8:00 AM. Holy Communion 10:30 AM. Morning Player, Chmch School. Kindergarten and Nursery School SERVICES SUNDAYS 8:00 am. 9:15 am. 10:30 am WEDNESDAYS 10:00 am, 7:30 pm LUTHERAN Munistet: The Rev. Robert Shorten tuw’xxm wagssth.avmww.«gomrwmsovwv’vfm4x A HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE ST., THORNHILL S. 0F HWY. 78 W. 0F YONGE ST. 889-5931 SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1977 at 11:00 AM. Guest Speaker Bruce Cook Nursery and Kindergarten cate (2 mules snuth of Maple) Rev. James S. Dauphlnee VIcePastOr » 8846264 930 a m. Warsmp Semce 1030 am Sunday Church School The ladies of St. Luke’s would like to remind all members of the parish of their closing general meeting of the year. 003m ANGLICAN BAPTIST Pentecostal Starting at 6:45 pm. a pot luck supper will be offered. Guest speaker will be someone from Donwood Institute, later leading a discussion on Alcoholics Anonymous. “The White Fathers" will be special guests â€" showing slides and answering questions on Central Africa. Do plan to attend. The church is at 39 Green Lane, Thomhill. Men and women alike are invited to St. Mat- thew’s United Church on Crosby Avenue in Rich- mond Hill Tuesday, May 24. Members, friends and guests will be welcomed May 24 at 8 pm. in the church lounge. An educational meeting on ‘Diabetes and; Nutrition’ will take place Thursday, May 26, starting at 8 pm. at York Central Hospital. Come to the Lecture Hall level 1 to hear Dr. Daniel Roncardi, president of the Toronto Diabetic Association; Dorothy McBride, regional director of the Ontario division; and Dr. Pearl, YCH department of family practice. Everyone is :welcome, refreshments will be served. For further information. call 883-2018. For more information, please call Leah Klein at 881â€"2254. Come to the Cara inn, 6557 Airport Road at 7 :30 where, for $5 a person you are let in, treated to a buffet sweet table and given $71 in chips. The event also features (1601‘ prizes and an auction of donated gifts. All proceeds will go to B’nai B’rith agencies and rcharitie_s_. 7 There’s an evening of fun and maybe profit Saturday, June 11, as the Thornhill Lodge B’nai B’rith hold a Las Vegas Night, 7 Year-end church meet/hm l S DAUPHVINEE PASIOR Come to the library of Crosby Heights seniori public school, 305 Crosby Avenue. Richmond Hill. For more information, call 884-7933. I Nutrition and diabetes Gamble with B ’nai B ’riz‘h Glen Pasquelle will talk on psychologicall testing when the York Region Chapter of the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities holds its general meeting. UNITED The June 2, 8 pm. gathering will featur demonstrations of test equipment and a question and answer period. I‘ SI MARY'S ANGUCAN 10030 YONGE STREEI RICHMOND HILL RECTOR Rev Bernard Barret 884-1394 Rev Fred Jackson 884-2418 Psychological tests shown Pot luck and AA Wednesdays 10:00 AM Holy Communion south york region scheduled events RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge and Centre Sts. 884-1301 PAUL S LUTHERAN 31 Baywew Avenue ZION [UTHERAN ‘ay V DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK : QV’M †’ ’N‘ (r(!’h'MW ‘ ‘ l ‘ ' ' ‘ 4 l 9 ’é‘MN’ ' ‘ ’XN’ ’rw’r‘rffl;b$‘~' '»$‘)"‘¢‘o"‘>$ï¬~% 3""’¢9‘r'>‘ a Senate W0 46 10 00 a m - Brble School Classes for all ages 1100 a m â€" Mornrng Servrce 700 p m â€" Evening Servrce Prayer meetrng Wednesday _ at.8 00 pm ‘A'n Old Fashrg‘ned Country Church There are 30,000 Ca- nadians who are ofï¬cially blind. One third of these cases could probat'y have been prevented. Make it part of your Lifestyle to take care of your eyes. SUNDAY 9 45 A M -Chutch School rot Bus. Ministry call 881â€"2818 1100 AM - Momma Wmshnp PREACHING IHE OLD BOOK IHE NEW BIRIH IHI PRECIOUS BLOOD AND IN BLE‘SSED HODE AI WELDRICK ROAD BAPTISI CHURCH Come: 0! Welduci Road and Balhunl Street (Membel Baptist Cenventlon of Ontano and Quebec) Rev BI McSpadden Pastou Phone 884 7859 on the Edge of the Cuty Rev DanaH Lamb BA 80 Minister Sunday School Hour 11:00 AM. ., Seven Indispensable Things - Part II 7:00 PM. Seven Indispensable Things - Part III ST, JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxlord Street RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright Stre‘et Tel. 884-3091 Pasto: E. Corbett 9:45 AM SUNDAY, MAY 22nd - ASCENSION l Confirmation Class 10:00 AM Divine Service 11:00 AM (Children in church with parents) ALL WELCOME SUNDAY, MAY 22 Service at 1030 am. and 5 00 p m On May 2, 1917, Charles Watkins married Lucy Cooper in the Metropolitan Church in Toronto. Neither have looked back since. Residents of Richmond Hill and Thornhill since 1932, the Watkins have celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. A small family gathering at their Centre Street home in Thomhill saw visits by granddaughter Judy Pearce from Quebec; granddaughter Jill Yorksie from Pennsylvania; son Reginald and his wife from Downsview; and son Jack and his wife from Quebec. Pentecostal 26 Church St.