarket Busmess Machines. 497 Timothy St. Newmarkel 895-7621. tfc36 overhead door. Take it away. 884 3323. LAWN mowers, 2 push mowers, 5 rotanes, Reasonable. 121 Richmond St, Richmond HIII. ndeï¬ FREE â€" gatage â€" boathouse with ALUMINUM Doors. wmdows. awnings. raullngs. Sldlng. sofm systems. trough‘ Free eSItmates‘ Ron Woods 884-1513646 SWIMMING Pool Sacnflce. Leading Canadian Manulacturer and Dlslnbutor has aluminum pools left ovet irom 1976 season. Half Pnce Guaranteed Installations and terms Call Collect days at evenings 1-416- 221-4840 W? PORTABLE bar. 8‘. Stainless steel sunk and taps. 3225. Pine kitchen cupboard dams Wlth black hinges. enough lor complete kitchen, $50. Doors. windows. etc. Evgs. 8328949. ROBERT N. VERNON, REGIONAL CLERK TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL B, TOPOROWSKI. P. ENG COMMISSIONER OF WORKS $250 884â€"3132 Piano UPRIGHT p2w46 #7 Hrghway and LESIIE Street (about 5 mrles east of Yonge St. on Hrghway #7)SmteZl7. , ' Free prrze to person guessmg nearest sellrng prrcer For further Informatron call (416) 2794804 or (416) 773-5952 Auctioneer Charlie Dunn. Oak erges. Ontario. "IMPORTANT" - To accomodate Toronto Buyers the sale Will be held In the PARKWAY HOTEL Subject to a reserve bld TERMS 33,500‘00 DEPOSIT day of sale in cash or certified check. balance In cash Within 30 days IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ON CLOSING INSPECTION AND PREVIEW - 11 AM, to!) RM SATURDAY MAY 2151. and SUNDAY MAY 22. PRIVATE DOCKING FACILITIES AND LAGOON nght at front dOOL wmding Into beautiful lake Sumcoe Just minutes away. LOT SIZE ~ 80' x 200 Descnptlon of House~Lavge. year round. Custom Built. two storey. fully serwced. electnc heat and hot water. really Insulated, four bedrooms. three bathrooms. full wldth balcony. vertical sudmg, To Inspect. take highway 12 to BRECHIN ONIARIO. turn left at Victoria Hotel. follow sngns to Lagoon City. Lot 114 Turtle Path. Plan New to Attend Partial listing: 10 piece carved mrssron walnut dining room suite. 6 piece walnut bedroom suite. hand painted floral design. 10 piece Queen Anne dining room surte wrth round table. 4 piece solid cherry wood bedroom suite With 4 poster bed. Mediterranean twrn bedroom suite. matched pair of occasronal frresrde chairs, parr ol provrncral fireside charrs. mahogany empire library table. empire hall table. 2 nine prece Sheraton mahogany dining room suites. 8 piece walnut drnrng room surte. oval mahogany dining room table and 6 chairs (Queen Anne). set of walnut and mahogany chairs, French marble top drum table. cedar chests. French sofa. walnut hall and console tables. srngle and double poster beds. rush chairs. mahogany break front china cabinet. walnut chrna cabinets. plus an extra large selection of small end fancy lamp tables, plus miscellaneous china and glass too numerous to list. Terms are cash or cheque Auctioneer Davrd P Vere Phone 1-9571338 3 sec chairs, confessuonal scteen; Hught fixtures; assoned Iecords; 4 825 x 20 truck tires etc For Wayne Harvey, 9401 Weston Rd‘ on Can. 6, Town of Vaughan, 2’4 mules north of Highway 7, on lst road west of No. 400. Terms Cash. 0F FURNITURE ETC. INCLUDING Harvest table pme top cherry base: old buffet; blanket box; pump organ; wntlng desk made from menu cabr- net: Sideboard: gramaphone; metal office desks; electnc typewriter; no, oi wooden chairs: 10 stuffed vinyl lounge chairs; reception area sofas; stereo cassette player AM/FM (new): stereo AM/ F M receiver (new): western saddle wrth blankets. set of reins and halter: cash register; counter or par stools; Hoover apt. sue washer; Real Estate Auction ML and Mrs. William Apperley are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen to John‘ Muddy. of Rlchmond Hill. GIGANTIC AUCTION SALE WAREHOUSE STORAGE LOTS SUNDAY MAY 22, 1977 12:30 PM. Lowest or any tende: or any pan of any tender not necessarly accepted Mrs. D‘ Smith. Iown Clerk, Town of Markham. 8911 Woodbine Ave‘. Markham, Ontano Tender forms and speCIfIcatlons may be obtained from the Roads Dept. at Miller Ave, Markham. Ontario f0! a fee of $5.00. Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be recelved by the Iown Clerk at 8911 Woodbine Avenue, Markham, Ontano. no later than 12:00 O'Clock noon. Monday June 6, 1977 for Curb & Srdewalk Reparr. WED. EVENING MAY 25th 6:30 PM. AUCTION SALE GARFIELD E. WRIGHT CHAIRMAN. Tenders WI†be delivered to the Clevk's Olhce. 62 Baywew Avenue. North Enhance - 2nd Floor. Newmarket, Ontano. L3Y 4W9. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted TOWN OF MARKHAM TENDERS FOR CURB & SIDEWALK REPAIR CONTRACT NO 77-17 The buuldmgs WI“ be open for be obtained at the property 1 until 2:00 pm. Tender terms may be obtained at the office of the Engineering Department, Ihe Regional Mumcmality of Yerk, Don Malls Road. one and one-quarter mules north of the Aurma Road. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Located rn the northwest quadrant of Regronal Road No. 25 (17th Avenue) and Hrghway No. 48. Part Lot 21, Concessron 7. Town of Markham. SEALED TENDERS 11:00 am. on {or the demolition or temoval of the lollowlng buildings A two sturey frame restdence 26'9" x 32'6" A one sterey lrame two car garage 24' x 24' 7509 Yonge St. Thornhlll No admissuon Note a very “me offering of anthue and household fumlture “5 Engagement YORK FARMERS MARKET Two Storey House in Lagoon City for Chris Brown May 25th, 8:00 PM. THURSDAY, JUNE 9TH, 1977 309 For the Demolition or Removal of Auctions WEDNESDAY MAY 25m 8:00 PM ll be open for Inspection and tender fovms may also the property on May 3lst‘ 1977. from 10:00 am. GORD ORR AUCTIONEER Will be Iecewed by CONTRACT NO. 21-77-31 BUILDINGS Sale held at the TENDERS 6"*‘Tenders Household furniture, Chesterfield suite. electric stove, refrigerator. beds, rockers, end tables, bicycles, piano stool, all kinds of dishes, chain saw. garden equipment. In the Village of Victoria Square, 25’; miles south of Gormley. 3% miles north oi No. 7 Hwy. on Don Mills. The property of Henry Allen. Property sold. Terms: Cash Sale: 1 pm. Alvin S, Farmer, Auctioneer. as pine Mennonite linen cupboard, arrowback rocker, stenciled Boston rocker, hanging oak cupboard, pine chests of drawers, pine boxes. pine washsland and tables; as well as an extensive selection of small primitive items including woodenware, iron. lole, crockery, stoneware, unusual lanterns, brass. copper. tools. THIS SALE WILL INCLUDE A NUMBER OF ADVERTISING AND NOSTALGIA ITEMS. AN EXCELLENT SELECTION WITH MANY UNUSUAL ITEMS, TED WATT, AUCTIONEER, TO BE HELD IN MORGAN HALL IN THE MARKHAM SHOPPING PLAZA, NORTH SIDE OF HWY. 7, 1/4 MILE WEST OF HWY‘ 48, IN MARKHAM. Featuring refinished furniture, such AUCTION SALE Sat. May 28th AT VICTORIA SQUARE COMMUNITY HALL. 3‘7 MILES NORTH OF HWY. 7 OFF DON MILLS RD. AT 18th AVE‘ Sale Includes 54" brass bed. antique fumiture, china. glass. large pan of crystal and French Ormulu vases‘ copper. sulverplate and collect- ables Items‘ Complete “St next week. SAM FOCKLER, AUCTIONEER 884-6705 or 884-4351 ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 3lst 7:00 PM. Pre-anange hnancmg now Watch for list next week. Thurs. evening, May 26th THE LIBERAL. Wednesday 887-5311 309 the Regional Clerk ROBERT N. VERNON REGIONAL CLERK Auctiom c2w46 until ‘ DEARDEN, Oswald Dumville - Peacelully, at Yarli Central Hospital. on Wednesday evening May 11, 1977, Oswald, beloved husband 01 Elizabeth, dear father of Ruth (Mrs. Francrs Redelmeier) and Ted, loved by his grandchildren Virginia, Ted. lom and PatriCia, dear brother ol Dorothy (Mrs. J. McPetrie) and the late EW. Dearden. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. Funeral service was held in St. Mary's Anglican Church Chapel on Saturday morning. Interment Maple Cemetery. Remembrances may be made to the York Central Hospital Memorial Fund or St. Mary's Anglican Church. BRASS, Franli - At York Central Hospital, on Thursday. May 12, 1977, Frank Brass, beloved husband of Margaret Helen Doyle. of 140 Duncan Rd,, Thornliill, dear father of Irene (Mrs. A. Hinde), James and the late Frank and Jack A family service was held at the Marshall Funeral Home, Rich- mono Hill on Saturday afternoon. Cremation. BOUDREAU. Sheila B. - At York Central Hospital, on Tuesday. May 10, 1977, Sheila Shreenan, beloved wile of Lindsay Boudreau. of Maple, dear mother of Frank and Wayne. dear sister of Reggie, Hilda, Joe. Noreen and the late Audrey. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Mass was held in St. Mary Immaculate Church, Friday morning. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. MachLLAN, Ian and Pat are pleased to announce the arrival at their son Steven William, born May 2, 1977. at York Central Hospital. A brother for Shawn and Kevrn, Many thanks to Dr, Golab and Skory and the nurses on the hfth floor. CORBETT â€" (nee Carter) Easter Bunny Special. My name is Shauna Leigh Anne. I was born April 10, 1977 at 6:21 pm. to very proud parents. Bob and Kathy and a very special brother. Paul. 3. I am the ï¬rst granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Corbett, Mrs. C. Carter and Mr. B. D. Carter all of Richmond Hill. I am also the lirst great~granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Carter of Toronto. Specral thanks to Dr. M. J. Abrams and the nursing staff at York Central Hospital for delivering me sater to my happy and proud family, DATED at Richmond HI". this 18th day of April, 1977. NOTICE I0 CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate 01 KARL FRANK MOCSARY, late of the Town at Richmond Hill, in the Regional Municipality of York. who died on or about the 2nd day. of February. 1977, must be filed with the undersigned on or belore the 27th May, 1977, thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate havrng regard only to the claims then ï¬led In the Estate of GRACE LAVINA SANDERSON, deceased. ALL PERSONS havnng claims agamst the Estate of Grace Lawna Sander- son. late ol 47 Centre Street East. Richmond Hrll. who died on or about the 19th day 01 December. 1976, are hereby notlhed to send partrcu- lars at same to the undersigned on or before lune 20th. 1977. after Wthh date the Estate will be drstnbuted and the undersrgned wrll not be liable to any person at whose clarm they shall not then have notice. DATED at Rnchmond HIII, thrs 10th day ol Mayo 1977. FOR HELEN TACKABERRY W, ‘2 OF LOT 34 ON CON. 6. TOWN OF VAUGHAN, 1'2 MILES SOUTH OF THE KlNG-NOBLEION ROAD. Sale Includes |.H‘CA If 574 tractor; Glencoe cultivator; y mi). drsc harrow; 9 sec. harrow; Case wrn- drower; cockshutt Baler; 2 Kasten wagons and racks, Bale elevator; New Idea lertrlrzer spreader; snow blower; 1974 “7 T Ford 100 truck wrth racks and tarp; approx. 7000 bales ol hay; approx, 3 l. of leed oats; 12 pan 0! standards; 12 trot- trng poles: drums and assorted used pumps and rarls; 2 tents 9 x 9 and 9 x 12 outngglng self supporting; assorted camprng Items; 2 metal water troughs; 5 large rolls of snow fence etc. Terms‘Cash. Cheques wrth l.D. only CORD ORR AUCTIONEER Sate Includes 2 large western saddles. western pony saddle: Ara- bran and other brrdles. blankets, Englrsh rrdlng hats and other mrsc. horse rtems. John Deere Model B tractor wrth tront end loader and plow; rrdrng lawn mower; rubber boat, 2 wheelbarrows. 6 sleeping bags, 2 guns 410 shotgun and 22 scope srte. hreplace set bucket and grate: drnrng room set; bar aprox. 6 It. long wrth lower cupboard; 2 bookcases; blanket chest; 4 burner electnc stove; chest freezer 800 lb. cap; arr condrtroner; R.C.Ao Whlll- pool 8000 BTU; Brothers cabrnet sewrng machrne and other mrsc. tur- nrture. knrck knacks, electrrcal applrances etc. FOR FRANK ROBINSON ON SIDEROAD No. 16 Con. 5 TOWNSHIP OF KING 2'7 MILES NORIH OF THE KING- NOBLEION 0N CON. 6 THEN IURN THUR. EVENING MAY 26th 6:30 PM. AUCTION SALE SAT. MAY let 12:30 PM. AUCTION SALE 610 655 . May 18. 1977 â€" B-“ “5 Births by her solicitor SIUART P. PARKER, Q.C. Box 29, I'hornhill, Ontario L31 3"] Legal Notices 309 Deatls NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mavgaret Jane Mocsary RIGHT ‘5 MILE Auctions GORD ORR AUCTIONEER C3w44 SW 46