‘ Thornhlll Pastm F Bond 8510358 Sunday Serwces 10:00 am. - Sunday School (All ages) 11:00 am. - Praise 8. WOIShlp 7:00 pm, ~ Chansmatlc Serwce Wed. 7:30 pm. ~ Praye: & Share Chansmattc The Greatest 01 These Is 1mm The possibility that Anglicans and Roman Catholics might end their 400 year separation was discussed Wednesday at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Thornhill. Congratulations were received from Queen Elizabeth, as well as many floral greetings, phone calls and messages from friends and family mem- bers. Our perception of God is too narrow. We see Him only in religious language, in sacred forms or, at best, in what we know of Him. By Keith Knill St. Paul's United Church Where is God? Trying to answer this question, physicist Oliver Lodge examined the world under his microscope. This aï¬proach led only to disillusionment. During the sixties a Russian astronaut in orbit for the first time asked the world: “Where is your God? He’s not up here!" God, the creator of All, is present in all reality. That is hardly the God of the Bible. Presbyterian THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre Stveet 889-5391 SUNDAY, MAY 22nd 9:50 am - Family Sunday School 11AM. Morning Worship 7:30 PM. Evening Inspiration Wednesday Night 7 30 M Family Night A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU Other Denominations The Revd. J.B‘ Burns. MA, BD.‘ PhD Felmerly Langstalf Baptist Chutch‘ Langstafl Rd Thornhlll Area churches to merge Sponsored by Holy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watkins of Centre Street, Thornhill. Listen, if you have ear_s! Married 60 years! IHE MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rev Cecil Rosenberger 887-5846 BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 148 Thomndge Dr Thornhlll Mumstu Rev. D VanderBoom MIh .889-5225 TUESDAY 8.00 pm - Buble SchooI and Pvayet 9 30 am. ‘ The Lom‘s Supper 1100 a m. - Famlly Bible Hour 1100 am, - Sunday School Kindergarten to Glade 6 Buble School Ior Grade 7 and up 700 p m -Evenmg Semce all beauty, all righteousness, all justice, all love. Trinity and St. Luke’s Roman Catholic Church, the meeting drew about 45 members of both congregations. It seems the two major obstacles blocking such a union are the Roman There is a much deeper level of existence than that rendered by our five senses; a much more comprehensive level of Living and Dying and Suffering and rebirth. It is on this level that God is experienced; “a treausre buried in a field.†How can this ‘incognito’ God be experienced? r There’s a story of a young man standing in front of a taxidermist store. In the window was an owl which had at- tracted many children. Anxious to impress, he began to criticize the way the owl was stuffed, claiming the head wasn’t SUNDAY SERVICES 1100 am -Buble Study and Mommg Semce 700 p m, - Communion Semce SUNDAY 12 30 p m Watch "The Hetald of Truth I v 'Ci-anne! 3 Bame Concetd Rd & No 7 Hwy Help your Heart... Help your Heart Fund WEDNESDAY 8 00 p m -Buble Study CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST A Chuvch of The New Iestament Order A E Atkinson Mxmster - 669-183] A Young- Sec 669-2784 24 Oak Ave Ruchvale SUNDAY, MAY 22 RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL right, the pose wasn‘t right, and that the feet weren’t placed prpperly. Before_ he coï¬ld ifiniSh, however. the owl turned his head and winked! People today are too willing to trust ap- pearances. Television promotes this confusion of fact with fantasy. Consider an average ‘cops and robbers' show. As far as the audience‘s senses are concerned, all that takes place are the sights and sounds of the story line. x from the \ churches According to McSorley, the two Marian dogmas are not infallible statements of the Pope because they are not expressions of faith of the whole Christian Church. Although 3 Vatican Council in 1869 took the view the Roman Catholic Catholic dogmas relating to the immaculate birth and bodily ascension to Heaven of the Mother of Jesus, and the in- fallability of the Pope. The first was put aside by Dr. Harry McSorley, Professor of Religious Studies at St. Michael’s College. When the Richmond Hill ward of the Mormon Church divided in order to form a new branch in Newmarket, it became necessary to change officers. These changes were announced Sunday by Bishop William Harvey. George Buchert becomes president of the elders’ quorum, with Greig Ross and Ronny Hernandez as his coun- sellors. Tony Sharma is appointed financial clerk. Beryle Lalonde is homemaking counsellor in the women‘s relief society. Sunday school officers include president Robert Bunn, counsellors Albert Mormons move to Newmarket On another level, 22 Prospect St., Newmarket 10350 Yonge St., Lower Level, Richmond Hill R.H. Klaft P. Eng., Town Engineet, Town of Vaughan, MAPLE, Ontario. WOODBRIDGE AREA - There will be NO Garbage Collection on Monday May 23rd. 1977. Collection will take place on your next normal garbage pick-up date. SPECIAL CLINICS MUNICIPAL GARBAGE COLLECTION TOWN OF VAUGHAN Free and confidential information, advice, diagnosis and treatment *‘FAMILY PLANNING * * BIRTH CONTROL * * VENEREAL DISEASES * York Regional Health Unit TWO LOCATIONS 7-9 pm. Wed. Mi p.m. Thurs. 9-12 noon Tues. 7-9 pm. Wed. Fri. Mom. By appointment AND Rev. Keith Knill . seeing and Seeing however, different things are being absorbed; that it is correct â€" noble even â€" to combat evil with evil. That it’s OK to break and enter, violently assault, forge, cheat, steal, even kill for the sake of man's Justice. Yet God is with us. Bishop Harvey en- couraged members to continue inviting neigh- bours into their homes for the weekly family home evening programs especially throughout Willmott and Joseph Appleby, and secretary Jane Kennedy. As to papal infallibility, Rev. Eugene Fair- weather, Professor of Divinity at Trinity College, said, “We thought it might be possible to convince Anglicans they should open their minds to the idea of a universal Church was the whole Christian Church, a subsequent council in the 1960’s recognized the true Christian Church to be the body of all Christian faithful throughout the world, including all denominations which follow the teachings of Christ. PLANT A TREE 895-451 1 887-5843 832-1296 8844 133 832-1 384 887-5245 297-3633 To live without this spirit is merely to exist. To live with it is to ex- perience a depth to life; to be with the world, but not of the world. He‘s there; the real Joy beyond joy, the real Suffering beyond suf- fering. the real Beauty beyond beauty; the real Life. All we need are the eyes to see Him and the ears to hear Him; the spirit of discernment. It comes with sensitivity, openness and trust. The commission con- cluded the concept of the primacy of Rome might be acceptable in a universal church, basically because, since the two senior apostles, Peter and Paul, died there, Rome has always had a special significance to all Christians. primacy." Dr. Fairweather told the meeting the com- mission is anxious that the churches start to consider, seriously, the practical steps that might be taken ~toward the establishment of com- munion between them. May, declared famil: pnjpy month by Premie: Bill Davis BUSINESS LEADERS TOWN OF VAUGHAN There are those within our community who feel that Business has lacked a voice, particularly in its relationship with government, especially local/regional government. To meet that need and fill a void 3 group of us from the Concord Indus- trial area formed a steering committee to investigate the most effective organization to provide us with a forum. A Chamber of Commerce under the umbrella of the Provincial and National associations was found to provide the most effective way to Organize. Our Federal Charter has been received, by-laws are being developed and a slate of officers will be proposed by the nominating committee to launch our fledgling organization. The initial fee structure will be estaâ€" blished at a modest level to assure that membership will not be mone- tarin restricted. A general meeting has been arranged for Tuesday, May 31 at the Board of Trade Country Club for 3:30 pm. Coffee will be available but we propose a call to order sharply at 3:45 pm. We expect good response so come early to meet your neighbour and to assure that we get off on the right foot. Adjournment contemplates arrival at home for the dinner hour. Gordon Burrell Chairman - Steering Committee Give yourself a break Take a walk. BUSINESS WORKING FOR YOUR COMMUNITY W. N. Girard, Manager You can get a loan for any worthwhile purpose at Guaranty Trust. For your home, or cottage. For a holiday, or to buy something on sale. To get a lot of old debts together in one manageable loan, or even a second mortgage. Just tell us how much you ' ' need and how you want to pay it back. We’ll arrange all the details. Come to Guaranty Trust â€"and get a loan you can live with AtGuamnb’Tmst. 10132 Yonge Street 884-1188 Getaloan youcanllvewith. mun-oval. “hllt a NuthTmlm' With a Mure cs dependcbb as our 1871mm Candim ECON®MQ4 MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPAN WHEN YOU FIRST BOUGHT INSURANCE, IT PROBABLY COVERED YOUR ENTIRE HOME. THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, May 18, 1977 Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. 881L1551 Inflation has pumped up the value of your home. Yesterday’s insurance policy might not cover today's cost of replacement. That’s why it's best to find out about our special inflation guard endorse- ment. Don't get burned. To keep yourself adequately protected, ask your local Economical insurance agent for advice. Gmmzm Neil G. McDonald Limited. 226-1611 DOES IT NOW? CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FLO. BOX 44! CDNCGD MARIO LQK [Ba TELEMNE ala-EB'B Richmond Hill Willowdale MULTILUX II provides clear continuous vision at all distances with no conspicuous age revealing ifoml lines. S TEELES OPTICAL 6244 Yonge St. Towne & Country: Sgitzï¬wdale .Phane 223-5163